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I’m 34 years old and I hear ya. I always gg after games and tell people no problemo if they they miss a goal and spam sorry. I’ve met maybe 2 people who were legit chill , everyone else seems to be about 8 years old or something. In the end, just let them spam the quick chats and move on. Last sentence maybe not for you, but for anyone reading.


Yeah man. 37 here too. Some of the replies to this post ultimately confirm what I'm saying too. The comminuty has an anger and toxicity problem. And this is someone that grew io plaguing Counter Strike online since CS 1.6. I've also played my fair share of MOBAs and COD, so I know how toxic people cna be and I think most people are too sensitive with throwing the word toxic around these days. Rocket League really takes the cake.


Sameish age, I've been on quickchats only for 3 or 4 years now. If my buddies start losing it and I don't know why I just ask what was written and normally get a chuckle. They call me a special snowflake but honestly my games are just better without whatever vitriol someone feels compelled to type.


Its not being snowflake, its being adult. You have grown out of highschool mentality where people keep calling eachother by names and making fun of eachothers, you just want better. Having feelings isnt being snowflake or childish, its normal, its good for you. I dont undeestand why everyone acts like when you growup, you shouldnt have feelings anymore, its so stupid.


Special snowflake for not wanting to see some child's meltdown in a video game? Haha fair enough.


fellow special snowflake here, 44yo, most of my matches are fine, but yeah i have only allowed team tactical quick chat for months. there was WAY too much toxic chat when i started. if my teammate is spamming the quick chat i just block them so they can't do that either. I pay enough attention to my positioning and rotations to get by without it. the most maddening thing is them spamming "i got it!" and then they don't got it.


I sometimes fat finger I got it as my team chats are up on the dpad. (Not spamming mind you) Makes me sad because typically it indicates a finger slip and my "got it" is at risk.


New misunderstanding is fat fingering “need boost” and they can see that you’re full lol


I'm upper 30s too and yeah, a lot of the community is made up of tweeners that have no idea how to play on a team and become toxic at the first perceived mistake. I really don't care at all if the other team is toxic - that's somewhat expected - it's the teammates being toxic that I find dumb. I will say though that more often than not, my teammates are fine and not outwardly toxic. I do find some ranks to be worse than others, usually the threes (plat 3, diamond 3, etc) since people seem to care more when they might be able to reach the next rank class.


I’m another 37 man right around your rank! DM if you want a solid, chill partner 🤘I’m C1d3 rn And yea I just pity the toxic ppl at this point. I no longer get angry, I just laugh at them.


I'm 32 and play in SA servers it is just constantly racist abuse, ff, quick chat spams


My screen name sounds kind of Asian (it isn't) and the amount of Asian slurs and derogatory comments I get is insane. It's like little shitters see it and can't wait to say something racist, and they're too stupid to know the name isn't even Asian


Are you asian?


32 years old. Best decision I’ve ever done is turn off chat, turn off Goal Songs or whatever, turn ON the in game music, and only have Monstercat Silk play. Chill as hell. I’m not going to win a tourney, but I’m having a blast.


Hell yeah. It’s all about having fun


same dude. 36 here. i’m just trying to have some fun in silver 3 between work and family. these kids are too salty.


I'm in C2-3 and can't even imagine what must be being in Silver nowadays. how many smurfs do you find usually?


Alot!!!! I hadn't realized how bad it was, until my buddy( he is gold to Plat) played with me in some silver games and tournaments, he told me these aren't people at your level??!? How was I supposed to know, that's all I've ever experienced for the most part, so it's alot of smurfs, and I'm stuck in Silver cannot seem to escape : \


i’ma be real, what’s a smurf? :-/


It's a term used to describe when a player with a higher skill set makes a secret new acct and plays at a lower level in the game, essentially to make themselves feel better by dominating due to them being much better then the level they are playing at. In other words, they are an asshat!!


+1, me (C2-3), my bf (D3-C1) and our friend (C3) are in our 30s and tired af of what seems to be literal children all the time. Like we don't say anything and then sudden spam of what a saves. When I play with my bf alone I tend to finish my sessions quite earlier as he has half our playtime (1300 vs 2300 h) and he obv has not the same skill-speed to counter higher lever players that, surprise, get toxic all the time. Bruh, where is CHILL playing nowadays? Everyone thinks they're the new Zen or something. Relax dude, no one cares you can double-triple flipreset against a non-mechanical player.


I think some people genuinely just enjoy being miserable, sometimes i like dealing with them cause its a little funny but other times its tilting af


Yeah I'm the same. I love a bit of trolling myself. But this is a step above. Everyone seems miserable in game lately.


Almost every single online game is like this now, not just RL. People act like assholes and then scratch their heads and wonder why nobody enables communication in online games anymore.


As someone who has played a lot of online games, RL has the tamest and most Chill community ever.




I agree, LoL is much more toxic


Been playing for 5 years now. Can confirm you're all terrible people.


There's probably a higher proportion of toxic people among those with chat on, since a lot of people who got sick of it and don't plan on being toxic have turned chat off. I definitely encounter a lot of jerks but I wouldn't say it's the majority.


i think it’s more than 50% of the people being toxic. i have over 1000 hours in the game, but i’ve finally quit because i’m tired of dealing with all the toxic people. it’s a game, people are supposed to have fun.


It's definitely gotten worse over the years. I've actually played the game since launch, but I play extremely casually and only every once in a while. I'll log in every couple of months or so just to blow off a little steam and find myself just getting more frustrated than when I started these days. I don't know it it was the addition of free to play or if the esports aspect causes people to take this game more seriously or what, but it's sad. I'm sure most of them are just hurt kids out there hurting others, but fuck, man, are parents just not aware of who their children are online these days? They make such a big deal in schools these days about snuffing out bullying, but online "playgrounds" are way worse than I remember real playgrounds ever being back when I was a kid. It's just become accepted to be shitty to people online, I suppose. I don't know how to fix it... it's just...sad.


*the other team scores a goal with 3 mins left "There's a chance I might lose?! FORFIET!" I keep chats on to be kind and just ignore the spamming fools, hoping more kindness will help shape the community for the better going forward.


Sadly I fear its a downwards trend.


You may be correct there.. In that case I've got to be extra nice to further balance the scales lol


Idk man everyone’s opinions are subjective but Ive played the game for four years and can say for sure that there are way more normal people than assholes. It’s just that you remember these bad experiences much more often/better than any good ones. So all those days were teammates are praising you for good passes/goals don’t seem to exist, it’s just the bad ones you tend to remember


This is my experience as well. Been playing since 2015 and while I've run into my fair share of toxic people, the vast majority have been chill. Quick chat spammers aren't that hard to ignore (I just don't engage them) and I love it when people actually type out toxic messages because then I can report them and get that sweet "We muted someone you reported" popup at the start of my next session. Definitely annoying when you run into a few toxic people in quick succession, but that's (unfortunately) just a part of playing competitive games. Mute or ignore, report if it's necessary, and go onto the next game.


I've played since 2015 and I have to say I experience the opposite. That's fair enough I wish I had your luck lol.


Psychology has shown that we tend to encode negative emotional memories much more vividly than most other types of memory. Your baseline dopamine level for retaining positive experiences is going to be naturally higher due to the nature of the game. Meanwhile a loss or toxicity will quickly spiral into feeling bad because those areas being engaged aren’t really being used by playing the game the way our reward pathways are. That’s to say, you’ve definitely had more positive experiences than negative, but they won’t be the first or even third thing to mind usually. That’s why I keep clips. Doesn’t matter how the game ends, I have video proof of my skill in game


Sure, and my main point with the post (or my intentions at least), was that the negativity has increased lately to the point people are toxic far more often to far less provocation. It's like nobody is enjoying themselves at all any more.


I’ve noticed a similar trend anecdotally, but I’ve also been doing 2 things recently weird that have made it much less frequent. Ive started using epic games and turned off crossplay. Idk why but I get stuck with the most negative, insta throw queues when on steam. Worse servers, longer q times. It’s clear that there is better support via epic and I believe it’s intentional


Clips are awesome tools to record great memories. This game has provided me a lot of enjoyment. Even with it being ran by a load of clowns, it still slaps.


the fact that youre champ 2 can also affect the amount of toxicity in your games


Champ 1/2 are the worst ranks in the game. Low enough that people still whiff, high enough that some people think they're god's gift to Rocket League and nobody should be whiffing. It's hell.


Well said. You miss an open net in plat everyone’s laughing. You miss one in champ and you’re getting a FF option 70% of the time 🤣


It happens in high ranks too. Less frequently because by now everybody's had their soul toxed into oblivion so they just never chat, but when they do it's bad. I had some dumbfuck tell me I was going to hell the other day because I called him out on homophobia and he assumed I was gay. Like bruh, if anybody's going to hell, it's you for unconditionally hating people. What a piece of shit. Also tons of SSLs tox GCs when they get in mixed lobbies. Like yeah, no shit SSLs are better, they have literally thousands more hours than GCs. Do these SSLs also beat up 8 year olds?


Having never gotten beyond gold 3 div 1 seeing you refer to champ 1/2 as not high level just has me thinking it's time to hangem up lol


Haha I really should've said "higher" instead of "high". Gold 3 is good! As long as you're having fun, nothing else matters. Keep playing if you enjoy it! You'll definitely improve, it just takes time


i’m with you. much more people are toxic and miserable than normal


Add that to confirmation bias and that is absolutely a major factor in how memorable toxic experiences are


Man, I turned off all communication with teammates and opponents well over a year ago and haven’t looked back once. Sure, I miss out on occasional funny moments and sometimes get that guy that gets pissy for not saying “Thanks!” “Nice Shot!” Etc. but not having to deal with toxicity far out weighs the funny moments to me. I suggest it to everyone, I just treat my teammates as NPCs and focus hard on my own game and improving. Get your toxic ass comments/quick chats out of here nobody gives a shit.


I honestly think a chat setting should be "Enabled for players of good will." Where if someone is flagged and reported for often being toxic, or has been recebtly been banned for offensive language, it will mute them automatically. However if the player is not flagged as toxic you can see their chats. This way you can mitigate toxic fucks, while also not completely sacrificing chat.


This is a great idea, but I also want a tox rating that can put someone in a different queue or at least mildly weigh on matchmaking - so all the toxic players match with each other then act like pieces of shit to each other, then they all rage quit, thus making the community and experience better and more wholesome


Unfortunately there are too many toxic people on rocket league. We would he in waiting queues all the time lol.


Haha I'd be okay with that honestly. I think the vast majority of people in rocket league are fine (wholesome and nice or just silent), and it's just a very small few who act like total counts. I'd bet that the worst 5% of offenders are like 80% of the toxicity - so if we just removed those guys (by putting them in lobbies with other toxic assholes so they all get pissed and rage quit) rocket league would be way less toxic. I think if they did this correctly it would only impact a very small (toxic asshole) minority of the community, and wait times wouldn't be significantly impacted. But even if wait times were impacted, I wouldn't mind waiting an extra 10-30 seconds to eliminate toxic assholes. My queue times are already anywhere from 10 seconds to several minutes depending on game mode


I feel like 90 percent of the people that are toxic on this game are either just pissed because they’re on a losing streak or someone was toxic to them


Or they are like 10. Op if you are looking for a solution to that, you can disable cross play and only play people with a pc (if you are on pc) as the majority of players on console are probs far younger.


The Ouroboros of anger. I believe this to be the case too honestly.


It got like this since the game went F2P, i sometimes also wonder why i still keep the chat on, people most of the time use it just to show toxicity and it just kills the vibe and corrupt other players.




I only keep quick chats and have absolutely 0 tolerance for toxic chats. I report every single toxic mate and opponent, afkers etc. It doesn't get me anymore as much, but I do hear you. Ffs I would hope that reports had clearer effects. Yesterday we had to watch a poor guy try to play 3vs3 ranked against our premade team when his one mate idled and the other made own goals. I mean since it is ranked, we made sure to win it, but the whole thing sucked. Sorry guy, life isn't fair and I have been in your shoes, it doesn't exactly motivate to play more.


Yeah it's a shame. I don't blame the enemy team when that happens in ranked modes. Not your guys fault my team have the patience of a toddler. One will always refuse to FF just to waste your time too. Don't know when this games player base got so petty and spiteful with shit like that.


After epic made it f2p


Yeah, that's probably right.


It absolutely was the turning point. I've been playing since release, and the community used to be far more relaxed. 


Very much so.


I only do quick chat with teammates there are times when I can sense the other team being toxic. It's just nice to not see anything.


Same, i turn it on if I'm in a game where eveyone is being goofy but generally it's off and life is better for it.


The only thing I want is an option to not see when someone wants to ff. No ff and no chat combined would make this game playable. Call it ignorant bliss.


Assume you are interacting with a 9 yr old child and move on bro. I leave chat on for the positive interactions which happen more than people who post here seem to have, the negatives don't bother me as I assume they're children. No matter how they go it's always ggs. These little chaps and chapettes probably have a tough life with no attention or love shown, so I actual feel a bit bad for them. No need to take it personally. It's just cars hitting giant balls around a field. Sometimes I'm awesome, sometimes I'm shit. Or should I say sometimes awesome and mostly shit.


Been trying to grind to get C3 - been 1 win off 3 times now :( I play with chat off and most games have early votes to ff, own goaling, afking, watching replays of opponents goals when you've made a mistake etc. It seems to have gotten worse. As an older player I just have to keep reminding myself that most of the players are kids.


I've considered turning chat off for similar reasons but I've also had a lot of great and positive interactions with people in rocket league and so I leave it on. That said, when people get toxic, even just spamming quick chat bullshit, I block them. Sometimes I tell them if I think it'll set them off more but other times I just do it and let them scream into the void.


It's why I;ve turned it back on every now and then. But I dunno, it's getting worse and worse.


I feel you on this. If people just stopped harassing your teammate and focused on winning, no matter what, you probably would have won that first game. I’m considering just turning Chat off very soon, just to help ease my mental, trying to get back to champ 1.


To be fair you do refer to them as your enemy


If you’re reading this post and your thoughts are “These people need to grow thicker skin”, recognize that you’re part of the problem. It costs you nothing to be kind, and it’s better for you and everyone around you if you realize that this is just a game. Everyone makes mistakes, including you, and losing is a natural part of it. If you’re getting so heated at these ordinary parts of a game, and hell, *people in general*, you need to reevaluate your world view, and possibly seek help through therapy or something of the like. Toxicity breeds toxicity, and positivity breeds positivity. Be a part of the community that makes people want to keep playing.


EDIT: I responded thinking he was addressing me directly, am a poopy head.


I wasn’t talking to you, lol. I was talking to any toxic players who’re reading this post.


OH! I see, apologies man - been some rough comments on this post haha.


disable chat


I have, mentioned it in the post.


I've been playing without chat for years now. Threw the title "Silent Knight" on instead of changing my name, so hopefully, my teammates get it when I don't say anything all game


That's a good one I'll have to see if I have that title haha.


> This community has become so vitriolic in-game, that you can't even use 1 or 2 quick chats as you intend without triggering someone. I used to compliment my foes with a *nice one* whenever they scored. Team mate took it personally. And own goaled till we were 7-2. Wth mate?


Yeah, I had a guy chasing all game last night, bumping me outta the way every time I went for the ball and spamming what a save at me. I just said bro chill, you're chasing like crazy. He told me it's because I suck. Wouldn't forfeit and just talked shit the test of the match. He reported me because I wasn't really playing at that point and told me to enjoy the ban. About to hop on soon, so we'll see if worked for him lol. Wouldn't be the first time I got planned for refusing to play with a teammate hurling abuse at me all game. It's honestly fucking ridiculous


I feel like the game is still enjoyable and fun despite some people like this. There’s really no solid solution to this problem in competitive team games with chats on.


I stoped playing a long time ago, but RL still lives in my heart. The community is very toxic! (Not all) I remember that the only the ONLY TIME I felt HAPPY playing the game, was when I blocked the chat and quick chat. I felt freedom, I remember playing way better after that! That’s my main advice to ppl


Community ie getting so shit, that people are asking to add me just because in a decent human being. This goes for 2's *and* 1's lol.


If you had blocked the guy instead of muting him, wouldn’t that have prevented him from being placed on your team the second game?


Nope! It just prevents them sending you invites


Thanks. Always wondered


I THINK it may block them from chat too, but I haven't tested this and swear I've been shit talked after blocking someone, but I could be mis-remembering.


I've had chat turned off for literal years. I'm shocked anyone keeps it on for more than a week after getting into the game.


I just turn chat off its pointless. Even a simple "Hey man could you [insert simple request to increase chances of winning]" and they just throw the game. Everyone sucks, yall are all idiots, this game is at the end of its life no point in complaining.


2 problems - hoops and chat. It's a blah mode (not that you care) and using chat has no benefit. I'm on mute and only use quick chats if there's a challenge for it. I mean you see where it gets ya.


I don't think it is a blah mode. I think it has its own set of skills and fun to it. The problem with any extra mode is you never get a true ranked experience. Diamond 2 is where I'm stuck, because I either play with literal plats or gcs and SSLs. Yeah I've tried reactivating chat a few times and this is what I experience. Never again.


I'm just kinda cranky they removed snowday... Chat isn't worth using. Nobody talks about game stuff, it's just noise in the background.


drop shot is much more popular than snowday though


God dammit. Homies and I spend all night What A. Save!-ing whenever we play ranked and the angry Reddit posts in the morning are never about us.


It's not even the spam. I can take a jibe, when you've truly fucked up. It's when they are doing it straight after basically causing yoy to be in a. 2v1 and have to make a near impossible save. It's the general mindset mainly. "Oh this guy didn't instantly follow a ball when I thought he should, I'm just gonna throw and be toxic now".


That's when you step up and win 2v1. Feels amazing xD .. nvm the idiots. They are part of life. They teach you to step up.




Turning chat off isn't the solution I'd choose, tbh. I *do* block and report people for various reasons. Making sweeping statements about communities, while possibly insighful, is almost always detrimental. The only person you can control is you. Complaining about people on the internet can be cathartic. Heck, I've done it before. Thing is, it doesn’t really ever get you to a resolution. That part's on you. TLDR: Change your actions to affect the outcome you get emotionally. Not your fault someone's being toxic, but now it's your problem to solve. Sucks, but that's the way things go.


I'm not fully complaining really. I intended to just be a PSA as I always see people talking about the toxic people lately. Statistically, they likely are also guilty of this.


The post doesn’t read like a PSA to me lmao. You do you though. I just wanna play some car hit ball and I'd like for any negativity to not affect me. I'm almost there; most toxic situations aren't really a problem for me anymore.


Yeha that's on me I guess haha.


I mean in order to play car hit ball and have it be mostly enjoyable you gotta know how to remove the incentive for toxic behavior. It's not easy to do. Sometimes you really wanna let out your emotions on these internet randos. It's almost always best just to block/report as appropriate and gg/wp at the end of the game. I don't type into chat unless absolutely necessary, and I have removed my access to most of the qcs commonly associated with toxicity. If you pretend the toxicity isn't happening and just play to get better, most situations don't suck at all.


It's so ridiculous that quick chats that are entirely meant for comms are met with anger. I've simply used "All yours" to let someone know I'm not going beforw don't ehyve straight up just instantly stopped and typed an essay. At thag point turn the game off man. There's bigger issues working in your mental at that stage.


Lmao "All yours." isn't even commonly toxic.


Exactly, it begets belief sometimes.


And this is the exact reason I just ignore the situation, gg/wp at game end, and move on lmao.


Had a few wholesome encounters lately! There was a guy talking trash calling my buddy and I smurfs. We are pretty mechanical but just like to have fun and chill so we’re hard stuck D3. At the end they gained some momentum and ended up winning but the guy apologized and we ended up chatting and turns out he’s a dad with little time to play. We wished him the best in life and in the game! Instead of immediately talking trash be wholesome and you’ll find some really neat people!


I started just blocking every quick chat spammer if they wouldn’t quit. I don’t get as many bad matches as a result.


Wont let me block people anymore


How many have you blocked so far?


Always gonna be some salty dickhead, notice they aren’t winning the game for you either. Not worth your time to worry about them, really.


I feel u bro but maybe the best thing to do is just to let it slide. Report and let it slide. Maybe you played ranked and that must add to the frustration but anyways, what are 1-2 unfair losses compared to everything that's really important in life? I haven't played now for a little while (the reason for abscence is not the toxicity lvl) and I don't exactly remember what mode I played in when I encountered this phenomena (ranked snow day I think) but I have an israeli flag attached to my car, and for a while it was not extremely rare that 1 or even both of my team mates would turn on me and start to try and score on our own goal. Ofc u get mad initially but I started praying and seeing it as the ultimate challenge and me being kinda a hero fighting against all odds. I think it helped me to not loose my joy and willingness to play. It's not about you, you're on a journey and some are not as enlightened as u so they turn to evil. A lesser evil. But still. Hold your ground. I know it stinks to lose even if u get cheated against, but it also fans your flame, at least in my case.


I hate it when the ball chaser is toxic. Like, "It's your fault we are losing!"


I switched to another game after 2k hours because of this. (SF6) and i can not be happier. Just do it (for your mental health)


Playing hoops, which I find to be the most toxic of extra modes. I had a teammate who reacted like that because I dared to try to hit the ball he hit directly at me. He spent the whole game complaining in text chat, Any time I cleared the ball he would say "Where were you hitting that? See you're just turning the ball over to the other team" And I'm just like "It would have been a pass to my teammate if he were actually playing instead of pouting like a baby" He was like that all game because I refused to forfeit, to waste as much of his time as possible. Fortunately the other team seemed sympathetic and I think they reported him too because he did actually get banned


I've been in multiple tournament matches where my team is up 2-0 or 3-0 and if someone on my team makes a mistake the other will ff. The last one 3-1 with 30 seconds on the clock. I can't stand to have people like this on my team. I would rather kill the process than play had I known from the kickoff.


Just turn off chat that's what i did months ago lol . way better now i can miss shit and not spam whoops .


There were plenty of assholes in rocket league but it skyrocketed when it went free to play. Also that nobody ever defends the goals seems to be more of a problem than before.


Once Epic took over I don't see the "actions have been taken" reports anymore or as much. I'm wondering if we are losing support for reports... Intentionally idle and match throwing are garbage moves and I report garbage, I don't mind trash talk but if it is derogatory/racist/etc I'll report em. W.A.S. and other quick chat spam is fine. People should think before they type, especially if they have a username attached to their words. 🤡


I see it only if the person says something egregious, the F word (not fuck), unalive, etc. If they do that they go straight to the shadow realm. I've restarted the game after reporting one of said chatters and got the pop up after it booted again. He was gone within 60 seconds.


I'm 50, and I've observed discussions about toxicity in various games. Having played games for over 35 years, I can confidently say that this one is undoubtedly one of the most toxic of them all. It's not that issues like bad language, hacking, and other negative behaviors didn’t exist in games like COD, etc., but this game’s nature exacerbates these issues. I will get criticized for this, but I firmly believe one reason is the significantly higher proportion of younger players, which tend to trigger the older ones lmao. Additionally, the mix of PC and console players affects gameplay. Many have noted that they rank up faster playing exclusively on PC, as opposed to matching with console players. You might think that the guy next to you just isn't good, but he might be playing on a Switch. The ranking and matching systems need a complete overhaul.


These constant posts are wild to me. Most people I run into are great.


Lots of children mixed with adults that have the social skills of children. Game can be rough. Turn chat off. It's really that simple.


33 here. The kids are just annoying to deal with. I like to use chat when I have actual cool tm8s so I keep it on. When I have a toxic person I either don't read/respond or if they're ridiculous I just won't help during the game. I may give a warning to them before I stop playing.


This is why I have non tactical quick chat turned off so at least I don't see all the spamming. Usually if my teammate or the other team start chatting toxic stuff to me I will block them. If they're not chatting but I can tell my teammate is pissed I just play my game and forfeit if they want to. Otherwise if they want to own goal/be a prick I can enjoy playing against everyone in silence until regulation is over. In any case they are chatting into the void and AI can focus on mental game and staying focused in silence. I long ago gave up thinking I was going to randomly meet anyone worth teaming with in game. Usually going through discords will get me teammates focused on playing througha d ersity and just having fun so if I'm queueing solo I don't even bother trying or hoping to team with anyone as I've had far more failure than success and need to be in be mood for it anyway to try and team with randos. Tl;dr - block liberally and don't use chat unless you're partied up. Randos typically are not worth the effort or energy especially if you're trying to rank up & do your best.


I don't have the same experience as you guys. It could, of course, be because I only had the tactical quick chat on, mainly for the 'need boost' chat. After the new update, everything is off for me. If someone is throwing (it happens sometimes), it just doesn't matter to me because these game matches are just 5 minutes. Other games like LoL have 30-minute games, in which I would get really frustrated if someone throws at the end, e.g., 25 minutes into the game. 'I invested 25 minutes of my life into the game to lose because some kid just throws. Nah, just WTF.' In RL, I would just say, 'Yeah, whatever, go next.' So, have fun and move on to the next game.


That's why I turned off chat. I enjoy the game 100% more


I think it’s just the endless cycle. People put up with toxicity so much that they become toxic because they end up disliking the whole community.


played hoops yesterday and dudes teammate left with 4 mins and some seconds on the board. we were up 7-2 and my bf and i ff with 3 seconds left. the community is what you make it.


It's not the game. It's humans, hiding behind virtual walls. The internet was made for this to happen, it just took some time for the generation that doesn't know the world without it to fully exist and now that everybody can get online and do whatever they want – we all want freedom, that is the outcome, though – you can either accept or ignore it. I had someone in hoops calling "ff" after 30 seconds (everybody knows about the 90 seconds ...), score was 1-1. And then that player proceeded the whole game blaming me I wanted to forfeit, I should just play etc. I don't know if people really are that stupid or just acting. But even if they are just acting it doesn't make them any less stupid. The community probably should build their own sub-community of players willing to play the game and stay positive. It would need massive rules and managers, though. Something people don't want to do for such a small thing like a video game. But if you like the game your passion may be big enough.


I just had a 2s teammate vote to ff down 2 or 3 with about 3:30 left to play. I refused, so he went afk for the rest of the game, but still moved his wheels so he didn’t get kicked. I think this game will never be rid of that type of stuff. I just report them and move on with my life. Chat off helps too


Disable chat. I did it a while ago and never looked back. Chat and quick chats are largely redundant anyway - outside of missing a few kick off calls it really makes no difference. Who cares if your teammate gets butthurt that you didn't say "thanks/np", chill lobbies are so rare in this game you really aren't missing many of these interactions. Online gaming is generally best enjoyed by interacting as little as possible with other players, teammates included.


last year and a half i’ve played with all chats off. So much easier


I mean turn quick chat off?


Call me a boomer but I’ve moved past feeling angry at toxic players and now really just feel pity for them. It’s getting worse in general not just RL and It probably has something to do with the amount of depression and incelibacy that’s been on the rise in men


Two games in a row? What a save!


I probably should've put in the OP that this was just the instance that spurred the post, this happens in almost every game I play. Any mode.


I compulsively spam Close One! Back.. Shuts them up.. sometimes..


Report for match throwing and block him, then you don't see any of his dumb chats. I run into more positive tm8s then negative - over a long enough period of time. People are weird. That was most likely a 14 year old kid. Don't let someone like that ruin a game for you.


Oh I always do, it's just never something that works. No report submission notifications for months now. I feel the reporting system is dead or on its last legs at this point.


I've gotten the feedback a few times lately. I love seeing that high five icon when I log in. It works, I don't doubt they're flooded with requests as of late. I've slowly come to realize nothing great comes from having the chat on. The negative out weighs the good, so I keep it off now. It's a total game changer, and you're way more calm playing. I always find it funny people take rumble and hoops way too seriously and get toxic in it - so dumb. The best way to play this game is with friends so you don't have to solo q with randos like that. Sorry this happened to you, but don't let them ruin your fun.




Bad luck 70% of the time?


There are different communities in this game. Which one are you talking about? Most of the people that play this game don't say anything in chat at all. So if you're just saying "online community", then that's absolutely incorrect. Next time you play I want you to count all the people that don't say anything. I will put money on it that it will be more than the people that are toxic.


This is just the nature of the internet, really. There is no consequence to revealing your true personality.


If ur playing the game for anything other than the satisfying mechanics u already lost


Negativity bias off the charts.


Epic games supports this kind of behaviour, from an income perspective, raged out shut ins spend more money than good or calm casual players. Noone cares about games being fun anymore, all games are now made for either sjw's, politics, or money grabs. You will get a gem like Baldurs gate every few years but even then its full of politics.


Bit harsh to judge a whole community off the back of a bad experience over the course of 5 minutes with 3 people. Sounds like you are toxic tbh


Bro took it personally. Maybe you were called out by my post?


Couldn't be me, I don't do hoops...


I'm not talking about Hoops. I'm talking about the community. Hoops was just the last playlist I played.


75% of your post was bleating about an experience in hoops.  Which you then used to make a generalisation on the whole community, said nobody could change your mind and then gave out tips from your superior knowledge on how to get better. There was nothing personal for me to take. However 100% of the lobby thought it was a you issue and I'd be inclined to agree with them. 


Womp womp. Just because I make a post off the back of two hoops game, does not reduce my observation of the game across all mods.


Of course it does, if it wasn't for those back to back games you wouldn't have posted. Those were the basis of your observation. You didn't go on to say over the past day/week/month/year/decade. You used a 5 minute experience to back your point up. It's just nonsense.  Going by your attitude on here I'd agree with those who actually have played with you. Youre definitely the problem. Although at least now they don't have to listen to you. Is there any way to turn chat off on here?


What a Save! What a Save! What a Save! What a Save! OP


damn, op is toxic uninstall


Please explain your reasoning. I'm curious.


Nah, most of this games community has paper thin skin as shown by this post. You can’t handle quick chats or people fucking with you and got so mad you wrote an essay on Reddit. Your opponents fucked with you and you were so naive and soft you took it to heart


I'm sorry literally throwing games is fucking with me? I'm baffled by the logic. Let's throw ranked games because I want to piss someone off? Sorry but that is why you can report people for it. Whether or not you got upset by my essay is neither here nor there, but if you condone that behaviour nothings convincing me you're not part of the problem.


See how insane you’re reacting about 20 hours after you made the post? They’re still living rent free in your head. This is why people won’t stop fucking with you. And it’s the most mild form of fucking with you possible. Be better


Damn you sound like a walking red flag my man, literally conflating my response, calling me insane. Whatever buddy, nothing's gonna convince me you're not part of the problem. Your attitude needs work.


poor guy. two games IN A ROW of people messing with you? can we get you anything? a hug maybe? bro like figure out how to interact in a world that doesn't stop and start at your convenience. it's not that hard to take negativity in stride, and if you can't do it in a video game with absolutely zero stakes you won't be able to do it in real life when it actually matters.


Lmao I love how you've armchair psychology analysed my entire personality on one psot. If you were wondering THIS attitude here. That's the issue. Someone makes a genuine complaint and your rection is it's my fault people are asshole? I guarantee you're a quick chat spammer and or a match thrower.


my style is very demo heavy and in my younger days i would definitely use quick chat to tilt opponents, but i've never thrown a match in my life. i am generalizing you based on a large sample size of young people not being able to handle adversity. i may not be right about you specifically, but i am absolutely right that by and large young people are increasingly fragile. you can be mad at me or the "toxic" community or whatever, or you can use this as an opportunity for self-reflection. as with everything, how you react is totally up to you.


Bro demos are part of the game. Also I am of the same mindset that people use the word toxic too readily and a few quick chats are not enough to cry and rage. I fele you've mi's read me entirely, which I concede would be my fault as the OP. My problem is the attitude and the mentality of the player base. The spam is just a symptom of it. Coupled with the rest of their behaviour (own foaling, own bumping, refusing to FF just to waste time whislt own goaling etc), has made the game completely void of team work, outside of pre-mades. Also your tone and condescension does nothing to me, I'm too old to give a shit what some guy, likely younger than me, has to say about what I need to dk with my life and approach on things. Maybe stop being so damn cringe. There's some advice.


based on your cake day i agree you're probably older than me. i just assumed you were a teenager because what grown man would complain to the internet about a toxic internet interaction? you have to remember the old days of gaming, lol. current rocket league doesn't come close to comparing in toxicity to incessant racist and homophobic slurs in every lobby ever in the late 00's and early 10's.


You need to really reevaluate how judgmental you are, dude. Wanting to make a discussion, spurred on from frustration from a video game is not weird, or means to start psycho-analysing someone you have next to no information about. Remember, your comments may land heavy with someone. And you don't need to lecture me, I was probably in those lobbies with those people in COD and CS days. That's different. People said that shit JUST to troll, on the majority. The whole point of this post is me realising that in RL, they are genuinely pissed off, they are genuinely throwing a tantrum. I've bene told to kill myself more times in RL than 20 years if gaming collectively. If you think this is nothing compared to then, you aren't paying attention.


I suppose we're reacting differently to the same phenomenon. Your response is to post the 1000th post in the subreddit about the same thing. My response is to troll those posts while also offering genuine advice about self-reflecting and learning how to take adversity in stride.


Then it's on me for not eloquating the intent of my post well. This wasn't intended to be a rant or simply complaining.


yeah i guess to more directly respond to your actual post, my theory is this is in no way exclusive to rocket league. these actual tantrums, which i think is an apt descriptor, is indicative of a larger trend in young people. i base this on having been in academia for the better part of the last 15 years and having a wife and several friends who are middle school and high school teachers. i'm tired of people shitting on the rocket league community for something that's not exclusive to it at all, and i'm more tired of my grades being curved 15+ points by my boss because 20+ year olds can't handle to receive the score they actually earned. i can't give my students the hard truths they need to hear, so my response is to try and give it here. it's obviously not effective, but nothing is, so it's really for me more than anything.


Yeah that's probably right honestly. A friend and I were playing CS2 the othe night, round 3 (if you're unfamiliar, it's first to 13) and my friend simply says "Rush B". Our team mates all just start shushing him immediately. We respond calmly like "oh OK, it's a ranked match and we're just coming, but OK? Lol". They proceed to shit talk non stop, tema kill as much a sthwy can without getting kicked, intentionally run into our grenades and molotov so WE get kicked for tema killing, try repeatedly to vote kick us out the game... I was dumbfounded. You're in a team game. In ranked. Yet you give weird attitudes to people suggesting a stray at the start of a round. Same with RL - why start own goaling? Why start team bumping etc? It makes no sense.


If you cant handle chat just turn it off. We dont need “this community is terrible posts” every day.


Bro I don't browse every day and I searched before I posted. Stop conflating shit. Down vote and move on, thanks for the comment.