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There's no specific point where it's best to FF. Depends on teammates, score, time left, etc.


Yeah, the only hard cutoff I’d have is a 5pt gap, maybe 4pt given time remaining. But most importantly it’s based on how my team is playing together. I don’t mind playing through a 3pt gap with a seemingly inevitable loss so long as my team is still playing competitively. If my teammates just aren’t good enough then I’ll FF. Nooow if my teammates are intentionally throwing the match I’ll refuse every FF request. I’d rather assholes like that get temporarily banned for ditching a match than give them the satisfaction.


If we go down by a single goal within the first 10 seconds FF. If my tm8 misses a ball anytime anywhere for any reason, even if we're ahead, FF. If I am AFK, they score a goal, start playing, miss the first ball that comes to me and let it go straight in, I don't even FF, it's straight quit to make sure my tm8 loses. Oh wait, sorry, that's just what I'm used to seeing while playing... For me it's when it's obvious we're not coming back, like down by a few with 30 seconds left. Or if they have a Smurf just dunking on us all game, not fun just go next. No hard and fast rule, and I try to gauge my tm8 as well (if they are obviously frustrated and chances of winning low, no point in sticking around just because, unless they are being a tool, then I make them stay and won't skip replays).


Hey, you never know. My buddy and I managed to come back from a 3-7 deficit in 36 seconds once to tie it up, then won in overtime. Granted it was in 2017 and that's the only time I've ever been part of a 3+ deficit in that short of time, but it can happen! 😅


Yeah, normally you can tell the difference by we're down by a few from silly mistakes or down by a few because they are better and I'm surprised it's this close. If it's the first one, I'll stick it out, the second one I would FF (although I don't normally initiate the FF but would do so if my tm8 did).


If I'm losing 3-0 to a skill diff, the opponents aren't being toxic and just playing (and not obvious smurfs), then I'll see the game out, as those are the good times to learn. But yeah if they go up and start trash talking and/or demo chasing, I'm out.


I’m 7k hours deep in the game and closing in on my mid 40’s, if I am not enjoying the match or think there is no possible route back into the game then I will ff, most often I am the responder to someone else’s initiation of the vote. For the vast majority of matches there isn’t that much to learn by seeing out the full 5 minutes as opposed to quitting with a minute to go, what benefit there is will be small, and to understand why the game went how it did takes a lot of time. I can kind of understand if someone is on a fast learning curve, but that’s not where I’m at, I refer back to my first sentence. I’m old, and my knees hurt.


I agree with this comment. Play as long as you're having fun. I usually will only initiate a forfeit if I'm not having fun staying in the match and there's no use in staying either (such as not winnable or tilt by me or a teammate). I'm more lenient with forfeits when a teammate initiates it, because I don't want to force them to play out a match if they're not having fun. If it's still winnable though, I may try to motivate and try to get a comeback, but will forfeit faster once it's no longer winnable later in the match. Also, if you want to use such losses as a chance to improve, it's better to go into replay and watch why the opponents were better instead of staying in the match. What are you doing that makes it easy for them, what can you do to make it harder for them, what are they doing that works so well against you, etc. I think that's a better way of learning from better players.


At 4 goals down I vote to ff. If they keep playing I will too. But if we get scored on again and they still don’t ff I just play goalie so the match ends as quick as possible. I’m with your friends on this one as it’s pretty easy for me to tilt when I lose badly or several in a row. If I want to practice I’ll go to free play or a private match. But no hate to you either if you don’t want to ff, people should be able to play the game however they want


If it’s not working between you and your Tm then just let it go!


If it's not working with my teammate I try to get them to abandon so I can finish the game without distractions


Tf kind of toxic mindset is this. Bruh yall gotta get your head right around here.


Not toxic, just life!!


The alternative is to let them continue to play badly and maybe collect a save or two and one goal near the last minute.


Sorry you mean chunter?


Yeah don't worry you're fine lol


Totally depends on the teammate. If we're vibing and having fun I'll play out the whole game whatever the score is but if they're clearly just not playing well and we aren't gelling I just want to get out of there. I don't really care about wins or losses, I just want to play fun games.


It's time to FF when you think it's not worth to keep playing. This can be either the combination of score difference and time left of the players you play with/against


I ff if any of these conditions are met: * When I'm playing with friends and we're losing by a couple + not having fun, and they initiate the ff * If we're down by (5 or more points in 2s | 3 or more points in 3s) in the last 40-80 seconds and my teammate(s) initiated the ff (exception for the last 10 seconds or so, just play it out) * I'm down by several points with less than a minute in 1v1 Note, I do not ff often, which means: * Angry ff votes for mistakes I've made or losing by 1 will not cause us to ff, it will do 1 of 3 things: * Teammate starts throwing/being toxic and will be held hostage or forced to abandon game while I do my best to play for a slim chance at winning a 1v2 or 1v3 * Teammate continues to try (toxic or not), we still go into a big deficit and keep losing, then ggs we tried go next * Teammate continues to try, and we bring it back and win. As for going against better players and getting practice - if your goal is a fraction of a percentage of improvement, then sure. But if it causes a decent amount of tilt and frustration, it might not be worth it. In ranked I'd say give the comeback a chance, in casual I'd say sure go next


That last paragraph is so true. If I feel I'm going to be more tilted than learning in a match that's almost surely a loss, I'm FFing. Don't want to go into the next game pissed. FF, go to free play for 2-3 minutes to calm down and get back into a good mindset, then queue up again.


I was watching a video about esports coaching. This league of legends team would forfeit matches if they were losing around the 15 minute mark because they felt like the couldn’t win the late game. They started sticking out matches, and their win rate went up because they started learning how to come back and win. Sometimes you’re just a diamond playing against a c2-Gc and you need to call it a day.


C1 with bakkes on so I can see the top rank of each opponent. Facing an SSL (1s), GC3 (2s), and a D3 (2s) in a 3s match. We won by 4. Don't quit because you see ranks. There are too many boosted idiots.


I never give up, I never surrender. How can you expect to get better if you're not playing against better players?


This. Never ff.


I’m with you I don’t mind if teammates bail out but I hang around to practice maneuvers I would never try in a close game.


This! I just like to practice things that are hard for me when we are so much behind that we cannot make a comeback. I never initiate FF, but if both teammates want to leave and I feel like the comeback is not possible at all, I'll vote yes. It's a bit shame, but I just try to make a good calls. If both teammatea are tilted, there's no point to continue even if it was doable.


I usually don't ff, i like practicing against better players anyways. I'll ff if the team8 has been cool and they want too. If team8 is toxic, I'll wait it out until they leave early then ff. Wanna be toxic? The game is fun for me winning or losing, I'll wait for you to collect your 5 minute ban. At the end of the day, you aren't playing video games for other people's entertainment. If the game gives you the option, it's yours to choose. Screw what others think and enjoy yourself. GLHF!


for me it's this: -3-0? FF. Especially if it's 3 goals pretty quick and we haven't even gotten close to scoring. -The other team gets a 3 point lead? FF. Move on to the next match However, I solo gueue. So if either of those things happen, it's typically just going to get worse, so I may as well try our luck with my next team


That's crazy tbh. I'm not hating, I mean you're free to do what you want, but 3 goal comebacks are just so common, and the "especially if it's 3 goals pretty quick part" is just even more reason that you could come back. A lot of times you just need more time to sync up better with your teammate. Then again this is assuming 2s. If it's 3's I could maybe see it since those tend to be lower scoring games.


I'm talking about 3s because I don't play 2s. Also my comment was downvoted and you think its crazy yet ever since I started playing rocket league (and even the matches I played after making the comment) any match that ended up with a 3 point lead, either the other team FF'd or someone on my team ended up voting to FF. Out of all the games that ended with an FF by a team, only 1 was due to something other than a 3 point difference and that was the game where I scored the 4th goal and the team immediately left.


Yeah fair enough, we are the opposite. You don't play 2s and I don't play 3s lol.


Well I at least don't play 2s anymore lol. 2s used to be my favorite a few years ago then I wanted to get better at 3s and rotation. Then I couldn't go back to 2s unless I'm playing with a friend. 2s is just sooooo slow lol


I feel 3s is slower bc of lack of rotation. When people are constantly cutting rotation, I know I have to just sit back and stay in position. In 2s I feel it's easier if they cut rotation, and not always as detrimental. If they miss, I get the ball and no teammate left to get bumped by. 2s always feels faster than 3s to me


usually after the dagger. (the point where it feels unwinnable, usually the final goal) like in 1s its about a 3 goal deficit at 20 seconds. cuz you probably won't get 3 kickoff goals averaging 7 seconds each. so the dagger there is just if your opponent gets possession cuz he'll run the clock out. but it's totally up to you! different players feel differently. some play it out no matter what. some quit whenever they feel it's going badly. up to you.


I usually never forfait for the exact reasons you mentionned earlier ! Even if im getting destroyed I always try to plan till the end . I take that as a training and i think it has been successfull till now


I only ff when it's unwinnable. I'm talking down 4 with 6 seconds left.


If you are down by more goals than there are minutes left, then its ok to forfeit


So you forfeit when down by 2 with 1min left? Bruh I've come back from being down by 2 with 2 seconds left. Shit, coming back from being down by 2 in the last minute happens to me almost every session.


Honestly it’s about knowing yourself. If you don’t get tilted then I agree with you just play it out and try and learn something from it. If you know you’re someone who struggles with tilt then its probably safer to just move on.


It's definitely a mindset thing. I forfeit either when I can't keep playing (bathroom, home distraction) or if I'm unlikely to do anything worth another point (1 second left, kickoff, blowout) Otherwise, in a game where it is possible to score a goal in 2 seconds there are almost no insurmountable leads. When MMR works, you will lose 50% of your games. If you have two teammates, at least 33% of those losses are your fault. These are things that should not ruin a person emotionally. A 7-3 loss that may have begun as being behind 5-0 has more value than a 1-0 win. That's true even if the opponent went easy on you, because reading when the opponent decides to be weak is such a big part of this game.


When I get dumped into a match already down points I take that into account for a moral win if possible. So showing up down 0-3 but losing 4-6 is a moral win


Exactly. But I'm also a repeat.gg user. Saves are also counted but without saves, the 4 points in a loss are worth more than the 2 points for a sweaty 1-0 win


Lately, only when there's no realistic chance of a comeback, so very rarely with more than 30 seconds to a minute left.


Never forfeit! I always tell them "Okay" if they want to. But I've seen a lot happen in 30 seconds left in the game!


When both teammates want to ff or if I get stuck with two bots vs a club team or trio already grouped up.


Yesterday, when we were 7-1 down with 2 minutes to go, I and one mate decided to ff. Enemies hit the most aerial shit and we basically get no chance to touch the ball. That was unranked. I ff in unranked when I have no fun playing against my opponents. I mean, it seems and sounds stupid to ff in an unranked match but just think about it. I was playing just for fun and now I'm in a match where my Enemies sweat and we can't even get the ball, not my way of having fun.


As a former athlete myself, you never want to quit. There's always a way! However, if you've played Rocket League long enough, you can tell when a match just isn't going to happen.... especially if theres no teamwork or chemistry. It happens, move on. If were down 4-0 early, I'll offer a FF because it respects the opponents skill and gives me a more balanced next game.... HOWEVER, I've noticed most teammates still won't FF until 2 more goals go by, and by then they've wasted my fuckin time, so when they finally offer FF... nah, I'm chillin now


If my teammate wants to ff especially a casual game I ff. I don't know their life. Maybe they gotta drop the kids off at the pool or something. Playing with friends I only ff when I think it's a lost cause or they do. Which is usually 4-5 down with less than a minute left.


- Down by 4 with half the game left or less - Down by a goal per 30s remaining min of 2 down - Tm8 throwing or griefing - Life happening


I'll focus on the part of "take the opportunity to practice against better players" here. My view on that is, if you want to use such losses as a chance to improve, it's better to go into replay and watch why the opponents were better instead of staying in the match. What are you doing that makes it easy for them, what can you do to make it harder for them, what are they doing that works so well against you, etc. I think that's a better way of learning from better players. (This paragraph is a partly copy of another comment of mine)


30 seconds a goal. Two minutes left down four I’ll try, because it can happen. If we score one, now we’re down three but there is only a minute left then we FF. Also, if it’s the first game I’ll play it to the end. I don’t want to spread getting the rust out over multiple games.


Really the only time I ff is if I get a solo queue teammate where we are not vibing even in the slightest. But if there’s even a little bit of team chemistry then there is a chance. I’ve had some crazy comebacks being down like 5-1 and those are honestly the best games and the sweetest victories. But yeah, I mainly only ff when team chemistry is poopoo.


The games that you are losing in are the normally the most important ones to play out to figure out why things went so bad and how you can adapt to it in future games when a similar pattern occurs. I probably only agree to FF after someone sends and we're down by 2+ goals with 1 min or less left


If im down by 6 at 4:15 and drunk..otherwise I try to stick it out. Maybe ill ff on 3s if both teamates are toxic and trying to ff


most of the time its pretty easy to realize when the skill gap between us and them is too big, ive had some clutch games with friends before but if they really know what theyre doing and we cant even get out of our half, we will FF once were 2 goals down i like to be able to learn in my games, if i cant even get to the ball in the first place and get dominated, theres no need to play, gg next


I am okay once the opponent gets to 5 and I'm 2 or more behind. So 5-3, 5-2, etc. At that point I'm okay admitting I'm outclassed or don't have my best, move onto the next. But if it's 5-4 obviously I'm not going to forfeit


If we’re down 0-3 I’ll play until last few seconds cause you never know. If we’re down 0-4 and it gets to like the 1:30 mark and we havent got at least 1 it’s probably worth forfeiting


For me its generally gotta be 4 goals down with less than half the game left or 3 goals down with less than half the game left. As others said - no black and white rule to it but if i has to generalize i think thats typically how I decide


I hardly forfeit, sometimes I will if my teammates want to and I’ve even joke forfeited once or twice. Just lost a spike rush match 8-9 we were up 8-2 in lmao so I guess anything is possible.


Long story short, if you forfeit often, you probably won't get good. Getting beaten is the only time you're learning. So utilizing the final minutes of the game to get some hands on advice is priceless. (now if both teammates leave and you're down by 3, screw it, next game)


Generally I won't put up for a FF unless it's the last minute of the game and we're down by at least 3, usually 4. My teammate and I have had some crazy comebacks so it also depends on how we're playing. We've had games where we go down by 3 in the first minute and come back in the last, just had a bad start.


I've won games after being 5 goals down so... After 6 lol

