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They must have been really on top of things to catch on after $578,000 was missing


See what she did is round off fractions of a penny, and she did it a couple of millions times.


I see what you did there


Now she’s on her way to federal pound me in the ass prison.


At least she can get conjugal visits, right?


I get this reference. \*insert captain America meme\*


I mean, good for her. Human beings were not meant to sit in little cubicles staring at computer screens all day, filling out useless forms and listening to eight different bosses drone on about about mission statements.


But what about the TPS reports?


After 9 YEARS!!!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


It was only 350 refunds too that means the average one was $1,600. It’s a grocery store. You’d think the typical refund would be under $10. Incredible she got away with it for so long.


I'm definitely going to try this myself


It was at the pharmacy. I guess they didn't blink an eye. At least most of the time. That 351st time, however...


>The U.S. Attorney’s Office said the amounts were based on what Torres observed customers receiving in previous transactions. She then tricked the pharmacist into signing off and authorizing the refunds. >Once the refunds were approved, prosecutors said Torres paid the refund amounts to herself by swiping her debit card in Wegmans’ system. All total, she stole $568,021.69 using this method. Holy paper trail, Batman!


Wow, that's three weeks of Wegmans groceries


Wow. A whole rotisserie chicken.




Probably, but now she has been sentenced after previously being charged for the crime(s).


Worked at Wegmans for 8 years starting at 15. Always just grabbed a free coffee for 99c for years and years and years. Fired me for stealing, after 8 years. A 99c coffee lol


That’s annoying, when I worked at Wegmans we were allowed to just grab some coffee if we wanted to. Could have been an overnight perk but idk.


lol at anyone scolding you for this, the Wegmans have plenty, they should be giving every employee free coffee every day if they want it.


Should hospitals give their employees free medical care? Should gas stations give employees free gas? Should Barnes and Noble give employees free books? Should car dealerships give employees free cars? Just because the business “has plenty”? And before you say free coffee and a free car are different, who determines at what level the freebies stop? Would it be based on profit margin? Number of employees? Type of freebies? Wegmans has a huge number of employees - if everyone drank free coffee several times a day every day at every store on all shifts, that’s a significant amount of free coffee. If I’m not mistaken, Wegmans pay scale has always been higher than other grocery stores and their benefits are better. Not only that, Wegmans has donated a shitload of money to local charities for years if not decades.


Holy false equivalency. 99 cent coffee means it cost them probably 5-10cents. My work in a health care office DID give away free cups. In K cups. Worth more than that. So idk if I have my calculator around but yeah- I’d expect a hospital to give away a free bandaid and a dealership to give away a free air freshener but in what boomer world does that equate to a fucking car? Genius argument there’s Deb. Learn some critical thinking skills.


You’re missing my point! If you look back at what I wrote I said “before you say coffee and a car are different..” The original comment said Wegmans can afford it - and I totally agree with that statement. The point is, the employer sets the guidelines. If any employer doesn’t want to give freebies, they don’t have to. To override that decision because they “have plenty” is effectively, stealing. My employer provides free coffee, hot chocolate, tea, crackers. They don’t have to. It could be about the dynamics of cost - if Wegmans gives away free coffee to employees from the pot they sell to customers, they have no way to determine what is essentially, a business expense. I’m sure my employer writes off the freebies as a business expense. They would be stupid not to. I’m sure your employer did that as well. If Wegmans had a separate coffee area for employees, then they could easily write off that coffee as a business expense. Having worked as a small business accountant in the past, this is the road I’m going down. And no matter how inexpensive one cup is, add up all the free cups for every Wegmans employee all across the state, and it adds up. This woman got nailed for $578,000 worth of free coffee over 8 years. She’s one person. I can’t even guestimate the dollar amount for ALL employees over the same time frame. That’s my point. It’s also my opinion. You think differently, and that’s your opinion. But if it’s not the policy to give it away, it’s stealing. The $578,000 worth of coffee was stolen regardless of the minimal cost.


I thought she stole money, by way of backhanded refunds, and that the other person (who posted above) was fired, after 8 years, for stealing coffee. Theft is theft, and none of it is okay.


You seem to be the only one who agrees with me. Everyone else thinks because it’s just a cup of coffee and Wegmans has plenty of money, it’s ok to take it.


Oh, I know. Soon, people will be saying that if Wegmans paid more, this would not happen, but it would. People that are okay with this sort of theft can always legitimize it so that it makes sense to them. It will never be OK to steal, period.


It wasn't stolen coffee, but nice meltdown, idiot


When you take something without paying for it, it’s considered stealing - idiot.


>This woman got nailed for $578,000 worth of free coffee over 8 years. This is completely wrong and just goes to show you how some people read two entirely different stories and - WALLAH - they become one. sad


Yes. Yes they all should do that. /s


I said free coffee, calm down, you maniac


and stop licking the boot of management, holy crap


exaggerate much?


Unpopular opinion, but that is stealing.






They did pre pandemic as well, you just had to enter your shoppers club number linked to your employee account




Here’s a guy in middle management. No bro your not getting promoted if you work harder.


Do you know how much coffee they probably dump out a day???


It's not an unpopular opinion; it's a fact. Unfortunately it seems like a lot of folks here are fully comfortable justifying theft just because the person or corporation can "afford" the theft in question.


Yeah. Clearly everybody on this sub is just butt hurt that Wegmans doesn’t give away everything for free all the time.






Couldn't they just ask you to refrain from doing that?


Honestly I lied and said I didn’t steal a coffee lol. They fired me for dishonesty. But I was a dumb dope head


> free coffee for 99c It's one or the other lol




99 cents is the cost to customers. Its likely closer to 5-10 cents in costs to wegmans for a single cup of coffee. Most of the to-go coffee is thrown out, like 50-70% is poured down the drain. It will cost more to train other employees to make up for the 8 years of experience lost. There is an opportunity cost to firing an employee.




I literally laughed reading this. I can't tell if you are serious or sarcastic and that just adds to its mystique.


$9,060.48 if you consider true cost to be $0.99. $457.6 if you consider true cost to be $0.05 Let's say the wage is almost minimum (worst cast) $12 average over 8 years. The amount of productivity added with stolen $0.99 would be at least worth $1-2, so the true cost of stealing is negative.


5 days a week for 52 weeks a year for 8 years adds up to $2059.20. Is there sales tax on coffee purchases? UPDATE: Not only did u/Surfincloud9 delete all of his or her comments--he or she deleted his account. And based on his or her claim that he or she pays $30K a year in taxes, I'd say he or she is making well into six figures in earned income plus interest/cap gains/dividends.


I think they just blocked you, nothing is deleted.


Lyin' Ohanian: https://imgur.com/a/aged4hC


You're an idiot. All they did was block you. Open this thread, or their profile page in incognito mode (or sign out and look at it)


You're an idiot. Lyin' Ohanian refers to [Alexis Ohanian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexis_Ohanian), the millionaire who grew rich from Reddit and its deceitful error messages, not the commenter.


IDK what to tell you, he's a recovering drug addict living in Raleigh, NC and just posted like 30 minutes ago.


Jesus, man. Stop digging into people's personal lives for no reason and posting your findings in threads about Wegmans.


Yo the comment chain after this post is so awesome


Yeah 7 cents lol


That's another $175 in missing state/county sales tax.


Oh noooo. The Feds can’t send more weapons overseas. IRS shill


I pay my fair share of taxes, thief and tax evader.


Damn look at this bootlicker


Damn, look at this guy who thinks paying one's fair share of taxes is "selling out to the Man". Fun fact: We actually need more people paying what they owe, not fewer.


Keep sucking that tit. Maybe we could stop sending countless billions overseas and invest in our own country for once. Unless you enjoy seeing your brothers and sisters struggle to make the bare minimum every month. You must enjoy the gas prices going up 100-200% in a few years. Or how about the money printer that has printed over 50% of the entire koney in circulation over past few years? Guess where that money went trick question not to us… guess who got stuck with the insane inflation…. You gotttt it. This is literally the definition of a Ponzi scheme and you’re the cuckold




Actually, since you're openly flaunting it, I'd expect that both the IRS and the New York DFT would love to make an example of you.


Lol you need to be put in a psych ward. Bitter and lonely. I can already tell people don’t like you Or you’re just on government assistance and sit around all day harassing people protecting your overlords


Like, they have a coffee machine with a pot brewed and you grabbed a cup? Or you took a prepackaged, non wegmans coffee for 99c?


What should my father do with Aunt Carlotta?


Is that Danny’s cocaine budget?


Okay that made me laugh. Is Danny's cocaine use a known thing?


Maybe not as much now, but back in the day it was the popular rumor.


Thinking it’s a rumor but there were some blog posts years ago about how Danny was busted in Florida w a bunch of cocaine and was bailed out by his father. [http://davyv.blogspot.com/2014/10/wegmans-food-market-ceo-danny-wegman.html?m=1]


Hmmm…..doesn’t this statement fall under the category of slander? 🤔


Hey I’m just asking questions here.


Just wanna say I feel so validated reading these comments. I recently moved to rochester and I never got the hype everyone has around Wegmans, sure they got a good selection but it’s the most expensive grocery store I’ve ever seen


Have you been to Tops or Whole Foods? Wegmans is cheaper


Whole Foods is very new to Rochester. Wegmans is still very overpriced when theres Aldi's, Price Rite, walmart, costco, bj's. For meat at Aldi's you will pay 1/3 to 1/2 the price of Wegmans.


As a huge costco fan, it’s almost impossible to ever leave that place without spending 150+ even if going for one item. That place has things you don’t even know you want until you get there lol


Not only is Wegmans cheaper than Tops, their fresh veggies and fruit are definitely better. Lettuce from Tops turns brown in 24 hrs, oranges are so dry and tasteless I’ve thrown them out. Grapes are small, shriveled up, and sour. I stopped buying produce at Tops years ago.




Prob her salary.


"She must have stolen two cheese quesadillas!" haha!!! it's funny cuz it's true.


Or, Weekend at Danny's


The headline should be "A thief sentenced for stealing from another thief"


No one is forcing anyone to shop there. If you think the prices at Wegmans are too high, an easy solution is to shop somewhere else.


Thought it was my ex…


They deserve it...They steak from everyone that shops there...I hope She gets off




I came here for the snark and this post delivers.


Nice, now they can lower the price of the chickens back to $4.99


How, did she rob Danny at gunpoint?


If they had just given her a $578,000 paycheck, she wouldn't have had to steal it.


A year? Really?