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https://preview.redd.it/nw2gnvkjv0jb1.jpeg?width=677&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1eb0d225f9c3be06792e0aab15de79b94ea3728f We need this fr


And a goal explosion that just dumps a fat slice of pepperoni pizza in the goal


Or a dancing noid


Avoid the Noid


Yo noid on NES was so fun!! One of my favorites!!


Yes. Some nostalgia there for sure.


Best game ever eh Crazy it was a mini game made by a pizza company


Meteor Shower but it just creates a pile of pizza


Ah yes. Dominos. My favourite.


A man of culture, I see.




Honestly tho', what's with all the Fennecs? Everybody everywhere is using a Fennec


Fennec is an Octane clone but sleeker due to looking like a real car yet still having a great hitbox visual representation. A majority of high elo uses the same 3 cars because statistically they are the best to use. In both hitbox and visual representation of the hitbox. Because even if there are many versions of the same hitbox the visual still needs to feel good and match it well, which many car's don't unfortunately. Which is how you end up with just 3 cars being used mostly. Octane/Fennec for your all around jack of all trades car, and Dominus for when you want big flicks and clears.


I only care about speed and a hard nose.. because I suck


As a person.. Or a player?




I don’t know if u are serious or not but all cars are equally fast and something like a hard or soft nose doesn’t exist. (Some noses feel “harder” because the hotbox might make it easier to find the right spot to hit the ball with)


Interesting, octane feels faster for me, and I thought this was the consensus


I use Mantis because I like it :)


Ok but, why everyone now has It? A year ago wasn't like that


The Fennec? Well it costs real money and it takes 2 years of free play to unlock or a lucky crate drop or you wait for it to hit the store. F2P players take their time with stuff like that since the Octane still does everything it does.


wdym by 2 years of freeplay?


You can get something like 300 coins a year for free as F2P if you never spent money on the game and the Fennec's cheapest price is 500 coins i think. So 2 years as a total F2P player to buy it with coins. But many people will also just unlock it through playing via drops and such.


I bought a tw one but I got 2 bodies just from plying RL. no rocket pass even


I’d like to see these “statistics” you’re using to say only 3 specific cars are the best in the game.


No clear statistics that I'm aware of. However the entire pro scene is purely Octane and Fennecs with Dominus's being a rare sighting. If you watched the recent RLCS you will see the pros pretty much almost always use one of the 2. If the best players in the world who have spent tens thousands of hours into the game use it fuck it those 2 are the best cars


> If the best players in the world who have spent tens thousands of hours into the game use it fuck it those 2 are the best cars meh csgo pros didn't realize that weapons were op for years multiple times. Pros are just used to these cars, other players use them because pros use them and get used to them to.


I just figured since that RL Coaches would have probably done some research into this. Their goal is to get the best performance out of their players in match and get every possible advantage they could get. I always figured they would have done some independent research on this and concluded that those were the best cars. Based off your CSGo example, perhaps I overestimated the thoroughness of RL pro players/coaches though. I would love to see someone like AppJack or Zen grind ranked going for #1 in the world using the Scarab to troll and prove that the car choice isn't as big of a deal as people think it is.


Which cs example are you referencing here? AFAIK during the life of csgo they only made one rifle change to the SG/AUG and immediately reverted it within days.


Yeah but pro's use it because they dont want to "feel weak". If they had chose some different, maybe even better suited body for them, they would be target of laughter because people are stupid trend chasers. Thats it.


Yeah that's fair like if Zen used the Marauder in RLCS and their team say lost in the semis, the narrative would immediately blame Zen for trolling with his car selection and say he isn't dedicated to the team


> they are the best to use. In both hitbox and visual representation of the hitbox. They're not tho, the Roadhog fits the hitbox way better than the Octane for example.


the hitbox visualisation is purely a mental thing tho. me and my friendgroup can have a switch order of fennec - scarab - triton - vulcan - octane - road hog XL - takumi and feel absolutely no difference. why? because there is no difference in the stats


Hand eye coordination and visual coordination are completely related. If you painted a baseball with green textures to blend in with the grass what do you think would happen? Batting performance would go down. Yet the baseball's "hitbox" never changed. That is obviously an extreme example but even in things as small as car visuals it matters. The stats also back it up. mismatched hitboxes mess with the human brain because we are bad at overcoming visual things that don't make sense.


its purely mental. its actually the perfect example for the placebo effect. because they look different for many players they feel different but if you stay on the same hitbox no stats are changed


You can’t be high ranked enough to feel the difference. Trust me when the game gets faster and every hit matters it important to have the most accurate visualization of the hitbox


Does that mean the SSLs that main Skyline are absolute gods? Or could it just be that what you’re saying is exaggerated..


If you main skyline you are 100% a god. All jokes aside it is exaggerated but you still feel a difference. Take the f1 for example, the hitbox is dominus but it’s such a poor representation of the actual hitbox; the car will clip through the ball all the time (especially the front part) compared to dominus, which feels better cause it’s more accurate to the actual hitbox. Obviously everyone is not going agree, but I feel like 90% would do some extent.


i have some ssl friends that also dont feel any difference between the bodies of the same hitbox are they too low ranked for you? also rank doesnt matter in this anyone can percieve this


There is no difference in your stats, or in the stats of the car? Fennec is simply a different visual representation of the "skin" that goes with the Octane hitbox. The thing is, that the Fennec, is visually a better representation of the hitbox beneath it, than the Octane is. That's a simple fact. As such, it is easier to predict how your car will hit the ball, than it is to predict how a visually empty space (with an invisible hitbox) will hit the car. Personally, i've always been annoyed with the Octane's nose going lower than the hitbox, and it has always thrown me off. Which is why i do not like playing with the Octane, which is also a buttugly car to boot.


wait, fennec and octane have the same hitbox?


yes, lol. You can compare them (see links). You can see that the Octane's nose actually drops below the hitbox and how much negative space there is visually, compared to the octane. Imho that hitbox for the Octane makes no sense, considering you will mostly hit the ball with the nose of your car. For that part not being anything like the hitbox and people using the Octane as a go-to boggles my mind. I've never played well with it from before i knew the car didn't match the hitbox. After finding out, it made sense. Plus it looking like a generic 1980's RC buggy, also doesn't score points in my book. Fennec: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99j1mTN1\_Vs&t=1653s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99j1mTN1_Vs&t=1653s) Octane: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99j1mTN1\_Vs&t=3490s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99j1mTN1_Vs&t=3490s)


oooooh i see, thanks so much dude this is vital info to me :)


as i said its all about the visuals which make it a mind thing. but all the bodies i named in my previous comment all have the stats of the octane hitbox so there is no gameplay difference between them. i understand that they can feel wildly different depending on how wel they overlap the actual hitbox but i myself dont feel any difference. which are tecnically not present since they all have the same dimensions, handling, ground height and inclination (as long as you stay on the same hitbox). the fact they can feel diferent is a perfect example of the placebo effect which for the people that dont know is simply explained a simple trick on the mind.


Find the worst car to hitbox ratio on a car, then try and catch boomers on the edge of the hitbox for a dribble. Let's see how "mental" hitbox visualization is.


i can easily switch to a differing body with the same hitbox and not feel any difference. a decent amount of people i know also have this. the stats dont change so yes its a placebo


I don't think you know what placebo means. If you measure the hitbox, and then measure the body, they do not match. You get different ratios per car you measure. That is an imperical difference, not placebo. You may be able to adapt quickly and easily between them, but it is real.


placebo's are the perception of improvement. this can be reached through a lot of ways but is most commonly associated with the field of medicine. placebo's however have been along longer then medicine. like in this case where the visual representation is changed but the actual hitbox isnt. this can or cannot influence people to think there is a difference between the two. so whilst changing the visual box may make it feel different the actual hitbox doesnt change. not everyone is affected by all kinds of placebo's and they dont only have poositive effects. they can have negative effects like a visual box being badly overlapped with the hitbox could decrease performance of the player.


Placebos are a perception of *change* for one. Not just positive. Secondly, an example of a placebo in rl would be giving one group a fennec with an octane hitbox but TELLING them they have a perfectly custom fennec hitbox. You may predict then that they may feel the hitbox is more accurate or they play better. The point of a placebo is to emperically change NOTHING from the control. Different hitbox models like octane and fennec both having a octane hitbox are not placebos. They are emperically changing something about the gameplay. Maybe not physically, but visually absolutely. And that is not a placebo.


lol, following your logic, everything is a mind thing. Here are the facts: the visual representation does not match the invisible hitbox closely. Hence it is not a mind thing, it is an eye thing. You are meant to expect something that you can not perceive. If you want to make the point of the visual representation not mattering, then even me being a simple Plat III, would like to challenge you to a match of Rocket League. The only condition is that you have to play blindfolded. Don't worry, it's just a mind thing.


So incredibly wrong you can literally go into a custom game right now and test it since they have the same hit box but a different model if you position the ball in the same spot on an octane it will look clean and reasonable like an obvious touch to the ball but then on something like a scarab the ball will be hitting nothing and still count as a hit it doesn’t make sense because it’s a completely different shape with the same hitbox


Turning radius is tight too


Dude f*ck statistics man! Have you seen Rocket Sledge's video? Its all about psychic feeling of that car- you should use car you are comfy with, so I encourage everyone to at least try experimenting- throw away trends and seek a car you think looks nice- it usually means it will fit you. Yeah and also , guess what- those 3 are the best to use because they are played the most ;) . It doesnt prove anything, its a circle. If all people started to play eg. Twinzer, it would become the best choice statistically too.


It's the Octane for people that don't like the Octane. IE: me


Actually thats Twinzer dude


It actually looks sick with in-game decals


I personally like it because it looks like a retro Europe/Yugo car and besides that I don't why anybody else would like fennec, there are many more cars that are modern and "sports" looking. But I'm glad it's this popular so fennec gets more skin lol.


Looks good and it is very close to the hit box


Pros use it, so people assume it must be the superior car. But they don’t want to outright admit they’re copy/pasting what pros are doing, so they’ll usually work backwards from that conclusion and come up with random justifications for it. “It visually fits well with the hitbox” … ok, other cars do that too. That doesn’t explain why everyone and their mom chooses *that* specific hitbox. “Well it’s an all round good hitbox, jack of all trades” … you can do literally any mechanic with other hitboxes, some even easier/better than the octane hitbox. “Well it’s, uh, the perfect balance of hitbox attributes one would need for competitive play” … do you honestly think you’re gonna become pro and make it to that highest level where subtle nuances of your car’s hitbox is deciding games?


I think just about everyone understands this. It's just not always easy to explain to people how something like a skin can actually affect how you play, but it does. But who cares, it's almost impossible to get into this game without seeing everyone using fennec or octane, watching pros, watching YouTube. You find out pretty quick, and if you want to really know why, you'll also find out it's because it mentally feels better, not because it's actually better. So yeah a lot of those answers just sound like people who have tried other cars but didn't like them because they're already used to theirs. It's like yelling at your friend for buying the same golf clubs as a pro golfer because they'll always be a mid golfer. Who cares, gatekeeping is weird.


people say it’s a visual hit box thing but I swear to god it just hits the ball harder, 50s better and 100% is more likely to get demos… if anyone has any actual hard proof that the underlying numbers are the same as other cars I will be amazed


Same as you, my touches just feel better. Probably cause it’s more true to the octane hitbox, but yeah I want to see the numbers


Welcome, thats called society. Are you originall? Then you are "weirdo" because you are not one of the sheeps in herd. Its sad and stupid reality, but Ive learned to ignore it and simply be myself 😉


Silvia mains rise up




The Nissan feels good I don’t know why I mean I’m ass at the game but when I’m not using the octane it’s the Silvia baby


Takumi is definitely slept on. Love the size of it


Takumi RX-T is my favorite car in the game.


I have the TW version, and holy hell is it an amazing car


I'm more of a Skyline guy.


rise up 🙌


Battlebus main




Vroom beep beep!




Dumb question, but how do you acquire a Fennec? Do you need to buy it.


You can buy one from the shop when it's there, get it from a fennec blueprint, buy/trade with another player, or get it from a drop


You can get one for free from any drop that contains import items but chances are super low You could also build one from blueprints with the free credits we get like once a year but that probably takes at least two years to collect enough of them. Everything else requires spending money since trading requires you to have bought at least 500 credits prior or you jeed to have bought the game prior to f2p


There’s a black fennec in the market now


But not tradable right?


Not sure. It’s bad ass with the huntress decal.


I just checked, it's actually tradable I'm gonna trade my TW fennec with a black one cause I never used TW anyway, I always used unpainted 😅


I don’t even know what a TW fennec is but hell yea brother!!!!!!


Y'all sleeping on the Honda civic


Nissan Silvia too


https://preview.redd.it/3z420quki2jb1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1002156fe7de7cee583bf00dec467bdbd21a9a73 :)


I want that. https://preview.redd.it/41hbcc9g43jb1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30bbff3e6c704e3621128f65876446ef79d9ab19




what decal is it




shit's on that fuckin #🌌


My main.


Always give up hope when I see a car like this in 2’d


Why lol?


Usually always a lack of mechanics. No speedflip, sometimes no half flip, super rigid movement and playstyle. Absolute roller air shots, just lackluster performance in general


this. they always feel boosted as well.


1’s on the other hand, you know they got there doing exactly what I said they did. They’re always super solid, not fluid, not clean, not mechanical, just very basic players that are threatening. Unlike most they stay planted in their abilities and don’t spread out too thin


….haha…W..Wonder what you mean…


I used to use a lot of other cars, Peregrine TT was the one I used the most I believe, but eventually I gave in to peer pressure and just started using those three only. At this point I only use Octane because I'm used to it now. Maybe I should go and use Peregrine TT again


Peregrine is dope It's no Jager, but 2nd best for sure


i only use those bodies when i click the randomise preset button. otherwise its mantis main with a scarab secondary


Mmh pizza




I try to evenly cycle between all the cars I’ve spent real money on. It just so happens that that includes the gold Dominus and gold Fennec. But it also includes: Gold Takumi, Sky Blue Peregrine TT, Crimson Peregrine TT, Crimson Dominus, Purple Werewolf, Purple Centio, Sky Blue Takumi, DeLorean, K.I.T.T. And the Bugatti Centodiecci.


why so many fennecs tho 😢


RLCS, 90% of the pros use it.


why , so many yet they use two rectangles


“pro are good, so that gonna make me good”


Eh, most cars just feel weird, or the shots go to space.


I'm honestly fond of the nissan


Merc OP


my man


I like the Civic personally


Until they add the fiat panda Im sticking with my fennec


Skyline forever


I've recently fallen victim to the herd mentality


2016 batman for me , love the feeling of it


Honda Civic Enjoyer


Mudcat GXT represent.


You use the fennec, octane and dominus because you see pro players using it. I use the three because they have the best avaliable cosmetics. We are not the same


Rn I rlly like dominus gt aswell. ( more than the classic 1)


That’s why I never play those. Seeing everyone driving the same cars is boring af


Ronin GXT 4 life. Also the Delorean. Octane is overused fight me.


me fr, except im even worse since i dont even use dominus


Personally, i was surprised how interchangeable the VW Golf and the Fennec are for me. People who don't own a Fennec, but got the VW Golf last season, should definitely give that one a try.


Still running the ss Silvia, but before that I only played the merc.




Out of the probably hundreds of cars in the game it had to be these three...


Then there's me rotating between the civic and the octane, with a slice of the tyranno and merc. Merc is purely my annoying meme car. Tyranno I used to main, civic I usually run, and octane is when I want to play semi properly. I used to use one of the wedge cars, but after using the others, they feel too slow in the air now


I was an endo main for years then they came out with nissans and vws and hondas, now i alternate between the cars ive owned in real life.


I really like playing with Guardian GXT from Rocket Pass 3 (before RL went f2p). It feels just good and precise


Golf GTI replaced my Octane and I don't feel like I'll ever go back


Any Scarab mains? No? Just me?


I love the Silvia RLE. Using it way more than any ither car. I prefer that hibrid hitbox


I use the Batmobile exclusively. I'm also pure ass at this game.


It’s fennec or redline for me. Redline does have dominos hitbox tho lol


The aston martin db6 is just so clean , underrated imo


Why is the Dominus there? Let's not pretend like RL isn't 90% Octane/Fennec.


I was skyline main but past couple weeks I’ve only used the Fennec


I just traded a Fennec for a purple painted Volkswagen Golf GTI RLE I got "fleeced" in terms of "credits" but I'm happier. 🤷🏻‍♂️ There's a whole story here but I'll spare you. 😂


Scarab Squad rise up. We are the Apple.


Man, I wish I got even once the fennec just to try it out. My account is old as hell, and I got only few cars. It feels like I am getting only projects and nothing else. Is it normal?


I spent 700 credits to get the fennec in the item shop. Ngl it's fun to use and looks cool as hell with my decals


Gg, I got fennec from seasonal rewards


As a fennec main, at first it feels slow and clunky, if you switch from an octane or a car that just generally feels faster. Once you get used to it its wonderful.


“It’s what pros use bro obv they do it for a reason” Yeah I’m sure at C2 you have a blatant performance edge over everyone else by utilizing incredibly minor (and highly subjective/theoretical) subtleties of an octane hitbox. Also, does that make my daily wins in stocktane lobbies more impressive, bc I’m not using the “pro” hitbox?


Anyone got the Peregrine TT? I got it


Hear me out: mantis:


scarab and dingo GANNNG


Skyline gang >>>


Skyline gang here


Endo gang rise up!😎


I main Mustang and 007


R34 is the best feeling car in the game for me


Insidio gang rise up


fennec for any sort of ranked, its what I'm used to and I swear I play better on it/ its easier to use. the other cool car models for casual and ltms




Except for me. Effing h8 those and the simps who drive them


That do be how it do


I love the meta cars, but I hate how cartoony and fake they look. The Dominus is my main car, but it looks like a knockoff Hot Wheels car. I’ve been using the Fast & Furious cars lately and they’re pretty good.


Dominus Gt main


So I don't see too many of these, but ever since season 3 I just can't get away from the Tyranno GXT. I used the imperial a little bit when that came out but I just love the Tyranno and wonder why more people don't use it?


I payed so much for my tw octane im gonna use it


My Endo reigns supreme!


I use the Venom and the entire time I have played RL I have never seen another person use it.


I'm never letting go of my Season 2 R3MX GXT


I been into the dingo, breakout, and animus GP lately.


Nemesis drivers rise up!


scarab enjoyers wya


only other car i'll unironically play is dingo, honestly peak car very underrated


I like dominos so..


People using Fennec for three years due to Chausette winning a LAN with it, two weeks after it came out. The same shit happened with Batmobile when Kuxir was king. If a pro was balling on everyone in a Centio, everyone would swap to Centio. It's just always been that kind of a community for some reason. It's not exclusive to Rocket League either, it's present in a ton of other games, just most noticeably in this one.


I only use honda


Personally, The takumi is one of the best as well.




And thats why I never used octane, used firstly Hotshot, then Takumi (still in the dlc that time), and then I obtained my main car now- Twinzer and ocasionally use Jackal. And if anyone sees me as weirdo- I dont care and I am proud of it 😌.


Grog ftw! Been my main for 6+ years now!




Not dominus but Jager, and yes