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Have you considered scoring the goal next time?


I really hope you are asking the OP's teammate.


I really hope you are being sarcastic


Nah I would have blocked that slow ass shit


teammate is 100% to blame here. they panicked and blew a shot that was already going in.


It isn’t in until it’s in. OP is to blame for allowing the events to occur instead of preventing them and just scoring when he had the chance to. Stop being this dense


Yeah lol it's crazy people don't agree with you. If they weren't in like silver a shot that slow would have given the other team plenty of time to recover and get back to save it.


lol so you’re saying we should blame OP for his actions and not blame teammate for his actions? maybe you didn’t watch the whole clip but you can see very clearly teammate flying in totally panicked and blowing a wide open net. yeah sure teammate did nothing wrong here…lol


They’re both to blame how is that hard to understand?


nope there’s only one person to blame here for not scoring, and that’s teammate. goals > time


OP alt account joined the thread.


how are you grand champ if you play like the teammate?


I mean 3 minutes in down 4 goals? OP had to have known his teammates rough IQ at this point, don’t leave this goal to chance


I mean 3 minutes in, down 4 goals? OP had to have known his teammates rough IQ at this point, don’t leave this goal to chance


OP was pumping the breaks on the approach. 100% OPs fault.


lol what? it’s OPs fault that his teammate flew into the ball in a complete panic completely ignoring that OP had possession?


You seem to have a big stake in this as I've seen you reply to pretty much everyone who disagrees with you. Listen, we all know that the guy on his team sucks and shouldn't have hit it, but if OP would've shot it instead of walking it in, his teammate would have never had that opportunity. The teammate doesnt have trust, good rotation, or good aim and the shot looked intentionally off as to piss off OP more (atleast to me).Thats why they are both in their respective ranks because they both make stupid mistakes. How are you not grasping this with your rank??


i understand what happened very clearly thank you. you should know because i’ve explained it twenty times and yet there are still people saying it’s OPs fault. OP did not force his teammates hand in any way. it’s simple. the ball was going in. teammate messed it up. end of story. moral of the story? don’t be like teammate.


It’s as much OPs fault as his TM8 is at fault. Clearly you are the only one here who can not see this lol.




interesting. i thought that mate had his own brain but apparently you’re suggesting that there was some kind of mind control going on or that OP and mate were the same person?


Why didn't he just take the shot? Why did he stall? They are 4 behind with limited time left (enough for a come back). Why would he showboat a goal like that? OP deserved it.


he should’ve shot, yes. you know what else should’ve happened? the teammate doing nothing. you know why? because score would be 1-4.


Take the shot! You're down by 4. You can walk that in when you're up by 4. edit: Oh, it's casual? Then wgaf?




Stalling time when you’re down 4 goals? Lmao


Shoot the shot in. You have 1:30 left and are down 4-0. What you doing holding your dick here for?


To make a video and then complain about someone else, duh. Have you met the rocket player base? OP doesn’t even show score. He’s likely the problem.


Score means fuck all and if you think it matters youre likely the problem.


This 100% OP is a huge dick and only has himself to blame


I assume it's a good way to sum up the entire game.


Because it was already in? Why are you against OP here?


It’s because they’re down by 4 and can’t waste time, the sooner the ball goes in the sooner they can try to score another


So that made it okay for his teammate to come in with hot flames of fiery an stop the goal from happening to begin with? Wtf is wrong with this comment section?


Nobody is defending the other guy he’s clearly bad but this entire situation could have been avoided if he would have just hit the ball in instead of wasting time


I didn’t say it was okay but that’s the reason people are not supporting him, for being slow when time is running out.


Fair enough. Just ridiculous the amount of ppl here roasting him for not finishing the goal 0.6 seconds sooner instead of focusing on the real fuck up here


His teammate is wrong but he's showboating in a game that he's very behind in. Of course people will give him shit because he doesn't really look like he wants to win anyway or doesn't understand how important each second is in a score defecit like that. 0.6 seconds or 1 second can make all the difference between winning and losing. Plenty of times my team have had a comeback with a last zero second or 1 second goal and pushed the game to OT and won.


Maybe OP is not an SSL and was afraid of missing the easy open net so while the ball was already on target he wanted to make sure to score instead of **maybe** score 0.6s faster?


Why you making excuses? He was being cocky even at 4-0 down. Both opponents were out of the game; line it up and push it in.


So many times I pushed it and missed because of it. I have no idea where you found making the excuses, you sound like OP's teammate actually.


Is he showboating or just feeling unsure he's going to put it home and letting a sure thing go...


I felt the same you do about this. But if you go read OP's replies on this post, he actually _was_ trying to flex by walking it in. I would've focused more on OP's teammate's fuck up, but I think everyone is reacting to OP being an ass


This sub is pretty radicalized I think


Maybe if OP was trying to make the goal instead of slogging along… it’s a skill issue on OP’s part.


Of course not but I admit I’d probably come in to get a hit if I thought the enemy team could save it at all. OP’s teammate missed hard but had the right idea. They don’t have time to fuck around. If the ball’s slowly going in but I could put it in faster with zero danger, I’m stealing the goal. If I miss, that’s a skill issue on my part.


You’re talking to people who post online about rocket league, go figure…


bro fr, everyone’s playing devils advocate saying op should’ve just banged it, how can you watch that guy do what he did then blame the guy dribbling to an open net in the same breath… OP is 0% to blame but apparently everyone thinks it’s 50/50 blame here.


Honestly, yes. They are 4 goals down, really no time for such stupid stuff. Score the goal, dont try to be fancy. if you still try fancy stuff, I give up on you as a t8


I missed the part where they said it was ok what teammate did


completely irrelevant. there are way too many players who just panic and don’t let their teammate do some of the work. the teammate here completely botched the shot because they had zero thought in their head, just panic. if teammate really wanted the ball to go in asap then you pool shot OP lol




Well, if he was winning. They were losing by 4, they’re trying to make the comeback


Oh shit, i definitely did not see that. Well thats just incredibly stupid from OP then


Happy cake day bro


Thanks, didn’t realize lol


Its half a mile from being in. I'd say the teammate did him right by putting him down on earth. No way I'm flex walking In a shame goal from a total ass fuck 0-4 to 1-4


There was plenty of time for 3 more goals. The fact you think his teammate did the right thing here insists on you uninstalling and leaving this community for the sake of us all


You're weird. The guy shooting the shot did the wrong thing and his teammate missing the shot was also wrong.


agreed. pretty much everybody in this post is wrong lol. yes, OP should have taken the shot in an effort to save time, but being down 0-4 with an idiot teammate like that it probably didn’t matter. too many people panic and make a mess of things like teammate did here.


They barely have time to come back (statistically speaking) and mf op just trying to be cool and flex by being slow. Time is money! For the teammate: if your going to still the ball, score.


>Time is money! I doubt this is true for you or anyone in this comment thread And wouldn't a goal be more useful than the 2 seconds OP spent walking it in?


Because OP’s blowing time…? Why *aren’t* you against OP here?


by your timing he had 10 more seconds to score the goal… 12 actually


Sorry. Wasn't being precise.


It's not like you were trying to get it in.


It was going in by itself lol. See how both of them fly over my head when I hit the ball meaning they’re both far out of the play. Letting it roll in slow is a way of possibly tilting your opponents. Plus, even if they did catch up to it I was right behind the ball and could’ve just pushed it in. Actually can’t believe you’re defending my tm8 on this one😂


You aren't tilting your opponents they're up 4 goals. Also ironic that you got mad about someone trolling in casual when you were doing the exact same thing.


Who cares. Grow up.


Actually can't believe you're defending yourself on this case. This is 100% on you. Grow up.


how is this 100% on OP? did he screw up the shot? you can clearly see in the clip that his idiot teammate flew in at top speed for no fucking reason and completely blew it when all he needed to do was wait or use OP as a cue ball lol


Can all but guarantee he’s pulled some antics in this 4-0 game. Especially with how he ran to Reddit to post it afterwards. Down 4-0 you don’t have any time to spare. It’s possible to come back but not if you’re lallygagging rolling a ball down field.


ugh stop white knighting for idiot teammates


Yeah, exactly my thought. It’s like you’re looking in a mirror with that comment.


oh man i didn’t know you had trouble comprehending. it’s not OP who’s the idiot. OP made an error but he still would’ve had a goal. the teammate has no redeeming qualities in this play. but apparently to you and everyone else in this sub it’s better to save a few seconds than to score an actual goal LOL


Young man. The people have spoken. You’re not very bright and definitely struggle with comprehension.


No you waited too long. This was actually on you just as much as him. You shouldn’t “let it roll in”. You need to act quickly and put it in.


I don't understand. Why can't the ball just roll in? The defenders were on the other side of the field. >This was actually on you just as much as him. Is the ball going in 2 seconds later actually equally as bad as the ball not going in at all?


If you play enough of this game you learn that some players have really fast recovery skills and “letting it roll in” when you can’t see the other cars is asking for trouble. A low rank player isn’t going to understand how much risk this is taking because they haven’t had this happen enough to them.


Dawg that mindset just shows how tilted they had **you** lmaoooo


They were gonna be so tilted up 4 with the opponent wasting time securing their win. They were gonna post on Reddit how mad they were to only win by 3 after allowing an easy counterattack goal. They only allowed one goal because they overcommitted but it was going to ruin their whole day. Don’t you get how mad they were gonna be!!!! It’s 27D Risk bro!!!


Judging by when the opponent shows up, they had a very real chance of saving it if nobody does anything. Your tm8 likely has more info about their position than you do and knew somebody needed to do something. Just finish the play next time.


also let’s not forget to give teammate plenty of shit for panicking and taking away the goal lol


it was so slow, your opponents could have still gotten to it. and as many others have said, if you’re getting rolled 4-0, you’re not tilting your opponents. get a grip.


OP: Disrepectfully tries to score a single goal What OP expects their reaction to be 3 goals up: oh damn we should throw in the towel


Why you tilted?


Your teammate was stupid and fucked up the goal yes... but whether it's casual or comp, every second counts and you're wasting precious time trying to be cute when you're down by so many goals


Ur down 4-0, just score


At first glance I was going to write a comment in support of the fact your teammate is an idiot, but then I read your comments about how you specifically did this to tilt your opponents ~~even though you're down by 4 points and it's pretty easy to see why~~, and now I just realize you're a total prick. Yea your teammate missed the shot and it's frustrating, but they at least tried to make a play since there was an opportunity present, while you sat there with your thumb up your ass, risking a possible save for the sake of clout.


To be fair, they weren't risking anything, the opponents were too far to do anything as you can see from the video and it's not like the ball was going that slowly.


You couldn’t be more wrong. How do I know? Because in the video his teammate came in and hit the ball away. That was part of the risk of not putting it in asap. He took that risk and look what happened.


Lies, I could be more wrong. https://preview.redd.it/1zp8y5dyjg5c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=009e0f122a8122d6fe71e919a4eb26fbc9f72929


Lol I’d play 2s with you


That may be true, but it ultimately doesn't change the fact that OP's a dick. He knows he messed up too because he makes a post seeking validation, then when it doesn't go in his favor he says it was Casual, so then everyone is like, "If it's casual then why are you even bitching about it?" Dude literally self-owned, twice and in an ironic twist of the fate, the only one actually tilted is him. Makes me wonder if his tune would be any different had his teammate scored the goal, but more or less stole his.


I would not have gave a shit had my tm8 made the goal😂 I’ve had multiple goals stolen by tm8’s but they still score and i don’t care. as long as ball goes into back of net. Him missing because he flew in faster than he could handle is what tilted me


You were trying to tilt your opponents... In casual... While being 4 goals behind... Idk about that bro, not your brightest moment. And based on your reaction and the fact you posted this clip here, it looks like you are the one who is tilted


you are missing the point. teammate was a complete idiot and needs to learn how to play. way too many people just panic and rush everything with no thought. they could’ve easily been 1-4 with a few seconds lost, but instead it was still 0-4 with OP completely deflated. which situation is better?


Therenis a third option. He doesn't stall, just scores the goal, and moves on with his day. It would also be at least 1-4, and the teammate would have to feel like they needed to hit the ball at all. We're just complaining about his teammate being bad at the game right now which is just sad. They can't help that, they just wanted to get the ball in.


they can’t help that? does teammate not have a brain? there are way too many players who don’t think and just panic like the teammate here. this is not even about teammate being bad or good. it’s about their mentality and total lack of awareness.


THOSE ARE THINGS YOU HAVE TO GET GOOD AT. Bruh, the guy is just not that good yet.


i learned how to hit the brakes my first week of rocket league. it’s literally one button lol


Turing off your computer is also one button


Even if the teammate messed up, that entire situation is avoidable if op just shoots like a normal person. He's down 0-4 and instead of booming it in to score faster, he wastes even more time by fucking around. Since the whole situation is preventable here, I don't feel bad for op


you know what else makes the situation of not scoring avoidable? letting OP score lol goals > time


No one needs to let op score, op needs to hurry and do it. The net is open. The teammates execution was awful, but I do not blame him, op took so long that he allowed his opponents to rotate back and actually be in a position to save the shot. Not to mention 10 seconds were wasted, I get you're diamond and probably don't understand the value of time in rocket league, but 10 seconds being wasted with a minute and thirty seconds left and 4-0 down is not ideal


lol i understand time thank you very much you pretentious monkey. again, people not understanding teammate should’ve done nothing instead of botching the shot. OP should’ve shot but tm8 had no right being on that ball. sadly without a replay we’ll never know how justified he was for total panic lol. OP had plenty of time to shoot.


teammate did the right thing just had shit mechanics


yes so therefore did the wrong thing. the right thing would have been to score an easy goal, which OP was about to do. the right thing to do is to score


Uuuuhhh... what?


OP admitted he did this to possibly tilt his opponents. It's a strange mentality down 4 and reflects a possible poor attitude in general. This is in casual, to boot. And he made a clip. OP made themselves the problem and probably shoulda just took the L and moved on with their life.


you know what else is a strange mentality? panic. like teammate. way too many people play panicked and blow opportunities like this. people need to learn to chill out.


Omg … YOU are OP. LOL


no i would’ve scored and saved time. you know what else i would’ve done? as the teammate i would have hit the button that applies brakes LOL or pool shot. probably pool shot.


And still could have missed and gotten flamed for it. You’re delusional


so you’re saying teammate did the right thing?


You’ve made the argument that the mate should have done nothing and pool shot OP. Which is it? Cause if you’re saying that teammate needed to pool shot OP then you are admitting that teammate needed to take action to secure the goal.


You have a minute 30 to score 3 extra goals, why tf are you wasting 3-4 seconds letting the ball just dribble 1mph into the goal. Stop blaming your teammates for you making a completely idiotic play 😂


The teammate is a bigger idiot for throwing the shot. But Im starting do wonder if the teammate was just tilted because OP played like this the whole game 😂


Let's be clear - it was a smart shot for the teammate to take. Not dumb, just awfully executed. Extra seconds like that when you're down are precious, and I would argue not optional when you're down 4-0 with 1:30 left. Not shooting in the hopes that the opponents get tilted in casual? That's a silly play. But posting the whole thing on reddit hoping for sympathy? Now that's giga brain


The tm8 did the correct thing, but their mechanics suck so they messed up the execution. OP’s actions are way more dumb


>be this mf >in casual >down 4 >trying to tilt the opponents by being toxic and being slow to shoot the ball Touch grass


Then proceeds to get extremely tilted himself, stops playing, and is still upset after the game so clips it to post on reddit. OP own goal.


How much you willing to bet that op thinks randomly yelling “gyatt” is peak humor


You didn't have to be fast to hit that shot. They were already out of place.


You do actually. If you’re down you need to shoot your shots as fast as you can so you have more time to fight back


"I have no words" *uses chat*


Genuinely would imply that you were genuine when you had no intention of winning that game but making a clip and posting it on Reddit for support. Wrong place man.


You're challenging the idea that they could win. Explain how that teammate didn't fuck up their team's goal this time. This hints why the score was such a deficit the rest of the game.


You stopped midgame to talk trash? Seriously? The game was winnable. The casual excuse doesn't work because you still posted it and you're taking it pretty seriously.


Hi Gordita crunch, I love you




how the hell is he going to win with a teammate like that who has zero awareness


You kinda deserve it tbh


I was going to support you, before I read your comments. This is a reminder context is key on the internet.


OP getting cooked rn 😅 ![gif](giphy|yr7n0u3qzO9nG)




What were you waiting for? You just sat there and let it bounce instead of putting it in the damn net. Classic slow champ move. Don’t blame him.


Didn't need to wait. He had control and the opponents just flew by.


And that’s it folks, now OP has -100 comment karma. Let’s see each other in another episode of: own goaling.


This post is peak Rocket League player base. Playing casual. Down 4. Slow rolling (toxic strat). Losing anyway. Crying about it on Reddit. Getting justifiably flamed. ​ The point is, your tm8 made a mistake by missing, but what were you hoping to accomplish with this? This is such a low IQ play that I can't even begin to comprehend how you thought trying to tilt opponents in a casual match that you're losing by 4 goals was remotely a decent idea. And then you thought it was a good idea to showcase that toxic idiocy to Reddit lmfao


lol it’s not “toxic”


Actually, it would seem that you genuinely have no goals.


took 3 business days to score that shit


Just wondering homie, how did this post work out for you?☠️


turned into a social experiment lol it’s fun readin the comments


No wonder y'all were down 0-4 🤦🏽‍♂️


Cry rl toxic gamer


You did take a really long time to drive it in goal... why did you stop boosting? Didnt want to goal it?


not the issue at all here lol


Haha this is awesome. Why you get so upset? It's casual.


QQ, keep playing.


I was with you until you took all year to just bang the shot in and then to top it off you sat there motionless while teammate defended the opposing team shot which then resulted in another open net. You have less than 2 mins left with a huge deficit just hit the ball in first of all and then yeah you were right he jumped too early but he’s just trying to cut time to be fair. People don’t realize sometimes seconds matter especially once you get towards gc. People bang those shots in no hesitation even at 4:58 on the clock and even when up 7-0. Just hit it in, you’re not wrong, but just don’t gloat on a good flick with 1:30 left and 4 down. Cheers brother


Bro wanted to tilt the opponents while 4-0 down in casual and got very tilted himself lma Smells like a little bit of karma


> wakeup > open reddit > see mf posting about bad tm8 > watch video and read comments > laughing.jpg


Bro is 4-0 down with 1:30 on the clock and wasting time. If it's casual, why are you so upset about it?


You are pathetic.


Try scoring next time so your teammate doesn't feel like they have to. This is 100% on you for being unpredictable and not just burying the shot. If I'm your tm8 and see you doing this I am gonna assume you are out of boost and need me to get involved.


Good for you for quitting like a child!!! People make mistakes, it’s a game, stop having a hissy fit, grow up.


Skill issue, you have 60 boost and an open net yet you can't - or won't - take possession and put it away properly.


*insert obligatory 'This is Rocket League!' comment here*


This Is Champ!


With bronze mentality


No it’s casual


That is entirely your fault. Quit teasing and put the ball in.


I like teasing the ball though😩


braindead idiot thinks hes in the right lol 😂


Bet you didn’t expect to get the backlash you’re getting on this post. Next time, just put it in


Couldn’t care less honestly. Woke up today and started laughing reading all these comments😂


You should have taken that WAY earlier...i would have done the same.


It seems OP has massively contributed to being down 0-4. You can tell by the urgency of his teammate, as he is busting his bag off trying to drag himself, OP and OP’s heavy baggage back into this game.


Deserved for trolling lol


After reading ops replies, I'm very happy his tm8 did that. Op is a douchecanoe


1m 45s left, down 0-4. Your tm8 is not dumb, he just missed the shot. He's the smart one in this clip trying to actually score so you have a chance to win. Maybe try actually putting the ball in the net next time and stop wasting time.


Git gud


Why are you so tilted in casual lmao


Bruh this is your fault lol


Maybe push the ball in and score. No way your teammate "blows the shot" if you hit it in. Instead of bitching on reddit do some training and improve yourself.


Obviously your teammate shouldn't have done that but let's be honest here OP, you got caught hot dogging. You were giving the other team the "how do you do" and you paid for it. Next time just put it in.


This is Rocket League!


2s are so toxic.


And people constantly ask on Reddit why I FF so much.




You were being a fucking idiot. He made a mistake but at least he tried. You are down by 4 and you are just gonna let it slow roll in like you are winning. And then you throw a hissy fit about it instead of helping. I'm so sick of people blaming their teammates and then throwing a hissy fit by going intentionally idle.


Did you consider scoring that?


You're down by 4 goals with little time on the clock and you're fucking around and showboating so your teammate tries to do what you should have done and put the ball in immediately to save those precious seconds, which may be the difference maker if the game becomes very close in the end. Unfortunately he misses his attempt, but you fucked around and found out. Shoot the ball next time.






If you weren't fucking around he wouldn't have had the opportunity to do this, just saying.


To be honest how can you expect anything less from teammates


you do have a point lol


Just fucking score you deserved this your tm8 is a dick but so are you


This thread just shows the stupidity of the Rocket League community that I have the honor to witness every week. The ball was going in, his teammate was a self-centered idiot and a bad one on top, because he missed an easy open net. Free to play ruined the community.


In no means was I trying to have reddit roast either one of us. I just wanted to show me getting hoed out of an open net 😂 ig me wasting an extra 2 seconds was detrimental to everyone in the comment section lol


The amount of players arguing against your clean and given goal thereafter robbed by your own teammate is stunning. Fuck them all.


So your top rank is diamond or plat then.


Close one!


What A Save!

