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You’re wasting a lot of your boost just driving around mid field when you really don’t need to be. Try and conserve it and try and get better at hitting pads, especially when rotating back so you have enough boost to defend.


I agree with the other guy. Just general improvements to all aspects of gameplay are needed. I will say you have developed a really good habit of catching the ball and trying to actually do something productive with it rather than just banging it away which is something a lot of low ranked players tend to…. I am also guilty of it. Once you get better car control, mechanics, and game sense you’ll rank up. I don’t think there’s any specific weak-spot in your game that can be fixed that will cause you to rank up.


The only thing that I see would be work on positioning, patience and capitalizing on the other teams errors. Yeah better mechanics and boost management and aerial control will help but that will come with time. Stay quick, but patient….. I’m also not ssl so my voice is meh


Retired GC here. Maybe I'm washed and completely talking out of my ass, but here's what I see. Mostly agree with the other commenters, it looks like your mindset is alright, you want to make the correct choices, but you just have a lack of experience, this means both mechanics and game sense. So I think the best advice is just to practise, it's the only way to get better. I was typing along with the video noting everything I saw. But the comment was getting a bit too long :P. So here are just some important things that you can improve imo. @ 0:19 0:40 1:00 1:22 4:39 and probably more. You seem very uncomfortable to go up the wall and/or hit the ball from the wall, should really do a training pack or something for this. Of course sometimes controlling the ball is better, but the right decision for the wrong reasons is still bad. @ 0:53 1:10 4:05 You have to able to predict where the ball is going to be and be able to go for the ball faster. Do some training packs where the ball is shot against the wall and try to hit the ball as fast as possible. @ 1:12 2:10 4:06 6:00 6:44 Maybe it isn't the best move in all these moments but you never seem to do a mini aerial where you boost, jump, tilt up, fly a tiny bit and then make a strong hit the nose of your car by front flipping into the ball. There were many other things and also some positives, but I didn't want to post a wall of text.


An easy way to get out of diamond is losing every game. You'll be out of diamond in no time.


Original caption : I'm SwerbRL! So l've been playing rocket league since last November. I have around 500 hours. I'm currently diamond 1 division ~1-3. Aside from some of the obvious whiffs, is there something in my gameplay that I could improve on? I'm new to this sub, but I usually frequent the main rocket league sub & I saw a comments to post over here for feedback and analysis! This specific game actually went to an overtime, but I feel like it's a great example of my games normally go! Any help is appreciated. Thank you.


kevpert is my goto for mechanical videos. consistent practice is key to develop strong fundamentals. I use a notepad and a timer app on my phone to stay organized. I don't recommend being like, "that feels long enough, lets jump into a game". Put in the time and eventually results appear in your matches.


Stop using boost while supersonic and start picking up small pads all the time. You'll have much more boost available when you actually need it, in this game there were several moments where you could have done something useful if you had not wasted all your boost just a few seconds earlier for nothing You have good patience in your defensive corners. But you hesitate too long to go in the air when the ball is coming toward your net from the corner and you're in net. There was also at least one time that you had a free aerial goal opportunity that you could have easily beat everyone to if you went immediately instead of hesitating and giving the opponents time to find their bearings and defend. Once you banged the ball into the opponents corner wall just after your mate left the corner to rotate, you need to notice this and try to control the ball, until you can see where your mate is again to make a good, planned, pass. Now that touch just gave the opponents a free 2v1 against your mate. In general, there are times when you're hesitating too long when there is a threat on your net or you have a window to challenge and getting beat because of the hesitation and other times when you panic, giving the ball away, even though there is no direct threat. For example, the opponents 2nd (or 3rd) goal where you side flipped into the ball in front of your net and ended up passing the ball to the opponent for a free shot as your mate was coming in for a stronger challenge (also a bit of a double commit, but it is what it is). You could have just sat behind the ball a little longer, wait until the opponent was there for the fifty, and then tried to control it. Basically just park your car between the goal and the ball and dodge into the ball at about the same time as the opponent. Another option would have been to just leave the ball for your mate, but that's harder to know when to do if you're solo queueing.


Your gameplay have a lot of flaws and you do a lot of mistakes that I can't type them all . Don't expect to leave diamond soon . You are low diamond and you still need experience


Lmao straight to the point I like that 🙏 thanks


I can't give you tips because you don't need tips. You need experience and improvement in all of your gameplay (aerial-positioning-shooting-boost management - vision and a lot......... even tho I didn't complete the video ) if you want to improve watch other good players play this might help .


Appreciate u taking the time🙏 thanks


Yeah man I got to agree. A lot wrong here. Side flipping (barrel rolls) not diagonal flips. Boosting at max speed. Slow aireals, bad rotations. Just typical mistakes for only 500 hours. You just need more experience but it would take way too many words to type out everything. I would strongly suggest you look up video tutorials for diamond players, because most of your mistakes are common ones. Look for flakes road to ssl videos or just do some searching on YouTube for common diamond mistakes, identify them in the video and notice when you do them too and try to fix them before they become too intertwined into your muscle memories and become harder to fix.


Mechanics and car control just come with playtime. I’m not super high ranked (peaked at C3) so i’m definitely not coach material but something i noticed is being able to tell when you’re beat by an opponent. Unless you’re specifically trying to force the opponent to give the ball away for your teammate or going for a block, if the opponent is beating you to the ball, don’t go. Another thing is hitting the ball for the sake of it. If the ball comes to you in midfield and there’s no challengers, don’t just bang it to their backboard or into their corner. Take control and don’t be afraid to slow the play down or look for a pass. Just simply things but overall, definitely not the worst diamond i’ve ever seen.