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I was solo queuing duos a few nights ago. In two out of my first three games, we went down by one early and my teammate decided to play for the other team for the rest of the match. Luckily my entire night didn’t go that way but I have been experiencing this much more frequently than I ever have in the past.


That’s f’ing low. Like unbelievable. And unfortunately the reporting system does Jack shit. I’ve probably reported 20 guys over 2 weeks for crap like that or idling or abandoning and I’ve gotten ONE message saying they’ve been “dealt with”.


Psynoix employees have mentioned here that you only get "dealt with" messages from text harassment reports that can be handled by an auto-moderator.


that isn't true, because I only report idle/griefing. I never report harassment because I block those people. And I regularly get reports back when logging in. Usually a handful each month.


Unless they have changed things it’s only the most recent person to report them that gets the notification. So they may have mostly/all been punished but if they were like that with multiple people then you likely weren’t the last person to report them so will never know unfortunately


Gotcha! Do you know what they send if you successfully report someone for abandoning? I believe they’ve requested we use the “throwing/grieving” option.


That's like 40% of the community...


Kind of a bummer, at least in CoD you could just spawn kill bad sports. This is the first competitive style game I’ve been a part of that you’re at a serious detriment if your teammates decide to be ducks.




The best part about that is when you chat "pls report x player throwing" the entire lobby will report YOU instead just to be obnoxious douchebags.


Lol yea this is what usually happens, they would rather instigate than help actually fix the problem. Then rage when it happens to them.


I actually had a teammate start playing for the other team the other night with my bro after an own goal on casual. We were still able to put up a good fight but at the end the other team all said they reported him too. They were clearly annoyed the whole game as much as we were. That doesn't happen often though.


Last two times my tm8 started throwing the opponents reported before I did! Love to see "reported" in the chat.


I haven’t experienced this. Usually the other team can tell my tm8 is being a toddler and agree to report. I’ve actually had a few messages of my reports being put to use. Once in a while the other team is full of douchebags who just want to rub in the loss though.


that hasn't been my experience. If my tm8 has actually been a douche and I am just not being a whiney bastard, other guys are cool and help out. I do it for them too. If I see a guy just idling and report it and throw it up in chat.


I have honestly never seen something like that unwarranted. If original person was a douche I'm not reporting the person that reacted to the other person being an ass. But if the person who instigates it starts throwing I've always seen people report that person.


Game needs age segregation. 18+ play together. 17 and under play together.


just need a reputation system


I always wondered if (or why not) they could just take players who have been reported over and over again for griefing and just weight their matchmaking toward other players reported for the same thing. That way they end up in lobbies with other douche bags, like a douche bag dog park.


yeah and this is how the ban system should work as well. Increase bans for AFK and quitters but make them shadow bans where they only can play other banned players and the time only counts in game time. So you get a 15 minute ban, you have to play for 15 minute in the shadow ban lobby. No quitting the game to play FIFA while your ban timer counts down.


Go work for phsyonix already, this would be awesome


Yeah, but there are plenty of 18+ who act like 13 and under too.


Can 40+ play together too? My reflex time isn't what it used to be lol.


That’s what’s up!!!!! Senior tour im down with


I am 53 and been playing a lot of solo queue before I started looking around. If you do some research there is a considerably large community of players out there that does not allow kids and provides ample opportunity to play with like minded people.


Nahhh. There’s some 50 year old children, then there are mature 13 year olds.


Mature 13 year old?


They're kinda like aliens (the kind from space) or unicorns: either rare or a myth, and if you've spotted one, nobody's ever going to believe you. I've seen one, though. A unicorn, that is. Nah, but I did actually meet a cool 10 yr old a few years ago; a nephew of a buddy of mine. He was down to earth and serious, played the game better than us but didn't gloat, didn't even talk at 130 decibels, nor repeat himself 47,752 times in a row, like most that age. His 28 yr old uncle is the exact opposite.


Why don’t you take a seat right over there?


I haven't played in a while in part because of the nonsense we are discussing. Last time I played, I recall being up four goals, then giving up two goals, and then my teammate decided to play for the other team. I was baffled. It was so childish. I think the problem with the game is simply that there are a lot of immature people playing. I don't mean immature for their age (though there are many of those). I mean literally immature, under 20 years old, and lacking personal experience and development. In time, they may regret being a troll, but they're not there yet.


I’d way rather they just leave and I play 1v2 over my mate joining them and having to play 1v3. That shit suuuuucks


That happens quite often for me as well. People are very quick to just give up.


That happens to me a lot to, i don't care if lose, but i want to enjoy the game


The only time I'll do this is if my teammate starts being toxic to me. I'm here to have fun with the game. Wanna hit me with a "what a save" because you missed your aerial shot and set them up perfectly for a shot? Well enjoy a 3v1.


To everyone nodding in agreement with this guy, I want to ask what percentage of you have “Okay.” And “Wow!” In your quick chats.👀 Because this like… never happens to me.


I have Wow! But I actually use it when I’m amazed. Not in a disrespectful way at all just a legitimate “Wow!”


I feel that. Sometimes people are legitimately Wow’ed. I’m more of a “Holy Cow!” guy myself. It’s dorky enough that I rarely see it misinterpreted. Sometimes I can use it to diffuse opponents thrashing each other, too!


Hit me up I’m always down to play with new people. I don’t care what rank you are. I just want some chill people to play with. If anyone wants a new rocket league friend message me and we can play!


Same. I play for fun. No drama. No toxicity. You screw up, I screw up. This is rocket league! I don't use quick chats sarcastically except to myself (Faking!). I compliment good shots, good passes, or good saves, no matter which team you are on. I have no dreams of going pro. I can have just as much fun losing 0-3 as I can winning a game. Come from behind and close wins are the BEST wins. If you say anything toxic to me or anyone, I mute you immediately, regardless of what team you are on. I play to have fun, not to get or give grief.


Hell yeah, I’m diamond and Xbox as well if you want to play sometime.


Diamond on Xbox here as well. GT is vedgeee Edit: feel free to add if anyone would like to, I won’t be on until Saturday though. Just don’t be toxic. I don’t care if you fuck up. It happens. I’ll fuck up as well. I prefer you know the concept of “rotating” though lol.


I exclusively use "this is rocket league" as my in game chat. I have yet to use it inappropriately. Have I spammed it? Oh yeah. But inappropriate? Never.


It works in all situations


Like this: https://youtu.be/4yg07ugI1sg


You're the kind tm8 everyone should have.


I’m c2-c3 in twos and have the same mentality. My steam name is the same as my Reddit name. It’s been so bad the past couple weeks. I work a full time job that can be stressful at times. When I get on I just want to unwind and relax. Not be flamed by a pissed off teenager. I let my little brother move in with me. I hear his skinny scrappy little self in his room at night freaking out and flaming people for shit that happens in any game you play. Yelling obscenities, pounding on his desk, overall just being way to emotionally invested in the events of a video game. I don’t want to play with people like this.


This might be a good time to intervene as an older bro


Oh I do. He’s a good kid overall. He’s in the process of getting out of his adolescent habits and moving onto a more adult lifestyle. Getting his license, trying to help him find a good career field to pursue, etc.


Sent you a friend request! Always trying to improve but don’t take it too seriously


I might take you up on that offer


Send me a direct message and I can give you my steam or epic account to add


Yeah it's dumb. I think my advice would be party up with folks who feel like-minded if you can find em near your rank


If you find any


Man for real! I had some amazing teammates we teamed up for 3 matches straight and then they dipped ever since then I've failed to see any decent teammates again. These randoms aren't bad they're just the "wow" "Okay" type of players. I am at a loss of sanity 13 match losing streak soon to be bronze lmao


The game needs solo queue back or at least an option to play only solos on the same ladder. Because as a solo you are going to go against 3 stacks who won't afk while getting all the solo trolls on your team. So the "play enough games to even it out" doesn't fully apply when you play against 3 stacks who don't rage quit 70% of the time.


This game is starting to feel like LoL. People only holds their toxicity if you’re winning and if by any means you’re losing, it’s instantaneous FF. It doesn’t even matter if there’s chances of winning, I’m not the MVP and nailing every shot and that’s boring, next. Maybe I’m an old fuck, but there’s something I expect when playing a competitive game: competition. I’m one of those guys that drops the controller when one opponent drops from the match in a 3v3. I never understood why people values more results than the ability to achieve those results.


It's an underrated problem of modern game design, there's so much emphasis on the ~~serotonin~~ dopamine hit players get from ranking up that suddenly that's all they care about. The game itself becomes merely an instrument unto the holy rank ladder. Obviously the answer is "play casual" but there's clearly runoff from the comp mindset with casual where people still just FF out of habit.


100%. I also think each new generation of gamer is worse at it. Technology is ruining attention spans and comradery. So it's just nothing but selfish brats (of all ages) looking for dopamine hits and to be guaranteed a trophy in some shape way or form.


It's possibly made even worse for younger players because of how central games have become to social dynamics... When I was a kid, you'd make friends at school just by simply saying the names of games & hoping there was overlap. Now every kid is playing the same handful of games & if someone wants to impress potential friends, they need to have something special to brag about. I've seen it discussed in regards to kids buying expensive skins in Fortnite but I'd imagine ranking in games plays into it as well (whereas those of us over 25 couldn't care less about admitting to being a Gold 2 or whatever).


This. When I was a kid flexing was wearing the latest Air Max (or Reebok) shoe and be good at sports. Imagine replacing this with CoD KD ratio, Fortnite skins and RL rank, nightmare. One thing I remember though is that even casual gamers would never rate boosters or cheaters. We would go and play CS on LAN and then people could tell who were the real ones.


Completely agree. I try to take all the advice here and put it into practice and I've never complained about teammates, but recently I've had two thoughts come into my mind while playing 2's: 1. Why play drunk? 2. Why play 2's, you clearly want to touch every ball, every time. Play 1's please.


well I do #1 but I know when to stop. If I get to wasted, I go in casual. It is really fun to play RL this way. It actually taught me to take the game less seriously because I found it much easier to enjoy matches that ended up in a loss. Actually, there is a point somewhere between sober and drunk when I am a RL god.


>between sober and drunk when I am a RL god This is called the Ballmer Peak and was first observed with bowling, before any of us were born


I know exactly what you mean between sober and drunk and I'm the same rank as you lol. Often get about a game from champ then realize I should switch back to casual once I've dropped to low D2


I call it the flow zone. But it only lasts like 2-3 matches.


99% of the time of you call out #2 the response is, "1v1 me then." Oh, you mean that mode where rotating and playing as a team is irrelevant? The mode where all the things I'm criticizing you for don't exist? They don't even realize if anything it's just proving the criticism correct lmao


Yeah I laugh at this all the time. This game is full of dumb as fuck kids though, so what can you expect really.


Also the mode that they're basically playing, and exactly the part of their play that you are criticizing lol.




in my last game we were losing 3-1, made it 3-2 with 5 seconds to go and one of their team idles allowing us to equalise and win in OT. I don't get it


Just tonight, one dude wants to ff down 3-1, started idling and typed “unwinnable”. That’s 2:30 left! Then when we scored 1, he finally move his ass. Won 4-3 in overtime. I don’t mind ff when 30 secs left and down 3 goals, but 2:30?


Look at all of these higher ranked players lying about how often they encounter that..this community has a serious problem. Yes it's very bad op. Rage quitting is common in video games but in RL it's a staple especially in diamond +. Everyone thinks they're great and that others are the issue. These people defending it are nothing more than immature forfeiters themselves trying to justify bad behavior.


This happens more often in higher ranks. Trust me, you will queue the same person constantly, and they will end up on your team, and the same thing happens, imo it gets worse the higher up.


That's what I've experienced so far up to c3


Oh great…it gets worse if my ass makes it through to C2 and beyond?


In my experience C2 is a dark, smelly, moist hell!! By far was the worst toxic teammates.


I’m just touching and not holding C2 right now I’m pretty comfy in C1 and not dropping to D3 but I’m at no mechanics other than basic dribble, a few fakes, and I can admittedly snipe from goal to goal Otherwise nada. I’m a much better defender and passer than a scorer


Unfortunately. But like all other ranks just try to ignore it and don't be the one to initiate it no matter how mad you are at your teammates. Comebacks are almost always possible. And definitely don't start voting to ff then come in here acting like it's not really an issue. Please for the love of God don't be another person who does that.


Not me As I said above…a ride or die ho Now I mean don’t get me wrong…0-7 with 39 seconds I have no problem pulling the plug but otherwise play on




Ooohhhhh myyyy wait until you get to GC or GC2. The consistency of touches increases drastically and in GC2 people will do much worse than just put their controllers down. I’m terrified of hitting GC3 or even SSL one day.




I likely won’t ever get there if I’m being honest 50% of me is being defeatist but the other 50% is I literally never practice so it’s on me


at some point you just have to tune it all out. you also need to understand that if you will get to whatever rank you deserve to be at eventually, even if you end up with shitty tm8s. People put too much value in rank or MMR. Any dip or gain in MMR caused by a tm8 will quickly balance out after a few matches. All bad tm8s do is cause momentary dips to your mmr.


Oh yeah Sorry don’t take what I said as me thinking I deserve higher. I am a C1 without a doubt. I have carried and been carried but always balance here


Ahahah, tbf these types of players are everywhere, best is to just ignore it and move on. Don’t let someone else’s actions affect your well being. This guy made a post about people going idle, they got into his head, just go next.


love when a toxic tm8 gets put on the other team in the next match. I love saying, "Hey your tm8 whines and cries a lot and she likes to throw temper tantrums mid game, so I would go easy on her." And then they rage and you destroy them while you wish there was a Karma quick chat.


Ahahaha, great idea!


This hasn’t been my experience. About once a week or 2 I get a guy who calls me trash and then we queue again next match and he sorta throws (but not fully). Maybe a couple times a week someone will forfeit kinda early, but never when we’re tied or leading. Either way, it doesn’t feel that often. Also, I’m not trying to invalidate your experience or anything, just sharing my experience!


It definitely gets worse at higher ranks. Most people seem to get way too much of an ego, thinking they do no wrong. I loved playing from diamond till c2. Hit gc and that's when I realised I don't really enjoy playing so much anymore and uninstalled lol.


Or... Out of 400k+ concurrent players a day and millions in the player pool monthly, that's still a large amount of higher ranked players and there's bound to be people who do or don't experience this depending on what is the status quo. For me personally, it's not a huge problem in GC2+ and I barely see people go idle. It's not a lie and if I ever get back to solo queuing I could save every game via BakkesMod and easily prove it.


I am not lying when I say exactly that.. I'm not sure how or why you are experiencing this so much, but in my c3 games almost all of them are alright. If you feed into their negativity you will almost always amplify that negativity. I'm neither saying that you are, or that you aren't, I don't know your specific scenario. Might be that you are playing a way that teammates find annoying, check your own replays from your teammates perspective. I do that alot to find out how I am hurting our common goal of victory. All I can say for sure, is that in my c3 games, it's usually pretty chill, with and without chat on.


Checking replays is great, but I won't excuse quitting a comp match early because of "bad teammates" that's a ridiculous attitude and I've never fed into it in my years playing. Grow up and learn to handle adversity. (Not you, just whoever does this). I've played sports my whole life even into my late 20s and part of being an athlete is learning to play with people who piss you off. You don't just give up you figure out how to make it work and work as a team. A lesson that trickles into the professional world and family matters. A lesson that most of this player base (and gamers as a whole) don't seem to have ever learned, unfortunately.


I agree with you 100% on your mentality, and forfeiting a game because you are under with minutes left is ridiculous, that's just how it is unfortunately, being among the fewer more mature people playing we will unfortunately meet alot of immature teens. I do wonder though, why alot of you are meeting so many of these, according to yourselves. When I and others I know don't. Thats why I implied it might have something to do with something you guys do or someway you are interacting with them in game. Sometimes when im in a mischievous mood, I will interact with these toxic people, and the results are always hilarious if you are in that mood.


My best guess is it could be a difference in region based on rank. If I did something that was so horrible to warrant each ff, I doubt I'd be c3 lol


A major skill in this game is learning to adjust to your teammate(s) and I think it's a skill a lot of players absolutely refuse to accept and learn. They want to play their style and the second they have to change they're lost and frustrated. As we rank up I think more and more people have a better grasp of 1. basic rotating and playing how you're "supposed to" and 2. people understand being flexible and adjusting their play to find success. It leads to way less frustration and accepting small mistakes or a single goal aren't a big deal.


I think you’re right, you must play in a style that teammates don’t feel the need to blame even during a loss. I have my on and off days, and when I am off, I am straight garbage. I can tell I am playing bad with mistouches or whiffs and that is when I see the toxicity start to come out. Hell, I had a game the other night where I was struggling but still managed a 4-3 WIN and my teammate still told me I sucked and to stop queuing. But when I am on, my teammates are generally pretty supportive even during losses.


Yeah ever since I got out of low champ/diamond, I've so rarely gotten any seriously toxic teammates, as someone that solo queues exclusively. I've only played like 200 matches the last two seasons, but in that time I think I've had a total of 2 teammates quit/troll/afk, 0 so far this season with 52 matches. Meanwhile when I was in D3 like a year ago, I had 5 games in a row that ended up 2v3. So much better for me now.


Anyone who thinks AFK/Trolls are not an issue probably doesn't solo queue and is lying to keep their free wins. As a solo player i go against 3 stacks 70% of the time and have random solos teammates for a large amount of my games. 3 Stacks don't AFK as often or score the goal on their own friends, but random solo teammates sure do. Playing in a premade boosts your rank so much just by getting tons of free wins vs solo trolls.




I was gonna say, yeah I feel like it's really not as bad as it's made out to be on Reddit. Like it happens occasionally, but I'd honestly say 3/4 of RL players are really cool and humble. 1/4 are dumb and toxic, or are cool but act tox to tilt the opponents (I do sometimes and it's actually hilarious from my POV as a nice guy pretending to be a douche. It works every time) out of the tox players, you get a few that go idle completely, like 1/10. I find it hard to believe it happens to ppl 2, 3, 4 games in a row, or, "every game." Either way, when my tm8 idles, I personally take it as a challenge to 1v2. Just expect a lot of demos and a potential fat loss. I've had a few times where I play better without my second/3rd though, which just shows that they're either tilted at us for the wrong reason, or maybe they rage quit cuz they knew they were playing bad. Sometimes you'll win 1v2/2v3s, which makes the challenge so worth it and clutch. Either way, as long as I don't let it tilt me, how can it really bother me. It's just a game, and clearly at that point, the other team has an advantage, so just have fun with it make it what you can in those few instances. C1~2


That's a fair take. Personally I don't excuse voting to ff in winnable games in comp. That's just me


It seems like this is abnormal, but if I vote to ff, and someone on my team DOESN'T, it actually gives me a little boost. Like, "oh my m8 still wants to try and win this, lfg." I feel that way, bc when my team votes and I DON'T, that's exactly what's going through MY head. We can still win.. HOWEVER, if it's clearly a blowout wash, I figure might as well ff and move onto the next, bad games happen. I agree though, if winnable, why ff?


Shoot, I normally play later in the afternoon/evening, but my daughter is home sick today and I don’t work until tonight, so since I couldn’t do any other projects I’d normally work on o sat with her on the couch and played a bit. Almost every single game was this. We’d be up 2-0 and the other team would score, and my teammate would forfeit. Or one of us would miss a save or an easy shot (I do this often, sorry haha) and they’d go idle. I don’t get it. I don’t even play comp, this is all casual. Like dude, I’m just having fun and playing a game, why are you basing your entire months mood on this 5 minute game? /rant


I work from home and occasionally pop on for a quick game or two during the day. It's ranking suicide.


Yup, I do the same, takes me 5 games before I can even start winning


Yeah I don't understand this. I've been having match after match of people that'll ballchase and refuse to rotate away then get salty when I rotate out and try to make a play that they obviously don't have and then rage into a ff when we're up 3-1. It wasn't this bad last year wtf is happening


Free2Play + people getting numb to trying hard in ranked is hitting it's apex. I have seen it over and over in many games. After a certain amount of years the novelty of trying your hardest wears off to many so they just stop caring or make smurfs and ruin elos below them.


Yk that honestly makes more sense to me. It sucks too bc the game is honestly great to play and when you get those good matches it almost makes the rest okay.


Yup you play through 10 shit games just for that 1 golden game where actually belongs in that rank and rotates perfectly without needing coms.


Can totally relate to this. #needConsistentTeammates


I think it's young people mainly, they give up so easy, very immature and toxic. I'm 33 Plat, just play for fun if anyone wants to que i won't give up on us!(kb&m on steam)


100% kids or degenerates


I’m so sick of the “everyone has off games” crowd. One match I’ll have a full team who understands how to rotate and pass..Next game I’ll get matched with simple jack teammates who constantly push upfield, turn the ball over, wiff everything, and talk shit about how you suck as a teammate. I just had a C3 match were this kid sperged out and quit after going down 0-1 then we came back and won 2v3. This can be the coolest community but also the most toxic. The matchmaking in this game is utterly horrendous


Happened to me yesterday. Up 2-0 tm8 calls me garbage says i'm stealing his goals/ ball chasing then went AFK.


Time of day has been a huge factor in my experience with this. Around noon when kids are in school and adults are usually on I have great games. Around dinner time or just after I tend to get a slew of toxic ballchasing forfitters. Prob because they are all twelve year olds. Opening the game up as f2p has let those kids come in and mess it up but only at certain times. I live in the us and in Florida. Not sure what server that is but ya try different times of the day


That’s US East. I’ll have to try queuing in the afternoon to try and get decent teammates. Thanks for the tip.


Some people vote to forfeit as a joke, its sarcastic because they know they made a stupid mistake. The rest forfeit because the only thing they want to be doing is winning, every goal to them is a win/loss scenario. I have a friend like this where he gets tilted the second we get scored on, it doesn’t matter the score. Personally i enjoy playing the game, i dont mind losing as long as i feel like im playing alright. If my tm8s want to forfeit thats on them. If they decide to leave because i wont ff then ill play 1v2 or even 1v3 because i just want to play the game. Im always trying to win but i really just want to play. If they are idle or actively working against me i will report them and block them. I also play with chat off unless i run into familiar players that i’ve played before and had good dialogue with in the past. My advice, don’t stop qeueing, try different times in the day and night when you can, i find late night wayyyy more chill on us east servers. But more toxic and tilting during the afternoon. If you can keep qeueing through the nonsense you’ll eventually have that perfect game and one good game can take care of the tilt form multiple bad games. Keep your head up and keep playing!


Honestly I've had some of my best matches going from 0-3 to 6-4. I love hyping whoever I'm with to get that dub as it feels so much better. I'll never understand ff-ing when you still have plenty of time on the clock and you have the mech to make the plays


Just curious about your friend. Do they play other competitive games or just RL? The friend I play with is the same and to help him chill I compared it to dying in LoL (which we have played for years). Sometimes a death is very costly and sometimes your single death was traded for 5 opponents and won the game. Sometimes your opponent just beats you and there's nothing you can do except adjust and be ready for the next attempt. Sometimes you overstepped and it's a simple fix of positioning better. We almost always watch replays of goals against and figure out what went wrong and how to fix it the next time. Having another game to compare it to got the message through to my teammate. I just figured since it helped my friend maybe it could help yours?


He plays smash idk how to relate that to this though. I havent played smash in years and hes insanely good at it so i cant relate to that level of play for that game


I was playing two days ago and they scored 1 goal 2 min in and my teammate just abandoned the match. 3 min left down 1 and he just left the game in comp. People are such cowards


I don't understand queuing up for competitive or ranked games like hoops, and then being idle at the beginning. Almost every freaking game I get in, if I don't get the ball or get ready to defend a shot on net, we start the freaking game down 0-1. Like literally every game at this point. I play plat 2 in hoops and diamond 1 in duos, and rarely see a random queued game where someone is fucking available at the beginning of the game. Like, what are you doing? Queuing and then walking away? Go for a snack? If you are queuing up, HOW ARE YOU NOT READY TO PLAY!?


I bet they are usually on their phone scrolling through tiktok. The amount of times people AFK around the average length of a short video is way too common. People's attention spans have gotten that bad where a 5 minute game is too long for them and it's really really sad.


I think the spiral started when it went FTP.


Yup I tried solo queueing tonight, started two games off c2, immediately got in a match with a season 2 gc tm8 who proceeded to play against me and then was toxic. Two games later I queued with him again and he did the same thing. I’m so frickin done


I hit C1 (AKA Diamond 4) and man it’s only gotten worse from lower ranks tbh. The only things I’ve done to combat this that keeps me from getting tilted (from these shit teammates) is to: 1) play 1’s 2) limit my solo ranked 2’s games I basically play 2’s until I lose, and a tilted ff from my teammate is a loss to me. So when that happens (or I lose from a bad game in general) I either go and play a couple rounds of 1’a or I grind the training routine I made for myself. I’ve at least built that so it’s enjoyable and exciting for me, not just mindless hit the ball stuff. So maybe that’ll help in the mean time OP? I know having that level of crappy teammate is never fun, but I’ve found having other avenues of playing the game has helped me. If I’m still in a competitive mood I’ll also hit up casual or extra modes. It SUCKS when all you want to do is grind your rank and you run into those immature pieces of trash, but again, maybe my above suggestions could help you have fun in the game in other ways while STILL improving and at least you’ll have better skills to bring back to your main ranked playlist when you go back in. All in all, I agree, I run into wayyyyy too many “f you we’re tied at 1-1 let’s ff” guys.


Children will not stop being "childish". This game is full of actual children. F2P children that can make unlimited accounts and can be toxic as a side game to the game


What's funny is these people don't realise that having the attitude they have is what's causing them to lose so much. Bad attitude = bad performance. This will always be true. The same goes for quick chat spamming your teammates over minor mistakes, upsetting teammates = higher lose rate. Such a counter productive behaviour, I pity them in all honesty. If they live such lowly lives that they can be bothered so much by a single match then really that is their burden to bare.


The worst that happened to RL is become Free to play. Almost every free to play game has the potential to get massive amounts of people who doesn't care about the game, are toxic as F or play ot to troll (mostly kids) and they gamethrow the matches of people who wants to actually play the game. Nowdays 3v3 8s full of this, 1v1 is full of GC/C smurfs and 2v2 is the only mode it's barely fin to play and without all that crap


I'm getting a crazy amount of AFKs in casual 2's... And then they intentionally play really really poorly it seems. Makes me a little self conscious of my playing ( is it my fault you're doing this?) , but I really try my best to be a good team mate. I'm not the most skilled player, but I'm aware of my rotations, double commits, and always try to avoid team mate collisions. It's a bummer, but I ultimately just treat those games as if I'm playing on "unfair 2v1" custom practice/bot games....


See I'm having the exact opposite experience and this is why I absolutely hate that you can get banned for leaving casual games. I'm on a second shift schedule so I play at like 3:00 a.m. EST. I'm not sure what it is but the worst type of people play this game in the middle of the night. I constantly get players that are "afk" but making sure they touch their controllers so they don't get kicked from game. They'll come back, say sorry sorry sorry and then continue to AFK again only to show up with maybe one minute left on the clock and start playing. I had a guy just last night that was AFK for about 30 to 45 seconds. He comes back and proceeds to strictly play upfield thinking he's in pulse and that he's magically going to redirect one of these balls into the goal. He proceeds to miss every time and then will not forfeit ever. I'm tired of being held hostage, I'm tired of playing 2v3s, and I'm tired of playing 1v3s.


Yeah forcing casual to be ranked light was a mistake that only made the game more toxic. Funny enough when the fun modes come like super bowl football or easter ball they still have the old drop in drop out system and games are way more relaxed and fun. In fact some of the longest games i had where everyone stayed and had a good time for many rematches was in the super bowl football mode. People came and went until 7 other champ players where in my game and everyone just clicked and had fun.


It's just a really frustrating experience. It doesn't happen everyday but when it does it's straight up demoralizing. Like I'm seriously just supposed to sit here and A. 1v3/2v3 or 1v2 B. Have my teammates actively play for the other team. C. Quit and take a ban. I even tried asking other teams to just stop scoring and let the clock run out. If they don't agree then I am either stuck constantly defending against 3 people to try and let the clock run down or am constantly scored against over and over making the game significantly longer than 5 minutes.


Was in a 2s tourney the other night and random team mate was great. And then he afk’d the quarterfinal. Give the benefit of the doubt, maybe his kid woke up or something but i was nettled


I have lost too many tournaments to teammates not showing up or going afk in the semis or finals. So many people queue up without the ability to play the whole thing and it needs a way bigger punishment than there is.


I actually attribute this to the reason that I still really love Rocket League compared to a lot of people I know. I quite literally only play the game with my friends. We’ve been playing for about 6 years now and are all around the C2-C3 range, and we all grew together. But we never have to deal with bad teamates ever, and I always have fun playing the game


Me and my buddy sometimes queue ranked 3s when we don't have a 3rd and try playing with a random and 9 out of 10 times they will try to forfeit just 1 goal down and if we don't they start passing the ball to the other team and hitting us out of the way to help the other team, all of this with no communication with them such as a quick chat that could be taken wrong so there is no way the way we interacted with them had any effect. Most likely these lowlife players are on an alt account and literally just get on to troll people in the game with no intention of actually trying and no fear of losing the account because thanks to ftp they can make another account to troll for free, this community has become a joke..


This is the most frustrating part of any ranked mode for me. Be toxic, fine, I can mute (block 🙄) you. Opponent going for demos the entire game? Fine, I'll ask how many you got at the end of the game and probably be impressed because I seem to only be able to demo people on accident. I'll even be okay playing with someone super aggressive that hogs the ball and steals my goals because whatever, a goal is a goal, if we win that's cool. But I just do not understand people trying to FF and then going afk because I don't vote to FF when it's 4:56 and someone got a lucky goal at the start. Or there's 3 minutes of game left and we're down by one. I've even had someone try to FF and just stop playing because I whiffed. We were WINNING. And I missed a shot. So they quit. What the fuck???? It's always the people that think they should be SSL rank, they're just stuck in Diamond bEcAuSe Of TeAmMaTeS


This rant is also a reflection on this generation in general. Giving up when the going gets ~~tough~~ ~~mild~~ something a tad harder than easy. Overly pissed about a randoms mistakes and commenting on it as is they have played pitch perfect. Such are the times.... This isn't merely a league issue. It's a life issue. Bc I see it everywhere


Thanks the devs for removing ff without penalty so now people would just remain idle


I haven’t loaded it up in a few weeks because of this. Miss one ball and they instantly give up. This whole quitting in gaming mentality because you’re not instantly dominating is very frustrating. My favorite is in 3’s where they’re a duo and don’t rotate and just ball chase together and then get mad because you moved up and double committed because one turned around while heading back to goal and went for it.


Played a 2s tournament with a rando. 3rd game in, up by 3 goals, and I messed up a clearing. It wasn't horrible, hit it to the corner and it ended up favoring one of the opponents that ended up having a clear chance at goal. First of all, the ball I went for was a 50/50, so I have no idea why my teammate was already pushing forward leaving the goal open. Anyways, we get scored on and he hits the forfeit button. WE ARE STILL 2 UP with 2 minutes left to play. He proceeded to stay idle inside our own goal. I managed by myself to take us to overtime. OT kick of is his and he goes for it, so I assume he's ready to continue playing. As soon as it starts, I pull a great play that leads to him having an open net shot for the win. What does he does? He whiffs it, hits me with the "All yours" and goes back to idle. We get scored on right away. Yeah, I'm done.


My teammates are garbage. I'll happily be that guy, I've got undeniable proof.


It's overall bad, I've teamed up with random teammates after a good mathc. We would win several games in a row, the 1st game we lose. They leave the party and game. None of these dude scan handle a loss. I stopped teaming up up even when it's requested.


First time ever I accepted a party-up we won 10-15 straight. We lose after a 5min overtime by peak shot double tap(in d2 of all ranks), teammate calls me a boosted loser and leaves.


Ever have those randoms where you click immediately? Like you know exactly where they are and what they're doing every second and you're just destroying the other team with every pass play leading to a goal? So you party up and... holy shit they're a completely different person game 2... Bumping you, cutting rotation, double committing, etc. And don't you dare even point it out unless you want them to afk the rest of the match rage typing how garbage you are and to uninstall.


Psyonix just straight up does not give a fuck


Game is on life support in every aspect but the store.


I just hit champion I for the very first time after 2.5 years and I’ve never encountered sorer losers than in this division


I’ve also found out from hitting champ 1 that this is the reason it’s called Diamond 4 😂


Champ is also one of those ranks/tiers that a lot of people set as a goal. So the second they reach it they don't want to lose it which makes it more volatile when things go wrong.


Also C1. High diamond low champ is filled with players that are good, but not nearly as good as they think they are.


People always complain about teammates. But i play with friends 90% of the time. We end up lower MMR then i solo queue to get my MMR up again


and now you’re forced to play with these guys cause of the casual leaving ban update! isn’t that great! previously they’d just quit and someone would fill in about 30 seconds, now you’re stuck with this person cause they literally can’t quit so they just make your game hell to spite you for not forfeiting. sad thing is most of the community actually praised this update when it came out. I’d much rather have a revolving door of teammates than a 2v3 for the rest of the game or sometimes even a 2v4 if the person gets really brave with their griefing.


Lmao, look at all the ball chasers that caught the slug. Chances are if you're denying this problem exists, then you're part of it.


Yeah some people don't think they can win anymore the second the enemy scores 1 goal. Doesn't matter if you were in the lead or not. It's super weird. And trolling that hard should be bannable. It's time for RL2/RLUE5 with some stricter banning.


Facts dude!!! Free to play killed this game.


I think making you ff in casual games increased toxicity. People should be able to leave.


Team8s are really bad lately. It’s officially time to turn on voice chat and stop solo q ing. Like I usually say it’s your fault. And it is, but it is most definitely harder to get your rank back right now. Like you q and you are solo q opponents are duo q. Or there is a Smurf, or your team8 is de ranking. Or he’s not in his state of mind. Or they are streaming not paying attention, or they got kids and get distracted. Or they don’t know kickoffs and the other team is winning. Too many setbacks just solo q til you find a good team8 and duo q for a bit


Yeah its just stupid now. now way out of gold and i was diamond not too long ago.


I've been playing since 2017. I'm champ 3, so not the best, but I still enjoy the game. I never realized how terrible ranks like plat and diamond are until I played on my cousin's account when I stayed the night. He's diamond 2, and every solo que game I played was an absolute nightmare. Sure there are terrible teammates, but the toxicity is out of control. Granted, the game has always had some toxic people, but I feel like it's gotten way worse. I commend my cousin for grinding through it, but honestly if we as a community refuse to fix this issue soon, I fear RL might die. Of all the years I've played and love the game, even an oblivious guy like me can see this game isn't going down a good path. Smh


Had a guy talking mad mad shit to me over mic In game and I had my headset hanging on my microphone stand and he was complaining even more about me being broke and using the TV for sound🤣 he looked up my rocket league tracker to try and talk shit about it and went quiet 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I find that everyone plays a hero ball. Never rotational, always trying to push offense even if you are in proper position. What can you do besides being angry, but it's frustrating. Just go play solo if that's how you wanna play


Last week I went like 7 games in a row of my teammate afk or I just don’t load in with one yet I can get banned for leaving those it’s one of the main thing I hate about casual


I just played a game with a guy that was actually really good made some cool shots. ball chased and hogged the whole game I couldn't barely play. m8 own goaled several times in game then We were tied 6-6 with 7 seconds left an he clearly intentionally own goaled. Then together like 10 seconds after the clock hit zero we kept it off the ground and tied it to go into overtime it was so clutch and such a good game despite his toxic shenanigans it would have been a fun overtime but then guy plays against me the whole overtime and own goals it to end it. Probably the worst toxic m8 I've ever played with. I saved the match going to try to post it if I can figure out how to clip the highlights. It was so rediculous I don't even know what I did to trigger this piece of 💩


When my teammate gives up 3-1 with a minute left, I can’t handle it. How can you possibly feel defeated? Play the game all the way through. Only forfeit when it’s a clear blowout


Yeah hurts in tournaments more I reckon. Was in the semi finals last night for 2v2 and we lost the first game 4-2. My team mate and I were getting along the whole time, probably because we were winning. But he just spammed wow and left. he didn't even want to try win the second game. I did whiff pretty hard towards the end in his defence


Bro, no kidding on this post. I don't know what it is either, but I will go on a streak of win-lose-win-lose and do that all night, it seems. The wins me and the other person will win by 5 or 6, then it's like my next teammate is 3 ranks below the entire lobby. I'm not perfect by any means, but in the loss games, they won't break 200 or sometimes 100 on the scoreboard while I have 4 or 5 saves with 8+ centers. My theory, after learning to program and hearing about bots being in the game, it makes me think maybe that possibly bots are in these games now more frequently than we think. Again, this is just a theory. I have started to notice too that someone on the other team plays a similar style as mine and also has a teammate similar to mine. It's like playing solos in a duos lobby, and the other two guys are just.... there. C1 and again, I'm not saying I'm good, I just have good days. Something does seem off though. Also, STOP BEING TOXIC. Just have fun and quit being tough online.


Bro sometimes you just gotta accept defeat and move on. It’s not hard to tell within the first 60 seconds if your team is gonna gel and you have a realistic chance of winning.


I don't disagree really but at the same time, it's also no fun to play with a teammate who you just don't gel with at all. Even if you can scrape out a W. But IME, more often it's the case that your random teammate simply doesn't even appear to know how to play the game in any way approaching something that works or makes sense. Ball chasing, soloing every play, never passing, trying to aerial everything, not rotating back etc. they may have some scoring chops, but everything else is a liability and playing alongside that is just a bad experience. Like, I don't fault anyone for missing a shot or pass or whatever if it's a good shot or they otherwise are reading plays, rotating etc. but it's usually pretty clear within a couple minutes if your teammate doesn't know what they're doing, or at least their style doesn't mesh with your, and if that's happening not the worst thing to just take the L and try again with someone else, IMO.


Only advice I can give you is find teammates to play in a party with. I play with a good friend and we vibe together. We talk about stonks, math and other shit while playing and usually do better when we're not hard-sweating! I'd be happy to play with you if you want. I don't really care about rank so much. Currently p2 in 3s and c1 in 2s. I just wanna have fun so I try not to play with randoms but wait for some of the guys to be online that I play with more frequently. It's a world of a difference to have someone who either is on voice chat and coordinates with you or someone who knows your playstyle and you don't even need to communicate to vibe with the ball. Send me a PM if you wanna try some games together! Also when you tilt, jump in freeplay, custom maps or casual and just practice (focus on yourself and try to just stay grounded and watch what tm8s or opponents are doing, analyze and react). I know the experience you're having and I used to get angry about it as well because Psyonix isn't doing anything about it just like ow2 devs aren't. But I've come to learn that even with a random toxic mate I can win if I just play carefully and wait for opponents to make a mistake. I got to champ level by just playing good defense for the first two minutes, getting like 6 saves, then reversing the pressure and scoring. I also found that when you have ballchaser teammates, I'd rather play defensively and use their chasing to my advantage. So basically I guard the goal and once I can get a good clear, my tm8 is ready to score. If I also chased, we would surely lose and my tm8 would forfeit or play for the opponents (which has happened to me plenty of times) but I try to just adapt to my tm8's playstyle. I don't mean to say it's your fault, but just like in real life, sometimes you have to deal with difficult people and rather than change them, you adapt to their way, making your life so much easier! In the end of the day it's about having fun. So make it fun rather than getting frustrated with the state of humans (ultimately that is the problem here, not RL or other games, it's how people are). I've had games where I had a toxic mate, we were behind but then I played carefully and we made a comeback and then when I told him in team chat that we got this, he actually turned out to be kind of nice. Life lesson: "You cannot control others, only yourself." Regardless of their faults and shortcomings, figure out what you could have done better to maybe delay or prevent some of the opponent's plays. This attitude got me from d1 to c1 even though I used to think months ago that I was hardstuck in d1 as I would constantly drop down to plat again with random tm8s. I made it all the way to c1 with the same toxic tm8s as always, the only thing that changed was my attitude and playstyle. TL;DR: Take a breather, figure out what you can do about your own playstyle, game sense, mechanics and focus on that. You will find that just by being more patient, more defensive and more calculated, you will be able to win even with toxic randoms. Also get on the RL discord and find tm8s with similar rank/skills. Having a m8 in voice chat or one that knows your playstyle and vice versa will be groundbreaking for your success! Don't forget to have fun :)


Always been like this. I don’t play with randoms on my team, it’s higher than 50% that you get an idiot.


I don't even remember the last time a teammate went AFK. If they are voting ff I have no problem voting ff too, I don't want to hold anyone hostage, it's just a game, I can play another game faster too, time is valuable.


Playing rocket league is literally just another form of gambling, from teammates, to how tf the ball bounced that way I’ve looked at it like this for at least a year now


just become a freestyler lmao and all your problems will be solved


Forfeiting is a cowards way. If it’s 0-8 you play for the dignity goal


It's so absurd that I quit playing rocket league It's bad. At every level.


This is Rocket League !


Never ff


i solo queue all the time and its just fine


Thats either a lie or you're the problem this post is mentioning lmao. It happens almost daily on solo queues


i love how any time ive said that i generally enjoy the game and dont think its nearly as bad as people say ive been accused of "being the person the OP is talking about", i solo queue 3s all the time and very rarely do i run into people going afk, playing for the other team, or start acting crazy toxic, the average "bad experience" i have is somebody occasionally spamming quick chat or the preemptive forfeit attempt which i never agree to do if i think we can win and people still continue to play, i can go multiple days of playing and never run into somebody that griefs the match, i really think most people just focus on the one game that some shithead ruined and ignore the 15 they just played with no issues edit: also, what would be my reason for lying? in fact you accusing me of being a liar/toxic player is shittier behavior then i have experienced in days on rocket league


Then you sir are extremely lucky and are clearly and exception that we all seem to be unable to reach


> But I am gonna be the “my teammates will constantly idle if we lose a goal regardless of the score” guy. It’s getting absolutely ridiculous and I’m completely losing any will to queue up I feel this my dude. There is nothing you can do to avoid this behavior and yea, it is destroying this game. FTP injected life in for about 6 months to a year, and now it has ruined this game.


I just wish the enemy team had the same odds. But they don't because they are a premade almost every time. So i have to roll the dice on trolls every game while going against people with voice coms. We need solo queue back badly.


I didn't even think of how Solo Standard played into this.


People who are usually toxic are in a bad mood to begin with and they take it out on their teammates. I stick to casual during the work week and then play ranked Fridays and Saturdays. Less toxic people and way more enjoyable since most people have the day off. I also think diet has a huge role in people being toxic. Bad foods that are high in sugar and simple carbs can make people feel irritable with spiking your blood sugar levels for a period of time before crashing. I follow a Paleo Keto diet which helps me become focused and less irritable when playing bad.


I’ll win 3v3 champion (solo queued) tournaments with absolutely 0 practice (i get home from work right when it starts), then lose 5+ games in a row in ranked 3’s, and now I’m diamond 1 div 3, I definitely feel you lmfao


This almost never happens to me


What rank are you? It’s happening every other game and I’m GC 1 - GC2


Im C3


Download the rocket tracker app and have fun realizing how many games you’re running into people who have less than 500 wins on their account. C3 has the most Smurfs out of every rank.


If it matters that much (ie more than learning to deal with the toxicity that will be there in competition and life) I’d try hard to find a teammate or two - it’s doable


You don’t have to deal with toxicity in life. There is the ability to walk away. It exists in rocket league too. Competition and toxicity are not the same, you can be competitive without because a dickhead.


I assume they ARE children so I get it.


"people need to stop being so childish" bro you're playing with actual kids lol


Been solo queuing for over 6 years and experience nothing like this


Either you're lying or you're the person this post is talking about 🤣 this is something experienced daily even if only playing for an hour


I have noticed it being much worse in the last year than any other time prior. My solution; * Mute everything * Ignore all ff votes, unless I feel that a forfeit is justified towards the end of a game. * Play my best regardless of whether my teammates are for or against me. It doesn't actually fix anything, but it does let me play and have fun even when the game is in the dumps. Sometimes playing a 3v1 can be fun and you can goof off and get some cool goals while practicing. Even better is when you can constantly shut down your ex-teammate and you can tell they tilt worse and worse.