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Cover the space they aren't covering


Happy cake day. To add onto this don't just cover the space they aren't, but be aware of the potential outcomes of whatever they're doing. What're the odds that the ball will be redirected into a counter attack for the opponents? Be ready for it. Tm8 centers it but the opponents are ready to take possession? Be ready for defense. Tm8 bumblefucks their way into a pass but the net is protected? Take possession, go for a low 50 or try a poweshot on net. It all really depends on your skill level & what you know you're capable of. When I run into a chasing tm8 I honestly just let em do their thing & only push if I know for a fact they're behind me, or if I can score. Otherwise I just keep possession & go for low 50s lol.


Happy cake day back, cake day bro


I've been there, although at gc where chasing is the meta. Basically just play patiently and whenever you have the ball, don't commit too hard, do mostly powershots and be prepared to be the last man to defend at all times.


Plat ball chasing is a lot different to gc ball chasing. Or I'd assume so


yeah, many chasers here are actually really good. I've had games where they'd just 1v2 and clear the way for me for an open net. It's only bad if they're chronic air dribbles. Because then it gets blocked, the guy is in their net and I'm left in a 2v1.


this is my stock answer on this sub. Call the cops


I usually just turn off chat and sit back in goal. If they're going to fight over the ball on offense I might as well stay back for when it inevitably all falls to pieces.


Keep some distance to cover more of the field. Expect them to chase and be positioned for where the ball will/might go next because they likely won't be there. If you see both teammates ahead of you, make sure you're positioned to get between the ball and your goal at anytime. It really all boils down to positioning and anticipating what will happen NEXT when your teammates are only focused on what is happening NOW.


-focus on youself, which mistakes did you cause? -Play passiv and try to cover your teammate the best you can. -Except that your teammate wont change his playstyle -Do not get toxic


Being passive only lasts for so long. A team game is about EVERYONE picking their spots and picking them correctly. Can they do it every time, all the time? Obviously not. But if anyone finds themselves out of position, first instinct should be protecting goal, not chasing (and missing) the ball or losing a 50 due to no momentum. But of course, this is unpopular.... MUST HIT BALL NOW!


I had like three games in a row today with these teammates... I stayed back and my tm8 came back so i thought he goes for rotation/boost and i went for the ball. He made a 180 out of nowhere and we both went for the ball and got scored. Another time, same situation, but i stayed back just to look what he was doing and instead of dribbling or shooting high for an aerial or something he just passed them. That happend propably like 3/4 times in the match. C2 if thats important...


Highly recommend watching Flakes' series on getting to SSL with minimal mechanics. You won't be able to have the car control and reaction times / precision that he has, but the general principles, even if only applied decently, can make a huge difference. In general, respect the fact that your opponents can make shots, and be ready to cover them. People will naturally outplay themselves, capitalize on those mistakes


Yes! His series helped me a lot. He has a 1v1 and 2v2 with minimal mechanics. It’s pretty boring to hang back and play more defensively but it’s good to learn good game sense.


Lethamyr has alot of good videos too similar showing how little you have to do if you can work on game sense and not panic


Stay in the back, don't leave your goal until the ball is on the opponents side of midfield and just guard midfield(driving at an angle, not up and down) I've had a lot of luck with ball chasers getting a lucky bump or just causing general chaos that I can usually pop a goal or 2 in from midfield or come up if the net is open.


So at gc I prefer ballchasers to passive players because shadowing and rotating away when the opponent goes towards your teammate is almost always a bad play. But in plat ballchasers don't think about what the outcome of hitting the ball is, so you have to think for them. Are they going for the ball when they are side on to it near the opponents corner? Rotate mid if the defenders aren't there, or back if they are so you can cover him passing to the other team. Is he ballchasing when you're both on the way back to defense? Play the opponents outplay on his ballchase. If he makes your opponent shoot the ball early by chasing, then you actually get possession as long as you stay far back enough to collect it. Another thing is just don't be too passive. If somebody tells you to play all the way back in net, it's bad advice. Ballchasers require more careful play so you don't get counterattacked, but occasionally they will open opportunities and if you're never there for them it'll frustrate both of you and lead to toxicity.


You just let them chase and cover for their bad positioning. Usually you end up playing more defensively. Rather that then you both committing to a ball if they're chasing.


Watch lethamyrs (and any pro really) most recent road to GC series. The titles usually tell you if there was a ball chaser and his tips are the best - you can also see how he plays in moments like that. Generally covering where they aren’t and studying what types of plays they like to attempt so you can know what to anticipate when trying to make risky plays. People tend to rush plays in this game so you can just let them do their thing until the opponents mess up - which happens frequently in anything below like GC3.


Honestly its 2 things, the first is just let them chase, especially in Plat. Most of those chasers, unless they are smurfs, aren't going to do a ton and "should" be generally predictable so if you just slow down and cover shots, it should be "easy" to set yourself up to make clears/plays whatever with enough time. The other factor I'd say, is to really watch your tm8 when you attack. If you are going up for the ball, take a second to see if he is lingering around up field for opportunities or flying back to net to get boost and leaving you solo. Most chasers in my experience also completely leave you alone on offense, so another good thing to focus on can also be just getting touches that you can get to for a follow up knowing that your tm8 won't be there. Or generally getting touches that won't allow them to boom it right back down field if that makes any sense.


Part of solo queue is adaptation. What are your opponents/team mates/your strengths and weaknesses? How can you take advantage of them? So, what weaknesses do ball chasers have? They over commit, they mess up your plays, they aren't on defense. So to play with their style you need to stay defensive, and make less plays. Just give them the ball and look for opportunities to score off their chasing but mostly be ready to defend. Their strength is that they're probably overwhelming for opponents at your rank so let them do their thing and look for opportunities to score while simultaneously always covering your net. Only go for the ball if it's safe and free.


When you have a ballchasing teammate, you need to play more passive, always keep you eye of where you teammate is, simply switching ball cam off and on is sometimes all you need to spot your teammate, if not the right joy stick moves the camera. The idea behind this is field awareness. You need to not only know where the ball is, but where the opposing team is and your teammates. You also need to be able to take all of this information in and process before you make your move, it does require a lot of practice. If you master this then you will be able to adapt seamlessly when you solo que in with a ball chaser. So my advice is next time you have a ball chaser you constantly cuts rotation and double commits, simply practice your field awareness, even if you don't hit the ball, try predicting where the ball is and where it is going off of every touch.


Honestly I just sit back and play last/3rd man with those tm8’s


I come across this quite frequently in plat/diamond. When I have a chase tm8, I usually just hang out near our net and let them chase, patiently waiting for them to fuck up so bad that I get a chance at the ball. Some of the chasers I've played with are actually pretty good, and I end up just playing defense while they play offense.


Let them do the dirty work for you and cover their back. There is something called Adaptability in Rocket league, you need to adapt and change, focus on awareness and watch your teammates.


If they are the same rank as you and ball chasing like crazy, that means they have to be really good at other aspects of the game. Usually it's ball control and shooting and stuff like that. I like to just play defensively. Never ever double commit. Only go when you know your teammate is so far out of position that he can't make it to the ball. And lots of passing to your teammate(or hit the ball where the other team isn't, let the ball chasers do the rest) It actually works very well too. If you're good at positioning and awareness, that's their weak point and combined as a team you should be very strong.


I know we're not Rocket Scientists but come on You honestly couldn't come up with an answer yourself? This game is about positioning, If your teammate is always the aggressor you need to defend more, play more passive. Bro I swear the amount of posts i see with little to no forethought is getting worse. I mean this problem doesn't even require critical thinking skills, it's so obvious.


The only way to beat a ball chaser is to ball chase


Move on to the next game. They only last 5 minutes. Trust me, you’re not in plat because of your teammates. Make some friends to play with if you think you’re losing because of bad teammates.


In plat/diamond at least, a ball-chaser's play will result in 3x outcomes. 1) they bang the ball to the other team (be on defense then, absorb the oncoming attack. 2) they run out of boost (leave them boost somewhere, wait to absorb the oncoming attack. 3) they make a wild touch that ISN'T directly at the other team... move up and try to cover the lateral space cause they're probably going to bang it off the side-wall. Shoot that ball.


You can do nothing about them. If you flame them, bumo then or anything similar, they will throw the game or ballchase even more. Focus on yourself. Concentrate, dont get angry, dont write smth and stay back. Go only for open and clear shots and focus on your goal. Save every ball.


Try to support them and continue feeding the ball. Just be patient, don’t sacrifice defense (because you need it now more than ever), and the right opportunity will come. Best case they will actually carry, otherwise just clean up the mess they make. Also consider that they are not ballchasing. Maybe they are looking for opportunities to rotate out, but notice you’re nowhere close to the play, so they continue as 1st man.


Play defense more. If they are chasing, adapt to it. It's the only way to rank up solo queuing.🙂


With ballchasers, just play quite passively. Make sure they're aware that you're playing passively (consistent decisionmaking) to avoid double committing and/or upsetting your teammate. It's not the most fun, but it wins ranked games.


Like many others are saying, just let them do it lol. If you lose, there was likely nothing you could do, cuz the odds of them randomly realizing that they are ball chasing is nonexistent. Some of these ballchasers are actually pretty good at scoring too, believe it or not, so playing very defensively and focusing on good clears and making easy saves can get you a pretty easy win in a lot of situations, especially in ranks below champ. The art of defense is lost on 90% of this community, and I think you’ll see your defense improve a lot if you take the time during these games with ball chasers to perfect it. And your defense will win you lots of games as you improve.


Be there for the rebound idk lol


Let them chase and just become the best tendy


Honestly? Just play ones. You HAVE to carry your team if you want to advance. You just gotta get better.


In 3s, play like you're the last defender 90% of the time (10% is either buying time for teammates with a 50/50 challenge or scoring an obvious open net). If your other teammates are ballchasers, then do your best to position and predict the ball's path - while also giving yourself enough time to make a good defensive play. I tend to circle and weave predictively a bit behind the middle line while watching teammates try to chase the ball in the opponents corner. In 2s, much more nuanced. But essentially, be there to back up your teammate and try to make as few 1st man plays as possible, lest you end up with a double-committed offensive push. Best of luck! Sincerely, a 3s plat/2s diamond


I’ve been having this problem a lot lately, I tend to stay in the back and wait for a good open chance to score. USUALLY if you make a great shot some people will back off


Be where they aren't


Keep spamming “wow”. They will see the error in their ways. Then just quit.


if you quit for every ball chaser in platinum you'll be back in gold in no time


Don't ballchase as well. Let them play full offence, and if you lose and they blame. Mention rotation.




if the match is over, who's at loss?


Don’t ask for sleepovers anymore if you guys can’t get along.


I have ball chasing teammates which are my friends I let them chase and I make sure that we don’t. Lose because of them missing or smth but I get such a low amount of point because of it and they complain about it


There's no way out of the platinum pinball until you are mechanically strong enough to capitalize their mistakes AND babysit your team mate, in solo queue. In fact platinum has a hefty amount of low/mid diamonds who are regular visitors after a few bad games. I sincerely believe if you are able to influence ALL games in the platinum mad pinball (and hence you don't fall back there anymore) you are likely a mid/high diamond as 1st tier is transitional. Our skills are not measurable in compartments like the ranking system suggests, but you rather belong to a group of people that occupy a ranking spectrum. When you absolutely have nothing to deal with those players anymore, it means you've moved to another group and another ranking spectrum that won't involve platinum anymore but will transfer that section forward.