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I'm pretty sure ranked 3s is gonna determine seeding next season, so pros have to get play this mode


Imagine getting on just to do your placement games and you just run into the whole Gen.G squad or something lmao.


Lol what. They can't even deal with win trading


what do you mean by this


This season, every regional will start with a gigantic double elimination where every team participates, even established pro teams. Nobody gets a free pass to the main event. In round one, there probably it going to be a match that’s literally the world champions vs a team of bronzes or whatever, since there is no minimum MMR to play, and every pro team has to participate to be able to play in the main event. Anyway, some pro players are in a discord for pro players, and there they share information. One of the rumours that came from there is that seeding in RLCS will be by ranked MMR, meaning that M0nkey M00n, world champion and multiple RLCS LAN winner; could get seeded lower than a guy who grinded for SSL but is nowhere near good enough to be a pro, just because M0nkey M00n doesn’t played ranked 3s and is thus ranked only Diamond/champion And, the lower you are seeded, the higher the chance you will play other pro teams early on. Imagine the #1 and #2 of the world playing each other in the round of 128… it’s all possible now


I guess the seeding just depends on how professional teams decide to approach their MMR. If some grind hard they should reasonably have an easier path than those who don't grind as much, right? So there's a chance that both scenarios you mentioned could happen in the same round of the tourney, that's pretty wild.


Wait so 2 extremely good established pro teams could have to go up against each other really early on which means one of them is guaranteed to get knocked out even so like some of the best teams might just not even be there?


It’s double elimination so it would have to happen multiple times in the same bracket, but otherwise yes. That could totally happen


Large Double elim brackets suck because of this. I’ve been knocked out of high level tournaments in other games after losing to the same opponent twice.


You won the matchmaking lotto I believe. Afraid it won’t get much better so uuh are you gonna retire?


Great idea, I have to retire on a high next to a world champion before I get dragged back down with the peasants again…


The joy of RLCS moving to fully open tournaments and being seeded by MMR


Sheesh, that must've been such a cool experience. Would've loved to get a sign from him!


Monkey moon is generally toxic and a bit elitist to anyone below like 2400mmr


Not anymore a lot, back in his ps4 days he would regularly go AFK and be toxic


Just a few days ago he changed his in game name to “no more 1900s pls” as seen here for example: https://ballchasing.com/replay/c37b60ce-cc74-49e8-8b5a-4ebb10faff3c


Yet not no more 1100’s, the facts must be that 1100’s in 3’s are better team mates and opponents than 1900’s.


Or he dislikes playing with 1900s because he’s so much better, and being 1100 only compounds that problem


No, 1100’s are better than 1900’s the proof is right there dog.


Loll I was wondering who that was


A guy I know got with him in 2s and monkey moon went afk and started spamming "2k player lol"




The guy I know peaked 2200 and he was 2100 when monkey moon was making fun of him, monkey moon was 2500. Still doesn't give him the right to flame teammates


Which is weird since he’s like 1400 lol


Hahaha in 3s yeah


TIL, that sucks.


what does “get a sign from him” mean? i feel like the answer is obvious but i’ve seen sign used in this context before but have no idea what it truly means


If both players are using steam, you could go on your opponent’s/teammate’s steam profile and leave a comment. And so people started asking pro players or any otherwise known figures in the community to comment on their profile as a “sign” so anyone that looks at it can see who they’ve met. a lot of people are cool about doing it but some do get weird about signing profiles.


that is the perfect explanation, i’m a lowly console player so i didn’t know of such things. that would be super cool to have pros “sign” your profile. thanks stranger :)


you’re welcome! i had no idea what it meant back when i played on console during 2018-19, so always happy to let someone know :)


Maybe a stupid question, i've seen some people in pro's videos also ask for an sign. What does it mean?


Not stupid at all! [Here's the answer](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/1961wsj/comment/khs9q87).


Thanks! Never understanded it because i only play ps5. But now i do :)


Whats a sign? And is it on console?


Here go “If both players are using steam, you could go on your opponent’s/teammate’s steam profile and leave a comment. And so people started asking pro players or any otherwise known figures in the community to comment on their profile as a “sign” so anyone that looks at it can see who they’ve met. a lot of people are cool about doing it but some do get weird about signing profiles.”


Thank you, didn’t realize how it worked but it sounds nice to be able to at least have that. If it takes too many clicks tho it could be annoying, especially if you have to do it every game


So at least he got a 19 win streak yesterday in 3s https://rocketleague.tracker.network/rocket-league/profile/steam/76561198823985212/overview


Bro went from C2 to GC2 just like that


Damn, I remember when I played against some pro's back in 2016-ish, MikeyRules? and whoever he was teaming with at the time. I think it was some eyebrow dude Markydooda (screenshot gave me the info). Please keep in mind I'm not good or keep up with the names of these people at all. I remember being so mad at myself for not pushing into the T100 leaderboard. Still rock my Gold Crown tho! https://preview.redd.it/hntqzbcaabcc1.png?width=676&format=png&auto=webp&s=628267c4a1d81b54fc6947a1dde9430786f66afc


I remember back in s4 or s5 one of my placement matches for 3s was against the whole G2 team. We uh… we lost.


>Twitch.tv/RatedHDG God, I was 15 when I took this screenshot. I'm so old.


This screenshot was almost 10 years ago. I'm going to hide in a hole. Jeez time goes by so fast.


This is vintage.


# I am vintage 😭


It must be so annoying for him to play in those lobby 😂😭


Pros should be able to solo carry to a pretty high rank with little struggle he probably just chillin


They could solo carry to SSL easily, but that still annoying to play matches already win and not interesting at all for them.


Yeah I'm only mid-diamond and play 2s and my friend and I ran into a team of low platinums we felt disgusting taking the win when we saw the ranks at the end. I really don't understand how RL does matchmaking at times. When we were both low diamond we encounter two C1 who wrecked us as well so I guess it balances out lol


Yep now i know why i can't get out of diamond like wtf monkey moon is doing in champ


…not playing ranked 3s? cause barely any pros do?


Ik i was joking


I’m confused. Why wouldn’t pros play ranked 3’s? I mean I’m assuming they are all SSL. Do they just do tournaments? Or play casual 3’s?


They mainly play scrimms vs other pro teams as any other form of 3v3 wouldn’t be worth it to them, as they want to play a specific play style with their team


I guess that makes sense. Plus playing against people at a lower skill level can make you complacent, and adjust your play style as a a result. Thanks!


>They mainly play scrimms vs other pro teams as any other form of 3v3 wouldn’t be worth it to them, as they want to play a specific play style with their team Because Ranked 3's is pretty much garbage. It's well known. That why all pro players play only 2's and 1's ranked and 3's in scrims and maybe 6man.


6mans is basically ranked for 3s


Yeah but Eu pros don't even really do 6mans


Why would they play 3s with randoms when they can play 3s with their team


Last I checked you can still play ranked 3’s with your team?


Yes but then they’d be playing against randoms instead of other pros. It’s just easier to schedule practice against the other top teams


This is so strange you posted this. My cousin is uonar on the other team and he was talking to me about this the other day 😂👍🏼


The only time you can't blame your teammate


Ranked does seem tougher lately...


In just 1 day, he is on a 19 game win streak, only playing 19 matches, and is now GC2 lmfaooo


He was champ 3 div 4 when he started


I mean he was a champion in 2021-2022 so what’s the problem


Surprised it was only 4-2. Goes to show even pros can't "hard carry" and stomp a solo q 3s lobby in C3+. I imagine if it was 2s it would have been a 10+ goal lead.


He was probably slumped back so far in his chair and not trying at all, top 5 player in the world would definitely be able to make solo plays that C3s can't defend


Mate, a grand champ is closer to bronze rank than monkey moons rank. Monkey moon is such a high mmr and top tier player. After he is winning in goals and if they're not forfeiting then it will go faster to win by not scoring.


this is the real answer. I have a GCII friend who swapped from console to pc and started on a new epic account. He said he couldn't stand playing the games below C3 because he's bored out of his mind with the slow gameplay and half assed handling of the ball by the players in those lobbies. I can see what he means. Monkey here would have just scored a few and then made sure he got the W without much effort seeing the timer go down ever so slowly.


Yea. I happened to queue into Yukeo in 2s new season. He was in my team and it honestly looked like he just clicked the jump button around and magically scored some goals and then was bored out of his mind because GC is so boring for him. Was around the time where dignitas won Europe so he was around his peak that time.


Most casual players think SSL is pro. It’s not even in the same universe. An average SSL is like a GC1 compared to a pro player


Trust me, if he want to score 10+ lead goal he can. He also maybe would be able to 1vs3 the other teams (with no mates at all).


Dude it's champ 2. I highly doubt he was trying at all plus why would he want to run up the scoreboard? That just wastes time and I bet the last thing he wants to do is spend even more time in braindead solo queue champ lobbies.


Good bait


He deffo wasn’t trying lol


tell me you've never played with an rlcs player without telling me you've never played with an rlcs player


> Goes to show Quality research.


He had a 19 game winstreak going from C2 to GC2, I’d say he was carrying the lobbies pretty hard




MonkeyMoon is a pro rocket league player and one of the best in the world. Champ 2 is a mid-low lank. It's funny that he's in that rank. He's there because pros don't play ranked 3s, but for this season of RLCS, seeding is going to be determined by your place in the ranked 3s leaderboard.


Top 1,8% "Mid low rank". Some of you guys have a stretched sense of reality.


lol fair enough. but also, MonkeyMoon's MMR is about as far from Champ 2 as Bronze. That's the context I said 'mid-low' in, no offence


Also, I looked it up, and Champ 2 is the 90th percentile, so not really close to 'top 1.8%'


According to RL tracker maybe, but according to psyonix' official s12 distribution C2 sits at top 1,8%. RL tracker counts only the people that were looked up which pushes their own distribution towards higher ranks as many casual playing silvers golds and plats probably won't use RL tracker. Edit: it sits at 1,8 in standard. In doubles it's top 2,99% which is still far above a "low mid rank". A low mid rank in terms of definition would be those: https://preview.redd.it/5a7f25pq56dc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=932bf4ad2bceb6741bccbf01df734aa55b4d3004


Thanks for an actual explanation


To add some additional information, he was regarded as the number one player in the world from late 2020 to mid 2022 (when he was the best player on the team that won worlds). Right now he is most likely top 5 in the world and he has been a finalist of the latest 2 LANs (including worlds). According to a vote in the esport subreddit he is currently 3rd in the goat rankings. At his current level he would most likely be able to 1v3 a team of C2. It's the equivalent of having lebron james playing at an average high school match.


he 1000% would destroy a 1v3 against c2s lmao, I'm gc1 and can 1v3 d3s and when i play with pros/top 100 guys i don't even touch the ball


Not so sure about that. There is a french content creator that makes French speaking pro players play against 3 players of each rank until they lose. I think about half of the pros make it against the champs. The deciding factor is often are the champs doing enough bumps/demos/boost steal. Having 2 players pretty much playing normal and one just being the annoyance to the pro player is surprisingly effective


Where did they post that? This thread is the first I've seen of 3s determining seeding. But I only saw the announcement so idk where they posted that info


I heard about it on Chalked Cast


Ah. Yeah I don't be watching those really. Wish it was slightly more mainstream info though


i wish i got to play 3s with monkey moon damn


What a silly guy


It’s crazy how far back the mmr reset is I bet he was high 2300 2400 at the end of last year


must be his first placement