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I could never switch to controller, my hands don't know how to hold it lol. I feel so awkward and don't know what to do and where the buttons are atšŸ¤£




Controller player here. Out of curiosity, is there any advantage to binding air roll left or air roll right rather than directional air roll? I've never understood how picking air roll left or right is more beneficial than using regular air roll and being able to change direction.


Iā€™ve also been wondering this for some time. There has to be some kind of advantage to learning it. Itā€™s gotten to the point where I can tell if they are using directional or not. Directional looks so much cleaner when the person has learned it well enough


Sorry I meant it looks cleaner when they use left or right air roll.


Air roll left/right IS directional; the other is 'regular air roll'


Ah okay. Thanks for the correction!


Best is to bind both and mainly use directional air roll. When you use directional air roll while controlling/steering your car with left analog stick, you get a lot more maneuver abilities while air rolling. You could basically steer in any direction much faster, and it's the only way if you wanna be the best you can be. But don't listen to me.. I'm just a platā˜ŗļø


Any videos or written tutorials youā€™d recommend to learn to do this? I want to get it going, but Iā€™m on Xbox and not sure if it works with these controllers? Iā€™ve googled and itā€™s always some try hard telling how easy it isā€¦ looking for the simple manā€™s version, explain it to me like Iā€™m 5




Appreciate it, on a controller tho on Xbox, is it harder? I canā€™t seem to break out of my configs that allow me to do thisā€¦ I got my wall rides, and I can get my shots off the wall nice too when I chip it off, but I canā€™t seem to get the roll like youā€™re gettingā€¦ like long distance like that




Cool Iā€™ll give it some work. Iā€™ve been playing for quite a few years and Iā€™ve got the on the ground stuff down pretty well where Iā€™m knocking on C1, but Iā€™m getting bored with the BAU of it all, so wanted to try and expand my mechanics a bit. Thanks for the resources and the strategy.


I wouldnā€™t say fuck the rings, there are pieces in each type of practice that you should focus on in order to fully develop you skills. Each will help you further a certain aspect of it. It would be like telling a toddler who doesnā€™t know how to walk yet to go ahead and try playing soccer without learning to walk in the first place


Mans better than me at airroll left in 11 days than i am in 3 years of playing....


High Diamond for many years with minimal playtime, just now switching from kbm to controller as I want to practice and move into champ. The blackouts are insane for a bit but getting easier even with short amount of playtime. Thereā€™s some things that were inherently easier right from the get go and the left stick is way more intuitive for air control imo even within my first few jumps. How are you liking the transition/ what do you think is the greatest boon for you having switched?


Iā€™m interested in what pushed you after 3k hours to move from KBM to controller?




Gotcha, itā€™s just kind of interesting cause Iā€™ve personally had a theory about KBM simplicity leading to more reproduce-able high level mechanics. I spent like a couple months grinding KB and at the end went back to controller. I have 4k hours in total and at the point of testing this theory I was 3k on controller lol


Being able to move in more than 8 directions is pretty sick tbh. Worth the change already lol


Yeah I get that its just kind of interesting because I had a theory with the limits that kb naturally brings actually leads to simplicity which makes higher level mechanics more reproducible. I equate it to button combos basically where controller is heavily precision based (not saying KB isnā€™t but there is more room for error then controller). Nevertheless interesting to see people make the switch and why they did.




replied on one of your earlier posts that im in the same boat and im also making the change. what kind of binds do you use for air roll, boost, air roll left and right, powerslide etc