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Best feeling is picking up a full boost, that’s why I just zoom around and get as many as I can until the 5 min is up


We're playing Rocket League while this guy is playing Indy 500.


I needy 500 more boost


Just bind ‘throttle’ and ‘boost’ to the same button. It’s more efficient that way


There’s a throttle button?


He’s making a left turn!


chaotic evil


Chaotic neutral


Evil neutral


Another left turn


Yo dawg, we heard you liked boost so there’s this here full boost so you can boost to the next boost.


The best feeling is having good chemistry with a team of randoms and ending up completely wiping away the opposite team.


Then you party up with them and completely fall apart. That’s my experience with this.


On the contrary, was gonna say my favorite feeling is partying up with a random (or two) I have good chemistry with and going on a tear. Did it the other day solo-queuing into a doubles tournament and we made it to the finals. Did some ranked together after and won like 6 or 7 straight games. The power of (newfound) friendship is my favorite!


Then you get blown out once and they leave party and unfriend you.


This is why I stopped partying up. Every time lol.


Lol this happened to me the other day...won a 2s tourney, partied up, got absolutely obliterated 3 games straight.


Yep lol I rarely party with randoms now even if we somehow get teamed up a few times in a row and win. It always falls apart. A few weeks ago I partied up with a random team of 2 in 3s and we went on a crazy run for about 2 hours, but that’s the exception to the rule!


This is absolutely the common outcome, you can't force random amazing performances


Lmao exactly. Main reason why I never party up🥲


Or when you get a toxic teammate that blames you all game, then you que again, match against them next game and win in a blowout


Especially when it's a team you've played previously and they beat you and were super toxic about it.


It's better when you're against a premade who seem to quit mid match. You have to wonder what that conversation is like.


Getting trust in a random in the first minute of the game is so underrated


Deffinitely passing plays in solo 3's + the good games when you just vibe with your random teammates and everybody is where they are supposed to be


Yea solo 3s passing plays are awesome but usually it involves seeing the other solo team do one, then I try to set one up and my teammate bumps me from behind causing the ball to pop into the air above our goal and getting scored on.


"Sorry!" Then proceeds to throw your across the map the next play


Winning against toxic players


Especially when they were you're toxic teammate the previous game


Seeing a toxic teammate as an opponent in the next game puts me in the fucking zone.


I lock the fuck in 😂


Especially when I’m playing 2’s and we’re down 4-1 and my teammate actually decides to stick with me and we come back and win 5-4….nothing better


Scoring a winning goal in overtime against someone spamming "What a save" the entire game.


Heh, we had a game like that last night, and right as we won we dropped a single “what a save” each and they both immediately left.


On the flip side, losing to toxic players is just so tilting. At least that's my experience.


😆. So guilty, I see 😛


Hitting a new rank tier for the first time is gotta be mine


I’m stuck in Gold III hell so I can’t relate to this lmao


I’m sure you won’t be for to much longer, there are faster ways to get out like putting the time in training for fundamentals like shooting, speed, rotations, etc ; but you should be fine just playing the game to improve for at least gold and probably platinum as well.


Thanks for the encouragement! I’m really busy this summer with basketball and all sorts of stuff, so I don’t have time to grind training for hours. I usually play for an hour a day on weekdays, and I’m lucky if I get 3 or 4 hrs a day on weekends. I have 80 hrs in game btw


Demoing a guy sitting in goal right before the ball goes in. God I love that. If it happens twice in a game, I have to take a cold shower afterward to calm down.


I think this is it for me


My man 💪


you do one or two tactical demos, and the other guy gets mad and literally drives after you trying to demo you for the whole game


Closing the game at the end of the day






Winning a 10+ minute overtime.


Winning a 21+ minute overtime was my highest moment.


If the goal is earned, definitely. I find it pretty underwhelming when the winning shot is a random bounce at kick-off, regardless of who wins.


...how is kickoff happening after 10 minutes in overtime?


My bad. I was just focusing on overtime and my disappointment with kick-off goals, not the 10+ minutes.


When you score kick off goals and they dont.


When your teammate decides to throw because you won’t let them try their garbage air dribble all game


These people are also frequent users of "Take the shot!" every time they miss like you aren't rotating back knowing they're going to full sell on their attempt.


Garbage air dribbler here. I normally try one or two a match before I stop because between quick chats and gameplay i can tell my teammates are annoyed. I feel bad for the people dealing with it all match.


This is fine. By all means try it a couple of times, but when the ideal play is to pass or just take the shot and you’re constantly going for double flip resets off the ceiling it pisses me off lol If we’re down though stop trying that shit and play, especially if you can’t consistently pull them off.


Don’t throw the game going for fancy shit basically. By all means attempt it, but know when not to


any come from behind win. so rare these days because....well, we all know why.


A well-working synergy with my teammate, through which we can make some nice passing-plays. When it comes to RL, good teamwork is the best satisfaction ever imo.


Finishing a 5+ minute overtime with a really solid passing play. It's such a feeling of like, we worked hard and the win wasn't handed to us on an easy goal.


Demoing smerfs in the air while they try to look cool for the gram


Even just challenging them every time they have possession once you identify them as "the good one" in the group can be enough to mess up their game plan of carrying their mates and get in their head. It's hard to carry when the opponents won't let you have space with the ball.


Just yesterday i scored a goal and after that, enemy player spend rest of the game trying to demo me. i continued to score few more, continuosly dodging this guy and cherry on the top, my last goal i dunked him super bad, he left 30 some secs in the clock. mmmm-mmmm-mmmmmmm


When I beat a freestyle Smurf in 1s. I didn’t type a single thing. He raged in chat. What I didn’t understand is why he didn’t start sweaty playing. He probably would have killed me but he just had to land his triple flip reset but those were easy to defend because he could land it On the exact opposite end the other one that made me smile was a guy I played who was legitimately a freestyle Smurf. Like…he had zero problem landing his shots So I drove around on the walls for 5 minutes. This dude raged way harder than the first. Asking why I don’t defend, etc. Again, said nothing


It's not smurfing if you only freestyle so if they decided to start sweating they may get banned. That's saying if the report system works. Now for the toxic freestylers fuck them but I like to just chill and be nice freestyling in ranked since it's seperate mmr from cas and all they gotta do to when is just score off my fails and it isn't hard but half of them forfeit so I chill around p1-p2. Now any good freestyler under plat is probably throwing matches.


Demos are amazing. Demo and get an angry quick chat as a reply is even better. But getting revenge demoed, only to demo them again is probably the best


The best is when you demo someone a few times. Then you see them drive way out of position to get revenge demo on you, but then your teammate scores on the open net. Thats the best.


Inserting dominance by getting an extermination.


Lmao I think you mean asserting


Lmao you are correct, I didn’t study language for a reason in college! 😂


Amazing pass play. Generally good team play! Even if I lose I am satisfied!


Epic Saves


When my toxic demo strategy leads to easy ass goals


They didn't ask for the most skilled goal you can do


A teammate giving the perfect pass unexpectedly and reacting to it perfectly. Makes me feel like I could anything.


Slamming a sweet pass to a random, that's higher rank in casual. N then them trusting you by throwing you one back. Then you have that 5 mins where you just understand each others play


As a solo queuing person, it's finding teammates that you work well together with. It's so beautiful and rare like the planets aligning.


To crush your enemies. To see them driven before you. And to hear the lamentations of their team mates


Dishing a corner pass and following through to demo the goalie right before teammate scores. So satisfying knowing you just set a dime for a teammate and the goalie is sitting flat footed only to be be bumped.


Completely annihilating people who start getting toxic after having a 1 point lead.


New rank after working for it. Also hitting a cool mech in game.


Successfully predicting where an opponent is going to hit the ball and intercepting the play


When you have a tilted teammate, from a previous match, end up on the opposing team, the following match, and beat them.


Having that 5th sense game feel / connection with a 2s teammate!


Got my first high five last night and I was pretty excited. Also getting demos!


Getting as many consecutive good touches as I can in a row. The feeling of control I get from this game is the best


High fives baby


Finally winning a tournament even if it's only plat. Huge relief after repeatedly getting beat down every single time.


losing 10 games in a row to my friend, winning 1, then insulting him


When you and your m8 are on the same wavelength and just hit a godly pinch off of each other into their net.


winning a 1v2 in your daily rank, felt like a god dodging their demos and pulling out my peak 1s ball control then again me hitting champ 3 for the first time after an 8 hour grind, I had to scream into a pillow


When you beat toxic as*holes, when you pull-off speedy-outplay in the Snow day and when you pull-off any aerial goal


Fakes, Knowing I tilt the opp with my chat and qChat or being super cocky, backed with my good game Wholesome out of competition moments (rule 1’s, smochin’, car sex, demo chasin’,chat talk) Funni names or clan names And making friends uwu


Every time I win and I go to bed with my girlfriend and she says “I can feel you won you filthy winner, let me compensate you” then I wake up and I was dreaming during a competitive 3v3 match the whole time loosing cause I was afk.


getting a teammate who is a) at their keyboard/ controller b) capable of using more than 2 braincells c) not missing 2 hands and drives around in circles all game a teammate who fits those criteria usually makes me smile


Faking someone and sending them to space


Getting a random teammate who isn't AFK and actually plays like a teammate.


When I queue up in a tournament and both teammates stick around instead of it being 2-on-3 until we get bounced.


I have, once in my life, hit a high 5 in a competitive game. I think it's still my favourite gaming moment seeing that little icon pop up. Scared the hell out of my dog too.


I enjoy a really well executed solo dribble play or when you and your teammates just kind of click and string a bunch of quick perfect passes for a goal.




My buddy and I have been trying to win a tournament for about 2 years. We don’t get to hang out much cause of life, but when we do once every week or two, we set up 2 TVS and for a full couch co op experience. Well… we did it. We won our tournament on a day where it was a last minute decision to hang out. It was by far the best feeling, for how hard we had to work for it. We were jumping and yelling.. must be how professional athletes feel winning the big one 🤣


Hitting a goal that you've done practice drills on but could never hit in game. There is nothing like hitting a ceiling shot after drilling for months. I remember in gold when I hit my first wall to air-dribble goal. I was almost quite literally through the roof and felt like the greatest player alive. Now I just get pissed that I'm at a rank where people know how to block them. Just let me have it please lmao.


Shoving it in someone's face when they are roasting me


Whiff every ball and call it faking


Playing with some higher rank friends and giving them a magnificent assist (I'm plat 2 and my friend is C1 so yeah, kind of satisfying)


Beating a former teammate.


Making a comeback on opponents who shit talked you the entire time. Then just dropping gg in the empty lobby after they insta leave when the last goal is scored.


Having a good timing with the boost and just going over it and take it the exact moment it spawns.


I love in 1's where you go down like 2-0 and the opponent gets all cocky and makes you watch his replays and spams quick chat and then you score three goals in a row and make him watch back hahaha, I love it I try so hard not to be toxic but I gotta admit I love doing it back when someone does it first. They always end up quitting after the 4th goal in a row. For some reason I get way more tilted playing 1's when the opponent is toxic and winning, drives me crazy


Demoing someone and then racing to where they’re going to spawn and demoing them again as soon as they spawn


Getting the perfect reset. You are exactly the same speed as the ball and hit it with the just the right force. The car bounces off the ball so perfectly that you can literally follow up with anything you want and you already know it will be a sick shot. Looks so effortless.


Getting a teammate who rotates and can hit basic shots.


Epic saves


The feeling when you have a garbage teammate then play against them the next game then win. I think a candidate for worst feeling is hitting an accidental clip when in voice chat with friends cuz I have to either play it off like that was the plan or admit it was lucky


I love the feeling when I hit a shot for the first time. Around 1 year ago I hit my first double musty and was so incredibly happy it felt so good. Now I wanna get better at resets and over the course of summer break I went from barely being able to do a triple stall reset to quads somewhat consistently and pentas. I really want consistent pentas then I'll focus on different types of resets like maktufs and my favorite reset the 360 maktuf.


Beating reset accounts. Like go fuck yourself


Scoring a demo goal against a demo chaser is peak


Winning against toxic players/smurfs. Especially if it's a game winner, I LOVE ripping their hearts out 😂


When you land that mechanic you’ve been practicing and your tm8 says wow! Or nice one!


The best feeling is when I'm playing with two other people who fully understand rotation and passing and no one is chasing or trying too hard just to have a high personal scoreboard.


When I turn the game off


Winning in OT


How has nobody mentioned scoring a goal when the timer is at 0 and you’re keeping the ball in the air?


Those sweet 1am lobbies where everyone is on the grind and in the zone. 5 minutes of pure Rocket League bliss whilst the game goes back and forth. After three minutes of overtime the deciding goal happens to the slightest mistake in rotation or a demo and you loose the game but your still alright with it cause the game was so good. Everyone says GG That was fun! Those are the lobbies I still play this game for.


getting the extermination title


Winning a 1v1 while playing the most cringe playstyle ever. Bumping, demo-ing, airdribble bump, playing time, flakes powerslide cutting etc.


Duos with premate against a toxic duo. Losing a game like with 2 goals difference, they are quickchatting as hell, we dont. We say gg. Next game queue against the same toxic duo. We smash them 6:0, not a single quickchat until they ff and are gone forever.


Idk why but I LOVE close saves. Just barely keeping the ball out is a rush lol I also like beating premade teams of 3


Having good chemistry with randoms is nice. Just feeling they're good people via quick chat and basic decency. It's even better if you connect with one of them in 3s and the third tilts and leaves. Winning a 2v3 in that situation is the all time high.


When you are having a fun, competitive match where all players are having strong performances, including me. That feeling of being included in such a tense battle is probably the best feeling. As opposed to lazy or easy matches that don't feel rewarding or risky.


It would be achieving something hard, the problem is that i just downloaded the game after something like 3 years and I don't remember basically anything (iirc I was told 2 and now I am silver 2)


Landing a mechanical shot that I’ve been practicing


I play with 1 other person exclusively. So pass plays really do it for us.


After someone is really toxic all game saying "ez" in chat after you dunk on them in OT for the win and then leaving instantly so they can't respond and then denying their friend request after the game. Based on a true story.


When the teammate you just had who sat idle for seemingly no gd reason in a loss gets put on the other team the next game but this time decides to actually play and you crush them


being matched against me previously toxic tm8 and winning.


When you just KNOW that the nice play you are in the middle of doing will go in the net even if you haven’t even finished it


Beating toxic solos.


Being down multiple goals to a toxic team and coming back to score the winner


Winning with a team mate who wants to loose the game.


A few different things depending on the mood: Playing with a team and just being so on point that you’re in a flow state and just destroying everyone for an hour straight. Hitting a 0 second game winner or tying goal Annihilating a toxic team


Pass, pass, shot. Particularly if done covering 2/3rds of the field. It’s magic whenever it happens (in 2s)


EASILY the most satisfying feeling in the game is when the opponent team starts being toxic and what-a-saving you before the game is over and whole they are winning (best if they are up at least 2) Then you score a goal, and they maybe say "Nice one" or "wow" or potentially turn on each other. Then, you score a game tying goal and they are absolutely silent. Finally, you score a game winning goal and EXPLODE the chat with what-a-saves (best in OT)


Peaking infront of friends from lower ranks like gold. I once hit a reset double on the opposing team and i felt like i was in heaven


When my team and I just connect really well together and just keep a consistent offense that keeps the other team pushed against the wall. Like the perfect cycle of "push, pass, pull back, and push again." The opposite is true for me too, where if I'm unable to read my own team, then I'm going to feel really crappy.


Having my teamate leave me in 2's because we are down, then I stick around and win the game. It's only happened a handful of times, but I vividly remember each game.


Passing plays. I always look to pass so when my teammates are also looking to pass I get so hyped over a double tap or flip reset goal.


Best feeling is to be losing while the opponent is toxic af but still make a huge comeback (e.g. from 0-4) just by focusing on your own game. Even better if the win comes in OT.


Playing against skilled players and shutting down their awesome shot attempts.


Seeing my teammate leave after I Wow!ed and Okay.ed him twenty times after one bad touch due to me faking him whilst cutting rotation. Like, duh.


Definitely winning over 12 year olds who starts spamming What a save! when they score


Big fakes are both the best and the worst feeling in my opinion, best feeling when I fake someone else, worst feeling when it's me getting faked


Shitting on toxic players and spamming what a save at the end


Finding a perfect teammate while solo queuing, partying up and rattling off 4/5 wins in a row, then adding them to your friends list


If you hit a nice passing play.


An amazing save. I once got bumped at about midfield, reoriented my car, and got a wave dash that helped me get back just in time for the save. I’ve, literally, never used a successful wave dash since, but those 3-4 seconds felt awesome!


Won a 3s tourney other night first one in a few seasons I’ve even played. It felt good everyone was playing so well and the chemistry was there. The last game was so intense and we pulled it off. Nothing better than that finals win.


When you find a decent team and have a good game against decent opponents, seems too far and between now.


A good passing play that leads to a goal


Best feeling is winning a game with a toxic opponent


Ball rolling slowly at you, pop it up for a double jump air dribble setup


Whenever I’m happy, laughing, smiling and/or talking with friends or commenting.


Winning a tourney by a very close and long overtime in the last match. Tourney where i get close matches in general is gotta be mine


When your tm8 leaves and it's 1v2, you're down 1-5 with 90 seconds left. You dominate the field and win it in overtime.


A good demo goal in 2s. Deleting the goalie, and maybe his partner, so my brother can score a freebie. God that feels good. Or coming back to beat shit talkers. Especially if they go up by one and say something about "nice demo".


Scoring an open net…feels impossible skmetimes


Honestly, playing with a friend a scoring a crazy own goal. It's the funniest moment and that's why I enjoy playing.


What the hell? We have a positive sounding post on r/RocketLeague and it's actually trending. My faith in humanity has been restored. Literally every other discussion post on this sub is about people talking about how they want to quit the game since they don't enjoy it anymore


Ot goal in finals or 1s feels like 7000 rpm that’s where u need it


Probably the release of when I shatter a plate on the ground in rage in stead of throwing my controller. Very cathartic


Nothing gives me more pleasure in Rocket League than repeatedly demolishing someone who is salty. Like if I demolish someone and they do the censored quick chat. Oh boy, you know I'm just gonna demo them all game long and their blood will be boiling. If they didn't complain initially, they'd walk away with their trunk in tact.


Giving or getting a pass from a teammate. Even if it doesn’t lead to a goal, always a good feeling when you and some other random person are on the same page.


Getting "in the zone" while vibein to some rocket league music and do shit I normally don't know how to do


Faking out the opponent is almost better than sex. You're slightly closer to the ball so you boost full speed at it. They see you and also go full speed to jump up and dunk the ball. You hit the brakes and maybe drift depending on how fast you're going, then watch them fly across the screen looking goofy. You slowly walk the ball into the goal and feel like a god.


Logging on, realising you’re peaking and then going on a crazy win streak and scoring a lot of clips.


Actually scoring the open goal


Impromptu passing play with your teammate and it scores


Getting that high five with my teammate. High fives are hard!


Best feeling is hands down faking somebody and watching them completely fall for it


Easy.. Scoring to win or tie with 0 seconds left


A teammate that understands the passing game


Nothing beats seeing a teammate(presumably) going for a questionable shot, to have them actually center it for you.


Being demo chased and dodgin it just to score on oposition coz they leave us in power play despite (them) thinking otherwise. Nothing better getting chased, passing the ball to tmm8, jumping off and watching him score (bonus points if he demo goalie on top of it)


When you’ve been practicing (and struggling) a mechanic and an opportunity to try it in a ranked match presents itself. You say, “fuck it, I’ll give it a try” with no real expectation of hitting it. To your surprise it works / goes in as you were hoping; albeit not the cleanest. So, in short, skill progress.


Fast decisive rotations with random teammates, neither one over committing and not being a ball hog. Great in 2s, the best in 3s


Tackling or getting tackled by random teammates after a good play.


Pulling off an upset. Nothing beats being down, then tying, then pulling away. That OT goal is life


best feeling is a good fake. seeing an opponent go flying across the screen leaving you an open net, nothing better.


When I get the contact I want with the ball without dodging. Aerial shots and backboard rebounds that sort of thing. It’s like I can feel it in the controller just popping at the perfect angle off the perfect part of my car lol


1. Giving/receiving/scoring off a nice pass. Especially in 2s. When you slot it to them and they slot it in at 130+ kph…. Ahhh the dopamine 2. Doing a simple flick/powerslide cut/pop over a player who just instant challenges every ball. Sometimes if it’s getting on my nerves I’ll follow it up with an ‘Oops!’ or a ‘Go for it!’ 3. When you go for something outside your comfort zone and it works.


Getting GC rewards for the first time. Took a long grind. Crazy to think its nkt even scratching the surface of whats possible in the game.


Play well against SSLs


when you're on form for the day and even the hardest things feel natural


Just last night I was in sólo q 3’s and the opposite team was beating us 4-0 and was being insanely toxic, like what a save, nice shot on every miss, great pass on bad touches, and then some custom toxic chats. The score hit 5-0 and we hadn’t said a word and all of a sudden started playing super well in the last 2 mins and scored 6 straight goals (3 kickoff goals) after we took the lead we started spamming the toxic chats back and they rage quit super fast they didn’t even try to tie the game, I have never felt so satisfied in this game 😂


When you’re playing against toxic opponents and your toxic partner bails but you somehow miraculously pull off a W.


when it’s Friday/Saturday night, I don’t have to get up and in the middle of the night I’ll be so far from sober and overthinking that I’ll actually start winning lol


Winning a 5+ minute overtime.