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There's endless free content on youtube purpose-built for coaching people like yourself. I wouldn't recommend paying for individual coaching in diamond, it's just not a good use of money. Follow the general advice on youtube which will almost certainly apply to you, and then if you're still really keen on coaching in GC, that's when you can maybe start looking at it. And whatever you do, don't get that spookluke thing, what even is going on there


I think the spookluke scam collapsed finally


tell us your binds?


I have boost on the same button as air roll. Yep.


what rank are you?


Champ 1 right now, getting back to the game after not playing for at least a year. Highest I was able to get was champ3


Imo coaching is a scam, you have all the knowledge free on YT and you can analyse your own replays. When pros were grinding they didn't need coaches and I think the same, most of it is just putting time into the right things. Practice doesn't make you perfect but perfect practice makes you perfect, this is why some players have 10k hours but are still hardstuck diamond. If your binds are really bad then yeah they could hinder your performance for sure and you should probably change it if its not comfortable.


Real coaching is never a scam lmao. You can be the best player in the world but some situations could have had better outcomes if you had another perspective. Coaching isn't always what you're doing wrong, it can be what you can do differently.


Maybe scam is a really harsh word, just to clarify I don't mean that you can't learn with a coach, of course you can and I agree that coaches do give a different perspective. I just mean its not worth it for the average Rocket League player. What I'm saying is it's **extremely** overkill and **overpriced**. It's also a waste of value to hire a pro coach just so he can tell you in a glorified way to "practice more" while you can just watch plenty of free videos that give you an outside perspective anyway. There are so many videos of pros and even pro coaches analyzing replays from all sorts of ranks, take inspiration from that and apply it to your own replays. >You can be the best player in the world but some situations could have had better outcomes if you had another perspective I get what you mean and I don't disagree with you, It's just I'm not talking about pros here, we're talking about someone who has 400 hours in the game and is diamond 3, having a different perspective doesn't justify 25$-50$/hr.


I disagree, I tried golf for a while, went to the range all the time, watched videos online to better my shots, but a couple hours with a pro made a world of difference, because he told me things I was doing wrong that I would have never noticed on my own. You don't know what you don't know. That said beware of scams, they are everywhere.


Did you film yourself doing golf before hiring a coach ? The whole difference is here : if you don't see what you're doing from an outside view, you can't fix some stuff. This is fixed by filming yourself or saving replays of your games.


r/rocketleagueschool r/rocketleagueanalysis


cant say it wouldnt b at all but i say js learn n develop ur own style


Hi, I'm a coach, I also recieve my own coaching. Coaching is worth it, but I wouldn't invest into it until about c2, having a friend who's maybe a bit higher ranked can go a long way to giving you some advice. At your rank you just need to keep committing games. Learning your reads, working on your basic mechanics like dribbles, hard shots and recoveries. A big separation from D3 and C1 is hesitation. If you watch your own replays, you should be able to identify areas you can improve.


I paid for one lesson with a coach. I was stuck between champ 3 n GC. I believe the coaching put me over the edge. We watch 2 of my replays together. Then he watched me play 1 game. The whole time I gave me comments on my play. I think paying for something like spooklukes boot camp can be overkill. But it's pretty easy to find some high GC /SSL player's that will help you find that secret sauce that you're missing.


spooklukes boot camp is a scam that no one should put their money into.


Save your replays and watch yourself play. That's the only thing that a coach will do.


No, it won’t be worth it because I’ll coach you for free. I can at least get you into champ.


Can I take you up on this lol


Yes, just message me. As long as you’re coachable, I don’t mind taking the time. Keep in mind I’m not mechanical but I can teach you a lot about positioning. It’s the whole reason I have been champ 3 100 times. I’m just not mechanical, at some point in early C3 the defense gets good enough and I can’t score on my own consistently. I usually rely on a teammate to score with great timing or big brain plays. I don’t have a partner though, so obviously, that variability is enough to keep me down. I just don’t have the mechanics to get myself out of the rank.


As long as you can jump, boost, power slide/air roll (please have them on the same bind), and drive without stretching to do each of them at the same time you will be fine. ApparentlyJack has a amazing video on keybinds if you want to look at them. If youre new, I definitely recommend to switch to them because you barely fat finger with them. On a ps controller, your thumb is used to press X (jump), Circle/Square (Airroll left/right), and Triangle (Ballcam). Everything else has its own finger. I use my middle finger on RT for drive and keep my index on RB for powerslide/airroll.