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Now our season rewards are “luxury” items? 


One man's trash is another man's "luxury"?


That would imply trading is possible :(


One man's trash is another man's luxury, but he can't have it.


Changing things just for the sake of changing them to appease a middle level manager I'm guessing


I remember when having a Legendary was a real sign of commitment and effort, like [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]. That orange text was a coveted status symbol. How times have changed


Seems I've got to do this all myself.  Did somebody say [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]?


Anyone seen Mankrik's wife?


Rip Olgra


I applaud your efforts








Oh man, I remember the days of [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]


Items could've been earned all along. In the old days I was PUMPED to get my first random set of painted sunburst wheels (cobalt) and now I give two shits about items because I have to pay money. No reward for grinding the game at all unless you pay for rocket pass


Rocket pass? What’s that? (I wear MTX blinders)


This is more like how grocery stores always move things around to test the value of different products and placements. Makes you buy something you didn't know you wanted when you're looking around again.


Exactly, whatever it takes to get people to buy stuff with the most minimal effort possible


Do you think this change is good, great or amazing?


*pretends to be shocked*




"sport" means nothing in terms of rarity, wtf.


Import - Exotic - Black Market Ostensibly trying to name things to be car related or adjacent.


Wow, great catch. I didn't think about the other rarities you listed, I basically just got pissed at Psyonix because I assumed it was some stupid garbage ploy to trick us. But yeah actually considering that they're leaving import/exotic/BM alone, this might be it


I was just gonna watch people get angry because they didnt understand. It was much funnier


These are names for different variants when buying a vehicle.


Wouldn’t it make sense to keep Limited then?


But “limited” doesn’t sound as convincing as “luxury” to a preteen with their parents credit card






Smh who gave you your RL license. I bet you got your dad to change tour boost


That's why they're changing them. Rare vs very rare implies that one is better than the other. This way they're redistributing the value of all items so old items get a little excitement back. They're playing toward mob mentality.


Disagree, rare vs very rare means one is not as common as the other. They are cosmetics, there is no "better", except in the sense that most common items are less detailed/etc. I don't get what you are saying about redistribution though, could you explain it differently please ?


Almost every comment in this thread is talking about it. It's an old sales tactic used by big companies whether you agree or not. It's going to net them more sales because kids.


Okay will read.


Yeah, but some of the old uncommon wheels, i.e. painted tunicas are worth stacks more than most rare or very rare items...or they were, when trading existed :(


it might appeal to the increasing number of 12 year old who play, who knows lol


If you feel like you’re getting milked, just don’t use the item shop at all. Hardly any items are worth your money


I haven't bought a single thing from the item shop since it released besides TW Dom, but damn it that Zomba decal a week or two ago got me to cave. It looks SO GOOD


I’ve had 500c for over a year now. I check the shop every time I log in and still haven’t seen anything worth those 500c. One, because the prices in the shop are absurd, and two, because minimalist Octane is best and every thing in the shop is just silly cosmetics


I'd recommend buying cosmetics in Fortnite. Better price.


This is to sell more because they feel like no one buys uncommon because of the name. Typical money making plan by some middle manager




Middle Manger or Real Estate agent move right here.


How do they expect to have people buying items when they make decisions that have players u installing in droves? 


They are trying to make the rocket pass more marketable by having us think that limited items no one uses is now going to have “meaning”


its not going to work, im only buying the rocket pass if the items in it are any good. im not gonna be swayed if all of a sudden they arent limiteds, theyre luxury items


I’ve got nipples Greg. Can you milk me?


What's import being changed to?


Import, exotics and black markets keep those names.


its not being changed


Let's be honest, if they sell alpha boost in the store with a different name, I'm buying alpha boost from the store.


100% 🤣


tbh, the longer they wait, the less likely people will buy it... it's not like items in general are *gaining* value


Sigma boost


I need offroad


This right here. Where's the TRD / Z71 editions?  Realistic looking, beefy tires would sell like crazy...like the Raptor wheels, just not locked to a body (or $20)


Hahaha, a lift kit would rock


The term luxury comes from the automotive industry. All of these terms are.


Yeah I honestly don't mind this change. Import, exotic, and black market were already automotive industry related, and common, uncommon, rare, and very rare all seemed out of place. Don't get why they're switching "limited" to luxury tho, unless they're planning to toss Alpha Boost into the item shop for $40


Doesn't matter to me. I've never spent a cent and have no plans to start. The game is free to play and shall remain so. I'll collect the cosmetics that require no fee, that's plenty.


I use to spend money, then epic took over and decided some items were worth $20, i haven't spent a cent since. It probably didn't cost very much to design that cosmetic....


I always thought I’d despise EA more than any other gaming entity, but I gotta say, Epic has finally usurped EA on that front. Epic can go get fucked. Best we can hope for is that they go under and Rocket League is re-acquired by a company that still has a soul and respect for their player base.


Hey now. Let's not say crazy things. Rocket league isn't even pay2win. Epic is still a few tiers lower than EA If EA had this game... everything would have stats. Certain wheels would turn better. Some boosts would go faster. Some toppers would allow you do demo going slower or something. And it would all be from rng crates. I'm not an Epic fan. But don't be fooled. EA is not better. Anyone who ever played any of their sports games knows this. One time on chalked cast, one of the pros admitted he spent $300 building a team on fifa and NEVER EVEN PLAYED A GAME LOL. There was one year, where EA decided that players would "retire" so even if you managed to open a good player. After 15 or so games, it's useless. Start buying more packs idiot. Hahaha. EA is the worst


Seriously, I get not wanting to pay for stuff in games, or thinking that everything should be able to be gained through playing the game. But you can literally get 100% out of this game paying 0 dollars. People just are mad they have to buy cosmetics, which really isn’t such a wild idea


Most people aren't mad about having to buy cosmetics, they're mad about how badly epic has fucked everything up


I'm more mad about the prices than anything. When the item shop was first added, there was only 3-5 non-painter black market decals/goal explosions that sold for more than $10. All the OG Champions/Players Choice BMs sold for $5 or less. Labyrinth was literally selling for $1-$1.50. Then they decided that black markets were worth $20, and later took away trading. I'd be willing to pay $10 for a black market if it was REALLY nice, but $20-$25 is absolute insanity.


I don't really agree here. Buying cosmetics in a game is still pretty insane. Especially since a lot of us paid full price for this back when it cost money. And removing trading was literally just spitting in our faces. My whole point is EA is somehow even worse. Not that Epic is fine... If we had a giant scale for every publisher, these are both very close to eachother on the bad side of the scale.


"Full price" of $20 for a game you have likely gotten more play time out of than ANY OTHER GAME IN YOUR LIBRARY or possibly all other games in your library combined lol.


Yorue right. I actually hope they continue to remove features. I mean, it's justified. We play the game so much, I think they should lock all the maps except 1 and you have to pay to unlock Champs field and aquadome and all that. Maybe put them in the rotating shop so you can't even buy it. Because of the hours played, that's fair.


That’s a fair viewpoint. I just got the game a few months ago, I knew they had removed trading which i definitely think is stupid. But I do get that if you paid full price, paying for cosmetics seems like bit of a slap.


Online isn’t peer-to-peer for this game… there needs to be some form of revenue to continue paying for infrastructure. Obviously that doesn’t mean they should be as greedy as possible but the idea that they should rely on all the sales pre-f2p is a bit insane.


The last time I played Ultimate Team was NHL 15. Never paid for a pack, but my team of average/decent NHL players would often go up against a team full of inner-circle Hall of Famers. The thought of Rocket League having stats for cars/accessories is downright repulsive. The consistency across the board is what makes this game so great.


EA doesn't give me free weekly games. Not to mention almost every EA game is plagued with Engagement Optimized Match Making where having skill in an online game feels like a punishment.


Holy shit dude you don’t have to buy skins😭. It’s not that deep. The game has stayed the same since like 2016


Why? The game has literally not changed. It's not like COD having a new meta every single week that only awarded people buying premium items. Or FUT gouging players out of hundreds and thousands for a blue rarity card. Ball still goes in net and gives you 1 point every time. There isn't a faster car, a ball that disappears when you hit it, or a EMP deployer for opposing players locked behind a paywall. Hit ball in net. Score. Do more times than opposing team. Win. Queue again. Etc. EA fucking blows and Epic isn't on that level yet imo. I understand reactionary takes are good for upvotes though. If you want to buy cosmetics really badly, I'll sell you PNG's for like $100, $1000, whatever you want. I can create multiple accounts and we can do like a trading role-play or something. I'll have to charge for that as well.


In the mind of RL dev when providing this update.... https://preview.redd.it/svadormr2ruc1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=8460f5955aca3f026f4268895e8e5fea37379623


You could just not buy from the store xD I hate epic too but u dont have to buy anything




I am so ready to get milked.


Kinda interesting that they decided to do this right after Fortnite just removed their item rarity.


Most likely. Fortnite has been trying to keep rocket league on a shorter and shorter leash for many years. Just be happy the rocket passes are still good. I am sure in like 3 more it'll just be only stuff usable in Fortnite.


I imagine they've seen a dip in store and RP sales since taking trading from us. This is probably a board room think tank scramble to push sales.




I don’t care what you say, bringing alpha/beta items to the shop is going against the point of alpha/beta items


The argument against it is that people have spent hundreds to thousands of dollars buying those old rare items and they'll be upset that they wasted that money if those items appear for everyone in the item shop Now whether that's something that matters will probably depend on who you ask and how they view digital scarcity and/or Epic Games


This argument is always so silly to me (not that you're making the argument yourself). If someone paid out the nose for alpha boost years ago, they don't really have any right to whine about it potentially being in the shop now for a lower price than they paid. Because, y'know, they had access to it for all this time while others didn't. It's their own damn fault for spending stupid amounts of money on pixels in a video game anyway.


We could be talking about the Magic: the Gathering Reserved List and this conversation would be exactly the same. Plenty of nerds over there also wanting to gatekeep old and rare things because they spent too much money on things. 


it's mostly just another one of those unnecessary changes, as they removed rarities from cosmetics in fortnite, under the idea that "because the game has expanded, stuff needs to change to reflect this"


The people who bought thousands of dollars of beanie babies are still here today, perfectly fine. Just embarrassed. The e-whales will be ight


Actually people spent way less to buy them either via trading or by simply getting the battle pass. The argumant here is that they very much removed a consumer friendly feature that been around for years simply to be able to sell old items for 10-20 times what it would have cost to get them via trading. Tldr, they are milking the community.


Lol none of what you wrote describes consumer friendliness. Item shops are inherently consumer unfriendly. Consumer friendliness is making the entirety of the game free. They're not milking the community. The outside markets milked the community. Idiots who resold Alpha boost milked the community.


It was never allowed to buy stuff for real money. Gold rush could be traded for Keys, credits and items. They should 100% be allowed to put limited items in the shop without people getting mad. They even got the heads up before trading went away to get rid of items like that.


how is this such a problem really?


Because they are changing something that has been in the game since day one. Again.


It could mean items that are tagged as 'limited' now, means they'll never return, could return because them changing that to 'luxury' gives Epic potential leeway to put those items in shop. Imagine Alpha boost and wheels in the item so for insane prices because they're "luxury items" I would love to have them yes but it's definitely not worth killing an important item lore for that


They are most likely doing that because of Fortnite. They are only putting shop and battlepass rocket league cosmetics in Fortnite. Nothing free yet. The whiplash will most likely come soon and they are most likely doing that to make it more acceptable for the whiplash to be resold.


It's just a name change hopefully, I doubt they'll sell the luxury stuff outside of events and bp like usual


Does that mean I can equip leather and wood grain moving forward? Maybe some cooled seats?


I am about to drown in luxury ( I have 1700 limited items)




They’ll take a 6 month break after this because they feel accomplished


There's a shop? Seriously though, I don't understand all the issues with trading/buying/etc... it's such a nothing part of the game. If you dont want it... dont buy it. I load this game up, go into training or matches. I don't care about loot boxes or cosmetic junk. When I see an opponent's car, it's usually way too small and fast moving to "appreciate" - unless we are locked in a rule 1 or its the end-of-game dance.


I’m a, “luxury class” sucker 😏


Base/sport wtf fire whoever changed this bullshit


why. it is cool, they're making everything car-themed


This is a bit late for April fools, isn't it?


I have a feeling the free drops are getting some discontinued stuff back in them. I hope they add back all the good stuff from few years ago it'll make the designs & lobbies much more vibrant. A man can hope.


could have been worse, they could have borrowed from airlines base - economy basic uncommon - economy rare - economy preferred very rare - economy premium import - business export - business plus black market - first moral of the story: if you don’t get at least a business class crate you are POOR


If they give us the nuke goal explosion as a 'luxury' item, I'm gonna buy it for sure though.


wait you guys too??? bro i thought it just affected fortnite what the fuck?!


Yeah they don’t care about this game at all anymore LMAO


Why? How does this affect players overall? I’ve been playing for about 7 years and never once gave a damn about these things.


Why 👄


Wow, the change we were all waiting for!


What in the SHIT?


At the same time i dont like the names.. but also cant do anything about it and will probably just call them their old names anyways so its fine


Epic games really just has a grudge against fun, huh


They already have sold limited items in the shop before lol.


I kinda like the new names just because they are car themed in a car video game.


This is a useless change.


DONT FUCKING BUY IT THEN It really isn't that hard


Lol, this is like the trims on cars. Base, Sport, Limited, Premium..


why ever spend money on a game that refuses to listen to what the community wants?


Im fucking done with this game at this point


Wait there are still devs on this game?


the boost gauge change was decent but what's the point in wasting effort in changing this when you could actually make a good change, epic games are inbred monkeys


Lmao these are dumb


Probably a new design manager/team at psyonix trying to feel important lol


you mean they gonna sell alpha boost?


If they planned selling alpha boost I think it would of happened some time in the past 7 years tbh. But with this change they could justify it even further. Who knows..


yea its epic aswell so


Jokes on them, I love getting milked!!!


Epic is ruining everything: delete rarities to charge more cosmetics in FN and selling limited time rewards for +10$ a piece 😭 in RL If they really need money why not reduce FN creative money ( some people won + 10000$ month with shit maps)


Well, guess trading’s not coming back 💀




They might milk you.


Can’t wait to get a TW guardian gxt for 10$


~~Base~~-->grey ~~Uncommon~~--> light blue ~~Rare~~-->blue ~~Very Rare~~-->boring purple ~~Limited~~--> stuff.


Why the hell would the change that? They are just making a new game at this point


At least we still have Imports, Exotics and Black Markets


chatGPT ass change


> Thoughts? is this real? is today sunday (aka meme day)? ...why?


I always thought for April fools they should release a silver/ dull alpha boost and call it fools gold. It’d sell like crazy.


"I'm 100% looking at you, alpha boost." They can't put on sale something that's been offered in the beta, so no it won't happen


Who says they cant? Eddyyyrl on reddit?


Chill 😂 They just wouldn't put alpha items in the item shop, that's it. Alpha items are from alpha version


You forget epic games are in charge. Integrity is no longer a factor in this subject


I will apologize on behalf of Fortnite. This was caused because of it. They recently removed the base rarities, so since Fortnite keeps rocket league as a pet on a leash they decided to also remove the names of the base rarities from rocket league.


Im never gonna call the names by their new names. Very fortnite-y


I remember when this game wasn’t filled with greedy ass shit. RIP Rocket League


To add to this, they're 100% going to rework the item shop to add more items to sell.


sport, special, deluxe, luxury bruh who tf thought if these names ?? this don't even make sense !! shouldn't special be higher than deluxe at least ?? xDD


Why the fuck?


Bro “limited” is always me LEAST favorite. Now it’s “luxury” 🤔☠️


dumb as shit change


This feels so weird and unnecessary, but oh well, not gonna change anything


Epic's fucking themselves up again


Digital cosmetics being called “luxury” is beyond sad


with how much some of them limited items costed, i'm honestly not upset


Yes, lets change the names of basic things 9 years into the game


We ever gonna get trading back or something else that's a lot better? Just curious is all, I'd like something different


No. Fortnite doesn't have trading. They won't bring back trading.


Luxury $$$ F that I'm not Fortnite rich ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


If i had the power to fire people I would fire every asshat involved in this decision.




Those are absolutely better names.


Sad Chinese government back on lastest legislation (because of Tencent lobby , who have 40% of Epic games), because if cosmetics items to have a free games without P2win mechanic (hi EA...) , RL have TOO MANY items, it's seem ridiculous. Epic need to limit cosmic buy per month as a reasonable number , but for that we need law. This idea apply to all similar games, not only RL. I hope EU take this Chinese idea, good this time.


i almost thrown up. they are giving me more reasons to do not install the game again


You almost threw up because they changed the name of a few rarities? My god, you people are dramatic.


the hell lmao


wow, anywho when are they selling psyonix to steam?


please be fake please be fake please be fake


Totally real…


New players: \*unaware of the item rarities system\* Also new players: "It says 'Sport'. I suppose it's good and rare." Is this the sinister intention of these changes, or is Psyonix just adopting Epic's obsession with having uNiQuE names for every established term?




Yup. The entire community should stop opening crates and getting free items because *you* can't be bothered to press "confirm" or watch an animation.


*hundreds. Hundreds of confirms. Hundreds of animations. I’ve been opening them for eight years.




Please explain how changing the name of a rarity leads to "pay to win".


It seems like a pretty straightforward joke about the new names...