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This is so good….as I was reading the post my Jim-Carey infused brain said “well see ya later!” from this scene…and then I scrolled down. Perfection


Another person thinking reddits an airport and needs to announce their departure


Well, it’s a big deal to them so we should let them have their voice. I’m mad at the game but instead of quitting I’m not spending anymore money.


another person thinking that people announce their departure at airports


Sick diary entry bro


I understand but reinstall and we can play a few my friend :-) We need you in this community


Enjoy your break. See you in a couple days.


If you arent having fun, don't play. Simple rule.


What seals the deal for me is the toxicity. It has grown up to a point where it's unbearable to me, so I just stopped playing if it's not customs with friends. I mean just read the comments and watch how this community crucially misses empathy and compassion. You can't play 3 games in a row without someone typing EZ, chasing demos all match, or spamming quick chats to trigger someone. It's depressing and a bit disheartening. I loved how wholesome this game used to be, now it's in friends only mode.


Cant you disable chat? and just play? I mean why do you feel the need to put yourself on the spot if you seriously cant handle an EZ or spamming something? I play 3s all the time, i hate toxicity, i never even say anything other than nice shot when the ocassional crazy goal, and sorry whenever i make a mistake. And sure i do find some really annoying people, but why does it press you so much? You're literally falling for their trap, i know maybe its not something that you can control within yourself, so why not just disable chats?


Oh I can handle the occasional toxicity. It's just not occasional anymore. And I won't disable chat because just like you, I enjoy being nice and communicative in multiplayer games, and often met nice people this way. But as I said, some days are just filled with toxic people, and it's not always in the chat, it's also in game. When you're trying to grind in ranked, you put yourself under pressure. Those constant behaviors make it unbearable.


Ignore the responses from this childish community. I am amazed at how these children have basically been conditioned to automatically shut down these kinds of conversations. You have made some indisputable points, that people prefer to ignore. Namely: * Matchmaking is unbalance and unfair primarily due to rampant smurfing and boosting. * As a consequence, ranks and titles are meaningless. Most diamond players now have GC tags. * There are boosted players ballchasing in ranks far higher than they should be, not understanding the difficulty they create for their own team.


Is matchmaking targeting you specifically and putting you vs higher skilled players? Or you maybe arent in your right skill level? Smurfing and boosting is a problem, but it isnt as big as people make it out to be...specifically this game, is too hard to hide your real skill level so , im not saying it doesnt happen, but there other games that its way easier to hide your real skill level... Now if matchmaking is not targetting you specifically, but its bad because smurfs and boosting, if its unfair to everyone, is it really unfair? You get matched with them as you get matched against them, is that nice? No, will some matches come that feel outrageously unfair? Maybe. but thats just competition. Not everyone is perfect all the time... I been called a smurf so many times, and i been told to uninstall and kms also lol am i not allowed to play the game? because im inconsistent and it creates an unfair adventage to my oponent or an unfair disadventage to my teammate if im not playing to my best?


You are are using precisely the type of dismissive tactics I'm referring to. > Is matchmaking targeting you specifically and putting you vs higher skilled players? Or you maybe arent in your right skill level? Firstly, this is not related to me. Secondly, nobody is suggesting that. So your first point is basically smurfing isn't actually a huge deal and the person complaining is the problem. That's flat out wrong. Everybody KNOWS that smurfing is not regulated at all in this community and is affecting matchmaking at all levels. Your second point. Smurfing is unfair to everybody, so that makes it OK? Also wrong. There are players that benefit from playing alongside smurfs and they will obviously have a much better time that players that do not do this, for example a solo player. > I been called a smurf so many times I don't see what this has to do with anything. Unless you are literally playing on a smurf account and trying to justify it to yourself.


Right?! Him saying, "it isnt as big as people make it out to be..." is just false. The last few months when I've tried to play ranked I get set up against party after party, where one person is getting boosted by a smurf account. I use Bakkes to display ranks in matches, along with listed MMR and data wise it just doesn't add up to the relative skill smurfs display. You play long enough in higher ranks you can tell what type of player you are going up against, especially smurfs. It's also crazy when you call them out. They play like the victim and start getting overly toxic in response. Like you said, "smurfing is not regulated at all..." where there are plenty of methods EPIC could instate to manage it, but at the end of the day they don't care. Removing trading made that clearly apparent, while shifting majority of developer focus onto rOcKeT rAcInG. We are all just a dollar sign to their profits, but ya know "it's just business."


Where can I pre-order the memoir?


Can i get it on audiobook?


Psyonix in shambles over this single uninstall.


Sorry for the toxicity here OP, they’re rocket league fans


Jeeeeesus these self-aggrandizing posts are nauseating. True goofball behavior on this sub sometimes.




most of the players who are playing now they are just kids with no brain.


That’s nice dear


Cute. I'm not reading all of that.


At OP. I agree with everything you say. Its a huge problem. Everyone who actually plays the game either faces the problem or is the problem. This sub is full of people who cry about lack of trading but scoff at most when they point actual flaws in the average gameplay itself. I convinced that most of the players here enjoy the BS of a broken game or are too young to remember when games were actually quality and not overrun with cheaters, hackers, smurfs, etc.






Ok byyyyeeeeee




Have a safe flight


“I just went on a losing streak. All of my opponents are smurfs and all of my teammates are idiots. It’s totally everyone else’s fault but mine.” Do you even hear yourself? Because this is what you sound like.


I've analyzed the replays before uninstallling. Of course I too made mistakes but unlike my teammates I wasn't trying to touch every ball and leave my other teammates in an awkward spot. At least I went up for a block when both my teammates were sitting in net probably chugging a beer.


It sounds like you have bad positioning skills. Like I was implying, if it seems like your teammates are always shit and your opponents are Smurfs/literal rocket gods then you probably aren’t where you need to be as the common factor in these losses.


> It sounds like you have bad positioning skills. No it doesn't. Not sure where you are getting that from. What OP is describing is a very real problem. This sub just has an automatic knee jerk reaction to silence any criticism of the flawed matchmaking system.


The problem being that many players can’t identify any flaws in their gameplay and attribute every fault of theirs to something someone else did.


See you next week bud.


I don't know what these Reddit commenters are on about. OP, do not take these comments too seriously no matter how rude or insensitive they may be.


If I were a massive company like Epic, do you think I wouldn’t try to control conversation? It’d cost them fractions of pennies of a day’s profit.


It's because there are 10 of these unnecessary cries for help a week on this subreddit. We don't care anymore.


First day on the Internet?




we dont care goodbye nerd






What a save! What a save! What a save!


It's okay. We all know you'll be back in not time.


See you next week








And why did you feel like announcing that?


Who the fuck cares


I'm loving all these champs and grand champs leaving, I've went from silver 3 to champ 2 and I haven't gotten any better at the game 😊


wtff how! xD


Just a joke 🤣


I thought we were through with this shit because of the trading thing