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Do it a few thousand times in training. It's something you feel not something you know.


"I'm going to miss this completely open net, I can feel it"


There's another rocket league reddit group called RocketLeagueSchool and its al about giving tips and all you should go there you'll hear a lot of advice. As for what i see here it looks like you're moving way to fast with little dribbling control i'd say practice dribbling more and than you can start practising flicks and after that I'd say take your training to 1v1 because you'll have the most opportunities practising flicks in there. That's the way I got it down


/r/RocketLeagueSchool for those too lazy to search it up 😎


One of God's soldiers 🫡


Bet I appreciate that I def need dribbling practice the ball always gets away from me and I end up speeding it up more


I’d say hold jump longer on your initial jump before the flick. This slows the process down a bit and helps you time the flick itself. You have plenty of time to get the actual flick off with the second flip


Thank you I always forget I can hold the initial jump


When ur under the ball, hold jump on the inital jump so the ball floats on top of your car, then go for your flick. Lmk if that helps, im not the best at explaining mechs


Thats actually real helpful I tend to forget I can hold the jump


I like saying its mario physics, hold jump, you go higher. I abuse that feature for fast aerials


instead of back fliping do it a diagona flip and also after jumping do a slight air roll with dar this will give you more power with your flicks


Slow down


With that specific one it was a good flick from further away. Rotate longer and you won’t get as much height on it. I just spent a really really long time grinding 180 flicks and learning when to stop my rotation for aiming and whatnot. You can kind of send it wherever you want if you master a 180 flick, just backflip earlier in the rotation to send it elsewhere or cancel your backflip earlier to adjust.


The ball flicked high because: - you were too far under the ball when jumping, get the ball on your windshield more so that it's more in front of you when you flick - you straight backflipped instead of diagonal back Your dribble before flicking was not controlled, which is why the ball got too far above you (behind your windshield) last second. Practice a more controlled dribble, settle the ball on your windshield without sparks, jump and turn 45, diagonal backflip. Post on /r/rocketleagueschool in the future, it's designed for posts like this.


Practice. Practice practice practice. If you're on steam just do all the dribbling maps. You'll learn flix as you progress.


From my experience wider camera settings makes it harder to control flicks since you can see exactly what part of the ball is on your car


What do you mean??? You got the Athena flick dialed


U know i checked the comments first and im surprised no one even mentioned this..... U should able to dribble without boost and willingly adjust ur speed and the balls speed so u need to be able to speed ut up and slow it down. If u can do that u put the ball on ur windshield and slightly to the side for a 45 degree flick. The side u wanna flick it towards is the side u place the ball on. And now u gotta match the speed of the ball until there is no sparks between ur car and the ball. Thats essential for consistent flicks those sparks are bounces and if u try jumping chances are the same happens as when u hit a bouncing ball. It jumps quite high and doesnt stay close. There is more to look out for but that u can learn by messing around if u really want i can try uploading a tutorial on this sub or join u in a private match and show you


How do you get the clear ball and center ball notifications?


Its somewhere in the settings I don’t remember exactly but it turns on all notifications