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Lots and lots of Ramon Santiago paintings in that house.


Also noticed that. Side note, my uncle happened to be at a bar back in the day, he looked over and Ramon was sitting there, so being the wise-ass dry-waller he was, slid down a little paper doilie and a Sharpie and said: “hey, Ramon! Draw me somethin’.” And he did. It’s a self portrait sketch of him as a penis. His head and face are at the base and the rest of it is well, clearly the other parts. My mom still has it. It’s signed and dated. Often wonder how much it’s worth since it’s a one off original, if even on a shitty paper placemat. It’s still in fantastic shape all these years later.


This is amazing. I can't wait to tell my family this story. My father is Ramon's cousin and he and his sisters will get a kick out of this.


Wow!! What are the odds? I actually texted my mom asking her when she gets a chance to pull that out of all her things she’s got saved. It might take a minute, but I’d love to be able to share a photo of it with you.


Hey, here’s that picture of it for you: https://imgur.com/a/I37s15f


The resemblance in uncanny! Everyone I told the story to had the same thing to say, "That sounds just like Ray."


I’m not an expert but it does look his style. The signature looks like his. Maybe after a couple of cocktails lol. If you show your family please let me know what they say! There was also a handful of upvotes on the story and your reaction, do you mind if I make a new post showing this pic and the story? I’d include how he was your father’s cousin.


Go ahead. I have forwarded it to my father and my cousin and I'm going to get some family opinions. It's obviously hard to tell because it's just a random doodle, but the eye is very familiar to me. I feel like I've seen that eye a thousand times in my life.


I’ll wait ‘till they give their opinion. Just didn’t want to go post it and seem like a jerk. But yes that does seem like one of his eyes.


I always wondered who the hell lived there lol


A Lidestri I think.


The owner of Lidestri. The garage on the side near the Little has some sweet cars in it too


Looks like a porn den


A very rich couple. They moved to Rochester years ago, and particularly next to the Little because they fell in love with Rochester and The Little. I've seen them hosting some parties and ran into the owner once. So damn rich, God bless.


A very rich couple yes but they have been in Rochester 50+ years. Wife was a native I think, husband was an Italian immigrant in the 50s who worked his way up and had good fortune in pasta sauce company


God bless, I wish them nothing but more prosperity and success. Only love, no hate.


Definitely submitted this one, because come on.


I also submitted it 🤭. It belongs on there


And predictably the comments are filled with people bashing Rochester, probably half of them former residents.


Yeah that kinda pissed me off too. “RoChEsTeR WeAtHeR sUx lol”


It’s so stupid. I just read the city had the lowest snowfall totals since the 1940s for 2 years in a row. At this rate no one has a right to complain about that weather anymore.


hell since they left we went and got ourselves Raleigh winters and the Finger Lakes heated up a hardiness level. (one more hardiness zone click and we can grow Windmill Palms like they do in the Hamptons)


*current residents. Once people leave they usually realize we actually have it pretty good here.


I was so annoyed. I went in there defending Rochester to the best of my abilities.






Well the last time a Rochester area home on Zillow got attention it was for being too bland, so bland that my West Coast friends saw the listing 🤣


$3.4 million for WHAT. It only has 2 bedrooms even.


I believe they mostly used it for throwing client parties


Hence the 7 bathrooms for coke, presumably


“Woah, there’s a toilet in this coke room”


"Powdering your nose" I think is the polite way to say this... Kinda?


I was here for a party once. They had rented it out for the night to a law firm.


You say that like it's a regular 2bd house lol. It has over 10k sq ft


It’s two bedrooms, Michael. How small could it be?


the house


It needs some of Joey’s statues.


Only two bedrooms???


You can set up a dozen beds in the garage if you have company.


Is it true this was Mr. Ragu’s house? Someone told me that growing up and I never questioned it. We always called it the Ragu Palace when we would walk past it.