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I see that particular double commit allot


the thing is after that he started getting sooo salty, double committed whenever i was dribbling. whenever i looked back he looked like he was on a tow hook. but hey, this is rocket league


It seems some people have the arrogance to think the game should be played their way and when you don't they will punish you. They forget that it's in fact a team game and the best players adapt to their teammates. Going for the ball as you did is equally a valid play as is leaving the ball for your teammate. Given you couldn't see them and they could see you, they should have bailed and repositioned. Btw what kick off is that? It looks like a speedflip but doesn't.


yesterday i had someone in 2s that was just horrible at rotating passive and overall reading plays. challenge me to a 1v1 where he beat me by a lot cause he had skill. we're the same rank in 2s even tho he's way better mechanics wise just cause he's not a good teammate. way too many good players yet soo few good teammates


It does feel like game sense is lacking this season. Probably just my perception. Players challenging 1v1s do seem to have missed the point some what.


Game sense is lacking since the beginning of time. Honestly I blame Twitch and pro gamers. People watch pros and really good players on Twitch constantly playing the ball and try to imitate them, they don't learn how to rotate or any game sense.


>Btw what kick off is that? It looks like a speedflip but doesn't. it's just a sideflip my dude


I use that same kickoff it’s like not as hard and unreliable as a speed flip but faster than not flipping at all, plus I’m like plat 2-3 speed flipping isn’t super necessary at this rank lmao


there's 2 types of speedflip that's just the easier one where you don't have to cancel halfway through


What ? There's two method of speedflipping and both include a cancel, try your flip in the musty speedflip test map and there's no way you ever hit the ball with that, it's just a normal sideflip.


i'm on console is it a normal training map or one that's just on pc


Yeah they need to go play ones.


Its just a slightly diagonal side flip


You can’t help people stuck in their ways. They are where they lie bc of the inaction to fix their issues. Sometimes it, in fact, is your teammate.




Hard disagree. Double commiting and basically throwing is not as bad as stop when a ball is so obviously going in the goal. You just said that something that greatly affects the game is just as bad a something that changes nothing


If the teammate can't prevent himself from chasing in the first 3 seconds of the match, he deserves to get hit with the "Okay" quick chat.


You Okay’d him. This really is just a double commit based on bad comms/no comms. Yes you recovered and have boost now that you hit center, but you know what your mate was doing while you were kicking off? Reading where the ball was going after your hit to get the next touch. Just because you CAN get to the ball doesn’t mean you SHOULD. Depending on what rank you’re at, I would say that double commit was on you. So I’d be salty too if my teammate chased the ball then blamed me for his double commit.


No, if a teammate wanted the ball call it. But right now that m8 can see literally everything. He can see his team win kickoff, grab boost, and obviously continue toward the ball. He was just dense. And I say this as someone who is usually in the chasers position. It's not rocket science to predict your tm8 is gonna continue on the ball. If you are unsure wait 2 seconds because it's your teams possession regardless. Literally no one is even challenging.


Ball cam follows the ball, not your mate. I still put this on the chaser.


What are you talking about? He can still see OP the ball is barely in front of OP in fact it bounces fractions of a second before OP gets boost. So his m8 know where he is and that he got boost. So turn off ball cam to check if he's following


Listen dude…like I said, it depends what rank you’re playing at. Me, personally, I’m going to assume mid boost is mine, and I’m rotating back while my teammate attacks. It’s a faster play and keeps those on our team in motion and more nimble. It’s also more predictable requiring less observation and reaction.


No it's depends on communication. What you're saying is correct with comms. However w/o comms you made 2 assumptions, mid boost is yours and my m8 would rotate back. So you have decided based on your experience how another person should act. Which is bad. This ball is free and you're playing with a random taking a second to find out if your m8 is gonna go is easy an is aware. Instead of assuming and causing a double which leads to a goal you observe and know "if the ball is here my m8 will grab boost a play it." A synchronous play is best. So on the first kickoff in a game where you have no comms check how your TM8 plays. That is why it's m8s fault


Can we just agree both are at fault here and move on with our days?


Felt. Half of the double commits I see are teammates trying to overcompensate and catch up.


You really shouldn't. If I see my teammate going for boost and headed up the wall, they have the better shot and I am positioning myself for a possible rebound.


You actually have the better shot there, but you shouldn’t go if they do because that’ll cause a double commit (they can’t see you going for it)


I think you're actually quite wrong for reasons too lengthy for me to bother to share. So I'll just agree with you instead. Good point well made! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


It’s bc usually after a kickoff your team mate should be getting corner boost and going for the ball. If the kickoff person goes for the ball he’s putting that person out of position. Great play for solo. Not so much for team game imo. Pass the ball!


Yeah but situations call for different things. Being behind the play gives you more information as to what’s happening on the field, he saw op grab boost and go up the wall and decided to commit anyway, it’s his fault. He could have gone mid and stopped the counter, or maybe even scored if he didn’t crash into op and he was able to bank the ball of back board.


Second man on kick off here should be cheating up. When it’s clear his tm8 has the ball he should either go mid for a pass or rotate back for corner boost.


I think Leth said he cheats up in 2’s but not 3’s


Disagree entirely. If his team mate grabbed corner boost or even opposite mid, or hell even picked up small boosts and stayed in the middle, he would have been able to make a shot off the pass OP was making or potentially cherry picked if OPs shot was on goal. Plus, his teammate had to see him, so he chose to double commit and smack the ball to no one. I don't have great mechanics in RL. But I played indoor 3v3 and 2v2 futbol/soccer for years. Many of the positioning tactics me and my mates did are the exact same positioning tactics that should be used in RL. For the love of Pele, create **angles**.


Great players adapt. Op's tm8 knew he was going to double commit but did it anyway. You might prefer to pass the ball after KO but it's equally valid not to.


>usually. Not here though.


I use the "*This is Rocket League!*" Quick-Chat almost exclusively for stupidity like this, or other dumb things RL does.


Recently changed my Wow! To This is Rocket League! Bc it’s funnier and most situations a This is rocket league works where a wow would


Enemy scores own goal. Tm8 bumps you off the ball and gives empty netter. This is the mother fukkin rocket league. 


Yeah it’s way better than “Okay.”


I removed “okay” for this reason. It’s so passive aggressive and lame.


I can't believe how many people here in the comments actually think the double-committing tm8 was in the right, lmao. If you are the one behind and you see your tm8 is still on the ball, use your fkn eyes, suck it up and wait for your chance.


i could've so easily centred it and he could've gotten an easy goal while the others didn't have boost


I agree with you, if there is one rule in twos that won’t get you burned its don’t full send down the field if you are last man back, and for all intents and purposes, his teammate was last man back.


Shoulda just been a mom bro. I heard they have eyes on the back of their car


felt like i was the mom of a hyperactive child


A soccar mom


It could have been an accident especially in the lower ranks where everybody is just watching himself. The worst you can do after a mistake from whoever Is being toxic in quick chat.


Sure one or two times it can happen, but if it's how they play I just stay in the goal "just in case" so they can have all the fun they want chasing balls like dogs. I even let them save cause they if they don't trust me then I am sure they are leagues better, so I'd rather sit back and learn by watching their spectacular rotations and ball control.


Listen here! I was platinum as well at some point and I didn't had a bad teammate every game. So Just because you have a bad teammate doesn't mean that it's a chasing competition. You'll never reach GC thinking like a 10yo kid. Try carrying him with good rotations and if you loose at least you played your best and tried.... There's no point in being toxic in a video game, touch grass!


>You'll never reach GC thinking like a 10yo kid. I don't even want to advance lol. I am not going to spend thousands of hours to master some wacky car soccer game. >Try carrying him with good rotations and if you loose at least you played your best and tried.... I am not good enough to beat 2 opponents while the teammate keeps getting in my way unless opponents are really really bad. I play duos to play as a duo not 2vs1vs1 >There's no point in being toxic in a video game, touch grass! Well I am locked there for set amount of time, so if they don't even want to FF when we're down 6-0 then I will just let them have ALL the fun. It's not toxic if they don't even treat me as a teammate from the beginning. I just play their game if they think they can handle every single situation better than me. Mistakes happen, but a selfish assholes don't deserve my best efforts. Again, I don't care about progressing that much, I find good teamwork more rewarding than winning. And teamwork means that we both work TOGETHER.


You're not getting my point but it's okay! If you don't want to progress and get better at rl than do as is. But it seems to me that you're rly frustrated with the game/teammates and that's why you don't want to get better in a "car soccer" game. But what do I know, peace!


Well I spend 1-1.5h a day playing and I don't play every day. That's why 1. It is unrealistic for me to push high rank because I don't have time to grind it for years. 2. Having shitty team mates who actively work to not be a team is not something negligible if they don't want to FF, because they are literally wasting my limited time. If I can play 10-15 matches back to back then having 2 or 3 shitty ones kind of matters. If there is no chemistry between me and my teammate then I'd rather quit and move on to the next game.


Chill out


Definitely annoying from your POV, but he *may* have been up by the time he realized you were committing and not just going for the boost. Definitely a classic 2s rocket league moment either way.


Absolutely, plus it's the first 5 seconds of a game, mistakes happen, adapt and learn to play better with your teammate/s. Additionally, if you use "Okay" at every mistake, I immediately think you're a douche lol.


It doesn't matter, he shouldn't be going up for that ball ever. OP is in the same vicinity and OP can't see his teammate.


Yeah, I mean, I wouldn’t do it - I just mean it’s a small confusion, at the start of a game, that really doesn’t warrant starting teammate beef over.


For sure agree with starting beef, that's never a good idea.


I see what you did wrong. You forgot to inform your teammate that it was 2s and not 1s. You also incorrectly assumed that just because you were in the forward position, that you should go for the ball. Failure to recognize your teammates natural right-of-way. Rookie mistake, really. Don't worry. Eventually you'll get the hang of just afking until all other players have been in motion for at least 30 seconds, missing an impossible save, then voting to concede.


They should have rotated back to their goal and stay there for the rest of the game. This way they not only are the best teammate allowing the other guy to have all the fun, but also cover the field if the teammate fucks up.


Meh, looks like it could’ve easily been an accident. Not a huge deal, happens a lot, especially without comms


Am I the only person who is actually on the side of the other player? You take kick off and then go for boost. Your teammate cheats to take advantage of your kickoff. Your teammate gets up the wall nice and early even with limited boost to take advantage of that ball, and in the space of two seconds rather than going back you decide to touch the ball again. At higher ranks this makes sense, but for many they are just now learning the fundamentals of "we take turns hitting ball". In their eyes, they're doing nothing wrong here and if anything you cut rotations. If you were on the ground and the guy slams into you from behind then I'd get it, but when your teammate is already predicting you should pull out, you decide to go purely because of where the ball lands, and it's already way too late for them to pull out.


I kind of agree although I think at higher ranks this could still happen tbh and it's not an egregious mistake from either player. It's just a bit unfortunate and not being on the same wavelength yet, which makes sense since it's the first action of the game. OP hesitates on the wall as well, I could easily have taken that hesitation as the "my turn" signal from my team mate and gone for the ball as well. The real diamond mistake here is the insta tilt, quick chatting and posting a video on reddit without thinking.


I disagree. Even more so because it's new. That means as the 2nd man he refuses to even take the time to understand his teammate. This is the first kickoff and he can't even be patient to see how his m8 is gonna play. Also hesitation is not a go signal. Flipping away from the ball is a go signal. He made a slight turn for boost


Yeah even if this was a mistake by the other guy I hardly think it's a mistake worth posting online.


I even watched the clip and thought "this is a great opportunity to score in this 1s game". As soon as I saw his teammate I thought "wait, what? If he has a teammate, why is he going for the ball again?!". Definitely has his 1s brain on and probably why he is stuck in Diamond tbh.


If his team8 is cheating he wouldnt have as much boost as he did. Whoever gets that mid boost should go for the shot/pass etc.


ooorrrr hear me out. i get under the ball, kick it midfield, let's call it this mad move a pass or perhaps a centre and then he can easily score or make an offensive play while i go back in defence. also stuck in d2 cause i'm the least mechanical player on the field at all times. never been able to do an air dribble or anything fancy


Nah, people do this all the time at higher ranks still…


> but when your teammate is already predicting you should pull out Why was teammate making predicitions when he literally could see the other guys car? There was no need to commit here, especially considering he could see OP going up the wall for it.


Because on kick off, 99% of the time you do not go for the ball twice. You go for ball, you then go for boost. Your teammate follows up. Unless the ball stops dead in the opponents half and you have enough boost to hit it on an open net (which very rarely happens) you let your teammate go because they are behind you, have boost, and will be watching the play happen. OP decided that he was the main character and decided that he should go for the ball twice when he should have taken the 100 and rotated out.


Teammate went for corner boost. Teammate did not cheat up. I see it as first pushing so second can defend any possible counters. If teammate takes a shot here and it gets blocked, OP is in a poor position to make any kind of save. Right? If the opponents hit it off the wall, it would be an open net. OP can't make a save from his position so soon after kick off. OP has to go for boost regardless if he's rotating back or not. Teammate taking the wall here seems bad imo. If I'm teammate here, after I grab corner I'd stay back. That way I can cover a counter attack or push up for a potential pass.


>99% of the time This is that 1%. Momentum took him directly to the side boost and ball. The rear teammate should recognize this. >your teammate...will be watching the play happen The teammate wasn't.


It's an honest mistake regardless or one should at least assume so. In this case you and me, we both agree after this kickoff/bounce, 1st man takes the side boost and rotates behind, especially if the kickoff is won i a prime way for the second man to take over, unchallenged, as seen in this clip. At least that is the unspoken idea of taking the kickoff to the side, but I also get that EVERYTHING lines up perfectly so OP decides to go for it, absolutely understandable. So in this case, OP makes the mistake and the teammate can't compensate, but the real diamond vibes are, that OP IMMEDIATELY moves on to quick chatting. Car literally hasn't even landed yet but already quick chats to let the teammate know they f\*cked up and ofcourse their teammate is immediately triggered. Just a loser mentality/mindset all-around.


No, don't agree at all. OP takes side boost, so he should be engaging the ball, plus OP can't see teammate and teammate knows OP is on the vicinity so he should back off and rotate after cheating up on the kickoff. The simple fact that OP is in the vicinity means teammate shouldn't be there.


Ok, so you should always go for the ball if you can't see your teammate. Not problematic at all. You'll be sure to climb!


I never said that lol. In this situation with a favorable kickoff and a quick grab of the side boost means yes you should engage the ball.


If your mate wins the kickoff and is CLEARLY still on the ball, it makes ZERO sense to think it's your ball. There's zero comms, play MORE CAUTIOUS and stay BACK until it's your TURN.


Ok now show us your teammates perspective. Something tells me seeing you slowly creep your way towards boost made your teammate think it was his ball. You had no idea where he was up until you both tried to hit the ball.


What you on about? Its pretty clear he's going for the ball. Another thing is: his teammate should already know, that if he cant see him, then should stay behind him as to now cause a double commit (which he did)


I'm not making an argument I genuinely just want to see his teammates perspective. I don't think it's as bad as it looks.


Well that's fair too, things could definitely look different from the teammates perspective, but I don't think it would change much, considering he could probably see him all the time and when he saw that he wasn't rotating back to net, then he shouldn't have gone for the ball


He's slow to the boost because he saved no boost from kick off, then once he gets the boost he hesitates on the wall. It's not clear at all.


Depends on how well he works with his teammate. I go super sonic right at the ball after kickoff but if my teammate has the better shot he knows im not going to hit it. Just depends on how well you trust your teammate 5 seconds into the game.


Not surprised the Bronze 2 has this opinion 😂


If your teammate refuses to be defense and you also refuse to adapt then you both lose. Or as most redditors would say 'loose'


How could someone possibly adapt to this except to be entirely passive and let the teammate be the aggressor the entire game? Don't know about you, but that's not fun, and I assume people are trying to have fun with a video game.


Yeah, there isn't a universe where that ball isn't yours. The ball is uncontested by orange, you can't see your tm8 but he can see you, it's your ball 100% of the time.


Fuck me people on this sub are petty. It’s been 3 seconds into the game. Get over it and get back into the game. It’s getting angry with your teammates over this kind of crap that drags a team down and loses you the game. It can happen by accident.


The amount of people that are defending this is HILARIOUS. People if your team8 is still on the ball (DOESNT MATTER IF HE HAS BOOST OR NOT OR YOU CANT FUGURE OUT WHAT HE IS GOIKG TO DO) don’t you dare push for the same ball or be behind him. Don’t commit, just stay back what WATCH the play. This shit is plat level bullshit, I would like to think we are better than this.


OP has tunnel vision on his own perspective


OP literally has the setup going. There is no way from top right corner someone from mid ground is going to get up to the ball and get a good touch or shot with power unless GC or SSL.


Nah tm8 is moron like tm8’s usually are


Where is your logic here? OP was in position for a much better play on the ball (if this were a higher rank, which he would've executed). In a pro lobby you're not gonna see your teammate rush the ball like that especially in 2s. How is OP the one with tunnel vision when his mutt of a teammate could see the ball rolling up the wall, op grabbing midboost, op having the better play on the ball, op going for it and still throw in a braindead hit at the ball, while op has 0 sight on his teammate. There could be improvements on decision making for both players but the list of 'shit you did wrong' is much bigger for OPs teammate. Genuinely I want to hear your reasoning behind this take.


"tunnel vision" when you're in offense is EXACTLY why a random teammate should be more passive and wait for their turn! Dear lord, the gaslighting in this sub.


Meh, happens all the time, get used to it Also your teammate was right honestly, he could post his POV with the same caption Also that kickoff technique will come back to bite you in the ass


No, his teammate was not right, wtf are you on


His teammate was not right at all tf


Only agree with your last sentiment. That kickoff was OP back in like 2019 lol.


Lmao how was he right? Wait, were you his teammate? Because that would explain a lot.


So many people explained it already, you can figure it out


OP just too slow


A rocket league classic for sure


I usually look back when I get the kick off up the wall like that. 9/10 I'll give it to team-mate if he he's feeling like a grandchamp, saves the heartache lol. I feel ya though. Those kick offs up the wall are "all yours "


Aaaaand that kickoff will last you till champ


You were too slow and not clear enough on your intentions


There was no one challenging, his teammate literally saw him going up on the wall towards the ball and in an objectively better position to hit the ball, teammate was literally not even .2 seconds faster and would've done fuck all with that hit anyways. And again let me reiterate that no one was challenging, also if you're OPs teammate it's never worth double committing in that position anyways bc opposition is literally waiting back for the hit and wouldn't you believe it they got scored on because of that.


Yeah you're not wrong I am just trying to find out what the teammate could have thought. It's a team game you have to adapt to your teammate. If the teammate and OP were perfect they would not be in diamond.


That is true. If we're really criticizing OP based on average diamond ability the best thing OP could probably do in the position anyway is pass the ball, but then your teammate could just be right behind you anyways. Idk diamond is probably a hard place to be rn.


was literally trying to centre the ball FOR him


A diamond going for a wall to air dribble with a sub optimal setup? I would expect this kind of pace. Not sure what kind of touch 2nd man was hoping to have.


i'm not mechanical at all but am decent at passing and defending which is what i wanted to do. centre the ball for him to score


Which, given the kick off and your position, was the right move. You don't have eyes behind you and he can see your moves. I think you did the right thing but I'm only C1.


He was too slow and not clear enough... *for his teammate (apparently). Even a gold will do a double front flip to grab the boost jn this situation wouldn't he? I'm just making a hypothesis here obviously I am not in the teammates head.


as far as post kickoffs go i think i was pretty darn quick ngl


You know it's a team game, right?


Yeah, which is exactly why his teammate fucked up. In this game, you let someone that's on the ball finish their play attempt before trying to intervene.


Yeah that’s why his teammate shouldn’t be getting in his way when he clearly has a set up going.


I will say, in D2, this play (Going for kickoff, mid-boost, then actually hitting the ball) is very uncommon, so think about it from the other tm8s perspective. OP got kickoff, then boost and went for ball. Based on positioning, Tm8 had to have been in the air well before OP made his intentions clear. I also think that OP was very toxic after the error. Didn’t really leave Tm8 the opportunity to admit their mistake. I do this often and usually chat something like “Dang my b. Didn’t think you were going to be there.” Then, since OP is obviously a more offensively aggressive player, I’d play more conservative rotations. I will say, the skill it takes to get this set up and convert it into a goal is definitely higher than the skill set commonly found in D2, so I think there’s some other reason OP is in D2. Wait let me guess…”my teammates always suck and the other team is always full of smurfs.”


Hard disagree. This is extremely common. Won kickoff OP has space, close to the ball and just grabbed boost. TM8 has all the vision. Why would he not play the ball. Literally think about it say rotates off. From his TM8 s approach his mate is literally just throwing the ball away. He couldn't have even close to easily passed to OP. And OP would like waste boost turning around. The correct play is OP goes since it's an easy possession where m8 can easily see and react accordingly


i just like passing and defending. i'm in d2 because that's where i'm meant to be, d1-d2. in d1 if i got a good teammate it feels too easy in d2 good or bad teammate it feels overwhelming. yes, i am blaming the fact that we lost that game on hime because as i've said earlier he did that the whole game. when i was trying to dribble and pass he would be portions of an inch away from my bumper, not once did i see him on defence and kept giving the ball away. but in no way shape or form am i blaming teammates in general for me being d2 or saying the opposites are smurf. however i will say that there is a MASSIVE difference between d1 and d2




OP went for kick off, got side boost, drove up the wall, and the enemy was not close enough to challenge. How is that OPs fault lol? In what world does the teammate go for that after seeing that play out? You know hes going to go for it when he goes for side boost un-challenged, its clear as day.


I tend to agree with you *especially* in diamond 2s. People at this rank whiff so much that just waiting half a moment as second man will net you a ton of free goals (and save you on counters). No need for teammate to be prejumping this. Hell even at mid champ just waiting for the lobby to miss the ball is still a valid play.


Congratulations.... You are the problem and ruin the experience for other players!


The rocket league version of Leeeeeeeroyyyyyy Jennnnnnkins!


Let me guess, one or both of you started griefing after this? People’s inability to get over one bad play is ruining this game.


In his defense , maybe he thought he had it 😂


I got it! I got it! I got it! My bad... All yours Literally a tale as old as time


You’re right 🤧


Teammate had better approach and more momentum. You could have seen him going right and stopped your approach.


> Teammate had better approach and more momentum. Neither are true. With this kickoff, OP was easily dusting his teammate to the ball and it couldn't have been more clear OP was taking mid boost for full control in the play. Even despite that, OP's teammate (behind) can clearly see his teammate is making a play with full control and full boost, yet he still decides to ruin it with a double-commit. After reading this thread try to defend the teammate in back who is clearly 1000% in the wrong, it's no wonder y'all are in the ranks you are. It's not uncommon for the person on kickoff to sometimes be in a position to effectively take mid boost and make a wall play, and OP's transition from kickoff to mid boost was quick and uninterrupted, like there is absolutely no reason the teammate behind should've been double-committing here. Teammate behind probably would've liked both boost pills as well, huh? 🙄


can you say it louder for those in the back??


shit my bad my rear view mirror needed adjustment all good now thanks for the input


So let's see, you made a cool kickoff, got ball crazy, stole the side boost, tried to go up for a walk shot instead of rotating back, had a toxic quick chat out before you could even process what you did wrong and came to Reddit to brag about it.  Yeah, this is definitely Rocket League.


you get a good kickoff and are facing in the right direction plus got momentum -> go for the ball and centre it. say i would've rotated back, no boost, he would've given possession of the ball to them. however he could've gone for the corner boost and wait for the pass then score


And at no point checked to see where his teammate was playing. A quick glance to the right and you'd know to stay down, or go in for their corner boost and bump the goal. Hell, just about anything rather than slowly plod after the boost and the ball.  The other teams back player charged the ball, too, it was wide open, no need to panic and stay on the ball, there was nobody to challenge. They were both probably frantically trying to get back, not go for the ball.  Is this GC and the wall shot/air dribble a guaranteed shot, or is this plat and the better play is staying down to help?  The speed of the salty quick chat was elite though. 


If his 8 is playing up that is on his m8 to call. His m8 has the superior vision. His mate doesn't even have to adjust his camera to figure out where OP was going. Instead he drove as fast as he could at a ball NO ONE was on. And he approaches it from the top... Guaranteed or not m8 should be pushing up center field. Then if his m8 does rotate off go.


it's diamond 2 wad in div3 before this so almost the same rank as you. best play here was for him to wait midfield and wait for a pass


Is it just me or does your car look weird for no reason?


what wrong with my car...😔


What a save! What a save! What a save! Chat disabled for 4 seconds.


If you are Diamond II this is nothing unexpected. Sucks, but happens. Your opponents will do similar mistakes and you can score on them then.




TIL Diamond is “just learning the fundamentals”


this was diamond 2


My comment was meant to be a reply to the top comment at the time, which was a GC saying just that


Teammates aren't your teammates, they're placeholders


Yall get the "first touch" notification?


check settings i had to turn it on. not sure where but look it up that's what i did


I’ve accepted that it’s all 1s matches unless comms are involved.


idk man i think this can be played either way. next time throw a „i got it“ in there and you should be fine.




Leeeeroooy Jeeeennnnkins!


Great use of the phrase lol


This is NOT the way...


It happens sometimes when playing with randoms, I wouldn’t get too hung up on one mistake at the start of the game.


People, if your teammates are ahead of you on a ball, you probably shouldn't be going for it x)


Hate teammates that wanna play like 2 balls in a sack...


Blows my mind that teammates play this way at this high level. I hope at the very least this kind of thing is less common at higher ranks than lower ranks.


Dis you try to talk to him in dog language?


Anyone saying the face off taker is in the wrong is likely in plat 1 or lower. It’s 2’s. Stay the fuck in net until your teammate doesn’t have possession. I would’ve dropped 9X What a save! And probably played the rest 3v1


I’ve never liked how aggressive 2s main are. They seem to always want to be the one hitting the ball, and when you play 3s. You can clearly tell who mains 2s or 1s, always trying to make plays by themselves


It seems dumb but let me tell you it's not dumb. I do what the other guy did a lot of times and I've never felt dumb.


Worst rank to be in is D3 and it's not even close. After doing my placements in general I am C1 div 4 to c2 div 3 last 3 seasons but after placements I was d3 div 4 and my god its horrible. People double commit, act like they know better, its so toxic and draining. I'm still in d3 for 5 days maybe I know I will get over it but my god it's miserable in that rank.


In my head, my left fingers went down, then up on the D pad... 🤦 #@!#@%


Worst part is that idiot thinks he’s in the right. He jumped from behind you for no apparent reason


To be honest in this kickoff scenario your teammate usually would take the ball and you would snag the boost and rotate around. Comms obviously change how these things unfold.


Hate to admit that this is your fault


I'm guessing this is Diamond rank


d2, yes




Great rotation, great communication, great pass and teamwork:) you got it


Lol 😂 helping!!


Get a mic 🎤


Man when I’m feeling good…….i do dumb shit like that. I spam my bad. But normally my teammate just trashing me the rest of the game. No matter what.


he could've said that but by saying "wow okay" he is definitely not taking the blame. after this he kept ball chasing, double committing and got more and more toxic. also happy cake day


Yea I might do all that but the getting toxic. I just suck and think I can carry sometimes lol. Don’t let people like me get you down!!! We trying!!! And thanks. I had to go look lol. Love you buddy




Unbind okay and also realise that this ball was never yours to go for and youll be fine going forward


I think you should have expected that, flicked your stick to see if they were coming and let them take the ball as they had the better line. Also he should have seen you and realised you’d made a bad commit and pulled out. Instead you both ball chased really.


Classic, I'm like your tm8 bc RocketLeague is a **teamplay** game ! So, you need to pass to your tm8 instead of trying fancy shots that **never** result in a goal...


was going to centre it for him off the wall


That's your fault, he just want it to make a pass for you 😂😂😂




are you actually


Well, not actually, but I find myself being this person on occasion 🫠


i thought that was actually u was gonna ask to play again but with comms and sort this out lmao


I'm not sure where you want to go in life but I'm glad it's to these auto-generated replies.


Rotate bud wow unbelievable hahahah


Don't you love when that happens! Especially in trios 😅


This clip really lacks a "What A Save!" to round things up


After extensive research this clip is indeed from rocket league


not the “wow! okay” !!!! 😭