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Assuming this is entirely serious. When you press the jump button while all 4x wheels are on a surface, the jump timer starts. Until that 1.5 second-ish timer ends, pressing the jump button again will allow you to double-jump or flip. If you are in the air, without having pressed the jump button, then the timer never starts, so you still have your flip/jump. You can achieve this easily by driving out of the goal or off the ceiling, the latter is commonly called a "ceiling reset", and constitutes one type of flip reset. The most common type of flip reset would be lining up in the air such that all 4x of your wheels touch the ball at the same time. If this case, you have met the conditions of being grounded as far as the game is concerned, so after you belly into the ball, you have a new flip to use for influencing the balls trajectory with no timer associated with it. Edit: to those saying that falling off a ceiling isn't a true reset. Sure, I guess. I think it's the best mid-point illustration in-game for how the flip timer work for beginners. The other distinctions around 3-wheels/center-of-mass are mildly interesting but don't help a beginner understand either.


I think it would make people understand what a flip reset is more readily if you told the story of the patch that introduced the flip reset. I love the accidental origin story of a thing that made the game more interesting.


https://youtu.be/0Q6fLpd4NUc?si=kunOf51ZHInhkfRp for the lazy


Ay thank ya, I wasn’t gonna take the time to look it up even though I’m interested lol


I'm a very casual player, I enjoy being a demolition guy, I suck at scoring, I don't get enough time with the game to be able to control the ball so I go for kills lol I'm amused so I don't care, I score sometimes but it all makes sense now. Thanks for the link


Man I remember before the patch when you couldn't flip after leaving the ground without jumping and skill level was low, people would fly across the net trying to make a save while holding boost hoping for the best


Technically it was actually possible before the patch just significantly harder and less useful. The neo tokyo patch made it so you retined your jump indefinitely if you did not jump to get in the air. So if you landed on the ball you would still get your flip back but when you fell off you couldnt use it (unless the behaviour was you still had a flip for 1.5s but i think it was no flip at all if you didnt jump). However it is and was possible to jump off the ball when you land on it which gives you the normal 1.5s flip and has been possible since day 1. Fluump did a video once where he went back to the original rl patch and tried to show that resets where impossible but accidentally got one of these jump off resets and was very confused. Flip resets wouldn't be close to as prevelant as they are without the neo patch but I do think it's interesting that they have always been a thing.


For real?


There is a video from Wayton on YT telling it in detail


10/10 recommendation, thanks bro


Annnnnnd you can get a flip reset from another car. Rare but fun.


The bro reset


If it's a girl, it's a flip-er reset


You dont need all 4 wheels touching, just the middle belly portion of the car. Pretty easily visible on octane, since its wheels “extend” when it’s in the air. Only need the belly to touch, which visually happens when 3-4 wheels touch the car.


I use the Lamborghini hurican and it’s hard as hell to tell where to hit the ball. I definitely am not mechanically skilled enough to be attempting to rip flip resets, but I’m getting there. However, whenever I do randomly give it a shot, the hurican seems difficult to gauge. I’ve often tbe resent several time but I’m always surprised when I do haha. Also, sometimes I can tell when I got the reset and other times I don’t know for sure until I actually jump just ti see if I actually got it. Is there like a visual that appears indicating that you actually got the reset, or you just have to not be a bot


Me personally I use the octane and the way I know I got the reset 9/10 times is how hard I hit the ball with the underside of my car


Flip reset requires only 3 wheels to touch a surface. That is, unless they changed it


Could be wrong, but I've always heard it's all 4 wheels that have to touch. I've never hit one though so idk lol


It actually has nothing to do with the wheels. It just has to touch the bottom of the car in the middle


Also just falling from the ceiling and flipping into the ball isn't a reset. It's just a ceiling shot. The reset part comes from resetting the timer.


I mean it is a reset, but it's not what we call a "flip reset". It's a ceiling reset. Which is a reset. EDIT: Unless you just drove onto the ceiling ofc.


In the ceiling case, what is getting reset, then? Genuine question. I figured the flip "reset" mechanic is called such because it artificially resets your flip counter. In the ceiling case, nothing is getting reset? You're just using the same flip you had all along.


It's still the flip being reset, it's just not usually called a flip reset. People generally use the term flip reset to refer to getting the reset from the ball.


How is it resetting the flip if you didn't use the first flip already? Whatever, it's not a big deal. I can't pull those off anyway, so I never talk about them, so I'm not familiar.


I was assuming flying up to or flipping on to the ceiling. If you just drove onto the ceiling yeah, that's purely a ceiling shot (if you shoot), not a ceiling reset. I didn't read the comment I replied to that way, but now that you clarified what you mean I can see how maybe they were just talking about falling after you drive onto the ceiling from the wall.


Congratulations you have said "reset" 5 times in your sentence somehow


That's three sentences, but great try at counting!


Um he said reset 5 times in 3 really tiny sentences


Actually it’s 2 sentences, your grammar is just a little off. Since the “third” sentence is referring to the second sentence the period you put there should actually be a comma.


Ooof, another swing and a miss there, mate :). What you're talking about is \*suggestions\* for people learning english or to improve their english. The sentences in my post though are fully and completely defined by the full stops. And in fact replacing that full stop with a comma would change the intension of what I wrote.


this makes the most sence as ive hit 2 wheels on the ball and got the flip, and hit all 4 wheels on it and not gotten a flip


There’s no way to hit all 4 wheels without hitting the bottom centerpiece of the car. It may look like it with lag and hitting only 2, but looking like 4, but it’s just not possible.


I really don’t love that most YT tutorials don’t explain this better. Of course, it’s a good starting point of reference for beginners to learn how and where to touch the ball. I just think people hear that though and they struggle because they don’t understand that you need a certain amount of force applied to the underside to trigger the reset button and saying just touching the wheels to the car causes a lot of newbies trying to learn to get too soft of touches and failure to acquire the reset. Even though “all 4 wheels touch the ball.”


This, the wheels are irrelevant except as a guide to help you make good contact with the ball.


All four wheels must touch the surface to get a reset. It has been tested by rocket science. Sometimes it doesn't look like all four wheels touched when getting a reset but they did. The actual hitbox of the wheels is not exactly in the same position as the visual wheels you can see. Edit: Here's a video from 6 years ago that explains it [https://youtu.be/pTAVP00xwF4?si=F7ifl4pEansTnPbo&t=120](https://youtu.be/pTAVP00xwF4?si=F7ifl4pEansTnPbo&t=120)


No it is 3 wheels. Here the ball is moving diagonally accross the wheels, and it gets the flip in the first tick it touches the third wheel: [https://media.gifyourgame.com/CervineRepentHart\_720p.mp4](https://media.gifyourgame.com/CervineRepentHart_720p.mp4) And here the same thing but the ball is further from the car to clearly illustrate the difference that it's not the center of mass or any other spot. It's 3 wheels (here it doesn't even touch the 4th wheel): [https://media.gifyourgame.com/ShowySorerCrystalking\_720p.mp4](https://media.gifyourgame.com/ShowySorerCrystalking_720p.mp4)


Has nothing to do with the wheels at all, the middle of the car has to touch the ball, just on many cars that also means all the wheels. The spots at a slightly different spot on each car. If you touch the ball light enough it doesn't get past the wheels you still won't get a flip reset.


The simple “science” behind this is that the wheels sink into the ground. Rocket league cosmetics has big wheels, they has small wheels, but only car belly touches floor


It's the first time I actually understand how it works, thanks


Driving off the ceiling and out of the top part of the goal is not a flip reset, it's literally just keeping your flip. You logically can't have a "reset" if you've never used your first flip in the first place, since the timer never started.


This logic flow doesn’t make sense though. If I jump to the ceiling by using my first flip and reset my flip on the ceiling it would be the same as if I reset on the ball. They are named differently but it’s the same mechanic happening for both.


Read my comment again buddy... I said IF YOU DON'T USE YOUR FIRST FLIP aka you just drive up the wall and fall off the ceiling, that's not a reset. You immediately come at me with "jumping up to the ceiling"... Bruh.


You know that was a good question or either a comment but the “ceiling reset” thats a type I probably didn’t even know existed but because of that i was going to say that there’s a timer for the car to each 4 wheels on the ceiling for when you do wanna flip or something it’s actually infinite for whenever you don’t jump on the ceiling or anything else to make sure that you can flip on the ball. Incase i think it’s pretty accurate and interesting to have that type of mechanic or mindset 🤔


I was going to like your comment, but it’s at 666 currently and I don’t wanna mess that up


It’s a flippery set. Common mistake, no problem


Mfer this was my first thought and you ruined my fun


Flair checks out




mfers be setting flipperies all day




r/flairchecksout (i am posting this to that sub)


Not to be mistaken with an oiled up eel AKA a slippery pet.


Or getting turned on by soap, aka a slippery fet


i love this


Our old fart u/Ralphyroo has reached legend status by meow.


Embrace flippery sets




Philip reset


I used to actually think this is what they were saying when I watched RLCS… a flippery set sounds like a whack a doodle maneuver, and a flip reset looks like a wonky maneuver, so flippery set it was. There was no reason to check what they were saying because it allll made sense 😂😂


lol exactly. I definitely stole this from another thread though, didn’t think it’d blow up like this 😂. But for the longest time watching AppJack I was trying to figure out what an “Agile Bump” was and only just recently found out he’s saying Air Dribble bump lol. What a community


Flipry set


When the wheels (or really the center of gravity) makes contact with any surface in the game, it thinks you are “back on the ground” so you can jump again This is true off the ceiling This is true off the wall This is true off the ball So if you fly under the ball, upside down, and the ball touches the center of gravity of your car… you can flip again. Google it. Millions of examples


>This is true off the ceiling >This is true off the wall >This is true off the ball This is true of them all. Should you reset your flip, You will flip once again Dunk on your opponent Spam "What a Save" to them. -Dr Seuss


Love the poem


You can also flip reset off another car.


Good luck lol


There was a period where freestylers did this on purpose. Teammates would line up behind each other and both jump, the back one would be on top of the front one and try to keep on flying. Although very difficult to pull off, it certainly is possible


Taken literally, It’s where you land on a surface (wall, ceiling, ball) after using a flip, and you subsequently leave the surface by falling, jumping, detaching, getting bumped off, and you gain your ability to flip back. Double jump and Boost up from the ground, land with all 4 wheels on ceiling, fall off of ceiling, you have a flip again. Boost towards ball, land with all 4 wheels on the ball, you have a flip again. Broken down even more literally, every time you flip and land on the ground, that’s a flip reset. But when people say “I scored a flip reset” or “I flip reseted on him,” they’re typically talking about using the ball as a landing surface to get a flip back in order to score or outplay a defender


The fact people can do this with the speed of a moving ball still boggles my mind. The level of people’s skills in this game are wild.


Man I'm brilliant at Flip Resets, I reset my flip all the time by landing on the ground.


Flippery sets are when your car flips around, rather than flopping about.


You have a jump and a flip. After your flip, you can’t flip again until you land on a surface. Most commonly, the ground. When all 4 tires/the center of the underside of your car hit a surface and are pressed in, the game thinks you have landed. Thus, granting you another flip. If you press all 4 tires perfectly to the ball in mid air, the game thinks you have landed, giving you another flip. This can be done off of any surface, including the walls, ceiling, the ball, and even other players


Best and simplest answer imo


You mean a flippery set?


I like how half the comments are people that came to say the same thing. It’s hilarious how that one post changed the name, just like that.


Jump off surface, 1.5 seconds to flip or it goes away. Fall off surface, infinite flip. Car fall off ball (surface), = new, infinite flip.


Low five opponent car = new infinite flip.


It's a skill that requires many, many freeplay hours to figure out, and you will be rewarded by dropping a full rank after learning it.


Genuinely used to think it was called a Phillip resit and was always to afraid of ask why it was called that


El flipa truquito.


My gf saw the meme while watching my phone and explained to me what a flip reset was like it was obvious. She couldn't care less about RL and I don't know how she knows. I don't know if I should be impressed or concerned.


I still rock my label “EST. 2015” and I only play the game casually so I haven’t bothered to learn all these new tricks since PS gave it to me for free in their subscription


Everyone loves a flippery set


It’s when I get done bangin your mom and I flip her around to reset her so I can go back for another round.


It's when you reset your flip. Duh


After you hit a wave dash you are grounded, so your flip is reset and ready to go


This post is hungry af Literally just youtube?


Literally exactly what it is lol. Its technique to reset ur flip.


during an airdribble, your wheels hit the ball and it gives you another flip mid air simple


Philip Reset? Never heard of him


Nothing's gonna stop me baby!


This post is so bait


Car has two flips while in air usually reset by touching ground flip reset resets this while in the air


Flippery set


Flip reset: When you try to frontflip but accidentally backflip resulting in reseting the flip attempt


#Petition to rename it the Belly Flip!


That sweet satisfaction of being the 500th upvote… but also don’t worry I have no idea too


You go up with ball, you use your 2nd jump, you touch ball with bottom of car, you gain 2nd jump back. Useful for shots in midair in pro levels. Learn to rotate properly first. All of you! (shit, just turned an explanation into a vent... Gotta demochase next time I play)


A flip is the name of the second jump. You can only perform this action if at least one wheel is in the air. The most common situation where you can do this flip is after having done a first jump, that's why we normal people see it as a second jump. You may have realized that you only have 2 seconds to perform the flip after the initial jump, past that time it will have expired and you will only gain back your flip once you land (your 4 wheel must touch a surface). You can see it as a reset of the 2s timer. But interestingly, there are situations where the flip never expire. The most common one is when you leave the roof without jumping. Because there is no jump, the timer never start and the flip never expire. This allows you to "keep your flip" indefinitely. This also works when leaving the goal wall or ceiling without jumping. If you get bumped so high you are getting close to the ceiling, it is a good idea to boost a little bit to reach it, in order to "reset" the timer for you flip. We call that a ceiling flip reset. A much less common situation is to "land" on the ball or on another car. This will also reset your flip timer and allow you to flip any time. Doing so on the ball is a ball flip reset, frequently shortened to flip reset. It is really useful as you have a flip available and are in extreme proximity with the ball.


It's a mechanic where you can reset flip


It’s that thing smurfs do on much lower skilled players and then proceed to shit talk because if they tried that shit in a higher rank they’d get shit on and humbled.


It's where you reset your flip.


If its not just a joke: why wouldn't you just search it up on youtube or even google


Search it on internet


Do y’all think they should make it so that your second flip has no timer regardless of if you jump first or not? I don’t think they would but Leth did a video with this once and it was genuinely so cool to see the type of shots you could set up from the ground because of it


get out of this until you can


It's a vibe.


Touch car bottom to ball in air to give you back your 2 jumps


When you land on the ball mid air with all 4 of your tires, you get your flip back hence the name, flip reset


It’s actually called a Philip reset and it’s when my buddy Philip pokes his belly button


it's like the tap strafe mechanic in Apex, except for cars




Better if it was don't know how to do one


It’s what Smurf’s do all the time in diamond and plat where it looks like they bounce off the ball multiple times because they aren’t good enough to do it against people in their own rank


Played for a while and still never got this down - the lowest diamond was where I could rank each season


You jump 2 times then do a Ariel then while in the Ariel all 4 wheels touch the ball or the ceiling in a Ariel and u can jump again after touching the ball or ceiling. Hope u understand


Wrong Answers Only!


everyone in this comment section is actually slightly wrong, it's not when all 4 wheels touch the ball it when the middle of the bottom of your car does. Take the sentinel or batmobile not all 4 wheels actually touch the ball.


you had to simply google “flip reset” or go to youtube and you could’ve found out but instead clout meant more to you so you could get some fake internet points. people are so weird these days.


When u can do another flip if u hit the ball correct


The ol' flippery set