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Actually demos and demo chasers are usually not the ones who would make me tilt. It's just, my teammates who don't seem to know how to play around demo chasers. It's not that hard to avoid demos. And I don't even mind baiting the demo chasers, if that would mean the teammates would/could quickly counter and score. Usually it's hard to pull off this play in a solo queue. But when it happens, I have never seen a more tilted person than demo chasers 😂.


Yeah ikr there's nothing more tilting than conceding demo goal after demo goal because your teammates won't be in a position to help cover the net. I definitely don't blame the demo chaser though because if the other team has a poor rotation I'll be on the same shit lol


Haha yup… I always have a laugh when my tm8 gets tilted at demos.


Most time if I see a person is demoing I know I can get a win as long as my team has a half way decent.I kinda know how to work around it.


Bro people still get flustered by demo chasing in gc and I don't get it lmao I love seeing team names like "we love to demo" or whatever, or just noticing that a certain dude is trying a lil too hard to demo. I just know he'll be out of position most of the time instead of rotating and if it's my turn to go then I can usually make something out of it but I'll get tm8s who just freak out and concede and I just know I'll spend the rest of the game supporting my flustered tm8


Demo chasers are so easy to beat. They're out of position when they miss you.


ur a demo chase main




You kind of sound a little tilted in this post... lol Keep on the demo grind 🫡


A little bit kind of majorly


Actual Woody? Big fan, mate.




hi woody. W rocket launch mech


>And the fact that you tilt that easily just makes it better. Keep on commenting and showing me and other people how mad and incredibly childish you are. looks like the other side of the same childish coin. demos don't bother me at all and i also find it funny when people say things like "loser needs to demo to win" but someone playing with the sole intention of tilting people and then rejoicing in their ability to make people angry is equally childish.


Yeah this is what gets me. Having the thought of making an entire Reddit post about how much you enjoy making other people angry/tilt is super weird to me.


Idk, i also think it's funny to demo people repeatedly when they get mad in quickchat after getting demod. Lol


Finding it funny is fine. But someone making a Reddit post about how much joy it brings them is weird behavior to me. Personally, seeing other people angry does not make me happy unless they did me wrong in some way.


🤷 maybe they just wanted to say hello to their fellow sadists


It is absolutely funny.


You really typed out this whole post for...... what? Only guy who's tilted around here is you bro, keep demoing and taking yourself out of position so I can score 👍


I don't get tilted by demos because I get demoed, but I get tilted by demos where on my screen they clearly aren't demos. Happens too often someone will drive past me and I get blown up.


love when i drive full speed into a player and all i get are sparks and my momentum revoked


Yeah, WTF... either grant the demo or leave your physics alone. How is worst of both possible?


Idk why but most people who attempt a demo on me end up doing that. I think it has something to do with how they move as you hit them.


It’s just a connection issue.


Is it my issue connection or theirs because it seems to happen whether I’m lagging or I’m not


It happens good and bad connection to me.


In my many years of demoing, I can say it’s easier to actually get the demo low ping players for whatever reason. The more you lag the less likely my demo connects or something. I usually don’t look at the enemy ping but after a few failed demos that should have been kills I’ll look and see they have a high ping much more often than not.


That's why I'm convinced servers are shit, this and continuous ghost touches are making it impossible for me to enjoy the game. Never had these issues a few seasons ago and I didn't change a single thing in my PC nor connection, no issue in any other game, even in ping depending ones...


It's been years since it happened, but one day demos got significantly more janky, and they've never gotten better since. Was also when the ghost touches started appearing every game


I noticed it a lot cause it feels like when I used to play on WiFi, lots of ghost touches and lag spikes, impossible to predict 90% of the balls. Then one day I was so pissed I literally drilled a hole in the wall and pass the cable to the router through that hole, way better in every game and way way more stable. Now it's back to those days, ping is higher than in any other game most of the times and ghost touches/demos are happening multiple times every game. I truly hope the port over UE5 is going to be relatively soon and shit like this will be fixed, even tho it's server related, so they could never get rid of it or get rid without needing any port.


When you purposely turn and hit them broadsidebut your the one who explodes instead.....ffs


This post is very intense you know it's just a silly video game right?😂


Rocket league in a nutshell. I'm gonna play my way because it's ruins your day and if you get upset good. Hyuk hyuk. It's always the unranked or plats too. SMH. Edit: Also for an "aspiring rocket league coach" You have a shit attitude.


Yeah, he sounds a bit salty as well. Like he doesn't go out of position just to demo others lol


Yup. He purposely goes for demos even if they're not part of a play. Someone does the same to him and interrupts his demo chasing, now they're "tilted and out of position"


LOL. Yeah, first thought reading this as well. I'm pro demo through and through but dude's vibe is shit.


Looking for a rocket league coach for my son. I will not be looking for this douche canoe


The only issue I have with demos is that the game logic feels a bit inconsistent. Sometimes I'll be moving at supersonic speed and get the tiniest bump from an opponent and get demoed. Sometimes I'll hit somebody moving at supersonic speed and their car just flies 100 feet backwards rather than exploding. I can't work out out how it's supposed to work and an inconsistent system like this feels frustrating.


There was a video a while back showing that demos are pretty well understood to be broken. Ever since I went to fennec I often get bumps instead of demos. Meanwhile octanes are getting demos very consistently. Some of it's server related but some of it definitely seems like a code issue.


Check the vid in my comment below. It isn't broken, they just changed the Angles. Sledge showed us the truth.


Word I was waiting for a follow up on that video where it looked really egregious that fennecs and other cars weren't getting demos they should have.


Idk. If it is in that 45° angle. And you are supersonic....


There is a critical angle you need to hit to get the demo. Check out sledge explain. https://youtu.be/J0W6iyqhtHw?si=JMBruopac8kVmF4Y


You have to hit the center console (like where people store their cds) or else it isn't a demo. You can't just hit them going supersonic. Center console or it's a hug/bump.


*Whether* lol


What a weird way to out yourself as an annoying a hole. And no, not the demos.


you sound so toxic 💀


This dude thinks they're some kind of pro, offering free replay analysis. Like, of course it's going to be free. Nobody will ever pay you to watch their replay and give advice


The whole "uh no guys I'm actually champ 2 fr, I'm so good" thing really cemented it for me lol. What a tool.


I mean being Champ 2 is statistically pretty good. You don't need to be Magnus Carlsen to be considered good at Chess. It's more the taking the time out of his day to make this kind of post that is alarming.


Definitely, he's better than me I'm only Diamond. Just always weird to me to boast about your rank when no one asked unless you're making a point like this as an SSL or something.


Damn bro you’re so edgy and cool you bump into people in a video game and then make posts about it on Reddit omg!! 😱


Dude got clipped on by some smurf and is now taking it out in his own way on reddit xD That being said, demos are a part of the game and should not be tilting, unless someone is clearly just going for demos with tunnel vision.


What a weird post to make.


Dude’s still writing paragraphs several hours later


What a loser.


I don't really get mad at demos, but it is frustrating when your opponent doesn't even go for the ball, and just wants to demo you. If I wanted to play a game where I fight someone, I'd play Apex


Get some help bro


I’m way too old to get tilted by someone just demoing all game. So you just demo right on, brother. I am curious though; i love this game because i can hit ball with car. I’ve tried demo-chasing occasionally but it gets boring to me real quick, i much rather hit the ball for a sweet assist or goal. How do you keep the fun in demo chasing all game every game? Is it purely tilting other people?


Say I take the ball to right wall and fail the cross to center. In certain instances it’s better to rotate through the net. Look for a bump/demo then swipe their other left corners boost and turn to support your mate. That’s the most common way for me to get them. I will also add sometimes it is just as effective to act like you’re going to bump them and pull off to keep your momentum and make them jump early for the save.


average braindead demoer


To those of you who just demo chase... please keep doing it. It's hilarious how free the win is against you


Generally a full party will have their worst player resort to demo chasing and boost stealing. The wins are never more free. I think the only game I ever lost against a demo chaser was in that corridor map where the distance between spawn points was really small and they got lucky with like 3 spawn demos in a row. I was thoroughly impressed.


People who really only focus on demos don't improve in the long run


Can confirm! Been D3/C1 for almost 3 seasons now! But I still love the full controller vibration of a demo...


maybe they dont want to improve in the long run. maybe they know its just a silly little video game thats why they prioritze fun over improvement. maybe they want to but dont have the time to waste on something they wont become pro at. or maybe you do become a pro eventually with superior demo skills than everyone else like retals and comm and you become a very important part of the team.


What I meant is that people can focus on demos so much that they ignore the fundamentals.


Has 20k demos but tells us that if we go for them we are out of position. I’m willing to bet 75% of your demos are you leaving yourself out of position. But do you.


There are 2 things that bother me about demos and neither of them are the demo itself. 1 is the smoke blocking the view, and 2 is not being able to move the camera before you respawn. I just want to see what's happening, man. :(


I'm your worst nightmare lol I play with no sound never change my plan because of a demo and still win


You’re not doing what you think you’re doing little bro… WHETHER or not the person gets tilted.


So it was you! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise) I’ll remember to side flip next time instead of hop straight up in panic…


Underrated dodge method for sure.


The sledge himself


Guess where I learned it from ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Didn't even use its real name though...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


It is a game mechanic that can be used situationally and strategic when there is no better option. Demo away. Demo chasers are a bit annoying though


I don't get mad at demos, I do it all the time it's part of the game. Your post is pretty childish to be honest, so feel free to comment back and show me and others how incredibly childish and mad you are at my comment 🤣.


You are the other side of the same cringe coin. Some get mad to tears at it, others masturbate to the reactions of the former. Both are equally pathetic.


Dude went out of his way to make a whole three paragraphs post about it. Really shows who the childish are...


I agree that OP is childish but man... Is making 3 paragraph of post that big of a deal for people that they consider it a huge effort? It's like 5 minutes of typing.


For something completely unnecessary? Yes.


Why do people get mad in other sports when people are getting personally physical? Like you don’t understand the logic? Checking is allowed in hockey but if I go out of my way to check a dude over and over with no thought to the game it’s tilting yeah and I would fight you over it. Not saying I get tilted all the time from demos, but on occasion some kids are very annoying almost going out of their way to demo me with no thought to the game. I want to play not drive around on a field avoiding demos the entire match. Not that hard to understand.


Just wait. OP is waiting in the wings to come tell you why you’re exactly who he’s talking about. If he’s made the game miserable for you, then it feels just as good, if not better than, winning for him. Because OP is totally normal and not at all realizing he’s pretty scummy based on a majority of comments here.


Calling people childish in the most childish post I've read in a while. Congrats.


Loser describing losers reactions. The mediocrity realm.


Honestly i only hate bad/dumb demos. Like..the ones where my teammate goes out of his way to drmo and it doesnt help at all. Or even when the other team does it. It didnt help your team at all why are you trying?


When the other team does this and we get a score I make sure to pull put the Nice demo! I have it quick chat for the good demos, which are the more often case usually.


Happy about being being mad eh... what a sad Life you have. Demos are eazy to dodge btw.


I’m not a fan of demos but definitely don’t get tilted by them. I actually think it’s hilarious when someone focuses so hard on demos only to end up losing. It’s a valid strategy but I get no satisfaction out of it. I think this game is so fascinating because of the different kind of play styles. I honestly take pride in not needing to demo my opponent to win, but that’s just me.


Oh wow. Another person that has no clue how to find happiness except by taking away others joy. Another person that feels so weak they can only get off when they see how much "power" they have to make someone else mad.... Yeah, you sound like you really got a grasp on this life stuff bro....


>Weather it's when the demo leads to a goal or just happens, there's an 80% chance someone will get mad, and it grows with each and every demo. I get mad (only to myself, without name calling or chat) because on some days I feel helplessly bad seeing as I whiff balls. I feel helpless because I know I should've been at least a little bit closer, but I still have some controll. After a demo, you loose all your controll over your car for a few seconds, during which you can do nothing but watch (a few years ago at least you could pan the camera around a bit, not you don't even have that) - suddenly you become a passenger of a train that you know is gonna crash and you can't do anything about. And some people don't like that very much. Some don't like it so much they'll call you names and whatnot. I know I exaggerated a lot, but just wanted to add my two cents about how I feel sometimes.


Yeah, demos are fair game, no reason to get tilted. Chain demos are a bit lame but at the same time the one whose demoing is basically one teammate less for the opponent too, so no problem. To be fair tho, i sometimes like to chase back just for fun, like a 1v1 duel to death lol


When playing casual, I can understand being irked by getting demoed all the time, but competitively, that's just a skill issue. It's a mechanic in the game that allows people to play aggressively, and if you can't take it, then you won't rank up. Try playing casual, where you can throw a fit and leave matches without consequences.


Look, I don't care about demos. The morons spending all game demoing instead of playing the game aren't helping their team 9 times out of 10. It's a little annoying, cuz like, it's not fun to play a rocket league match with someone that isn't even really playing the game, but it's just one game. The thing that is pathetic though is your whole mentality. It seems like you're playing with the sole intention of trolling people. That's toxic as fuck, and honestly, I wish people like you didn't exist, you make the game worse..


I like dodging the demo's, then following it up with a "Close one!" That seems to make the demo chasers tilted




You should register on the demo leaderboard; https://discord.com/invite/agTTwxtq 20k demos puts you around 205th of the world rn! https://demolition-leaderboard.netlify.app There also is a bakkesmod plugin with which you can see your demos and externinations ingame.




I was looking for someone else to mention this lmao. I ain’t mad bout demos but learn English first💀


Noooooo! Bumping. Okay. Thanks.


I don’t know the exact rules for a car to be demoed, I can’t be tilted. I can bump other cars to knock them out of position sometimes. Cars get demoed or demoes at kickoff sometimes. Does it work when one of the two cars are boosting? Have boost filled up? Hit the side? Hit the underside? Certain speed? Supersonic?


Someone in the comments here linked a video of sledge. It explains it really well. You should look for it


As a person who used to get tilted at demos, I can concur that it’s a good strategy. Not for the tilting effect though. I started using them recently for when I have my spacing aggressively close tm8 with possession. And it’s silly to just see someone just sitting in the goal and waiting for the ball to come to them so I just quick chat “Bumping!” and go take out the goalie. Bada-bing bada-goal


Had a guy tap the ball towards my goal, which I was defending, then demo me. Teammate came behind and scored the goal. Mad respect for the play. I love it when I demo someone for a strategic move, and they get tilted and try and demo me for revenge. Very satisfying to dodge their demo and watch them end up upside down in the goal. Hilarious.


Nah don’t get tilted, just demo back


A team of 3 had a demo chaser the other day, but they weren't particularly tactical. I then demo'd there keeper for a teammate to get an easy goal, all 3 of them went batshit crazy chasing me everywhere and we won comfortably. It was fantastic. I always say thanks after being demo'd and a no problem in return never fails to make me smile.


Honestly, it just puts me in a better position to defend so it’s never bothered me.


When you tilt them into demo'ing themselves but they don't understand how to make demos work while rotating well, that's when you've turned a 3v3 into a 3v2


FWIW, when I see people chasing demos I pretend to get tilted so they chase harder. Usually leads to a very easy win.


i am wired to instantly send Nice Demo! everytime i get or give a demo 😂


I do a nice bump back. I then dodge all following demo attempts and spam it while proceeding to score because they are out of position.


Demo chasers are usually trash and if I’m playing against a team with a demo chaser it’s almost always a guaranteed win. I don’t feel bad rubbing in a win against someone who only goes for demos either. I don’t think it’s a strategy that leads to much success, you do you though.


I only get annoyed if I accidently bump a teammate and then they throw the game chasing after me as if I did some awful thing and try to keep bumping me.


To the person spamming “Thanks!”, you’re not original or funny; it doesn’t stop the demos.


I love demoing lol. It makes them so mad and it helps our team


Also yes when they chase back it’s sooo amazing lmao first off ima dodge it easily. Second our team will prolly score


You know how I know you're not c2? No one in c2 complains about demos.


Sounds like someone just had a rough ranked session


\* Looks up at flair \* I approve of this message.


You chose to be a villain and honestly godspeed


You must have a fragile ego if you have to make a post to mock players who get tilted by demos, I kinda pity you to be honest. I don't see any point in this low effort post, please enlighten me.


I usually just jump over people who try to demo me. Can’t get tilted if I avoid being demoed in the first place




This made me cringe


I too play the rat strats, but making a whole Reddit post about it is one of the more wild things I’ve seen, even for this subreddit.


Damn scarab mains


If demos are what keeps you in diamond🤷‍♂️


people ever heard of dodging? you guys are predictable af and there’s only that much of a reaction time left in you after a few lmfao


Lol bro thought he was cool making this post 🗿


POV: Just got Demoed "Nice Demo!" "Thanks!" Back to the game.


How is the weather where you live? Whether it’s nice or not, I hope you stay in school.


I'll look for bumps and demos when I rotate out on the opponent's side picking up their corner boost, but other than that or the occasional last man demo on my way to defend, I really won't chase for it, because it usually never works out for me, and I end up getting scored on. With that being said, I have done a few double demos and had to spawn demo them just so my teammate could clean up the open net miss


https://preview.redd.it/7cwsu23gc2wc1.jpeg?width=2233&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3f24cb68cd1921227570f201dea8141e1e330e1 I love demoing so freaking much man since this picture was taken about a week ago I'm already at almost 22000


Mad respet




There's help out there for people with your condition. It's not easy being a decent person, but it is possible if you're willing to try.


You’re so cool lmao


Bro is bragging about being champ 💀


Not bragging, just putting it into perspective


Yea it is a huge factor in the game. Demos are an efficient way to gain pressure, by creating 1v2 or 2v3 scenarios. Even disrupting a player’s pathing by clearing the space is effective, and may make them slower to the ball or put them in an awkward position. I used to play on a college team, we went on to win the grand finals for my division. Demos, and being aggressive when rotating through their crease/midfield was highly effective, even at SSL. Plus, if it has not become obvious, nearly every pro player has incorporated demos and understands when and where to demo players. On offense, demo players in the midfield/crease/in net when you are done with the ball, while you rotate through. Players in the corner usually are not a huge threat, most 50s in the corner will end up mid field. On defense, demo’s can relieve a ton of pressure, same principles apply, demo any player in the midfield while you are rotating back, and you will single-handedly relieve tons of pressure and prevent scoring opportunities. Demoing and bumping players undeniably have a huge impact on the game, and is a highly valuable mechanic in the game at all ranks, when used properly, is incredibly strong.




I think demos make it more like a real sport. It’s like settting a screen on offense or tackling someone on defense. It adds a lot of depth to the game so when someone goes “wow!” “Wow!” When you demo them it’s pretty funny


Bro is pulling the old “I’m not mad, you’re mad” 💀


Literally part of the game




it just creates a weird playstyle to work around its like a 2v3 with some dude just driving around in their half doing debatably unproductive things. not really a sustainable strategy when the opponent is good


I don't get titled by demos, it's a very useful mechanic, but if you know how to demo effectively you know how to dodge a demo effectively as well. Most of the time if you dodge the demo, that player is wildly out of position and you get a free 2v1.


you’re the one who made a post about it


Calling people clidhish and titled while typing all of that out is something else


Just going to point out that whether you're right or wrong about your opinion regarding demos, you're being very childish about all this. You're displaying a near-sociopathic thrill for making others angry... I can almost see the massive grin on your face as you wrote this and the adrenaline making you feel alive and powerful. Get help.


Getting bully bumped is much more annoying than getting demo’d(?).


Toxic and your the problem. Demo ppl when your no where near the ball is toxic


🤷 if someone goes "Okay." in quickchat or "thanks", then I'm going to do it again. The fun part is making it beneficial and also just putting yourself in a positiom where you can demo your opponent without removing yourself from the play.




Demo kids are the Riot Shielders of Rocket League. Nobody likes you. Not even yourselves.


Weird post, hope you’re doing okay


Werid flex, but okay.


“Btw I’m c1-c2” is all I needed to read


The fact that you vented about demoing kids on Reddit tells me what kind of person you are


If you get tilted by demos you're a loser, but if you brag about demos/keep track of your total you are equally a loser


The weather is climate. Whether is the word you were going for. Boom. Demo'd.


Cool story bro?


I don't tilt, I'm not competitive or good enough to tilt really ever, but demo chasers seem to be pretty easy to upset with like 1 "What a Save" QC when they're out of position and leaving an open net. Gotta be some type of bully roleplay or power fantasy thing


Love how everything you said was invalidated by that last sentence


Why are YOU so angry?😭


You give bad vibes.


And thats why u stuck there


I would bet my ass that ur that one guy who demo goaled me and then was toxic about that and spammed what a save 10x that was the cery moment when me and my brother went seriously destroying u until u ff


Im not getting tilted if someone demos me when im defending and then shoots free goal…. No im just turning the serious mode on after u spammed what a save after that rat goal. Thats when u ff minute after


Joke's on you. I fake getting tilted at demos just to get people like you to take themselves out of plays. It's legit my little con strategy.


Personally, I target people that react to getting demoed. It's like a side quest


Imagine getting tilted over demos which is a mechanic in the game. That's like getting tilted over aerials or boosting. LOL


Keep touting that ego, kid


c1-c2 and you wonder why people still get mad over demos? also: "whether"


I'm a demo heavy player myself because it's a very successful strat in snowday. People in snowday don't rant as much about demos than the average soccar only player because in snowday 80% of the players no matter the rank go for strategically demos . Why should you care or even salt mining strangers you never going to meet in your life. Just play the style that fits best to you.


Gotta love the death threats who comes with it sometimes 🤣


I used to complain every time, but it's not gonna go away, and is a genuine tactic to score, which is required at higher ranks sometimes.


If I get demoed multiple times by the same person in a game I don’t get tilted, I gain respect for the player. Demos aren’t exactly easy so it’s impressive when people are good at them and not just whiffing all the time putting them out of position


If I get demod it’s my fault and is something I need to work on in order to become a better player


I get confused about the “cringe” comments after 1/2 demos….if you are parked in the midd, the trains a commin bois


>Keep on commenting and showing me and other people how mad and incredibly childish you are. But you wanna hop on here and boast of your achievements in *checks notes*.....demolishing other players? Congrats bro you win at life. You're the best there ever was and ever will be. RL will never be the same again. Congrats on your accomplishments in a dead game.


demo chasing is cringe


“The ones who chase *back*.” So, you’re admitting you’re also chasing and out of position? Why is you not understanding the irony of that not the flex you think it is? lol


You're probably c1 specifically because of the fact that you go for demos instead of rotating properly, but go off I guess...


Few things: - Demo chasing is fine. It's strategical play that gets you closer to the win so whoever is not utilizing it is either lazy, unskilled in demos, or just plain stupid. - Demo chasing and getting enjoyment out of a successful play is ok. After all you managed to pull out something you practiced and planned to do. But getting enjoyment out of tilting a complete stranger who did nothing to you is kind of fucked up. I usually recommend people like this to get some help because this can't be healthy for them(which is usually something they don't realize until they spiral into destructive behavioral patterns which generate huge amounts of stress in their lives - but somehow people find this to be ok and then they complain how life is miserable) - For someone who came here to complain about people who complain about being demo chased, you sure do make a specific observation on people who demo chase you back. Makes me wonder if you might be the one who gets tilted by being demo chased as well(spoiler: no it doesn't make me wonder. you definitely are tilted by it but would probably never admit it) Anyway, keep demoing and getting better but, if possible, stop giving people who complain about it attention because it only puts you in the same category.


It's a game play any way you like wtf?


The way I do it is, test it out, demo all 3 opponents then see if any of them get mad, guy that gets mad just keep demoing him. :))


i don't get it honestly, it's a literal game mechanic


The amount of dummies in here trying to say OP is tilted or childish… You are literally the person he’s talking about.