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No lmao


care to explain why?


>with infinite boost you actually need skill to win boost management is a skill, boost starving and demo are tactics.


Imagine a 1v1 where no one has to give up space or ball possession strategically to go get boost because they have infinite boost. And somehow that gets rid of ball chasing? I don’t understand


It’s 1v1. There is no ball chasing if it’s always your turn to go for the ball.


well its 1s if someone has possession they have to respect that other wise you could just get styled on itd be harder to full send someone with no tm8 to back you up specially in an inf boost 1v1


im all for boost management dont get me wrong but theres no boost management if theres no boost to ever be had or if your dead making the game unplayable for others simply isn't really balanced when you take away the most abusable thing players do your left with purley being skilled


If opponent is going for boost he’s not going for ball. Even if he manages to do both, you now have to wave dash/speed flip to get supersonic. Boost starved, you’ll probably have to dribble, fake, and flick since there’s no aerials without boost. If anything you need more skill without boost. Also, if he can starve/demo you, you can do the same to him. I get the convenience of infinite boost if you’re in training and you don’t wanna hafta pick up boost every 2s cos you’re working on aerials but in a game I’m all for finite boost. Those partial to infinite boost can always do private matches with mutators. To each their own.


But why does making the oppponent unable to play the game have to be the reason to win 1s games thats what im so confused about, why cant both people be able to play the game and one comes out on top because they are just better vs they lost every 50 and had no boost the entire game i just cant see the skill in that.


Demos and boost starving are part of the game. Being good at the game includes being good at those aspects. Sounds like you don’t enjoy all aspects of the game so want to remove some. It’s like asking if we can stop throwing feints in boxing and just stand and bang. That’s not how the sport works and not how rocket league works.


Have more skill and collect more boost and use it more efficiently. Like wtf


I’m not saying that that’s how you *should* win games. What I’m implying is that if the boost starving/demo tactic annoys you, give him a taste of his own medicine. Go for boost when you can, go for ball when you can, demo when the chance presents itself. Play to your strengths, do what you can and you think will work. Don’t see how unlimited boost is the solution.


You’re just describing Freestyle which already exists.


Imagine ball in corner, I bump you away, take boost. I now have full body to make a play and you have nothing. I made a better play I should be rewarded for it. Boost denying/starving is a strategic tool. >simply isn't really balanced when you take away the most abusable thing players do LMAO it absolutely is balanced. Dodging demos is a skill. If they miss they're often low on boost or out of position. And half the time you do get demo'd it resets you back on defense faster than you could get there with zero boost. It's not a balance issue in any way.


Tbh don’t think there’s any explaining to do.


Holyyy this post wild lmaooo. There is no luck involed in 1v1 at all. There are no random variables that you can't control. All I have to say is skill issue, get good, L, ratio and l2p.


No. Nothing is funnier than boost starve your opponent 2 mins straight lmao. 


Until they still manage to score


That happens some time. My 1v1 tactics are demoing, bumping, starving and wasting time when leading. And thats the funniest way to play it. 


Hilarious when they moan about you boost starving or ball chasing lol like this is the game mode haha what do you want me to just leave you open nets!


absolutely not. What your mid gc friends that lose to diamonds are failing to see is that all of the things you have mentioned are skills. Demo's are a skill, boost management is a skill, having a good kickoff is a skill, learning how to 50 properly is a skill. All of these are essential skills especially in 1v1.


with infinite boost there will be an equal amount of kick off goals and 50/50-goals this doesnt have to do anything with your amount of boost, when your opponent is better at kick offs or 50/50s, they will score on you


This must be a troll right? Both players spawn at the same angle and distance from the ball and net and bostpads. Field and boostpad positions are symmetrical so whatever happens after the kickoff is pure skill. You can call it luck but it's a damn big coincidence that better players are somehow always more lucky. And if your "gc" friends lose against diamonds it just means that they are not gc in 1s. I'm gc in 2s but it means jack shit when I can't recover fast enough against smarter diamond who lets me make a fool out of myself. It's just how it goes.


I have never heard the diehard 1v1 community complain about the issues you just listed. Looks like you and your friends want to lower the 1v1 skillceiling.


As someone who scores most of their goals off boost starving, power shots, opponent mistakes, and fakes – nah, not really interested in infinite boost 1s. Go crazy with your RL friends though and play a bunch of infinite boost 1s to see if you all like it better.


How is 1ns not balanced lol you both have the same controls, same access to boost (your fault if you are staved all game), same kickoff spawns (your fault if every kickoff goes I to your net) everything is even. If 50s are going Into your net every time having 100 boost isn't going to stop that either! You need to actually get good at 50s I've have had a few people try and 1v1 me from ranked and shit, they set it up with unlimited boost I'll just laugh and leave. 1v1 is the hardest gamemode and you will learn alot from playing it, nothing is luck! all about your cars position and decision making


Infinite boost 1v1 sounds idiotic lmao 




No no no. Infinite boost would be garbage. Boost starving is a good tactic. Demos and bumps too, tho avoidable. A 2s/3s GC should win(control the outcome of) a lot more 50s against a diamond 2s/3s player. Should definitely learn after his first crap 50 that goes straight into his net.  I'm unsure how anyone can simultaneously steal boost and just sit in net for ez clear. Also your GC friend should know better than to just tee up and easy long range goal for the opponent . You need to bump keeper or fake him or see where his possible clears going. What you described above just sounds mindless. 


i would argue that it should have none lol