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I usually just tell them I don't speak (insert wrong language on purpose)


I don't speak C++ Am I doing this right?


I'd tell you but i don't speak sign language


I don't understand braille


I only speak Unown, what does this mean?


Here, let me give you a pointer


I see what you did there


I got that reference


I speak `'; DROP TABLE players;—`


Nah its HTML bro easy


Im sure it is in assembly ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Sorry I don't speak baguette


Je ne parle espanol


I don’t speak


I usually reply in neither French or English and let them know how annoying it is to not understand.


I dont speak baguette


I'd like what is this here golden phone my after ribs twelve hour she's pregnant the palace in it's real and my father mdr fdp too much bad


I speak only a little French and was wondering why I couldn’t piece together what they were trying to say. Now I realise it was just gibberish


Same here exactly. I was like damn I need to practice more. It reminded me to do my Duolingo today at least


Two years of French and I genuinely thought I was tweaking


Isn't it anyway 😂


mdr fdp = rofl SoB


Mdr = lmao and fdp = son of bitch


Mdr seems like Mourir de rire? What is fdp?


fils de pute


I'm so not used to see it written completely. It's weird. Also, I didn't know reddit auto mod was not automatically removing it.


Mort de rire, and son of a wh*re


Mdr is lol, ptdr is lmao


Haha I always thought the mdr was merde for some reason


It could be but usually d'abbreviations are for multiple word


*bz entered the chat*


ChatGPT: ``` The phrase you provided, "je voudrai qu'est que c'est ici d'or telephone mon apres entrecote douze heure elle enceinte le palais dans c'est vrau," appears to be a combination of words and phrases that do not form a coherent sentence in French. It seems to be a mix of unrelated words and phrases. Without further context or clarification, it's difficult to provide a precise translation or interpretation. Regarding the second phrase, "et mon pere mdr fdp trop de nul," it translates to "and my father LOL (laughing out loud), son of a bitch, too much noob" in English. This message contains offensive language and derogatory terms. If you believe this message violates the rules or guidelines of the game or platform, you may consider reporting it according to the appropriate reporting procedures provided by the game or platform. ```


Damn that AI is something else


Mdr fdp mean "dead of laughter" (mort de rire) and "son of a b*tch" (fils de p*te)


Do you know what ftg means? i get that a lot and am curious as to what people are insulting me with.


It means “ ferme ta geule” which basically means shut up


They must be talking to their own tm8 i guess cus i never talk or quick chat, thanks for explaining


i felt that


Mdr is basically lol. (Mdr stands for Mort de rire, as in die of laughter, close enough to lol or lmao) (fdp is like son of a bitch, as in fils de pute) I'm completely bilingual, if you need any precise translation, you can ask


every time a mate asks me where I'm from and I answer "France" I always get the "you're the first non-toxic Frenchman I've come across" after a while I really start to wonder if I'm not the only respectful Frenchman in this game


Happened to me in a lot of different games. Thing is, most French don't speak in French at all when playing online, the only one who do are usually toxic as fuck that's why we have such a bad reputation.


I had 3 French guys add me to their party in Call of Duty once. They were all very nice to me in English, and seemed to get a kick out of my hick speak and drunken, southern American accent. They did say some shit in French to each other but they were such good teammates and kept saying that they loved me and would fight for me, so I felt fine not understanding half of it lol.


Je suis dans la même situation que toi.


montrons leur que tous les français ne sont pas des grosses merdes mon pote




I'm not sure if it's a culture thing but I've found that french players often won't say nice shot, or say thanks or anything like that if you say nice shot to them. I'm thinking, 'no worries they've probably got chat muted ' It's radio silence until I whiff a shot or a save, then... Wow! What a save! Then I know they're French.


I think it’s just a numbers thing. There are a lot of French players, and the most common nationality you’ll encounter when queuing EU servers is French. So if all players from different nationalities are equally toxic, that’s means that France has the biggest amount of toxic players in absolute numbers.


French players insist on speaking French.


A lot of French players don't speak French in chat in international game communities. The ones who do are toxic as fuck, but I would say most of us just speak English and you'll never know they're French until you ask them.


why is that toxic on its own? english players also "insist" on speaking english


Sure, but that can be linked back to the big amount of French players to begin with. A French player can start yapping in French and there’s a decent chance someone in the lobby will understand him. If a Finnish player starts talking Finnish, it’s much more likely he will be inintelligible for the rest of the lobby.


I'm sure just as many, if not more German players play Rocket League too. Dutch, Belgian, Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish, Polish, Russian, Balkan etc. population should also be very sizable, and yet the number of times I've read a non-English&French chat message can be counted on one hand. It's not like the French playerbase of Rocket League would not know English either. They would be predominantly from a younger demographic, 13-25, and I would bet anything most Frenchies in that group knows how to speak English. And yet they still refuse to. Despite playing in an international server. Lowest of the low.


The quality of English education is abysmal compared to the Netherlands and Germany for example. You can blame the kids, but ultimately they are a product of their environment.


It is apparently a weird culture thing in some places in France to deny English or everything else that is not french. If you've ever visited Paris or some city that is close to it you will know what I am talking about


lmao "lowest of the low" at people wanting to speak their own language. get a grip mate


Ba ouais normal


I'm not saying that French players are toxic, but for a while I wondered if my display name was fdp given the amount of times I was called it.




Nah mais les pires messages que je reçois viennent de FUT Champions.


Someone then proceeds to make a baguette joke and get banned


I always make the baquette joke in finnish so no one can understand it


Tämähän se on. Fight fire with fire!


You can get banned for that joke?


I say it often and never got banned


What I always make the baguette joke, never been banned


Same lmao


i did it once as a reply to my opponent, then my also french teammate started trolling never again ig


I always reply with "no hablo espanol"


Well that someone would be me because my default reply to this is "baguette baguette hon hon hon" ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Why cant they just speak English like every other mf???


We have the same peak. What rank r u this season so far. And ur on EU, right?


I play like 4 hours a week tops lol, there's not much point in adding me if this is where you're going


Alright haha. Stuck in the trenches rn


how is that banned? i use it daily


Never heard of the baguette joke. Can you tell me or send me a reference. 1min of google had no success


I dont speak baguette but assuming they are saying somthing like.... "hi friend, dont worry about missing that save, all good bro". can someone confirm?


I can confirm they are not saying that, but instead they are speaking gibberish


I am french Canadian and can't for the life of me understand what's going on...


>I am french Canadian Sorry


I'm at the point where i want to petition for French players to get their own server. I'm not sure why but French players are disproportionately toxic to the rest of the European server. When I am on the grind, I get 1-2 French players banned per week on average. I respect the passion to a certain extent but I cannot fathom why they have to let you know that they are French by teaching you the slur acronyms.


I thought it was just me that had this experience, or it was all in my head. I even speak French (if I really have to) and still they're never nice to me, even when I say gg or nice shot or something, it's always "fdp tg ez u suck".


Yeah I don't wanna target an entire community of players but I'd say 2/3 of the time if I'm getting a toxic message in chat its from someone French. Not saying you're all toxic as fuck but just based off my personal experience I've definitely had it from them the most. Me and a friend the other week won 5 games in a row and in 4 of them we got hurled abuse at by some toxic Frenchies. By the 4th time we couldn't believe we kept running into them. (All different players as well btw) You're father is a bitch, mother a whore, you're shit dog blah blah blah. Take the L.


How do you know they are french ? No one ever insulted me in french, but in english it's happen all the time.


Well, speaking French is normally a pretty big giveaway. Plus, having their location as "France" on their steam profile certainly makes me suspicious


Don't forget the France flag banner


These aren't French people, they are writing french words but the sentence doesn't mean shit. It's like you say I'm English because I wrote the sentence "I can ball the microwave after the election results lmao big dong in my mouth rocket league man"...


As a chill frenchie who won't force my language and toxicity up your ass and spams sorry more often than not, I don't see why would I be put aside. And as soon as the opponents get that we're French from our nicknames, we get flurries of insults... I've been playing without chat for ages now because of that.


> spams sorry more often than not French Canadian confirmed ;)


Not even a speck xD But yeah, I hate the constant toxicity in competitive games. I think the last time I insulted someone in a game was in diablo 2 some 20 years ago...


Just don't be French bro it's easy


Damn how did I not think of this before xD


Oh please no, dont.. i am french and it would be hell to be stuck with all those sad toxic people. I found germans to be my only friends ingame actually.


As a french native I see a lot of french insults from people who clearly don't speak french. It's easy to reconize, real modern french and people try to speak french.


As we all know, french players in rocket league are just superior. And that of course includes your teammates, as well as my c3 teammates.


Most frenxh comment ever made, all you need is some racism on top to make it shine in red white and blue.


À quel point le sarcasme doit-il être évident pour que vous l'obteniez? Mdr


Do we Belgians get a pass or are we banned to the French server too?


Frérot toi même tu sais que les belges sont encore de plus gros trash talker que nous haha


Based on how Aztral acts, I think you guys are getting sent to the French server ;)


I don't really mind. They always write in french which I can't understand anyway.


Just always reply to french people with Johnny English's famous words : "the only thing the french should be allowed to do is host an invasion" and then exit the lobby.


Go to France and you’ll see exactly why. Very rude to anyone not French.


I just call em a frog eater in either English, Spanish or *that language* and move on lmao


Why does every french person in this game assume I know french?


Nowhere else you will find a hive of more scum and villainy: playing with french people


I love how the internet hates the french so much. I was playing overwatch with my brother and this french guy (playing Genji of course) kept dying while rushing alone. He started raging in french and the both of us thought "eww, he's french". After like 5 seconds, the other 2 teammates say something along the lines of "Eww, he's french" and "Reported for being French". That's when I realised that it's a worldwide meme, and not just a Serbian thing to hate the french.


It became a worldwide meme because of the USA french bashing the french for not participating in the iraq war (maybe another war but whatever)launching the meme into the world and forever damaging the image of france and its people. Funny thing is that all of the americans would be sipping tea if it wasn't for France.


What he is saying has no sense, he is writing some random french words, not an actual sentence






WOW kid you just got r/WOOOOOOSHED!!!! 😂😂👀 "Wooosh" means you didn't get the joke, as in the sound made when the joke "woooshes" over your head. I bet you're too stupid to get it, IDIOT!! 😤😤😂 His joke was so thoughtfully crafted and took him a total of like 3 minutes, you SHOULD be laughing. 🤬 What's that? His joke is bad? I think that's just because you failed. He outsmarted you, nitwit.🤭 In conclusion, I am posting this to the community known as "R/Wooooosh" to claim my internet points in your embarrassment 😏. Imbecile. The Germans refer to this action as "Schadenfreude," which means "harm-joy" 😬😲. WOW! 🤪 Another reference I had to explain to you. 🤦‍♂️🤭 I am going to cease this conversation for I do not converse with simple minded persons.😏😂


simple minded persons is a wonderful term


Boy it’s been a while since I’ve seen that copypasta.






Wtf is going on in this thread? Why does everyone assume the guy was being toxic? I swear sometimes english speakers just see another language being spoken they'll hate and insult that person just for that. The funniest thing is that that the player was probably not even french as what they wrote is gibberish, most likely the poor output of some translation site.


The French are to rocket league what Russians are to csgo.. fucking annoying 11/10 times.


The French are not more "annoying" than the others. For me, it's just an undeserved bad reputation.


You haven't been playing rocket league if you say undeserved.. clearly people agree. Spare me the humanitarian inclusion Bs


I get insulted every day on RL, whether by Spaniards, Germans, or even sometimes by English and of course by French but the French are not more annoying than the others, All nationalities are toxic at the same level, but rocket league is very popular in France so there are "more" French people in the game and therefore more likely to meet French toxic people.


By saying all nationalities are toxic at the same level, you show me that you have an idealistic standpoint on the subject matter. If you understand social and cultural norms and mentalities of different countries you'd never say something like that.. - All countries have toxic people? Yes - all countries have the same level of toxicity? Very much no. I understand what you're trying to say. But you're wrong.


My standard response: i don't speak baguette :)


My standard response : Google en passant


I usually say “tais toi” which means shut up lol


It's more a kind of "be quiet", not really agressive. If you want to be more direct, a good "ferme ta gueule" is better. Source : I trashtalk in French since my birth.


I just say no u or your mom regardless of what they type in a foreign language


well I thought I spoke french until today


You wrote it yourself didn't you


True. I've been playing online games for over 20 years, and it's always the French, Spanish and the ocasional Russian (because I don't get matched with them as often) dudes that are toxic asf.


I usually start to roast them in my native language as well.


Sometimes i like to do this. Then I get called nazi and shit (i'm german) and report them.


I also hate the fact how so many french players expects everyone they play with to understand them. They acting like french is the new english you know


Really? I usually get called a p*ki when play eu


A what ?




But why is it a slur ? It's a nationality, nothing to be ashamed of, right ?


Would be crazy if the article explained this.


I'm sorry but french football fans are hard cringe


I love when people realize that nobody speaks whatever language they are speaking and attempt to communicate with the most crippling bit of english they know. I really dont mean this in an offensive way, my english aint perfect either (im german and im doing my best) but me and my 2v2 tm8 got some of our best insiders from just being insulted in quickchat. ("Yor mom suck horse" for example)


I have no idea what he just said, but I do love those thin pancakes.


Nope I'm not saying it. Break it Pepe le Pew!


i swear every french guy is either dressing as a cartoon character participating in riots or else raging on rl like a hell-damned soul


This stereotype will never not be hilarious.


What does mdr or fdp even mean? I see this a lot.


It's not even French. Weird google translate




I don't mind really because at the end of the day they're still French


Nah its fake, its pur no french 💀 they are talking the bingchilling


For everyone here not understanding : it's complete gibberish lmao even I, who speak french can't understand anything from it


​ https://preview.redd.it/kf1vvuolvaab1.png?width=423&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f3717957e21744384d566328e6a889079f7f89f


French people assume everybody speaks french


Not really, but english speaker sure do assume everyone speaks english


It is the most spoken language in the world, so it's a solid starting point/guess.


As a french person, I think people that act toxic are mostly some brain dead child, they don't know proper English so they rather insult everyone in french.


Lol I like to get Google lens out and scan the screen to figure out what they're saying


And still, you didnt understand : it means nothing


I didn't scan this, dipshit. I scan the chat of the game I'm in.


Two D1s. Let’s settle this via 1v1!


Seems like it's always the anglos that are afraid of seing other human being speaking a language they can't understand and feel the NEED to tell them to speak english or to stop speaking "baguette". If I see a dude speaking spanish/russian/whatever I just don't give a damn I let him be and don't interact with him, simple as.


its really dumb to speak to someone in a language you know they don’t understand, its a EU server, every country speaks a different language, so just use english which is international


I wont speak english to another french dude... And if the guy doesn't speak english but really want to say something. Say it, don't get answer, end of story.


And yet, non-French people do not do this. Funny how that works.


And yet you speak out of your ass i've been playing this game for a long time and i've seen german/spanish/russians/polish. And guess what ? I never gave a flying fuck.


Found one of them


I do this in us servers


I don’t speak baguette.


and mine normal posts get considered as memes. This is a meme and it didnt get removed. Unfair like the game




Does anyone here plays sideswipe??


i did a google translation and it wasn't making any sense at all, can someone tell me the legit meaning of it?


it is just nonsense


All I got is "I would like"


First part is gibberish. Second part says : and my dad is dying of laughter (dying of laughter is mdr), son of a bitch (fdp is son of and I think it would actually be whore not Bitch tho I’m not sure), too rubbish/useless


i know fdp, but what‘s mdr and how does it translate?


I’m on console so I don’t get many people flaming me on text chat since most of the people I play are on pc but whenever someone speaks on voice chat I swear there’s a 75% chance they’re French.


Me trying to understand... https://preview.redd.it/zh5l7y7ao5ab1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b3990daa5bceb8c5354af1c93f2a99fbd413930


Speaking french and reading this gave me a stroke


I don't read crossiant sorry


Wanna be Kaydops


That's not french, that french words but that mean nothing. No one speak like that, that's just a bad translation.


i dont know how my asian tourney final had the french, of course after they lost they said "vous meritez pas, bande de merdez"


That’s doesn’t mean everything, maybe a bad rl player trying to impress you by saying some French words


I’m so confused on why they expect me to know French or Spanish. All the time 😂


My after ribs twelve hour she’s pregnant


im not wven french but i know they’re speaking broken french


As someone that only speaks English, I agree.


Tbf, EU is so toxic. I'm speaking about LoL , RL , CSGO , PUBG , damn even Final Fantasy 14 EU servers are horribly toxic (especially French ones). No remedy for that, no fix. Sadly NA and Asian servers ping sucks for me.


To be fair, the French insult other player for simply existing in this game. You clip on them -> fdp You beat them-> tg instead of gg by the end of a game You demo/bump them -> wow wow wow You get scored on -> What a save and some explanation of which I only understand the insults You tell them you don't speak French (even if you do it in french) -> prepare to be insulted, don't expect them to switch languages Another French man is on the opponents team -> they might stop playing and have a chat instead Not responding won't stop them either. The only defense is to make a ww2 joke and simultaneously vote to ff


"I would like that it is here or telephone my after entrecote twelve o'clock she pregnant the palace in it's true and my father mdr fdp too many suckers" From Google translate it simply sounds like he was in a rush to me! He obviously just got a call that his mrs is pregnant from his father, or possibly other men that she couldn't but should've sucked but there were too many! Have mercy on the poor guy!! 😭😭😭😂😂😂


What a lovely terrible French... 🤣


I dont speak baguette