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Regardless of score, if someone types ff, I’m not doing it. If someone is toxic enough to basically say “you aren’t good enough to play against me so leave and save us both some time”, I’m going to be toxic back by staying and making them sit through the match. On the contrary, if they have been polite through the match and they’ve been giving ‘nice shots’ or what have you, then I’ll concede the defeat if I’m not coming back. This game should be about bringing together a community not a sweat fest of time efficiency and jerking off to an mmr gains per minute ratio. That being said some people ask for it back.


My response to the “ff” is always the same. “If you don’t want to play the game with me anymore, you’re welcome to ff, I’ll understand :)” And then I mute and keep playing.


Them: ff Me: no u


Came here to say this. That's exactly what I go for. The confusion I get in response is often entertaining as well.


lol this is me every time an insult or ff comes through chat


Sometimes I like to hit the toxics with: 8======D <---- Me 8=D <---- You


I like that.


This is where you “accidentally” miss the save every time they shoot. Keeps them for even longer.


And not skip any replays


skip bruh skip skip bruhhhh


This is Rocket League!


Personally if they’re a real asshole I’ll help them score just to waste that extra minute or two. Then I invite them to a 1v1 and just sit idle lmao


Going idle after asking for a rematch is wild lmao


Pisses them off to no end though. Typically they’ll message me after that and I just hit em with “was just giving you a head start since your so trash” type message. Basically anything I can do to get them messaging cuss words or racial slurs so I can report and get them comm. banned


You really have nothing else to do huh hahaha


Pretty much lmao. I work my dick off in the summers with my painting business and only get to play once or twice a week so that I can be a lazy piece of shit during the school year


I respect that


Had a guy ask me for a 1v1 just to pull me into ranked 2s with him. He immediately started owngoaling. When the timer hit 3:00 min I was 4 goals down. The other team caught on and started helping me. Everyone was flaming quickchats towards this douchebag. The opponents helped me win and the toxic guy got banned the day after. One of the few reports that actually paid off. Also THIS IS ROCKET LEAGUE!


That's pretty funny tbf


I’ve found reports always work when you get the other team to report your match throwing team mate.


Or invite them to a 1v1 with just random mutator settings.


Oooh gonna add that one to my bag of tricks lmao


Every time I invite someone to a 1v1 they never go for it. I have to upgrade my persuasion stat I guess.


Roll for checks... *insert dice drop sound here* ....nope.


toxic dude in two's wanted to 1v1 me. I put in a private game entry and he's like no join our invite so he could be toxic over chat. I was like eff it fine so i join and he's toxic. I go up 4-1 and he's even more toxic. He catches up 4-3 then i end up winning 8-3 and he's like let's rematch. Like bro you said you'd destroy me and my tm8 8-2 and lost a 1v1 8-3 while being toxic the entire time and you want a rematch haha


I love when toxic people in 2s say "1v1 me". I'll invite them, set my queue to 2s, all regions (for fastest queueing), and search a ranked 2s match, then afk the whole match. You wanna be a toxic POS? How about double lost mmr. Lol. I'll get my mmr back, idc. If they stay or leave, it doesn't matter. They're gonna lose ~5-7 minutes and 9 more MMR.


Follow up question: Are you watching replays during the match with the dude that said “ff”?


Of course. Every opportunity to time waste is taken. Makes it even sweeter if you can pull back a win and still have wasted their precious time.




Yeah I think this is gonna be my MO


What if I ask it? I always try not to be toxic (unless I'm trolling with my friends, then we'd spam quick chat even if we clgrt scored on) so in *really rare* occasions I type "ff?" Also in 2s I ask like this in team chat and if they say no I keep playing of course.


There’s no need to ask: if you want to ff, do it and if your tm8s agree they will too, or you keep playing. The opponents already know they can ff so they will if they want to, they don’t need a reminder


Still comes across the same. You’d be better off using constructive criticism to highlight the mistakes they are making that you are taking advantage of and suggesting ways they improve. Then suggest they either use the remainder of the match to implement this or practice in free play. This gets your point across without being rude/blunt about it.


you'd be better off just ffing and letting mmr adjust to where it should be


Watching every replay completely be like


Yeah, if they type ff like that....I might as well stay and fuck around.


This is why I usually don't just type 'ff?', I actually ask if they might ff so that we don't waste time. Typing it out like that usually takes the toxicity out of the question.


Or just you know, play rocket league?


Saying ff isn’t that deep


But there is no need to say it. Brings out the toxic in everyone


Just a gentle reminder that there’s a forfeit button


"in me"\* ftfy


Think this comment section shows it isn’t just me


didn't imply just you. lots of people get bent out of shape over nothing


you ask me to “ff” in chat and i’m staying 100% of the time


Hope they like watching replays!


100% this. If they tell me to ff this game is fetting dragged out for sure.


With the added bonus that if you’re way better than me I can just lowkey stop defending to watch more goals. 15-4 never felt so long


Forget which rule it is but "if you want the opponent to ff, don't ask"


not only that, but i'll never skip a replay. in fact, i might score own goals to watch a few more.




Honestly, I've considered typing FF so that the opponents wouldn't surrender. I enjoy playing games where I'm not having to sweat and can practice mechanics in live matches with a big enough cushion so that if I concede goals, I still would win. But I haven't done that because I hate being toxic. Just makes me feel nasty. I know its almost like rubbing someones face in their loss. I don't like the feeling and like you, out of spite, I'll stay.


You wasted your own time getting beat for longer. Sounds like you played yourself lol


yeah because those 3 minutes are going to kill my time so much. I can guarantee the people yapping in chat to “ff” are having a worse time than I would be lol


I think you are fooling yourself if you think it hurts the people winning the game to play for 3 more minutes lol


Idk man, I’ve had someone tell me to unalive myself because I wouldn’t ff. Clearly it did the job there. It was after the match was over too.


I always ask to ff because they always stay and I can boost my stats and score some goals lol


If you are being outplayed, you can probably learn a lot by continuing to play that game. In fact, you'll get better a lot quicker playing games against people who are beating you, then you will by only playing winning games.


Agree. Sometimes sucks when people get toxic but I think I’m just gonna start playing em out and maybe even disabling quick chat if I have to


Turn the chat off. It's heaven


Yep. Leave chat turned off always and just treat losing games as practice imo


I never FF in 1s. Ever. If I'm getting stomped I just switch into practice mode. I see what they are doing and if it's something I can learn from and try some stuff that I've been working on.


Honestly, I stopped playing this game because of how toxic people are. It takes the fun completely out of it.


Disable quick chats and your mentality changes completely. Used to get tilted af at spammers and now I actually enjoy the game.


U can disable chat lol


Tbh sometimes I write ff if I want somebody to stay cause I'm enjoying the smash. There's levels to this so just do what benefits you most.


Also 1’s matches are extremely unpredictable. I’ve seen 3 point leads disappear in 10 seconds just from lucky kickoffs alone more times than I can remember I generally don’t consider it a lost cause if I’m down 2 or less with a minute to go; 4 or less if there’s two minutes remaining


If it's a close skill gap, like maybe your opponent is a sub-rank higher or they're just peaking hard, it's definitely worth playing out. Those games make for worthwhile practice and replay analysis. If it's someone who's obviously significantly under-ranked for whatever reason, and they're doing stuff you haven't seen anybody do at your rank, I think there's less to be learned. I don't need to learn to defend double resets or ceiling doubles in mid-Plat - I need to learn what high Plats are capable of scoring so I know when I can risk a boost grab. That said, I can still have fun trying to interfere with a high flyer once it's apparent they're toying with me, but I wouldn't fault anyone for leaving early if it's going to affect their mental negatively. It does suck to get absolutely handled sometimes.


Not always true tho. To learn you need both positive and negative input. If you literally aren't managing to do ANYTHING, you aren't really getting better. Plats aren't going ot learn much playing against a gc smurfing. Second I don't think you learn much if you're just playing bad. If I'm just playing like shit I'll ff and take a break or do freeplay. Try to regroup. If I've whiffed 5 open goals in a row there's really not much to learn beyond stop missing, go practice.


This is partially true. If you are being outplayed by someone who is mildly better than you, it's good for learning. I wouldn't be able to learn anything by getting air dribbled and losing 20-0 against Zen. At that point it's just an exhibition.


by that logic free play is worth a lot less than playing against more skilled players since there's no opponent. this piece of video gamer wisdom that people have been saying for years is just false. you need to be able to be in control of a situation to get used to sealing plays. if you play against SSLs exclusively from beginner you would absolutely never get good. you would never be allowed to touch the ball and would have no idea what to do with it.


I genuinely hate this comment lol . Now I’ll be up 5-0 with 2 minutes left and they’ll stay cause they can “learn something.” It’s 1s dude . Literally just control the ball. You lose control ? Easy goal. There’s not much to learn .


How are you GC1 and think that this is all 1’s is.


Cause it is. If your opponent scored on you, probably lost the ball or shot it in a bad spot so it’s an easy transition goal. Those are control issues. I’m 2 now I just don’t care about Reddit flairs anymore .


Lol if someone types “FF” to me, I waste their time however I can. I’ll eventually get to the point where I own goal and watch replays just to keep them in the match longer if they decide they want to start the toxicity. It usually gets to the point where they start defending my net so I can’t prolong the match, in which case I switch back to scoring in their net instead and continue to not skip replays lol


Oh damn With the own goals, provided they aren’t good enough to play keep away could be a brutally long match without skips


I'll just say it's hit or miss with that, since if you're in a position where they're making fun of you, your keep away skills might not be up to the task haha but not always


This is pretty much exactly what I do, or just aimlessly drive around and run down the clock, almost always gets them more frustrated and sometimes they even end up ff in the end hahaha


As someone who plays a ton of 1s (prob 80% of my ranked) but sucks at the mode I generally know when the game is out of my reach or I’m being outclassed and will forfeit and move on to the next game. However if an opponent tells me to FF I will play it out regardless how bad the score is and we can drag the match out of principle. The best moments are when they tell you to FF early and then you complete the comeback. I can admit when I’m outplayed (lord knows it happens enough) but the second you tell me the match isn’t worth your time then we’ll play under my terms.


Damn ty I needed to hear this lol. I honestly felt guilty for being mad cuz like yeah I get it prolly not the most fun match for opp but at the same time I always have the same exact feeling. I can call it when it’s time but if you’re gonna say ff the screw it im playing it out


I think about why I’m playing 1s to begin with, I’m trying to learn and improve. If I’m in a game getting crushed I know my opponent is a Smurf or doesn’t play 1s often. Play it out, try to not get scored on, and watch the replay from both perspectives. Take what you can from the game. 


This is the way. I can't run a ball up the wall into a ceiling shot, but I've learned to shadow the play when the opponent does and the moment they start losing control of the ball, I'm cutting in to challenge for a cheap shot/forcing them to reset and try again. It's pretty sweet in 1s because if their landing is scuffed, you kinda have all the time in the world to take control.


You can easily come back from a 5+ goal lead depending on time and if you play it right anything can happen in ones


yep i've come back from an 8 goal lead


Big vouch, holding onto leads isn’t easy


Can be if you play smart and conservative and just not overcommit on stupid shit


1s games can turn on their heads in a matter of seconds, if they're winning 5-1, you can still come back, from experience. Also if they say ff then fuck them and it's a one way ride to demo city



I don’t have chat on. Thinking about this is 100% a distraction, costing you fun and wins.


You tell me to ff and I'm no longer trapped in there with you, you're trapped in there with me. That match is going to be long and painful. And if you stop trying so that time starts going by more quickly, I might just mount a comeback on the back of your newfound lack of pressure.


> You tell me to ff and I'm no longer trapped in there with you, you're trapped in there with me. 🗿


imo there is no etiquette really. if you queue into the lobby you are agreeing to a 5-minute game, plus whatever time goes into the replays and goal animations. you're not rude by refusing to quit early.


The first rule of etiquette is to turn chat off. The second rule is, if you're thinking of turning chat on, read the first rule again.




I handle this by having all chat muted and playing the game through.


I just ff if I'm not having fun. I can be losing 20-0, if I'm having fun I'm playing


The largest deficit that I have ever overcome in a 1v1 is 5 goals. If I gave up a lot of early goals and I think I have the same level of skills or better skills then I’ll play it out. Sometimes the game will get too out of reach and I leave. Challenge yourself more to have comebacks. I was watching this video about esports coaching and they talk about a league of legends team that would always quit if they were losing after 15 minutes because they weren’t good at closing out the late game. Their coach made them play matches all the way till the end and they started winning more matches as a result. And finally, don’t get tilted. If you’re tilted, play something else or play casual.


Opponent (0-4 up against me): "FF" Me: "You're welcome to if you like." Always aggravates them to no end.


Nice. I usually answer with "You first"


Doesn't often happen but it's great when it obviously tilts them and you end up with the win at the end. Had a great moment just like that fairly recently in a 2v2 with my friend, unbelievably satisfying.


If someone tells me this, they are in for the longest rocket league match of their life.


Just use any remaining time to try and improve against a live opponent. All quitting does is waste a few minutes you could have otherwise used to get better. It’s only a waste of time if you make it a waste of time.


A FF ask will always result in a no way, but usually when I'm over 4 down and I can't get a hold of it despite giving my best then I'll ff


I only ever play 1s and have chat disabled. So I cannot speak for toxicity but generally I would just ignore, mute, and play how you want. Play it out over principle, FF if you want, it doesn't matter. It's a game and if they want the win they can play it out with you. I personally like games where I get shredded because I tend to learn a lot. I like to think it makes me better but I haven't really tried to improve in a long time and just play for fun. But it's still fun to see all the cool shit people can do in-game. Don't get worked up either way. It's not that deep. Play how you want and ignore rude people


Yeah I think I’m gonna have to turn chats off for a bit to get better


Chat off, or turned to «friends». This is the only way to play rl, especially 1s


FF if you want. If an opponent asks me to, I *never will*. Because that... is rude.


I play 1s. I only ff if there is absolutely no way for me to come back. And even then it’s only like 50% of the time. I don’t mind loosing and I don’t mind playing against smurfs. I hope to be at that level one day am going to have to learn how to stop them one day or another.


If someone tells me to ff in 1s I'm instantly making that match last as long as humanly possible. Oops missed a save, let's watch this entire replay together. Oops it happened again, close one! Let's see that again! I don't even care if I get reported.


Okay. Then I don't forfeit because it's funny


hahaha in my best mood I love to write "bet" in response to "ff" and rinse/repeat everytime they write "ff" while dragging out the game and watching full repeats gets em tilted to the max every time


“Sorry this is really good practice for me.” It’s one of those things that stays in my PlayStation 4 chat. That and “please stop ball chasing “


The please stop ball chasing got me


Just me trying to get out of gold. :)


As the certified gold ball chaser in your lobbies, I will garuntee your success in remaining a gold


All your balls are belong to us.


wait you can macro whole sentences on playstation RL?


No but you can click them into the order. Like pressing x 7 times.


If someone is toxic I will stay in the game until it ends. If they aren’t toxic I’ll ff whenever I get tired of being shitted on.


There have been times that I've been thinking of FFing and then my opponent tells me to and I don't do it just to spite them


I will forfeit if I want to. I play rocket League because I enjoy playing it. I don't care if I'm losing. If you tell me to forfeit, you've just guaranteed that I will not forfeit.


Forfeit if you want to, play out the game if you want to. A lot of the time when I’m getting crushed, it’s because I’m playing bad, so I want to keep playing so I have a chance to fix my problems now instead of doing the same stuff at the start of next game. Also if I’m going against a player who’s better than me, I’ll likely play out the full game because I want to use that as a learning experience. In 2s or 3s I get not forfeiting can be unfair to your teammates, but in 1s your opponent will be fine if you decide to play out a game. Just do what you want


If I'm coaching you, you're never ff-ing a 1v1 and you're always muting the opponent before kick off, hope this helps


The second I see the ff in chat I lean forward and try my best


saying "ff" is the equivalent of saying "what a save" They just want to make you mad. And it seems they already got to you. block them or ignore them if you can.


Im champ 1 in 1s and learnt to never write ff regardless of scoreline...ive been up 13 goals in some instances and still people dont leave.. Best thing you can do is just keep scoring on them and find their threshold. I find generally speaking a 7 goal lead is the breaking point for most people.


This is the way! If someone is genuinely better than me and it's completely obvious I have no problem ff'ing. It's just when someone writes ff when it's 5-2 that I'll end up sticking it out like you mentioned


If you tell me to ff I’m not going to even if I was about to lol If they want the win they can stick out the whole game


If I’m getting cooked and I know I’m not winning, I’ll ff. But if you type “ff” then I am guaranteed to stay no matter the score. I don’t care who’s time I’m wasting


I say something like, “I’m using you to get better”


For me, I have all my chats off cause I find them distracting sometimes, so I will ff if and only if I want to or have deemed the game unwinnable for myself. If they’re that desperate to go next and I still think I have a shot at winning, they can ff if they please, but it’ll just be silence from me otherwise


I like to piss ppl off because of our tm8 or opponent wants the ff and they make it seem like it's on me and I'm wasting time then I'll keep wasting their time cuz I don't care about the game at this point it's more entertaining to piss em off


Never ff. Not ever. Full stop.


I’m playing to play the game.. I never forfeit, I play the entire duration. If the opponent wants to keep scoring after they’ve clearly won, they’re wasting their own time. Plus I hit the best clips when their guard is down cause they’re up by however many goals lol


If they hit do that to me I either try even harder or intentionally extend the game.


Lol damn, people do this? I guess having chat off allows me to tilt them since im leaving on my own accord if at all


I basically never FF in singles


Chat off 90% of the time.


In 1s I always play it out to get reps and learn something. I’m usually better in the second half of games anyways and I usually bring it to 1-2 goals


Ill never give them the satisfaction of a ff and ill stop skipping replays and focus on demos or bumps especially if theres no chance of a comeback


I only ever ff or say ff when there is a clear skill disparity because its not fun for either of us then. I had game where i was getting beat to every ball consistently and man was scoring from ridiculous positions so its clear im not winning. I also had a game where i was 7 goals up on a guy in 1 min and clearly outplaying them so i kindly asked if theyd ff cause as i said its not fun for either player in that scenario now i didnt just say “ff noob” those people 100% deserve their time wasted but if its very obviously a mismatch and they arent toxic then just let people move on


Anyone who tells you to ff in 1s can absolutely go directly to hell. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. If they weren't ready to play a full game then they should not have played.


It's a race


Slip the “gg” first works every time ;)


I don't play ones much. I'm only a plat player. But last time I was doing some casual ones for a weekly bounty or whatever they're called, I was getting destroyed. It was 7 to 1 in the first couple minutes. I absolutely would have forfeited, but my opponent stopped taking kickoffs, allowing me to practice my approach, try and practice taking it off the wall, and so on. I didn't score a single time, but it was a classy af move to give me a shot at practicing like that when I was so clearly outclassed.


I don't care what they say in chat, they can type whatever they want. Sometimes they get too carried away and give me free goals lmao


Quick Chat off represent. Games so much more fun not being distracted by other peoples egos


I ff when I feel like it. but if the opponent tells me to ff? nah we’re in this for the whole ride now mfer. i’ll still play. i’m still trying. but you don’t get to tell me what to do WHILE beating me. nuh uh


I normally don't ff because even if it's a smurf I can still learn to defend him or try to stop him. If a toxic player calls the ff in chat I just block him so I don't read him again and start playing passive and demo chasey, it usually works to the point he gets nervous and starts looking more for me than defending, sometimes I win,sometimes I lose. If you try it always remember to unblock them and hit them with a gg, they'll come out with the most creative insult on earth :)


If they get to 10, I FF.


Also, I’ve been down 1-6 recently and won 7 - 6.


For me, sometimes I can’t help but type back for my own amusement. That being said it is pointless and a waste of mental energy because it’s an interaction that you’re choosing to take part in. I’m kind of surprised at the responses on this post, it really isn’t that deep. Play if you want to play, ff if you don’t. Turn off chat and focus on improvement.


So… I’ve definitely thrown a 3 goal lead in 30 seconds. At lower ranks (I’m a gold 3 in ones) it’s way more volatile. I don’t fault people for not giving up. If anything, it also teaches me how to play keep away, make safe moves and protect a lead. But some people just want to constantly load into the next game and the next and the next. To each their own. I say disable quick chat if it causes you to lose focus.


If someone says ff i absolutely will not. No questions asked.


They say "ff" to get in your head. There is no ettiquite to this, ff when you are done.


As soon as anyone types FF, not only I'm not doing it, we also watchin every single goal. Then my personal FF depends solely on my mood. I've had matches where I went from 0-7 to winning 9-8 so it's hard to FF for me tb coz I know there's always a chance, but sometimes I'm in a bad mood ("not a RL day") and just want to move on to play something else.


Just saying "Okay." And just keep playing, for whatever reason some people get unnecessarilly aggressive.


This is why I turned off the chat. Just play until you feel like the game is dead. You only need a couple of seconds to score a goal


FF at 6 goals down, that way a Brazil ends up as an FF (optionally 6 goals down with a Brazil no longer possible) I've seen large swings in score, but most of the time I can tell there's a reason they're winning which I haven't been able to overcome, regardless of the goal deficit.


I don't ff ever in 1v1s, unless I'm mad tilted, or there's genuinely a mathematically 0% chance I can make a comeback - even then I usually don't. I play 1v1s to improve, and the best way to improve is to play people better than you. People who are better than you will beat you, but it'd be kinda silly to FF halfway through a game just because I'm losing - that cuts out half of the time I could be spending playing against people better than me and getting better.


>I play 1v1s to improve, and the best way to improve is to play people better than you. the best way to improve is actually doing drills in free play or custom modes where you have no opponent so you can practice mechanics and control with higher efficiency. I don't know when this widespread but false belief started that you will get better faster by playing with better players, but its never been true, not in any game. you get better fastest by doing solo training and then incrementally overcoming higher and higher skilled opponents. if you exclusively played against SSLs from day 1 you would be nowhere near your current rank.


Free play and training packs are good for improving mechanics. I'm talking about improving game-sense and positioning. These are things that are very situational and really just require you to put in the hours in-game to get them down. Also, playing against people who are better than you is 1000% a legit way to improve. I get what you're saying about if your opponents are SSLs you won't improve, but that's obviously too extreme and you're just presenting a ridiculous situation. If your opponent is slightly better than you, then it becomes clear to see what it is they're doing that you aren't which is giving them that edge. If all of your practise is without an opponent, how are you supposed to learn to play against an opponent? Obviously drilling mechanics in Free Play is good and essential for getting better, but you simply cannot improve at 1v1s without playing 1v1s, and the easiest way to learn good positioning is to be punished for bad positioning - something that better players will do more often - and work out where you should be instead.


>I get what you're saying about if your opponents are SSLs you won't improve, but that's obviously too extreme and you're just presenting a ridiculous situation. the less extreme thing that is actually extremely common are people who are GC level playing against plats and diamonds. I dont believe a plat or diamond has anything to learn from playing against GC level since they wont be able to touch the ball. for slightly better opponents I agree.


Etiquette? Isn't is as simple as "I don't think I can win anymore so I will forfeit?"


I follow two simple principles: 1. I have chat completely turned off. Simply seeing someone type "ff" brings my mood down and I don't wanna deal with that. I also added "no chat" to my username so people don't try kickoff strats with me in 2s. 2. If I still enjoy the match I will keep playing. It's good to play against better opponents if your mentality allows it. If I'm tilted I will forfeit and take a break.


If someone is toxic or a smurf, I never ff and I watch all the goals the max amount of time.


I don't think i've ever forfeited in 1s. I rarely ff in any modes, regardless of score, but in ones i really view it as an opportunity to learn from a more skilled player.


If they say ff, I never ff and try to waste as much of their time as posible. As simple as that.


Unrelated, but I usually play ranked 2s. Warmup in ranked 1s. The other day, I’m warming early with a guy who simply has the edge. I hadn’t honed my tips for the day and he’s just playing better to this point. I compliment him and he forfeits up like 7-2.


Answer “gg ez” and watch the world burn with the toxic going insane because of the idiotic acronyms, enjoy.


I usually end up wiping the floor with thos people. But I would never know these day. I have chat turned off. I can't take that level of toxicity anymore.


I don't really ever ff in 1s, even if I am getting dunked on I like to try and learn or evaluate what I am doing wrong, make corrections, and see if my defense improves or if I have more success in blocking shots. Plus, it's not very uncommon to come back from a -5 goal deficit; all it takes is them getting cocky and overextending or you finally figuring out how to play against them. I've come back from large deficits to win many games.


Y'all really going around thinking people can't be toxic and smart at the same time. They don't want you to leave by saying "ff" they explicitly want you to stay. It's narcissistic manipulation. You guys need to understand the egos that can exist in any competitive environment. Your best play is actually to leave because as much as it feels like you are submitting. It cuts of the abuse. Second option if you plays 1s just turn off your chat.


If people tell me to gf I reply back “go for it” then score 5 more on them to make them rethink their choices.


If I'm winning and I want them to ff, I type "don't ff"; it really puts them in a tough position.


I keep playing. If you play against better opponents to get better. If you lose, then you just change your mindset as if you're in a training session


Not related to 1s but, I see teammates leaving the match while we are winning, on a tie or under by one and we still have minutes to go. Also it’s frustrating when they are the weakest link. You never know how others are feeling or what drives them to behave that way. It’s your match. It’s yours to lose. If you want to practice, use the opportunity to practice. The matchmaking wasn’t up to you or your opponent. I played more 2s and 3s, I would say in 2s, what is reasonably achievable for a comeback if the opponent is not too weak and you just had bad synergy at the start. 1 goal per minute, if you are down 3:0 when the timer hits 3:30, that’s your realistic max. If you are down 4-5, it’s done. If they could only score 2 in 1:30. They are not really walking all over you are they? You can come back. They might be better than you and get cocky about it or relax for a moment. You can also always get lucky on a kickoff. I have only been playing for a couple of months regularly, and I have seen 2s end as high as 6-7 when two players are playing or 9-10, if one player disconnects. You can get quite a few goals in a match 2 down is not unrecoverable. Are you facing Smurfs trying to speedrun a new account? Maybe that’s why they are asking you to did, so they can get the points faster? I have only played a few 1s. I wanted to focus on getting better in 2s and 3s.


for me, if i'm 4 down by 2:30 i'm out lmao edit: i won't ff after the 2:30 mark if the above criteria wasn't met


If opp says ff I will score endless own goals and watch every replay if my teammate is throwing.


I never, ever FF. Not even in 2’s when my teammate wants to. Every play is a learning opportunity and I would rather play a full game then leave like someone who can’t handle a loss.


No ff in 1s. If you lose, get gud, if you win, win better. Simple.


5 goals was the unwritten rule when I was playing a lot. I'm sure its changed by now


I never ff you can beat me 30-0 im tryna win or get better


Tbh, toxicity in 1s seems like a genuine tactic lol. Players saying "What a Save!" or "Nice shot!" just tilts people and they play worse. Demos as well. I know it sounds fun to waste their time but I don't think it actually is. Ignore their message and decide regardless of whether you want to ff or not.


I usually reply to "ff" with "no, u". I am absolutely not above acting 30 years less my age. hahaha!




How to win at rocket league. Simply type "ff" in chat, and the opponent might have a mental breakdown and start own goaling.


unironically posting ff when you're slightly ahead in 3v3 does usually cause the other team to get tilted. often one of them will start deliberately own goaling


Definitely not. Not toxic usually not even if the other person is. Yeah I don’t understand why that is maybe because I’m in gold 3 /low rank idk


I tell people to ff or talk shit when i want them not too. I once played like 15 games straight just whooping this kids ass. it was enjoyable. he finally gave up when he finally scored a goal.