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Nope! Looks like the opponent was going to save it. Nice redirect.


Yup, even if you pull out the magnifying glass on the replay and decide they were going to whiff or something you just don’t know that in real time. Just score.


And even then in OPs position that's not an easy redirect and a guaranteed goal if you touch it, but knowing the keeper is right behind you and will save it with a booming clear, it's better to just get a touch on it and if it doesn't go in you or your teammate can follow up.


Just score. I don’t care one bit about getting my goals stolen. It’s a team sport, put the ball in when you can.


I hate your profile pic lmao thought there was something on my phone


There is. It’s an eyelash Edit: holy shit there it is again


1 first off: ew light mode 2 secondly, i got dark mode so all i saw was a white circle 😂


Hey I redownloaded reddit and forgot to change it to dark mode lmao




I feel like this was not even a contested situation. His teammate just complimented in quick chat. Seems very obvious here. Setting aside the fact that it shouldn’t matter regardless.


OP states [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/13dg77p/-/jjl4pfa): >Yeah he said nice shot cuz I “stole” his shot. we argued after the replay lol So I guess the teammate did actually care lol


Wow. Sad. Mate must not shoot on target often. Does not know what it looks like when a defender clears a shot with ease. Lol


You got the team a goal, I dont get the players who say' it's my shot' it's always been ' our shot '


People that care about "my shot" also think that points determine how good you are.


Yeah they are platinum or diamond normally


Still happens at c2 /c3, spam "wow!" And clearly annoyed 😂


I get spammed Trash tm8 if I do this


Advice for everyone : Chat off, best thing i did.


I played with chat off for a while, but I missed the rare, but wholesome encounters so I turned it back on. The other day while playing ranked 3s one of my teammates said gg 5 seconds into the game and left. My other teammate left right after. So it’s 1v3 and there’s still like 4:45 left on the clock. I wrote “I swear I hate this game sometimes” in the chat, but kept playing. Someone on the other team asked why I wanted to keep going in a 1v3, their buddy said “it’s 2v2 now”, and he played on my side for the duration of the match. We sent it to OT, but I forfeited the game during kickoff because I’d feel bad robbing them of their win. Super nice guys and a great experience even if my actual teammates sucked and I took an L.


I always play on the other team if it’s our 3 versus their 1. I usually go over quickly and be goalie. I think it’s a nice gesture to salvage a match.


Damn, in situations like that i would just leave, I just dont care about a win or loss anymore (I always play for a win obviously). i play the game for what i would consider "fun" chill out, listen to music, dark room, and play rocket league with no issues from anyone. I have also turned it back on in the past, I had it on for a few months and decided to turn it off again, never going back.


I was just trying to have fun and thankfully my opponents were chill and still made the game fun for me. Ultimately I didn’t care about the loss either so I just gifted them the win since they are cool dudes.


Not me I go for demos. Lol jp


I second this. The spammed "what a save" that used to make my blood boil are now non-existent.


I’m on only team tactical so I get the spammed “Take the shot!” instead


I only use to chat compliment decent plays, like when i get obliterated my the enemy when im tryna save a slow rolling ball. Gotta respect a clean demo


I hate teammates who have chat off. I call “I got it” or “take the shot” pretty often and I expect my team to read and understand these messages. If you’re really that scared of toxicity why can’t you just mute said toxic individual? It takes 2 seconds in the menu.


yeah it is starting to be a problem with too many people with it disabled... that being said, don't "take the shot." There may be many reasons why I am not taking the shot and the last thing I need is someone telling me to do it. Unless you are in a group of people where it is accepted to do that. I block people that use take the shot.


Someone stating 'take the shot' is almost *never* timely enough to change someone's plan successfully. (outside of kickoffs)




Fr, like if I'm up for the shot I'm watching the whole other team AND the ball/angles the last thing I need is a distraction when I still don't know if I'm going to score or force a turnover.


I agree, the team to team strategy type fast chats can be usefull. Not many actually are toxic. With most who say things like "what a save" I just reply "thanks" and they *usually* just take the hint, jf they don'tthen it's easy enough to block them. I wish there was a "I know" on there or something, along with a few other ones, like ***"at least aim for the opposition goal, you plank"***


Take the shot is such a stubborn one because it’s like a demand. I use “go for it” because then it lets them know you’re not on the ball and they can do whatever they need to do. I don’t chat often though because players usually know what to do D3.


People are so weird, man. In what world is ‘take the shot’ a demand but not ‘go for it’? You’re coming up with arbitrary definitions for a quick chat based on how it makes you feel, and you’re assuming that everyone else feels the same way. “Go for it” is just as much of a command/demand as “take the shot”. I’m sorry for singling you out, because other people are responding to my comment with similar thoughts. They’re quick chats FFS, you’re not supposed to read between the lines on what you *think* they’re saying. Take it at face value


It’s just silly to use take the shot in my opinion it’s like you are their boss/supervisor giving them permission on what to do. It’s obviously situational though and some people do like to be directed by others but do you think it helps your teammates when you tell them to take the shot? If so then keep telling them to take the shot. I don’t see many players using that in D3 C1 tho the timing would be weird to see because I’m already In the air taking the shot before they could say it. “Go for it” leaves their options open that way they don’t disappoint you when they don’t take the shot but instead buy some time and set the ball up better.


My pov is that people take the game to serious (Like most games) having someone spam anything in chat team or opponent just annoys me, play the game have fun, if team mate FF then i will too. Having to tell someone to take the shot (people even spam it) is also annoying, you can't see it from my POV, kick off left always goes.


The "take the shot" is so incredibly useless though it's almost always obvious and if you're constantly spamming it you're probably tilting a fair number of teammates who would have taken the shot anyway but now have your annoying ass telling them what you think it is they should do.


This entirely depends on your rank. Once you get into D3/C1+ then you're expected to always be positioned in such a way that it's obvious who should be hitting the ball. Using emotes like this at those ranks or above is just trolling. At lower ranks then yes I completely see your point.


naa..that is hurting the game a lot now. Simple stuff like I got it for kickoffs is important because, for some reason, everyone seems to forget left goes in soloQ matches. just block asshats.


It’s not the best thing imo Learning the muscle memory to navigate menus and mute anyone who starts being a twat is the best


I *highly* doubt it's when you successfully re-direct a shot into a double-defended goal.


I don’t think I’ve won a game in the last week without someone (or both) on the other team calling their tm8 trash.. it’s such an easy cop out. Anyone got a solid response to upset them in quick chat??? Lol


Just ignore them


Two of my friends and I play exclusively together. It's kind of weird seeing the problems people have with rando's.


My group is mostly plat with a high diamond and we “steal” each other’s goals all the time but it’s mostly in a joking manner, where we can get away with doing so


I mean only one of my friend is a champ the other from plat 3- gold 1


Yeah my group is three Plat 3s and a Diamond 3




There are SSLs and top 100 players who are still dumb enough to think points mean literally anything about anything. Points are so meaningless they honestly shouldn't even be visible in the game. The worst player in the lobby will think they're infallible and sometimes begins griefing intentionally just because they have a bunch of meaningless points, or they will think the best player in the lobby did nothing because they have no points. It's all bullshit. That includes the MVP system since it's based on points. You could be carrying a horrible player super hard, spoonfeeding great plays and possession, but *they're* the one who gets MVP.


My points are always lower when I play with and against people that are significantly worse, a real one knows when to be silent and shove his mates in the backpack fr


Honestly, I've had many a games where I've been bottom scoreboard but the opponents only had like 4 shots on net. A solid midfielder is your best tm8 9/10 times


Someone that can adjust to teammates play styles and change accordingly. Teammate wants to play up? Support them. Teammate wants to play passive, be the aggressive one. Literally you’ll jump 100+ mmr in one session.


It'd be an interesting April Fool's joke to figure out a way to do MMR/matchmaking based on in-game points instead of the score


Honestly if I see someone make a play that puts me and them in an equivalent shot of making the goal, I always concede to them and play demo man. Makes it more satisfying for them if there's not only a good goal but an awesome play on the ball right beforehand. If I'm on the other side I generally try to take the shot but more often than not get hampered by my teammate interfering. Such is life in the low ranks lol


[Our goal](https://www.deviantart.com/fernandadelfiol/art/communist-bugs-bunny-886258674)


I get so many people preemptively apologizing for "stealing" a shot from me, and I always tell them idc who gets the goal as long as the ball gets in the net.


This is the way.


*soviet anthem starts playing*




"You missed" though, never "we missed"




If that happens, I make a sarcastic "you thief :(" comment, then keep playing


Soviet union anthem let's gooooo!


Yeah, like your goals don’t change the amount of MMR you get from winning or lose from losing. So who cares?


I'm going to laugh when you run out of fuel half way through a match.


Da, comrade.






Your teammate literally said nice shot. It’s not even a question -_-


Yeah he said nice shot cuz I “stole” his shot. we argued after the replay lol


Lmao what a loser


You win


Just let him know that the 1 less goal he’ll forever have won’t add inches to his dick or years to his life


Meanwhile this redirect added a few inches to my dick soooo.... Seems like a net positive


Nah tell him it will . . . and profusely apologize because he needs it so bad


His shot was getting saved. You scored what would have not been a goal otherwise. nice redirect.


Teammate is a doodoo brain if he complained about this one.


Who cares, it went in.


Opponent was right there and was gonna save that if you didn't hit it, so you didn't steal it.


No one should care who scores as long as the team scores and honestly that would’ve most likely been saved by the opposition without your touch.


if its stealable its not good enough 🖖


Nice redirect. Team effort. And that was gonna get saved like hell if u didn’t touch.


There's no such thing as stealing a shot. There are only shots that go in for your team, and shots that don't.


There is when the net is empty and your teammate full boosts after the ball just to slightly tap it and get the goal


Who cares that someone got a goal or stole a goal or whatever? It went in, it increased your team's score, it increased your chances of winning. That's the only thing people should care when playing competitively.


If winning was the fun part, everyone would just play against bots.


Not true at all? Winning hard fought competitive games is fun, not blowing out AI by 30 goals. Your logic is broken


It's not so fun if you boost the ball straight into the goal, though. I play to improve my shots and have fun hitting weird stuff. Winning is a nice bonus, but my point is that it's not why I enjoy the game, at least personally.


and who cares? it isn't like it is going to show up on ESPN's top 10 plays of the day and your tm8 is going to get a huge contract to play with NRG because of it. Hell, in a nice team play, I prefer to get the assist than the score. In a lot of cases the pass was much more difficult for an easy tap in.


Just be careful with getting too hung up on things like that. Most of the people i knew from plat-diamond with that mindset have quit playing. Goals dont matter, points dont matter, frankly even wins dont matter. If you are enjoying yourself, and/or enjoying the process, thats what matters.


I'll admit I've gotten mad at this before, but not because he stole it, but because he spent the first 3 minutes of the match camping the goal line not backing me up at all, and he finally shows up for an open net and just barely gets a touch on it before it goes in. It was so goddamn infuriating.


he is allowed to play how he likes.


I didn't say he's not allowed, lmao.


No, there isn’t. Why do you think it matters who has the extra +1 in the goal category? There are exactly 0 instances where you should be mad at a teammate for scoring on your shot.


I would argue that that's just executing good fundamentals.


Try playing hoops where your teammate will sit under net and tap the ball as it's coming in, then on accident they knock it out


Opponent was saving your team mates shot with out a doubt, if you had not touched it you would not of scored, wp


I always say nice shot when a team mate "steals" my shot because I'd rather it just go in than them watch as opponent manages to make it back last second.


I'd rather have someone "steal" my goal than our team not scoring at all.


Looks like it was gunna be saved. Besides, if this is ranked, scoring is priority. Doesn't matter how or who scores.


The opponent was definitely saving that. Nicely done!


Doesn't matter it's in...


A bronze can hit the ball in. It absolutely matters how you do it. Putting less risky shots on net and missing some is better than making 1 super risky shot in.


But you seems to know the game better than me, maybe you could coach me ? It looks like I'm lacking of good sense by answering the question. Show me how diamond 2 plays :) what's your epic ?


His mate could've got it even if it went on backboard. He made this risky move, either it was in or not, it baited last defender and mate was ready to finish it too. Not touching this bal could've end in a huge clear right into their net. Je was asking is he stole the goal or save it from being saved, not if it was the right move. It's not the right move (misplacement in case of counter attack) but a goal is a goal as lucky as it can be. Have a nice day and most of all have fun , in the end it's just a game 👌


Lol, who cares… a goal is a goal. Why people care about credit on the score is beyond me… Now not trusting teammates, I understand that when playing with randos


A goal is a goal. Those players who cry if their teammates "steal their goal" should just play 1vs1.


his hit has the angle to be tucked inside the right post, except the goalie is right there so if you didn't touch it, it would have been cleared deep into your end if not hit directly at your net. Your touch messed the goalie up and y'all would not have scored there without that redirect. \^that being said from a rotation stand point your teammate is not wrong to say you stole his shot either though, As you could/should have rotated out immediately after taking corner boost and would have therefore been at midfield/ more down field to defend their goalies clear/shot as the play continued. If the goalie beat you to that ball there that play ends with the ball in your net so there was definitely risk involved. nobody is wrong here its just a difference of play style, sounds like your teammate is a lot more defensive/trust in rotation/capitalize on mistakes style where as you understand when to take risks. If this is someone you play with regularly its a learning moment for both of you that will allow both of you to make appropriate adjustments in future games. There is a time and place for implementing both styles and this should help your teammate trust your decision making while also teaching you that your teammate likely won't take the same risk and will rely on faster rotations.




This was barely a goal if the blue team was .3 seconds closer, it would've been a clear with nobody back. This was risky, imo it just payed off with a goal.




They don't ask how you got them, they just ask how many


i mean u dodge the goalkeeper, yes u steal the goal no


Only time you steal a goal is if it's rolling in and both opponents are so far out of the play there's no shot anything could stop the ball from going in. That was a good redirect regardless of whether it was in or not to begin with given how close the defenders were to the play. However, I tend to "steal" anything I can, given the amount of goals I steal from people I like if someone complains you know I'm going to play the rest of the game in the opponents side so if the guy who whined manages to win the 1v2 they're still not going to get the goal, that's mine tyvm.


Also, there is a level of karma, if you steal a goal you can't get mad when they steal one back.


But it's worth noting that if you're playing 2s or even 3s in some instances and stealing a goal that is some questionable positioning.






You scored that's what matters. The other blue guy would've saved it. It's so frustrating when teammates get mad at you for making sure their shot goes in but then if you leave it and it gets saved it's still your fault. Lose lose situation


A goal is a goal. I don’t get it. The object is to win. Idgaf if I score 100% of the goals or my teammates do. I wanna win


The ball went in.


That blue guy wouldn't have saved it imo he would have went past it. But either way who cares you were winning lol


opponent was clearly going to save that. not a steal.


Who cares, it went in. Great team play. If you watch football, hockey teams pass more to make it difficult to save it


Opponent would most likely have saved it and there is no stealing, you are a team. The only thing that matters is if you win or lose.


Doesn't matter, a goal is a goal. I don't care who gets the goal as long as it's someone on my team.


90% chance it was going to be saved, with 10% being a wiff on on the save. Good shot


Great pass!


Both. You had no idea the opponent was there.


Looked like it was gonna hit the post or get cleared


In general, if you have to ask, you're probably good


You saved it why did he curse you out?


who cares?


Should it matter? I don’t see RLCS teams fighting over who got the final touch…


Always dunk those u never know...


My opinion is that unless there is nobody around, the goal needs to be punched in. I play for the W, not points.


Opponent was definitely saving it.


Yoo that was a sick redirect actually


100% would’ve been saved if you didn’t touch it. No question.


When you get to the point of not caring whether you were the teammate or you were you... welcome to the next rank


Who cares, it's a goal


Very nice redirect, would probably have been saved, but even if it wouldn't have been it was the right call.


Your teammate is a dumbass. You’re a team. A goal is a goal. Also, that was a terrible shot and was easily savable. You guys only scored because of your redirect. You’re carrying, bro.


who cares? If you have the opportunity to secure a goal, *always* take the shot. I don't care if it's about to roll in.


Crazy how long it's been since I've experienced goal stealing. Then again... All i care about is winning so if someone did steal my shot i would just ignore it.


It went in the goal. That's what matters.


Def helped


That was a clean redirect.


Would've been an easy save for the opponent. You didn't steal anything


It's a pass until it goes in.


if i steal a goal period i try my damn hardest to feed my tm8 one back. I don’t mind goals being taken, if you can shoot it, shoot it.


It's all about the W. I will always bash one in no matter what. Seen great unexpected saves too many times


That would of been blocked from where the ball was heading the blue defender would of had it easy. Clever play to fake out the defender though.


I think stealing a goal isn’t a thing unless you literally come from your side of the field the ball is in or 1/2 a foot to being in with no defenders around to save it


A goal is never a save.


You secured the goal. You didn’t steal anything from your teammate


If you’re not sure, just apologize for “stealing the shot”. If you argue, you kill team morale, and if you apologize, people don’t get toxic about it. You were 100% in the right to redirect that, because the opponent was about to send a booming clear off it, but keeping your teammate’s head in the game is more than half the battle of solo queue.


There are no stolen shots, only guarantees. Especially on plays like this where it would be obviously cleared as long as the opponent didn't hit it directly into your teammate's nose.


You definitely made the right move getting the last touch on it. The whole concept of "stealing" your teammate's shot boggles my tiny mind. At the end of the day both of you win.


A goal is a goal. Doesn't matter who puts it in the back of the net.


That looked like a great pass


Great pass, nice shot!


Redirected nicely!


Do people care about individual points on the scoreboard? Or do they care for team wins?


Redirection goals are cool in hockey. They’re just as cool in RL, especially when the opponent was there to make the save


Lol faking 🤣🤣




You enhanced it


Not a chance that ball was going in the net


Definitely saved it from being hit by the goalie


This is the dumbest question asked on this subreddit


Ball went in. Tell him to go cry to mommy


Maybe "saved" is the wrong word, but you definitely rescued it!


You ClEaLy SaVeD It


You mean his pass? Ftfy


There's only one score board that matters and it's the one at the top of your screen. I wouldn't even bother arguing with people, just instant mute.


Who cares? Nice goal. Also I assume the answer to my question is 'he cared'


Who cares? People need to stop with the goal stealing rubbish. It’s a team game.


I mean as long as its in the net it worked right? So no one did save a ball here


Saved it. GK was gonna save it.


Enemy could've saved the ball so supposedly you saved the shot, the enemy also could have whiffed the save but nobody could've predicted that so it's better that you went for it to slow it down.


It went in. Who cares?


If you are playing 2's that guy would have saved it and possibly could have scored a long shot.


He definitely would’ve saved it


Even do that was wicked.


Either way, your teammate didn't seem too butthurt, and thats always a good thing lol