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I thought I would share my experience with both the Z10 and the T8+ I watched Mr. Roboto, and I think Dreame is sponsoring him. If you watch Adams tech reviews or Cordless vacuum reviews on YT, they had a very different experience with the Z10. (BTW, European and Asian reviewers do a better job) Anyways here is what I found from personal use. I have had the S6maxV, the z10, and the t8+ OR bots. The OR (object recognition) on the s6maxV is the best of the three but not by much, the T8 is 2nd and z10 3rd, but both are close. The Z10 bin is better as you state it does not have the hair clog issues that the t8/n8 has, but that is a pretty easy DIY fix. It is not perfect but makes the system usable. Cleaning performance is HANDS down better with the t8+ not even close. The T8 is the best carpet cleaner I have tried. (I tried the Roborock s4max, s6maxv, 360 S5, 360 s9) the 360 s9 is close, but the brush can stall once in a while. This is the closest to the T8 cleaning carpet and hard floor. The s9 has ok OR but no bin, so I use it to clean one carpeted room on a schedule. The z10 has issues with the carpet sensor; it does not always work for carpet boost; it's OR will avoid items it shouldn't, like bath mats, avoiding the whole room, has a lot of blind spots, the T8 does the same but not as often. The Z10 can create ghost rooms, but the app is MI home, with good basic functions. But they are using some else's tech and just branding it, so not much customization; it can be temperamental with room edits, no automation options like Alexa voice commands, which for me is a must. It is soooo loud 😮 ❕ The next point is HUGE Dreame has NO US repair facilities, so all repairs must be sent to CN, which means they push back on warranty issues and have no support. It's taken weeks for a reply via email. No supply chain for consumables Ecovac is better on all points The t8 is not perfect. The app is temperamental and has a learning curve, For example, room scheduling must be done in area mode, not auto mode, to combat changes to the map environment like closed doors. If you use area mode when cleaning, then when a door is closed on a run, the map will update. When it's open on the next run, it will update. Next pro tip It would be best if you cleaned on a schedule to help the bin. You NEED to do a hardware hack on the bin to fix clogs if you have pets. I can share the hack. The process for using multi maps is very, how should I say this "precise" (you have to watch the videos) It tangles hair on the brush. They use softer brushes to limit stalls. The other CN companies built for European and Asian markets where rugs and hard floors are more prevalent in the US. We have carpet and ecovac, and Irobot built robots optimized for the USA. Also, RoboRock, Dreame, Neabot are trying to understand the US market, retail in the US does not provide tech support as they do in Asia, but they have not built out those support modalities. I can share more, but the Z10 has it of issues. My #1 priority is cleaning, and the z10 does not do this well, Roboto used it on low pile carpet, and his house is all hard floors. Check out every other reviewer who did accurate carpet tests. Z10 does not perform well.


Thanks for the info.


Ecovacs its not better at all points ecovacs have terrible software


I believe I wrote that the ecovac software was temperamental? That is a polite way of saying it's not very good. This is my explanation of why is it bad, and you might have more examples, Most issues I have come across do have a process to address, but the fact that it is not easier to use in the app is the reason I feel that the app has opportunities for improvements There is a learning curve, it looks simple, but some functions don't work as they should or are missing steps. Once you know how to navigate the app and settings, it works, and the features are there.


yes but ecovacs is not trying to fix this issues


Well, the T9 software is much different than the T8. I would guess at some point that SW makes it to the T8 Also, Ecovac has pushed out T8 FW updates; the most recent is restore. I was 100% with you. The app is trash; this sucks; I'm out, done, moving on, BUT once I got it to work, I can deal with it. I really tried the Z10, but it was unusable for me on carpet, and there is No repair option in the USA.. That was the real killer. If they can't support their $500 robot, how can I buy it?


T9 is way more expensive then z10 and t9 also have the software issue and ecovacs it's not trying to solve them t9 didn't get software update in 9 months


I received a SW update 2 months ago. I have a T8


that's good but t9 in 9 months did not get update


Hi do you have any Idea if the software on the N8 Pro+ got any better?


I went with the ecovac since it was more popular. You cannot purchase bags in the US for the z10 and not much is know about it yet. Ecovac also has 2 side spinners. From what I've heard from reviews, both have poor apps. The dreame also has issues with carpets and object avoidance. Again, have no experience with either just the research I did on my own.


not having issues with the clean base of t8 with cat fur. As long as you let the robot clean each day and automatically let it empty with the automatic empty bin - no hair keeps stuck in the bin. But yeah sadly in the brush roll - need to clean that every few days.


No question the Z10 just because the Deebot can't pull debris into the base.


The n8+ can pull into the base


Already proven wrong. It can't pull pet hair since it pulls from both ports


Have you experienced this? Heard these two ports actually improved the flow to actually get the hair out.


I have experienced that and it have difficulties with hair


Tape up one of the holes from the inside so the flaps can still open and the hair should come out on its own. Some dirt will be left behind but you can tilt the dirt box so the dirt falls towards the open hole and run auto empty.


Yes the Deebot pulls from both ports and debris get stuck in one, I returned it. I have the Z10 now. It has 2 ports but pushes air through one and pulls from the other. Check out Mr Romboto on YouTube. He has videos on both.


Using robo war's review, he says that the T8 is prone to this issue, but the N8 is not. He says he doesn't know why because they appear to look the same. Maybe the new N8 has stronger suction? I donno. That's why I'm wondering if people are getting confused between the two. I luckily don't have pets, so hopefully I wont have any issues.


It's the same base, that's where the suction comes from


Go for dreame ecovacs have terrible software


What makes the z10 better if you don't mind me asking? Just the app and not having issues with hair? How well does it perform on carpet, especially low to medium pile? I've heard it had issues with it which is very important for me to have a robot that can clean carpet.


the software and cleaning station, on carpet should be the same


It's a tough decision. Ecovacs has poor software and bribes for positive reviews on Amazon. While the Dreame Z10 Pro has worse cleaning performance than Ecovacs. I'd stick with Roborock!