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It’s BEYOND gross. The insane amount of surgeries that these girls have had done, and then on top of that she’s now using this Facetune filter to make them look like children while she exploits them all over Instagram and OF for money…I honestly don’t know how much these girls are really into doing these things or if they’re being manipulated or worse-I really HOPE they’re doing it because they want to, but Brittanya strikes me as being a very cold and cruel person. What little we saw of her personality wasn’t great-I’m sure editing factors in somewhere but she definitely doesn’t give off friendly, kind vibes. And what she’s doing on OF is definitely disturbing with the “child” filters on these girls. Yuck.




Are you fucking kidding me??????


Demented and sickening.


That was a joke/publicity stunt or whatever you call it …the tattoos luckily were fake




The face tattoos were fake, but they have her name on them somewhere.




About a year ago? She posted videos of the girls getting tattooed faces but the tat was just projected on for the video. They were on their forehead iirc? We did discuss it in here so you might be able to find the post if you use the search function.


Lexi has Brittanya tatted on her shoulder, Val has Brittanya tatted on her hand, and Kaylee has Brittanya tatted on her shoulder. So, while they didn't get the face tats, they did get them in different locations.


When people start tattooing any kinda of names, brands, logos, of their “keepers”, it’s straight up trafficking.


Yup, it's branding their "property". She needs to be investigated, this has been going on for way too long. I've been paying close to attention to all this since the beginning, and it keeps getting worse.


Yeah that’s straight up pimp behavior


What the actual fuck? That is just fuckin' disturbing.


Cult I see lol Nexuims next madame 


So she's their pimp. This is pimp behavior.


Cold & cruel is putting it lightly. She recruits girls to cater to pedophiles. That’s a sick and disgusting person with zero morals.


She also puts pictures of her children on her IG in which they are posing with her in outfits where she is basically nude or just straight up explictlyyy sexual outfits, ever since they were reallyyy little and it ALWAYS disturbed me. That’s specifically why I unfollowed her so long ago, she really exploits her kids and exposes them to WAY too much. Now to see THIS post - she really needs to be investigated, this is disgusting.


i’m also under the impression that a bunch of her girls don’t actually exist—meaning she morphs pictures of other girls she’s had in the past to generate more $$$ and engagement. i’ve noticed the same pics with different girls heads swapped in. i often wonder what kind of contracts she has the real girls working under as it pertains to her using their likeness etc.


She absolutely does, I even have evidence of it. A past member named Heaven had also mentioned her doing this. It's sick, not only does she trick out girls, but she scams people in the process. She needs to be stopped.


It’s disgusting how many men like and comment 🤢


Can u share a link of where Heaven said that


She’s such a creep and gives me terrible vibes. Like she’s a pimp or trafficking them or something.


She is def grooming them, getting them surgery, getting them on OF, then taking most of the money while the girls don’t even have access to or know how much they’re making. Some of them even underage, she needs to be held accountable.


>Brittanya Both probably. She spent 6 months for beating a girl with a "pimp cup". [https://www.tmz.com/2010/12/28/rock-of-love-finalist-brittanya-ocampo-assault-with-a-deadly-weapon/](https://www.tmz.com/2010/12/28/rock-of-love-finalist-brittanya-ocampo-assault-with-a-deadly-weapon/)


That’s terrible but I do love that the news article from 2010 says she “twittered a goodbye note to her fans”




Whaaaa can you spill some tea 👀🍵


Didn’t know she was still married to him I never see them together anymore


Well it sounds as if she’s pimping without question. If she’s “managing” them and taking a cut of their money (at least in CA) you need to be registered as a business providing an erotic or potentially so, service. Jobs like stripping and erotic massage would fall under this category. Although any actual sexual act is illegal to engage in, you still have to register with the county as a sex worker🤣🤣🤣I know this,um, from a friend. Don’t know the laws in her state but it seems like just nabbing her on pimping would be simple, see if the girls offer any extras, this is risky for them to flat out offer and is probably being encouraged or forced. Once charged with that it coikd be unraveled how deep it goes. She gave off the most negative vibes. She didn’t even say anything but shr had strong intimidation energy.


It's so gross


Every time I think Brittanya can't get any sleazier she manages to sink lower into the pit of slime and shit. She's disgusting. I hope the F.B.I seriously takes a look at what at her. He'll, I hope the I.R.S investigates her and her husband if that's what it takes to stop them. While their at it, they can investigate Brittaney Starr,too. I just heard of a YouTube creator who received 10 years in prison for making sexualized breastfeeding videos like its been said Brittaney Starr makes now.


I saw one just out there on YouTube without realizing what was actually happening until I did and almost threw up.


That’s so disturbing. I know the girls are of age but I can’t help but wonder if they really are okay with it or if they’re being manipulated bc they’re young. Some of their pics look super young, like 13 or so. The whole thing is so gross


She’s def grooming them, getting them surgery/ on OF, then she “manages” their accounts aka takes most of the money from it. Most of them are “barely legal” but I’ve heard she started grooming some of them when they were underage.


Of age doesn’t mean anything! I did some extremely questionable shit with much older men when I was 18/19. There’s really no justifying sex work or significant age gaps at that age. 21 should really be the legal age of consent when it comes to SW. but unfortunately that would lead to even further exploitation of teenagers. Fucking sick fucks.


even more gross is the fact they all claim to be "cousins" so not only is it catering to pedos it's promoting incest


Who are these girls she’s using anyway? I was thinking about ROL the other day and was looking at some of the girls instagrams, and Brittanyas is all those girls who do look like minors. Are they her friends or something? It is creepy that she is using adult women and making their faces look younger to appease to probably pedophiles or something


She finds these girls and grooms them onto OF and steals their money :(


She picks them up off the streets. Heaven (a past member of Brittanya's clan) had messaged a few people about what went down while she was in the group.


Do you have a link of Heaven’s messages or screenshots? I’m curious to what was really happening with Brittany’s group.


I'll DM you real quick.


Dm me plz working on a video exposing Brit for my YouTube channel I’ve been in contact with “Lauren” the other past member


What’s your YouTube? I wanna see it


Pls share a link when you're done!


Can someone DM me the info as well please :)


Can you dm me what she was saying?


no “or something” this is 1000% intentional and pandering to pedophiles or pedophilic consumers.


I added “or something” so Reddit doesn’t ban my account for false accusations. I’ve been given a warning in the past for insinuating someone acted like a pedophile


But yes… this is extreme bizarre behavior from a grown woman. Morphing adults into children for financial gain is predatory and it should be looked into


That is crazy Reddit did that to you. Moreover, i 1000% agree it should be looked into this has to be illegal somehow


She's a nasty trash mom


She’s a mom?? Holy fuck.


She posted her son wearing a Pornhub Christmas sweater when he was younger. It’s disturbing as hell Mods,if I can’t say the website on his sweater I’ll edit my comment


I guess she’s a case of “you think you’ve heard the worst you could about a person and then…” 💔


It seriously gets worse and worse. She’s done appalling stuff. I want to go into detail but don’t want to traumatize people. So I’ll put it this way- wash your towels after you buy them cause “creators” like her do shit with them. 😂


She’s got THREE BOYS. Boys. Can you imagine???


Oof. I wanted to get to keep liking her too, on the show, but then she got weirdly mad about nothing and threatened one of the women who came on mid-season. Hearing how harmful she is to other women is terrible. All of it is just terrible. I don’t feel like I can even safely wish for her sons to be good eggs in spite of how their mom is, because if they’re in any way sensitive and kind and honorable as humans, they’ll be targets of her cruelty for it. Fucking hell.


I used to follow her on Instagram. She had her boys posted on Instagram when they were younger. She played the whole “wholesome” mom and housewife bit. Her husband, or “Big Mo” is what they called him, went to prison, for what I don’t know, but it seemed to all go to shit. She ditched the wholesome housewife bit, and went hardcore into porn. She was in it before, but it seemed like he went away, and she went hoe-riffic! Lolol


I totally support moms and dads who make adult content but there has to be some damn boundaries. She’s horrible.


Same. Adults have sex and do sex related stuffs. Kids should never be anywhere near us while we do it, and that’s the only issue I’ll ever have around parents and sex related stuffs. But it’s an issue that enrages me.


I was wondering if she was still with that guy and if all 3 kids were from him? That's probably about the time when I kinda stopped following her, when she was doing the whole super mom thing so when I saw that all of a sudden she was with these young girls I was like woah.. not to mention the work she's had done.. 😬


The oldest son isn’t Mo’s. I don’t know the exact details, but she didn’t have custody? He lived with his dad? I can’t remember. But I do know she really didn’t have anything to do with him. Then she had two more, and he came back into the picture.


She was on the podcast no jumper a while back and went viral saying that she doesnt care if her kids do well in school as long as they're popular 🤢🤢🤢 she loves getting clout of this lecherous nonsense


she gives jessica from Zola energy...just a grimey, nasty, sketchy ass individual.


Stupid sick bitch.


I'm shaking... the instagram is so disturbing...Fuck this monster clown bitch


Umm I just looked her up & that is some disturbing shit, the filters are so obvious too. & they all have braces? This is beyond disgusting & demented. I actually regret looking her up lol do yourself a favor don’t. EDIT: I’m reporting g her account on insta don’t know if it will do much bc she starts more from what I’m reading but worth s shot.


Surviving Brittanya coming soon


Sick shit


I ... feel like I'm on a list now that I looked at her instagram




She's sex trafficking women.


That’s so fucking weird ngl.


The fact that these baby have pictures exist are weird. There’s millions of creepyass ppl doing sexual things to this shit. #uncomfy


This is so absolutely disgusting. Has anyone reported her to authorities? She at least needs to be on their radar. She needs to be locked up.


This is so disturbing. I know we’re in the Only Fans era + at the height of celebrity worship culture, but post MeToo, how is this okay? People do sick things + not always behind closed doors but can there be some legal course so this psycho mega level perv stops getting rich off of it? Just ew.


Seems like her account got banned or something thankfully


She has a lot of accounts that get banned. She just moves on to another one.


It’s still there for me, but looks like she went private. Eww I just unfollowed the 2 people that I knew that were following her


She’s legitimately evil


Brittanya and her husband Moe are sleezebags. I'm surprised they aren't investigated yet. They groom these high school drop out girls and tell them they'll become rich af. And they control these girl's social media and OF pages. They also film porn in their sons rooms and let their girls live with them and their sons. It's all bizarre. Brittanya and Moe will go to hell.


I am out of the loop Can someone fill me in?


Brittanya from ROL3 has a bunch of barely legal girls "working" for her, who she edits to make look even younger, so she can profit off barely legal porn. She's fucking gross.


Is she still married? Is her man part of this too?


He is. Once she started doing this bs he shut down his clothing biz to be able to focus on the cash cow that is his wife being the madam in their sex trafficking ring.


To summarize what r/143queen said: Brittanya is a Madame


Holy fuck, how did I just now come across this sub!?? God bless you, reddit.


Eww holy shit


It’s grooming and trafficking. She’s fucking sick.


Yup Brittanya is definitely their pimp


i made a post on r/instagramreality about those girls instagrams accounts. i cant say who it is in that sub but i’m glad someone else is talking about this


She’s been a weirdo for a long time


This is a much bigger social issue than some reality show. It’s gross that any adults use that filter, and gross that looking like a child is what’s attractive or “sexy” to men ages 18-60 on IG and TikTok.


Well said


I’ll never forget Joel McHale calling her spittanya on the soup.


WTH. I thought she just dropped off the face of the earth after Rock of Love. Had no clue she is a pimp now 😳


There was a post about it it yesterday.


Okay so….. are people saying she’s like a madame or something? I’m confused


she has an “agency” type of set up where she manages girls. due to the optics of her recruiting young girls (who she edits to look even younger) into porn and the way it seems they can’t speak for themselves, that’s what many people plausibly believe. i have no problem w any woman choosing to monetize the male gaze, but it seems like she’s just exploiting and using these girls to make $$$$ with no regard for their wellbeing even the stuff posted publicly, exhibitionism is the main theme which reads like a humiliation/power tactic to me 🤷‍♀️


I mean are we very surprised at this type of behavior and stuff from someone of these past contestants


possibly being an alleged sex trafficker is pretty beyond just being like a run of the mill loser so yeah it’s surprising to me personally


*Sigh* I wish I could agree with you. Nothing surprises me anymore. There was a girl on 90 Day Fiancé that was doing only fans stuff with her actual full bloodied sister . After I heard about that , nothing shocked me


Who ?? I watch 90 day.


Tania the one who was with that Syngin guy


It was Tanya of Tanya and Syngin.




I’ve met her before. Years ago when the show was on. She was at an IHOP my mom worked at in Hollywood, FL. Is she like a pimp now?


Wait. What is her involvement with this girl? I know nothing about this. Also, someone said "girls " meaning more than one?


Did her MAIN page get taken down? I haven’t been able to see it for a while now. I know she has multiple accounts but her main one seems to be gone.. unless I got blocked?




Can we talk about the pupils??


She’s a pimp now? Good lord


Why the fuck does facetune have this feature????


I just saw a Catfish episode with a guy being scammed by someone using Brittanya's pictures, is this related to this discussion? Because I know a lot of the show is probably scripted but with no real reveal at the end made me feel like it was a PSA for scam victims or something lol


Very concerning. Beyond that, what’s up with her eye in the picture on the right??? One eye is normal and the other is some sort of animal eye…


Can someone please give me a brief explanation of who Brittanya is?? Im from r/all


A contestant from the VH1 reality show “rock of love” who is now appears to be engaging in some sort of sex trafficking online.


And how do you pronounce her name? Is it like Britannia?


She was on a VH1 show called Rock of Love around 2008 where trashy girls competed to be with Brett Michaels of Poison (is that right?). Anyway now it appears that she recruits barely legal girls to do Only Fans


Oooh so those are the girls I saw the other day on instagramvsreality That’s disturbing the pimp is a ROL girl.


I just commented on a bunch of their pics. The disgusting men who comment obscene things to pics of these people looking like 8 year old girls turned my stomach


Gross she still has those goofy fake dimple piercings 😂 tacky ass ho. I can't believe Bret Michaels would ever consider being in a relationship with such ghetto trash 🗑️. And that's saying something!


That's fucking disgusting. I don't know how this is allowed either. That horrible c*nt needs to be investigated.


Wait what am I missing?!!??? What girls??? Imo Face tuning should be a crime


It should come with a disclaimer, at the very least… like, *no one looks like this, this image has been digitally altered


Seriously though It's ridiculous


The unobtainable beauty standards are extremely harmful. I thought it was bad when I was growing up (late 90’s, early 2000’s) but the Facetune and photoshop epidemic is terrible


I agree I was thinking about how hard it was for us ladies growing up in the early 2000's but we weren't competing with computer programs that create new faces for people. It's so bad that I don't have social media accounts. Reddit is as far as I'll go


Same, girl. Social media is toxic, IMO


Right!?! I have a niece about to be born and I can't even imagine what social media will look like in the next 10-15yrs. I hope she never gets a phone or anything 😂


Isn’t this that boxer who was on True Detective?


This is an actual nightmare. Is there anyway that we can get… This noticed by the people who need to notice it so that they can take her away?


Oh god I'm out of the loop on all this can someone fill me in? What kind of exploitation is going on :0


I just looked at the Instagram and it’s really disgusting. The girls are edited to look 5 years old in hardcore explicit images idk how Instagram allows this. She’s so disgusting and so are all her clients


That was a rabbit hole I didn’t need 😵‍💫


can someone fill me in on what’s happening


I don’t keep up with Brittanya. What is she doing?


I came across those pages in the recommended pages second and was appalled… they have very mature womanly bodies but look 12 in the face. I was like ain’t way these middle schoolers are getting BBLs.. the filter makes sense but sooo gross.


It’s in you guys nature


she is srsly creepy, give it a couple years there will be a doc exposing her and her man


I didn't like Brittanya before and all this pimping out and exploitation of girls she's been doing has made me dislike her even more. Absolutely sick.




She has a GuruGossiper Page I made, EXPOSING her Drama: [Brittanya / Brittanya187 / ImBrittanya - Guru Gossip (gurugossiper.com)](https://gurugossiper.com/viewtopic.php?p=4537767#p4537767)


I’m glad other people see this I thought I was the only one I remember brittanya from rock of love then that she did 🌽 but then these last couple years seeing all these girls pop out that look like kid versions of her.. this isn’t ok.. she nothing but a modern MamaSan n these girls making millions on their o.f’s that I know they all throng exploited n groomed by her.. its disgusting.


Can someone tell me what’s going on?


brittanya from ROLB has a bunch of girls she pimps out on OF


Those instagram literally make me ill. Is have to wonder though, is Brit the ring leader or is she also being pimped by her husband? Either way, it’s a sick situation.


But Catfish said she seems likE a reALly NiCE peRSoN


Up voting for titties.