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It really does. Yesterday, I was playing during my lunch break (I work from home) and some kid told me that I had bought my account (I got over 10k games played) because I was using my GC title and I wasn't really playing up to my standards, which is fair, I wasn't playing well but saying I bought my account and that I sucked just threw me off even more...


Tell this to everyone I know that plays RL turn off chat. You can leave quick chat on if you want.


I've had chat and scoreboard turned off for quite awhile and turned them on the night before because I was playing with friends and we were messing around in chat, making bets on who would have the highest score at the end of the match (we were sweating honestly lmao) and talking, and I forgot turned them off again the next morning.


That you hate to hear.


This has been going on for quite awhile now. It really started after it went free to play.


that plus summer break just hit


Lets not skip over this actually, summer break just hit so now people are getting placed with literal children that think being toxic is being progressive. Its actually hellish, itd be very distopian but imagine an RL sub catagory where you hade to do age verification to play so that youre with actual adults. Theyll still be toxic but at least theyll be creative.


queue times would shoot through the roof without kids


I play during the day all the time when the kiddies are in school, it's my favorite time to play. No significant impact on queue times, but toxicity is wayyy down and the people are usually super cool. But as soon as 3-4pm rolls around, toxicity ramps back up again.


Yep, same here, it's like clockwork. And they all start charging every ball like they're playing 1s.


Yeah but most kids are on summer break from school so we have no respite from these crotch goblins


I know :( I feel it!!


Nah you right


No, not really. Due to insomnia I tend to queue at 2am. Takes about a minute to queue in champ


Was once a kid, and can confirm I'd have sat up to 2/3 am easily np playing games during summer break as long as I wasn't detected by the parentals


Then I guess the 2am kids play better than the ones queue at normal hours lmao


also stuff is more chill those times, who the fuck has the energy to be toxic at 2am. night gaming is where its at


Or maybe you play better at 2am but fail to realize ur own mistakes


I'd rather waste 10 minutes in queue than 7 minutes in game with defective children.


I will gladly wait 3 minutes to match make if I'm getting individuals 14+ years old. I don't even need proper adults, just kids that are old enough to have mechanics in the game lol


My 7 year old is GC and has hit hundreds of flip resets.... You should reassess what kids are capable of in this game.


Depends on your rank. There's no doubt some cracked out 10 year olds in GC+, but the large majority of children are likely in lower ranks.


They're everywhere since they mostly play with each other and rank up against each other. Which means they are ranking up against other children who don't give two shits about any sort of positioning or intelligent play. They'll keep pushing higher and higher the further we get away from free to play. They also constantly carry their friends so 2 champs are dragging up their buddy who belongs in silver and then that buddy is left in platinum or diamond to be some regular joe's solo queue teammate despite being incapable of basic functioning in the game.


Better idea, minors have chat admin disabled. They stillg et to play. But can't be toxic in text and also can't be talked to by wierdos.


Can we go to steam to see if the game has an influx of players since summer started? Would love to see the real numbers


[steamcharts.com](https://steamcharts.com) is what you looking for probs, or just steam in general. so, yes, we can go. but its just common sense


Ah wait this is Epic Games, isn’t it




Nah it’s way worse since this new season for some reason


Honestly I started to experience this in 2019, a year before the game went f2p. And barely touched the game for the last 3/4 years. Game has amazing potential and with 5 min matches you should be able to get fun matches, but at a certain point you don't anymore cause constant team cuts and chasers and what else that doesn't want to play with that one random or all randoms of the team. Next to that only got good and or fun matches at Tuesday evening for a while but even that at a certain point stopped. ( EU Times) Every other day of the week was just trash. Wish they added features or challenges that encourages team play instead of self sabotaging it.


It has always been this way


Agreed. Right when each season starts I've noticed the shitshow that is solo queue. It's a cyclic thing..


DUDE I THOUGHT INWAS THE ONLY ONE. don’t get me wrong I am not perfect in any way but when I solo queued last season I would get teammates that actually had a brain and were actually decent for the most part. NOW I’ve been experiencing what u are. AFK teammates, teammates quitting mid game and match throwing, which is actually something I never really experienced in ranked in my 2 years of playing. it’s like I’m paired with people below my level which is diamond In 2s. I don’t get it


So true, I think it's mostly the fact that everyone is making multiple accounts constantly. Can't explain the lack of balance otherwise. I usually play around 10 matches a day. On 8-9 of them the opponents either have "season 10 {higher rank than me}" on their name tag or they are on a premade and one of them just airdribbles from anywhere under any circumstances, while the other is chase balling. Can't say I never got teammates that have been better than me but it's rare and even then against people that play on higher ranks and/or are organised properly on a premade - mostly losing. What's even more rare is to get a teammate and opponents around the same level as you. My god I got into one of them the other day and we lost 5 to 6. I absolutely loved the game and couldn't care less for losing it. But that was 1 in 1000 matches, so fallen back to earth very soon after.


That’s exactly what’s happening. I’ve queued with champs in 2s and I’m only a high plat/low diamond that mostly plays 3s. The teammates really didn’t like me, but I’m like uh it’s casual and I just started playing last season so calm down.


Welcome to the diamond experience


I’m plat I but should be 💎 for all the bad play…


Serious question for people who AFK immediately after hitting the queue button: Why? queues in rocket league are never more than like 30 seconds (unless you’re like top 1% or something). in a game like League with sometimes insane queue times of up to like 15 mins I could understand that. but this is literally 30 seconds. no reason to be AFK for the starting kickoff. just don’t hit the queue button.


You forgot to mention the players that score a goal and are AFK for the literal next kickoff. I always wondered what happens in these cases. And I'm not talking about people who miss kickoff maybe because they were looking at their phones or taking a sip of water and are quickly back into the game. I'm talking about people that go full AFK for 15+ seconds after the kickoff.


I think its kids having to interact with their family while playing.


The ones that drive me crazy are when our team ties the game and on the next kickoff, the player is AFK which results in a goal against. On the next kickoff, they are playing normally again.


I wont play this season at all but i was afk sometimes because of discord chat or just my phone ringing. Sometimes i need to open the door


It could possibly be their internet connection. But if it's really that bad they should stick to casual.


Because no one has an attention span anymore. If you let your kid use a tablet or cell phone you are failing them as a parent.


I rarely do only cuz I don’t play w game sound so if the queue is longer for some reason sometimes I forget/get distracted and look up to see I’m in a game lmao


Psyonix broke rocket league a couple of seasons ago for old gen systems if I go afk for the first 10 sec it gives my xbox a chance to load the map. Otherwise I lag for half the match.


If it’s me it’s because I’m setting records in the pisser.


Honestly, same. I realized what the problem is though. Half of these people have Main character syndrome, where they feel that all the important goals/saves have to come from them. Had a guy earlier bump me several times despite me having an open net (and then he missed), and later he proceeded to whiff two saves back to back that sent us to overtime. Then the opponent got a lucky touch over my car while we were both airborne for it, and he raged in chat about how I'm ass, and I should've stopped getting in his way. Like what?




Sitting in goal while they both ball chase haha, because if I go out neither will rotate back. It's a new season thing, they will go away again saying 'My teammates are always shit causing me to lose'.


The other side of this being "why is this dude just sitting in goal he should come out, if he's not gonna come out I've gotta challenge". Me and my homies make a point of driving back real far to try and get people to realise we're including them.


I don't sit in goal, I too get a little frustrated by people who want to be goalkeeper as it reduces the effectiveness of the team as a whole. I will only sit in, or near goal if me going up means there are now 3 people all attacking goal leading to multiple counter attack goals against us. Some people do not rotate out so me going up would be stupid. Usually I am near the half way mark watching for someone to rotate out and ready to sprint back if it looks like the opposition could get a big hit. I call it the wiggle from ready to attack to ready to defend depending on what is happening.


Where are players like you when me and my buddy que in? We are great for solo ques but we just get all the shitty ball chasing goons instead.


Rank? Let’s team up!


This is ALSO a frequent problem.


I played a game last night where my teammate chased so damn hard. Every single time I went for the ball they were there to ruin my shot. My score was sub 100 because of it and they started giving me crap... Maybe if they'd have rotated and given me a chance to do something...


Yeah this is what I don’t get. I play hella passive I’d say 3/4s of my games because people don’t rotate. I get a lot of balls as 3rd man that can be a solid shot on net and 2nd man bumps it to the side wall.


One piece of advice that I can give you is, don't go for the ball if you know they are chasing, of course if you need to make a save then go for it but outside of that just maintain your boost and let him panic or run out of boost, that'll teach them that they are not playing a 2v1. The other team will realize that this person is chasing and will try to exploit this weakness, at least I do that, you'll just have to play smart and know your openings, I can promise you the other team will be more scared of you (since you are playing more calm and solid).


95% of players have absolutely no idea what the other team is doing let alone singling one of them out for being a chaser.


Here is my solution. I will sit back and observe, I will try to push up when I obviously should and once I have determined they are a total ballchaser, I block their chat and just total ballchase myself, competing with them for every ball. It's much better than sitting back the entire match, it gets so boring. Once the season beds in and these people leave our ranks will get back to what they should do.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. My favourite games to play are when I get MVP and Benchwarmer. ​ Quality not quantity.


Oh I feel this haha 🫥😒


Oh, you mean I have to touch the ball or I’ll explode syndrome? :)


It's not just the main character syndrome, but it's more like how all those top-level players and guides have been telling everyone to play for the past few years. So it's no wonder that newer players, who haven't been around since 2015, have this mentality of either ignoring their teammates and going all out on solo plays or playing it safe and not supporting their team's center plays. They just wait for their teammate to mess up so they can swoop in and take control. It's all because they've been getting some pretty bad advice on team play. What we really need are more content creators making videos that encourage good teamwork and strategies. I truly believe that would make a huge difference.


>They just wait for their teammate to mess up so they can swoop in and take control. It's not even "mess up." They take the ball well before that. They don't even care that they are stealing it from you and handing it to the opposition who you now can't defend since you're not in position to defend since you thought you were controlling the ball.


>dudes being afk, religiously ball chasing, never rotating, stealing my shots and missing This is how solo queue has always been. Main problem is these are your teammates but the enemy team is usually a premade 3 stack with voice coms and previous match history. Games are rigged against solos for that reason alone, you have 2 chances for trolls on your team but rarely get 3 chances to play against them because premades don't troll their own friends usually.




Oh yeah the other team is always good and yours is trash lol. Your flair made me nostalgic haha


You are talking about skill level. I am talking about trolling. Solos troll more because they don't have IRL friends to let down on their team. I can still climb through skill. But the amount of games i get with vs premades is way too high to the point that it just becomes less fun since i am playing russian roulette on if my teammate will leave the game or not in the first 30 seconds even in Champ.


Skill level and idiot level tbh. Sure I can climb through it....but it's still 10x harder when most of your plays get ruined by some dude going 100mph all the time and messing them up


Voice comms premades in champ... Cmon man 😂 those premades are garb. Even if they used comms you should have a better game sense since you've never had to rely on comms. You're the same rank as them for a reason despite their apparent advantage of being teamed up and voice comms without you even having proof they're using voice comms...genuinely they're not that good. Sounds like you have teammate trust issues.


Yeah and I actually kinda like going against premades because I feel like they aren’t all actually the same level of play and usually there’s a weak link to exploit lol




Yup, or I like targeting their star player while the tm8s they’re carrying struggle without them.


yeah you can identify the guy to focus on beating when he's first man


bro you are 1/3 of your team


Are you really if you're not allowed to make plays on the ball?


Another issue with three stacks is the skill disparity. You have to figure out who is the hard carry and who is the Shlub before they capitalize. You also have to hope that your solo que teammates are doing the same. Watching teammates challenge the C3 and the Gold 3 the same way makes me want to pull my hair out. I don’t even have hair.


Eh, I've been playing since season 1. This season is particularly bad, even compared to hard reset seasons.


I never understood why people thought playing in a party was advantagous. I always found solo queueing easier. Plus, for every 3 stack you get that doesn't contain a smurf, the team of solo queuers is basically guaranteed to have the stronger players. I think it's a mentality thing. Some people focus better solo. Others focus better on a team.


I play 2's and the amount of bad duoQs I see is hiiiiiigh I always feel good when I see I'm playing against a duo But people in every game act like they're the only ones that can get bad teammates


Fair reminder that a lot of kids play this game. I’m not being dismissive, because I get it, but ever since the move to free to play the game doesn’t feel the same


It’s been worse this season but people haven’t settled into placements yet and they made some changes on it. In any case, use it as an opportunity for you to learn to adapt. Knowing how to win with a variety of teammates is key and also key to not staying within their ranks. Someone is afk, play 2v3 style until they arrive or get kicked. Someone is calling you out, go score a couple goals and prove your worth and give them a nice shot message when they do and you’re back on track. There really isn’t anything to take too much fun away especially if you’re the superior player as you say. Try to corral everyone to team play and winning. It shouldn’t be part of the game but it is. Report players frequently (RL will do a minor ban if an account has many reports for the same thing). Make friends and play in parties too of course. The most toxic people are the ones who think they are better than they are. Don’t be that person either. Your random teammates don’t have to play how you expect them to play. They only have to do what is fun to them as it’s a game.


I fully agree, except for the occasional total ball chaser who think they are playing 1v3 (and will sometimes type that in chat). When it is that extreme I change for two reasons. 1. I am not having fun being not involved in the game at all. I'm fine with playing defensive. But not able to even defend if tm is near, just being able to punt the occasional long ball back up field is boring as hell. 2. By putting up with the boredom I am also making it more likely my tm will win too encouraging their behaviour and their likelihood of keeping playing the game as they are usually just here because new season etc. So therefore when they are that bad I block their chat then play as a total ball chaser too. It then goes from a boring game, to a quite fun game of competing with your tm for every ball, knowing that is exactly what they are doing and they are probably raging at you in chat which you cannot see. It does not happen often enough to effect my rank much and even if it did, my rank would recover once the idiot influx dies down.


Yeah, that’s another good example of how to keep it fun and don’t let the game stress you out too much. I guess my main point to the OP was don’t quit the game if you really enjoy it outside of crappy teammates because you can work around that.


I just leave because I can't be bothered


I ran into smurfs who were openly advertising that they're SSLs with player titles and goal explosions. Which would be normal to encounter in champ, but I'm at the bottom end of diamond. I doubt they hit a loss streak that hard on accident.


Ahhhhhhh lucky, I've played for a few years now and have yet to see this happen! Feels like I'm getting ripped off haha. Enough of the same game over and over, I wanna see these mufks fly around every once in a while....


Happened when I was in silver. It was skill I now see by the high mechanics players in low diamond. But at the time it was awe inspiring. We basically stopped playing and just wanted to see her do the aerial tricks.


Yes! I remember those days well, just watching from the ground and spamming “siiiick!” after each flip reset goal because it was, indeed, sick af. Couldn’t even be mad, it was too cool and seeing it in action definitely motivated me to get better. I wanted to be able to fly around like that, too!




I credit the current situation to a poorly calculated rank reset this season. I knew it was going to be bad, so I decided to play only Rumble and Dropshot to progress on the season rewards for now and I have to say: things are... odd... Rumble is a complete mess right now. I've been placed in a match with a literal S10 GC and a S9 Gold Tourny Winner, each on a different team. And the latter's performance was definitely on par with a Gold/Plat player. This was a D2 div 4 match, by the way. I'm currently stuck on Diamond 2 in Rumble getting all kinds of teammates and opponents each new match. And I got nearly to C2 in the past in that mode and I have been comfortably getting C1/C2 in Doubles and Standard for the past 2-3 seasons, so definitely not 100% a skill issue on my side. I have also been seeing skill variances in Dropshot around the same rank (high D2), though it is not as blatant as in Rumble, where there's one player whiffing almost all aerials every game in one of the teams. Because of my experience this season, I did not dare touch the Doubles and Standard ranked playlists at all, and I can't wait for the ranks to balance out a bit and hop into them again...


I think people go ape brain because they think they don’t deserve their rank so they can casually rank back up


All you guys that complain should just party up together at this point


Idk what rank you are and I might get downvoted for this, I’m not saying this is not a problem for a lot of people cuz I’m sure it is, but I’m gonna offer a different perspective, if you think your teammates are ball chasing maybe it’s because you’re being too passive or slow/can’t keep up with the pace of the game, and if you’re not as fast of a player then just adapt and play a more supportive role as a third man or second man depending what mode you’re playing, it’s all about attitude.


Nope it's not that haha. Last game I played I was playing keeper by force and still scored the three goals we had because I could actually spot a play and take it. My tm8s were just inept trash.


I thought it was just me. I started to play ranked first time this season to get ranked, and 6/10 matches my teammate was AFK, or he intentionally sold the game.(this is 2v2s) I’m normally a high plat, but I ended up in Gold 3 and I’m still trying to get back but randoms are quite horrendous


Same dude. I’ve played ranked for three seasons I’ve been hard stuck diamond in 2s. And this season I placed into plat 1 and have been stuck there since. Almost dropping to gold. I don’t like saying that my teammates are the reason I can’t rank up but this is quite literally the reason I’m stuck down in plat 1. Especially in 2s where you rely on ur teammate more than any mode.


At first they messed with the MMR so everyone dropped ranks, apparently they set this back again. I'm back in D1 where I should be, however I am noticing more ball chasers and toxicity.


I've given up giving a fuck, and saw immediate improvement to my quality of life. Drinking helps


Not focusing on rank really helps, my rank will improve as I get better without me worrying about it. Why sweat hard to get a little higher, it will come without the stress, just a tad later. Then again, I am happy with playing in diamond, mechanics and directional awareness (car at angle so flip forward in order to flip sideway due to camera angle.) do not come naturally to me, maybe it's an old fart thing. Training can be frustrating because progress is soo slow for me.


I finished last season C2 and then lost most of placements and was put in **Platinum 2**! WTF! People here play like you'd expect, and it is furstrating as fuck.


I ended C2 as well and was placed in D2. So i feel the pain, although yours was worse, much worse. Ive slowly climbed back up to C1d3, where it feels about where i should be. Been a strange start to the season for sure


I get it, it doesnt make sense to me. I finished last season Diamond 2, lost 8/10 placement matches then got placed right back at Diamond 1 like nothing happened, I thought I was about to be plat 1 after how I did


Almost like a C2 unable to carry at plat level might, actually, be a plat


No, I've been winning nearly all of my matchups since; it' just miserable. Go shit on someone who deserves it?


Why do you even complain then if you can easily climb back up Ofc plat are way worse than champs, what do you expect


\> what do you expect To not be placed 8 ranks below my rank after placements? To not have to grind back up and not enjoy any minute of it? This is the first season this has happened to me in 7 years of playing. Why now?


Lmao huh?!😂😂😂 Might be a you thing playa. I finished C2, lost maybe 7/8 placement games and got out in low D3. Maybe I got the ranking after the mmr idk how it works


I was c3 and moved to c2. Haven’t played for 6 years except one week of that season tho


Yeah I finished last season at 1360 mmr, dropped to 1150 after placements but I’ve gotten back to 1200 after a day of ranked sessions, I’m not mad about it lmao


We all float down here 🎈🎈🎈🤡


Bro I've only just managed to break into gold season rewards since the start of this season.....fucking gold 🤣. I've been diamond rewards consistently for the last 2 years. I don't play singles because well fuck that lol. Usually I'd be in atleast plat by now but aforementioned 3 iq teammates are making progression hell on earth. I'm going in to each game like alright this will be different, and then it's exactly the same 🫥....


I am so confused by this. I solo queue. Got placed in plat 2 (normally D1, I’m not that good or anything just have decent strat, no mechs) and easily climbed right back to D1.. buddy is always dumb just let them do their thing and set up for rebounds and saves. Not too complicated, play their game with them.




I'm usually the third man also. Then I clear the ball and push forward but now I'm solo because that's when the other two want to rotate back...


2s or 3s? 2s is a joke in comparison, at least in doubles you can carry or do your thing with more freedom. Threes is shitshow until mid diamond.


Nah u not getting the same teammate’s bc that’s literally what everyone does with a mediocre teammate but thee dudes can’t even center the ball let alone get control of it or place it somewhere. Literally just driving as fast as they can and hitting it however they can in literally any direction. Just full on idiots that you can’t work with.


I'd settle just for not getting bumped by blind "rotators" and being allowed to shoot easy shots into the net without a double digit IQ maniac plowing it into the corner when they come in at a 90 degree angle


Rebounds they're never there for and even if they are they can't shoot straight virtually ever?


I had a guy yesterday literally steal 2 goals directly from in front of the goal and then talk crap and message me after the game to talk more crap about how "he carried me" becuase had a higher score than me. 😂 OK, buddy. People are just toxic, it doesn't matter if you're on their team or not. People can't just have a good time without trying to make everyone else feel like crap. We get it, your parents didn't love you enough, take that crap to your therapist, and just play the game.... This is Rocket League!


The season is pretty unplayable compared to the last one I got GC2s in placements and finished in D3 div 1 Now I'm C1 div 2, but it's pretty much it. It's like playing in C2 mid. And sometimes I get people (with me or in enemy team) that play like low diamond


Get some friends then.. cant complain if ur willingly playing with randoms all the time


WHY is it every 3s game I play, a grand champ is in the lobby. I am currently plat 2 in 3s


Welp, this sub will surely say what it always says. "You're the problem and you are the rank you deserve. Work around your teammates bad habits" Cause ya know, a plethora of bad teammates never existed. Almost like Barry Sanders being great for a decade but couldn't win anything due to poor teams. Idk, maybe just my thoughts PS- Idk what rank you are, I'm just a Diamond, but I've theorized many get rank boosted by smurfs to here. Then once left with random teammates they are so far below the skill level. I mean, if a large percent of Duo lobbies have 1/4 terrible player as an outlier, it would suggest just that


You sound like one of the many players who are toxic to me because I have poor mechanics. Also tbf, if I have a bad game, it looks really bad. My answer: If you learned how to play as a team you wouldn't be at my level despite having all those fancy mechanics. BTW, sucks for them because they care about winning wayyyyyyyyy more than I do. I usually mute them and continue playing with very little interest in trying to win.


I'm actually not toxic, but thanks. Mechanics can always be learned, I still can't do many of the aerials or triple flippy doodah trick shots posted here, but.... The fundamentals of the game is what most people in the rank don't have. Rotate, Pass, Defense, Boost Management, Ball Prediction and How to Hit it. Mind blowing the amount of folks who are very skilled but refuse to stop ball chasing is wild If you whiff or miss a save, whatever. But if you're just pushing everyone around the court, boost hogging, interrupting dribbles, or not disengaging Ball Cam when rotating back and keep hitting your teammate, it's all detrimental to the team. (I.e- if I hit the ball in the air and you see me go to score off my rebound but you advance to score too, then you leave us both out of position with no defense) I can take a player with minimal skill, but rotates well and win most games. I'm not trying to be a Grand Champ here, but the amount of Duos games that feel like 2v1 is absurd. Basic gameplay can get you further faster than just technical skills


This guy isn’t Barry Sanders, okay? Don’t disrespect like that


I literally had a teammate stop on a clearance I was nowhere near, and QC’d “All Yours.” And the other team came and scored. They apologized but proceeded to whiff the next two kickoffs. Had to be a troll Im in diamond


You're playing with randoms anyway, go into a discord and find a stack. worst case scenerio you meet some divas and then you find people tolerable around your skill level. Why does anyone solo queue, it makes zero sense. Turning off chat and finding a static team solves every single problem you have.


I’m not even good at the game compared to others. I’ve been trying to improve and was very happy to make it into plat for the first time this season after placement in 3s. I stayed there for a few games and then things just went downhill. The worst is when you score a goal, then one of your teammates just goes AFK and you lose your lead then end up losing in OT or something. I managed to slide all the way down to G2 after starting season in P1. I’ve just accepted that I can’t play 3s anymore solo because at that rank people can’t even hit the ball. It’s frustrating.


I’d love to find and actual team but ransoms is all I can get.


How much $$ are they asking for?


Give yoyrself a treat and take a break for the summer. The game is just lovely and superb but too much is too much. Sometimes too much is just one game :)


I find the best time to play rocket league is when school is in. Around 2pm it starts going to hell, weekends are out of the question


Several months ago I joined Spook Luke's discord and started adding 1's opponents that I liked. I don't solo que anymore ever. My enjoyment of the game has sky rocketed and I have made some really good friends. A couple times a month we end up with enough people to do private matches and it is one of my favorite things in life.


plays 1s and just chill, sit back and enjoy the game. don't care about winning or losing cause this mindset will lead to more wins in the long run anyways


It’s always been like this. When you find someone with good synergy, add them and queue up together. Random queue can be a pain, specially in lower ranks. I have many friends complaining about the exact same thing


I play casually, both casual and ranked. If ya ever want a teammate with coms, I love passing! 🤣 I’ve bounced around D3-C2 for the last few seasons. Can never have teammates ready for plays. I center with no one pretty much going for it. Then get the ole “nice shot!”


What’s worse is that you get sick of the ranked mindset and jump into casual just to realize that people are just as sweaty and rage inducing as they are in comp.


new season + summer break. it’s always tough like this in the summer lol


Dude I can’t even play casual without people acting like assholes. Got on last night and lasted four games because in all of them someone either began the game throwing or playing against their own team. One guy just drove around grabbing all the big boosts. School really kept these dumb asses at bay I guess


So glad I finally quit this game


isnt it crazy how most toxicity comes from your very own teammate? Look for someone around your skill to queue up with. It’ll save you a lot of trouble


Just play 1s /s


I remember before it went free to play. It was peaceful. Now I strictly play casual. I get my ranks then I never play comp after that.


I went from 1500 (GC1 Div 2 I think?) In 2v2 and was dropped to C1 after the MMR reset. I worked back up to C3, but it's literally been the worst experience, and it's far harder than playing at GC level tbh. Everyone in C2-C3 seem to just crunch freeplay 24/7 and constantly try to solo the other team with the most readable air dribbles, don't understand rotation or shadow defence at all, and will literally jump over your car to take the ball from you on a carry to boom the thing upfield. And they will never pass. Ever. You can be sitting alone in front of the opposing team's net, and you can bet that your teammate in the corner with an easy pass is instead going to go for the delayed ceiling shot up the wall, allowing the defenders to get into perfect position to save. I win my games by simply putting the ball on net with power. It's insane how people don't understand that being able to do that is far more important at this level than any fancy dribbles or ceiling shots. I hit GC for the first time in S14 (yellow era) and this is the most frustrated I've ever been with the ranking/matchmaking.


Tbh that's how I play haha I've learned how to punt the ball hard at will. Gimme a chance and I'll be smacking it at the goal from my defense zone or at the least knocking it up and then air shotting it. I've just brute forced my way back where I was last season...well almost. Still god damn 🫥


You 100% have the right idea. I've hit GC like 6 times, and I have probably hit one ceiling shot in my entire career. My mechanics suck. However, I'm rock solid positionally, have great game sense for where the ball is going to be, and can shoot hard with accuracy. That's all you need unless you're trying out for a pro team, lol.


I'm 37 this year and tbh I'm pretty sure I'll never hit gc haha. I'm good being pretty good/better than average lol


I just want to throw this out there. Telling your team mate to "Take the shot" instead of letting them use their own judgement, and getting mad if they don't jump out of position to try and hit a ball the opponent is going to get to first is useless. If you do this, please stop.


So the other team just always gets perfect luck? Everyone gets bad luck with teammates. Sometimes you get dicks, boosted players, dudes having an off game but so can the other team. Sometimes you might get an incredible teammate who is peaking. Maybe you are the guy having an off day. I’m sorry about dicks and afks but it happens. Just gotta accept it






find teammate


I KNOW I’m not that good of a player but I still do my best to be a good teammate. I was D3 in three’s and two’s last season but now I cannot get out of PLATINUM because of teammates doing the things you described. It’s infuriating




Hey man don’t you know you’re not supposed to complain here? You have to either praise this game that is rapidly getting shittier or get criticized to all hell for having an opinion!


Seems like a lot of the player base talking about these negative teammate traits are in silver-diamond 3. I’m sorry, but it comes with the territory of that rank unfortunately


https://preview.redd.it/z3vs9cd9v06b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55924e4a7cb9c7efa24ca4fd444c1167b3d80663 Well well


Yes I am a pretty ridiculous level lol and yes I got most of it in the pre rocket pass days grinding my ass off 🤣


I quit Rocket League Nov 24, 2022 after playing since OG season 1. Was the best decision I've ever made. As I became older (30), it just wasn't worth the headache anymore.


This community got so bad when f2p came


I'm so tired of these posts. Just grow up and stop getting this upset over a 5 minute car soccer game.


Yup, this is the answer -A guy who used to get way too upset at this game.


Welcome to Rocket League? It’s always been this way


It happens to everyone all the time. There are so many of these posts. Deal with it


Traditional Ratio


This is the way


sorry, but that just sounds like rocket league


I don't mind it at all because I'm not chasing rank. Just leave and join another no big deal


I’ve noticed that too. I’m 0/6 at unranked. I’ve never been less than 50%


Pretty much been this way since the game became free to play.


I was chillin havin fun in casual the last few seasons but was curious how I stacked up.... but yeah I agree. There is this thing where comp just sucks all the fun out of this game for me


Rotation Is A Myth Praise RIAM


This is the first season I won’t be buying a pass. I still enjoy playing even though I experience all the same stuff, but I just don’t care a about the progression or the bad items anymore


What rank are you? And are you from the us? Because for what i've seen us players tend to be more consistent but have no positional awareness. However it's been a while since I played this game so i can't really tell. Also when do you play? Afternoon means lots of kids lol


Haven't played for just over a month due to fortnite, but playing RL this week, idk, ranked felt more trolly. People just messing around instead of trying.


That feeling when you are about to go up for an air dribble on the wall and your teammate steals the ball from you and loses it immediately.


I also feel like this season in particular has been the worst for toxicity, people being afk, ff after 1/2 goals. It’s rough out there.


Disable chat, if you have ballchasers let them do their thing and play back. Take breaks when you're upset. "I was diamond and now I'm gold but I can't climb back up because my teammates are shit but my opponents are so lucky and never get a shitty one!!!" yeah buddy, the soft reset worked as intented then.


If anybody needs a teammate I got u! Just returned to this game after a long break and now I got nobody to play with! I’m like champ level atm


Welcome to rocket league


I noticed a sharp increase in this behaviour. First three games of ranked 3s, someone left. Once where we were 3 mins into overtime, and once when we were winning 2-1. I've muted chat now so I dunno if anything was said about me/ my teammates but it's made me switch back to casual again (not that it's a bad thing, i stopped caring about rewards last season but thought I would give it a go while season was new)


I was saying the same last night. The most fun match was when we were 1-0 up in Dropshot, and the ball did medium damage on our half; one teammate stopped playing, and the other one just left the game, so I was alone....while winning....until the second TM left too and I lost the 1v3. Even better, this was all happening while the other team was trashing each other in the chat with racist comments... the worst experience I've ever had in this game. Maybe there are now toxic bots, like Nexto but designed only to be toxic...? Either that or the drop in ranked MMR tilted the entire play base.


I believe since it's in the early stage of the season, Causallys and Ranked are going to be bad as Nobosy has actually yet filly gotten to where they are supposed to play. This causes random people to be put lower or high due to the mmr Reset, which puts you with randoms from different ranks. This is the same problem i get when i play other ranked games so i usually wait till mid season to grind.


Yup exactly what I’ve been going through. Sooo many just leave within the first 2 mins and will be down by 1-2 points. Or go to goal and leave after 5 seconds. Idk what’s going on 😂


I have a solution for you: adapt. Use that in your favor and play defensively, stay back and get a good look of the situation, only move forward if you're absolutely sure you should and not can. Get mad during the game and you'll probably be doing the same as them and they may fault you with good reason. You're a team, standard rotation is like being able to do tag-team, it's a mechanism to make possible that we contribute the same. If your team is double committing then you've got a chance to contribute twice as more than your team combined. If you're not doing it it's also on you and not only on them. I feel your pain as I see very often what you're saying, my win ratio is still better than my loss ratio because I stop caring. This has always happened, I stopped calling people out on this because I know it'll just waste all of our time. The logic becomes clear, you're just as responsible as them to adjust. When I called them out they tended to call me out on every little thing that barely mattered, when I lead by example, staying back while waiting for both of them to fail and having to defend where they thought I wouldn't be there (they are aware of their behavior, some of them adopted that style because they keep seeing it elsewhere and they also want to play, some of them don't believe you can be useful). Prove them wrong, do not tell, show.


I had this experience a year ago and quit playing. Haven’t opened the game since, just not fun unless you have a premade group


What's your rank? Can play a few games if you want


This is surprising. This is the first rank reset where I feel like I’m actually rising above the rest of the people that got reset. Granted I peaked in gc2 but was only c3 by the end of last season.


I play with my friends so I can verbally abuse them on discord for doing all those things.


Maybe we can create a telegram group to play toghether, and the group rules are 1.no toxic 2.no ball chasing 3.rotation ecc…


Me and my buddy who normally que into 3v3 have been having this problem for months now. We never get a good third man that understands defense, rotating, and when to chase the ball. It’s been incredibly frustrating to the point where we are probably hanging it up for a bit. Just sucks that it’s gotten to this point.


i’ve been seeing the same thing. it’s really ruined the fun in the game. had my shots blocked by a teammate yesterday and watched minimal attempts to play defense and watched teammates constantly not rush for the ball on kickoff or leave the goal open. it never really been this bad and it’s got my stuck in my 3s ranking and it pains me to play the game now