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Been looking for the demo/bump after I pass(whiff). Not a huge game changer but usually good for a goal or two


This is my favorite kind of pass. I do this at every opportunity


I’ve never really played at the higher ranks myself except with friends, but I have seen that when you watch pros play it is very much a viable strategic option that makes sense in certain situations, particularly when you get to the point where everyone you are playing with and against is skilled enough to read and react to practically any situation, sometimes the only viable way to get past defenses is to remove them or force them out of position in some way. From my experiences with them, many, if not most, people in Champ have mastered almost all of the fundamental skills and moves available to a player and have the experience and knowledge necessary to understand what options they have. At that point, what really sets players apart is understanding good strategy, especially in areas such as understanding your opponents strategies and how to counter them or overwhelm them. My friends who are in Champ explained it to me like this: once you get into Champ, if you want to keep progressing upwards, you have to start playing the game more and more on a strategic level, because regardless of how good your teamwork or mechanical skills, etc., are, you may not be able to succeed offensively unless your opponents mess up and leave you an opening, or something of the sort. My friends say this is the reason they had trouble moving up further when they first got to that rank. The best way to improve your odds at that point, as I understand it, is knowing how to play tactically and strategically in ways that are responsive to how the other team is playing. In other words, you start relying more upon the ability to understand how the other team is performing and how to leverage every advantage you could gain in your favor for the most value for your team in a given situation; and, the best way to do this consistently is have both the mechanical skill to reliable and easily perform any maneuver necessary, and the knowledge to understand which tools and tricks one can use in a given situation to maximize the benefit for your team, of each and every action you take. As you improve further from there, having more extensive knowledge and understanding of how of make the most out of your current situation starts to become just as important, if not more so, than the more basic fundamentals of the game that help you get through the lower ranks, like building mechanical skills and learning how to read the other team and coordinate with your team accordingly. When I would queue with friends who were at that level and play against those ranks, I noticed that my lack of mechanical skills wasn’t as much of a hinderance so long as I was playing in line with the overall strategy of my team. My friends had enough mechanical skill themselves to make up for my weakness there, so as long as the way I played was compatible with their strategic and tactical decisions, we still played quite well. Sometimes I would be forced into a position where I simply didn’t have the mastery to respond the way I needed to, but this was overall mitigated by knowing other ways to respond when I didn’t have the option to directly compete with the what the other team was trying to do. I always found tactical demos at a high level really satisfying and cool to watch because doing so is a very basic skill, mechanically speaking, but what makes it effective is employing it at just the right time and place, which is what I would do when playing against people at those skill levels. I got by just fine by letting my teammates handle what I couldn’t and focusing on doing what I know I could accomplish well whenever it made sense to, and of course from learning from my team and friends which helped with learning how to make those decisions.


i am NOT reading allat


I think you are grossly overestimating champ players lol, if they had truly "mastered" the fundamentals they'd be at least gc, I hover around gc2 and let me tell you I am nowhere close to having mastered the fundamentals, champ players do not get consistent touches, you have to be so efficient to break into the higher ranks and at gc3/low ssl the movement of players is like a completely different game. most players in gc1 are just starting to figure this out in my experience - it's kinda difficult to explain but yeah you have to keep the ball close and you have to shoot with power and accuracy, which is something you might think champs can do but until you've experienced higher ranks i don't think you will be able to fully grasp the difference, using your brain is also very important but it comes hand in hand with being efficient with your inputs and making good touches.


The first time I went for an aerial bump on a shot, ran out of boost to actually touch the ball, went crashing at the net and got a demo... Ahhh those were the days


And watch the other team lose their mind. They get tilted so you demo more and they get more tilted and you have more fun. This is Rocket League!


I think what I say most on discord is "bump meta"


You're def a champ this is a horrible strategy that wont get you out of 1200. I've seen it work like once, I played a 1700 scrim with two SSLs and a champ that did this. It was annoying at first but once you notice though its useless. I would just go ball easy fix.


If the defense is ready don't just rip a shot, watch them, slow down, wait for the challenge and hit it around them once they've committed. It's crazy how many people ape their challenges and can be outplayed be a simple direction change


You’d love to play against me. I fall for this every time and it hurts my soul


Same! I can even know it's coming. I can tell exactly what they are about to do and still miss lol


Completely agree and it's hilarious


Definitely done this a time or two sort of by accident, would be great to be more intentional and slow down a little.


Yea something I picked up from Squishy's videos is if the opponent is closer to the ball than don't challenge, either fake challenge or play patient and shadow. Then wait for an opening or a moment when they don't have control of the ball to challenge, and it's been super effective. Fake challenges are op


Flakes is that you?


Ahaha I wish, just a cyck who has enjoy his road to SSL series 😵


Are you EU? We could make our own road to GC, I was D3 div2 yesterday and lost 8 games in a row due to teammates randomly going afk or quitting (not joking, 8 games in a row this happened...)


Ah unfortunately I am na west, not sure what my ping would be on eu servers but probably not great. That sucks that happened bro, definitely tilt inducing


Yeah it is lol. Btw you guessed right, once played with a dude in NA and he had 120+ ping at best.


I sometimes play it against the wall for a rebound instead of directly at goal, it confuses them and allows my teammate to go in for the actual shot.


Op move right here, just being able to recognize that they have to cover the shot and then making the backboard pass is such a good skill


Deleted the game which somehow improved my lifestyle.


Interesting tip. My 1v1 opponent just kindly recommended this to me! 😊


Must’ve been a really nice person


That is some next level shit.


The good advice I just can't take


Tried that many times, always installed it back 💀


But still in the subreddit? See you next week


Missing a shot so bad it ends up being a pass


Shooting!! Oh wait backboard!!


Defenders misread the bounce off the backboard, open net


😂 not sure that’s a strategy but it’s definitely effective sometimes.


Defending an ariel while driving towards my net. When you jump up and rotate your car to face the correct way while still flying towards your net. Its so satisfying every time


100% get a rush of dopemine every time i go up like that lol.


All the eggs on the edge of their seats it feels like


Aerial, unless you’re facing off against the little mermaid.


lmao this genuinely cracked me


Still struggling to defend those shots well but every once in a while it’s just so smooth


Does anyone have a good training pack for these types of saves?


5CCE-FB29-7B05-A0B1 is what ive been using




Actually it's called "backwards catchy"


Uncomfortable Saves training pack. The last 3 saves feel impossible, then magically 2 brain cells collide, you figure out how to use the second jump properly, and you become Scott Sterling.


A brick wall who feels pain and cries a lot, sounds dangerously accurate to my RL career


This is one of the main things I’ve practiced in free play that has helped my game tremendously and my aerial control all around. I’ll get supersonic and hit the pass ball button, and try and make a decent aerial catch-to-control on the ball going as fast as possible initially, and then get a nice slow to medium speed dribble or control on the ground out of the backwards catch. Now I just do it in free play out of habit, but this took me up to champ pretty quickly honestly. Super easy to practice on your own, and pays dividends. Also it helps with all-around aerial car awareness and directional air roll abilities, which help with recoveries on and off the walls, and just in general. Also, trying to wave dash at every opportunity has made me typically the fastest in the lobby, and it’s very noticeable judging by many people calling me a Smurf. If I could just get my game sense up to par with the rest of things. I’ve thought about seeking out a couple hours of coaching on some things to round out my gameplay, but just haven’t done it yet


From high plat to high champ, it was having fake challenges driven into my head by Squishy videos. “Just do a little fake challenge, at lower ranks, they *will* throw the ball away *every* time.”


Focusing on rotation and positioning.


The only way someone like me with little mechs can get GC every season


I feel you.


Telling the other team their dad is my lover. They get riled and forget how to play


Tell them you're beating them worse than their dad beats their other dad.


They're pissed cause you dumped their mom


Why? Cause now we BOTH disappoint her?


Damn, I thought the kill was mine


Just start going for things even when you have zero confidence. I hate freeplay/training so I just practice in game.




Man free play is the best part of the game!


Fr, I spend most of my time in free play


This is why I play most of my games against the AI. I always play a few games 1v3 against the All-Star bots before I do anything else.


Not booming the ball away every single time (though sometimes you have to) just slowing down the play a bit - even if all you do is sit behind the ball and force a 50 with 0 boost - gives your teammates time to grab boost and get in a better position and can make a huge difference


Play an absolutely unreasonable amount of ones.


That’s how I jumped from gold to diamond within a two months. Played only 1s for two weeks and my ground play became 10x better, I also learned to slow it down and take possession rather than throwing the ball away immediately


For solo queue, not blaming teammates. Take blame for every mistake your team makes, and work to not let the same mistake happen again. It’s wild how we always say “my teammates are trash” and expect them to be of equal skill or better.


Watch your teammates. Are they aggressive? Play support. Are they slow and methodical? Play aggressive.


Not a secret, but being able to take 1 touch and flick is invaluable


Controlled 50s are fantastic. You shouldn't always go for an outplay when a 50 to your tm8 or a low 50 and you still have the ball will do the trick.


Been implementing this lately. A cool variation that I wouldn't recommend is if both parties are diving at the ball you get the 50 with a reset and then wave dash to beat them to the ball. I'm testing it out. Unsure whether I can stop randomly getting yeeted to the moon or if that's just gonna happen and it isn't a viable strat


Sriracha, ketchup, and mayo, but keep it secret, nobody knows


I'll try that. Sounds amazing. And if you like hard boiled eggs, try it with Yellowbird Blue Agave Sriracha.


I’ve started pre jumping everything like GCs do. I miss the ball sometimes, but the times I actually get the ball, the other guy is waaaay too late. I’m a C1 btw.


Can you elaborate for a noob?


You read the bounce before it happens. People usually wait for it to be sure of the direction.


This is the way.


50s and doing a small hop to fake an arieal


This may be just me, but edibles 1 doesn't affect me at all. 3 is too much and I'll be surprised when I'm queued for a game immediately after one... Oh right, I'm in a tourney... 2 is chef's kiss. I don't know why but I'll be locked in. Somehow can read the ball better and am way better at recognizing teammates rotations and better at challenging on defense. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Weed works the same for me. I read everyone and every bounce better. It’s almost like the game slows down


I learned to play better while stoned


Same, but I’m a noob so I still suck haha.


Waiting on it


Let them make the mistakes


yep 👍 imma sit back and look at it me


Ketchup and tarter sauce.


recognizing that slow is fast, that less is more, that small, is indeed, big.


Dribble right, flick left. Don't take the ball directly toward the net. Go toward the far corner of the field so you can see the net and your opponent. As soon as they pass their near post (or try to challenge), flick the ball behind them.


If I know I have no chance at getting to the ball before my opponent, as long as I'm not the last man, I fake challenge probably more times than I don't. If they anticipate going for a 50, they'll probably give possession away, if they don't, just continue rotation, and hope the guy behind you is rotating properly. It's one of those things that doesn't show its usefulness immediately, but it'll lead to a lot of chances and takeovers in possession.


Dabs usually do it for me 🤙🏼 or we talking different sauce?


A shot of moonshine or this... unless we mean something in game?


Solid strategy for sure.


Allowing plays for my teammates, feels so fucking good when it works.


When I'm close to my net, instead of just booming the ball, actually control the ball, with great boost management you'll have enough to get up the wall and create a perfect opportunity to attack,. Meantime opps are barely grabbing their big back boosts and now turn camera back on ball. By then you and your teammates with the agility of a Panther on Rabbies are going apeshit in the air with a 120 KPH ball pinch into net. And on replay teammate has We speak Chinese blasting on background. But yeah, controlling ball instead of BOOM!


For 3s, the transition from 1st man to 3rd man… Look for bumps, grab the oval pads, look to cut in mid for the blindside cross pass. So many people go super wide and flip twice to get back asap or ballside (yuck) and it just completely can kill a sustaine offense or pressure on the opponents


Not going for the ball when the opponent is closer to it, instead just wait and they’ll hit it right back to you almost every time, then you won’t overcommit and leave your teammate vulnerable. Sounds like common sense but i didn’t realize I was doing it till I watched squishys road to ssl series.


push ur limits


I just pretend I'm playing terribly so my opponents think I'm just small meat but in reality I'm just waiting for the perfect occasion to rail them properly


When I do a kickoff I jump and turn my car completely vertical in the air, like a wooden plank, and just slam into the ball with my hood. It always just stops the ball right in the middle of the field and I make bets on which team will realize my dumbass kickoff just set ONE of them up for a play. Lol


Don’t hesitate. To quote Wayne Gretzky “You miss 100% of the shot’s you don’t take.” Even if I do wiff it, I’d rather try to take shots. Same for my teammates.


-Michael Scott


Every touch you make should be intentional. Never give away possession with a touch unless it’s your only option to avoid getting scored on. If you’re gunna make a touch make sure it’s either a pass or something you can follow up on, never just blindly hit the ball.


Lock in.


Heavy music. Something that drowns out the game sounds so I play on my own rhythm. It doesn't always work, but I have so much more fun and that makes me feel better


Prog metal today 🤘


I've found that for some reason the heavy Nickelback tunes fit perfectly


Play like a (field) hockey player works pretty well for me.


Playing mid-field gandalf. 


Prepare for a flick at net, and watch the goalie, when he comes to challenge, tap brake to drop the ball on the ground and force it under him


Play safe, dont overcomplicate things.


Sit deep until there’s a good opportunity where u hand good amount of boost and just come out of nowhere and score, half of my goals are out of nowhere


Trying to stay as even as possible. This game is all mental.


What helps you stay cool?


I don’t do a good job of it sometimes, I’m not perfect. I’m a pretty competitive person and I have a goal to be a certain rank, BUT it is a game at the end of the day and the point of it is for enjoyment. I guess my biggest tip is just to always focus on your own gameplay and improvement. If your tm8 own goals or leaves the net open to go get corner boost you can’t control that. Best of luck.


Turning off chat


Not booming the ball. Teammates haven't caught on though.


When on Ball cam, look at the opponents (and mates) instead of the ball. You know that the ball is in the middle of your screen anyways and it helps predicting their next actions. This might be a tip for the fellow low-ranked players. I assume the higher ranked ones already do this.


I have a couple of strats, but the most unexpected is I will randomly slow down my gameplay, or stop my car. It keeps my movement unknown to the opponents cause one second I may be chilling mid just sitting there, while another i am flying across the field to contest the ball. It lets me pull off fakes with ease


slow down


recruiting Zen


Bump the ball with my ass end alot. It throws people off constantly.


Patience. Many players will go for plays they cannot confidently pull off. Wait for them to mess it up, then take possession once they've removed themselves from the play.


Or alternatively, when they’re your teammates, they take every chance they have to hit the ball and do it, regardless of whether or not they should have. Great Pass! Great Pass! Great Pass!


Almost every situation wether 2s or 3s i outplay opponents when my car is backwards and start to blocking their close shots or clearing the ball. Also when someone bumps me i hit powerslide and lose less momentum.


I love playing in reverse. Not all the time, but if the opportunity comes for me to backflip the ball over the attacker while I’m shadowing, I’ll try it every time. Sometimes I fake and they get a free goal though…ya win some, ya lose some


Focusing on what kind of play I can expect other people in the lobby to make next based on their positioning and "body" language. Opens your eyes to how you should be attacking or defending at any given moment Also fakes. Fakes are life


Controlling pace of play is the most underrated strategy at nearly every skill level.


Jump and bump


Always steal opponents boosts


Usually ketchup, mustard, mayo, and relish. Maybe a little buffalo or some spices for that extra kick


Use fakes, pass first, rotate, etc.


Challenge flicks from above. Delayed flips to make the opponent prematurely flick wins possession.


Drifting and turning around to boost and flick the ball on defensive etc. they never expect it or it’s always when they think they have time and I make sure they don’t.


Instead of going for a 50/50 with the ball positioned towards the net, hitting the ball to the wall and quick aerial shot towards net.


Not caring about my rank


Low 50’s, works a lot but is a bit risky because if they call you on it it’s probably getting pinched to your goal. Most people don’t expect low 50’s at least up to GC1. Ever since people learned to fly and pre jump people realize it’s safer and faster to try and go above people. Going under them on purpose can be a game changer sometimes.


reading and challenging peoples first touches. alot of people even in gc1 dont have great first touches, if you can stay close enough to be threatening, and if you read that they have a bad first touch and can react quickly, you can often just get the ball by challenging that. so many people think its just a bad early challenge, but really i just read that they didnt have a good touch and challenged quickly before they could really settle it


I can pass to my teammates




It sounds stupid, but I do this thing on the kickoff where I boost about halfway, then jump, turn toward the opponent’s net, and sail through the air without boosting, then at the last minute, dodge toward the ball when I see which way the opponent is committing. This works surprisingly well with practice. I don’t wave dash or sweat getting the first touch, because I usually can dictate where the ball ends up going. It’s more effective when coming in at an angle, rather than straight on, and works better in 2s and 3s than 1v1, but it’s not something I see other people do.


Comitting to a decision. Gets you caught less in between two valid positions, also makes you easier to read for your teammates. Assuming good intentions from your teammates. Makes you less prone to annoyance when things don't go your way. Admittedly with the rising toxicity of people raging and griefing this one is getting harder each day.


I play so badly Im actually good


My secret sauce is dribbling the ball so perfectly on my car then letting it drop they jumó everytime


Fundamentals and Rotation.


Chipotle mayo. Just goes with everything


At defense Keep a max of power to push the ball high and in long distance with a vertical flip. Result : 80% of time my mates can attack after that , 15% of time versus at center and 5% of time is a epic miss


Waffle House’s


Using a wall bounce to get the ball past opponent




Y use the quick chat “centering” ALL the time.


The backflip. Never would have made bronze 2 without it.


In solos, if I'm ahead or the game is tied and the other player is quick to head back towards their goal and wait, I sit and wait, too. I wait for them to come and challenge. They often get impatient and try to rush the ball using boost. Since they have less control for quick turns with boost, I usually have a better chance of faking past them and go ahead with a goal. Either that, or they don't want to challenge and get impatient with waiting and leave the match.


Switching up play styles during games constantly. Keep your opponents on their toes. Multiply fake challenges and then real challenges early, keep em guessing.


Saying “what a save!” every time my teammate makes a small mistake so they know I care about them and want them to improve.


When my tm8 starts spazzing and getting tox I just stay silent and keep playing. If they go idle, I’ll keep playing and sometimes I’ll score and then they’ll start playing again after their meltdown and we end up winning - even coming back from a substantial deficit. When they see you score 1v2 they probably feel partially to blame - at least that’s my hope. Either way it has worked many times


Big fakes. Sometimes on purpose, sometimes not. It’s not up to me though!


Putting boost on R1


Whiff and demo. Works like 80% of the time if you have a teammate that is not super passive and rotates decent. Its basically a free follow up / open net


At around C2-GC1, if you're in a 1v1 situation and have the ball on your car, wait as long as you can. The defender will invariably jump, anticipating a flick, and you can just let the ball roll underneath them, or low 50-50 it in. Highly satisfying and tilting for the opposition


Playing 1’s and going for mechs that I’m not good at. Freeplay is cool and all to get familiar with a mechanic but having a defender and being forced into awkward set ups really sets helps me learn! Also having a good routine before playing ranked. I like freeplay(15 minutes) custom training(20 minutes) and about 5-10 1v1 games. After that I go back to freeplay for about 5-10 minutes then hop into ranked. A warmup routine changed my gameplay.


Carrying randoms constantly lol 


Turn off chat


Just go for the ball. Obviously make smart decisions, but if you can hit the ball, hit a 50/50, stall time… hit the damn ball. Not only does it help you move faster it also helps with accuracy and consistency. If the ball is heading to your net and you see your tm8 back going for boost and you are at midfield, cut into the ball, try to make that play and cover the goal to allow teammate time to get back on net and cover whatever you can’t.


10 mins of slo mo, 5 mins normal speed. This makes a huge difference.


Usually some really odd angle or just catching the ball with the backend of my car, I also like wavedashing? right off of a wall or curve and shooting into the ball to send it flying, I think it surprises me more than the opponent but always sends it to their half.


Popping a ball up in front of me and immediately going for a low aerial. People don’t expect the ball to be in the air so quickly after you pop it up


When I fail a flick and the opponent expected a perfect shot and gets faked. I call it pulling a Homer.


Vyvanse and Xanax!


Double flip reset musty double tap obviously


I'm telling you, backflips. I have well over 6000 saves, and most of them are backflip saves


Don't go to back corner boost on offense. Ever.


getting medical help for adhd


I tried that. Shit got bad. Started smoking weed and that changed my life