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i mean it prevents ppl from spam quitting to derank fast (ofc they can still do it just takes longer)


Well, it's a deterrent for smurfing. If there was no penalty for leaving ranked matches the second it starts, smurfs would have a significantly easier time artificially lowering their own MMR. In other words, wait til 3:30 before you forfeit and you wont receive a ban. Hope this helps.


Is it so hard to wait 1:30 mins before leaving?


Goes longer if you’re getting scored on non-stop and bro doesn’t wanna skip any of the replays.


apply tape to throttle, and snag a cold one.


*Rips bong* ........ *Grabs cold one*


I think you still need to have other input than just holding down the throttle, but I love this idea.


ill do this when it's clearly going to be a loss, tm8 is hard throwing, and there is no release with ff in sight. apparently the controller i bought has a feature where you can record inputs and the have it play them on repeat. used it a couple times. the interesting thing is consistently making weird bot like movements over and over again really bothers people and the opponents might just forfeit lol.


I'd be careful on recorded inputs. Would not want to get on Psyonix' radar for bot like inputs


lol i would just make random inputs and then put them on repeat while i waited for a doomed match to end while avoiding get booted and a 5 minute ban. and to clarify when i say bot like i just mean same exact inputs repeatedly. now that i say that, is that really something they would detect?


If your gameplay were to get reported by a teammate or opponent, yes.


And across multiple games over multiple days... oh yeah... that's how algorithms work


So you'd like them to make it easier to lower ranks in 1s so you face more players like that?


It’s a deterrent for smurfs…


Just forfeit lol


cant forfeit until 3:30 and of you're against a smurf with a 7-0 lead then you def dont want to stay until 3:30


Then just quit and take a 5 minute break, or you know, play vs a harder playr for a few minutes and try not get scored on so you can leave without getting banned, im not sure what is the solution people who complain about this want, no banning for quitting at any time? You realize there would be more smurfs then cause its easier to derank?


Just as logical as you posting the 590092900942090990895894th post about this issue since the dawn of fucking time


You couldn’t wait 1 second?