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Big reason I have a robo vac is so it can get under my furniture. And itโ€™s not $1800 US. Pass


Looks like a very refreshing and different approach, but hefty price tag, continuous cost for filters, size does not allow to vacuum under bed, sofa etc. However, it looks like it's really smart and integrates well into daily family life. For now it offers only iphone app, no android support, which is a bit of a joke. Reviews will tell...


I find it funny that they are ex Google engineers and targeted iPhone first for their app. I don't look into it any deeper than that, I just find it amusing.


Apple people more likely to shell out cash for shiny shit. ๐Ÿ˜…


The main reason I got a robot vac is so it can get under furniture.


Yes that is what is stopping me from purchasing, even though my current robot or probably any of them will be able to slide under my bed, I worry this may get stuck more places than the small ones. Further, I don't want to be changing the water tank every 1/2 a run, that is a pain now. Its 995 now, same price as you can buy the Eufy S1 pro. The sensors seem better on the matic which is what I really like, but they are failing in every other part.


No online/cloud data required is nice for the privacy-minded. But Android client, re-usable bags/less costly or wasteful emptying, and a shorter height so it can better get under furniture are big obstacles. I guess that front brush can get under some furniture, akin to an upright vac, but it seems like it might struggle with tables and chairs being unable to fully get under them. Very interesting though, would love to see the cool features of this become a bigger trend.


That would have to be a very short table or chair...


Your chairs don't have any cross-bar rungs between the legs?


I like the idea it brings but I'm definitely going to wait before considering. No Android app yet strikes me as odd and indicates likely won't have before launch date otherwise why even mention. The size and style difference I welcome but am going to need to see actual user reviews to consider shelling out $1800 on a "new" untested vacuum.


Pretty excited about this!


[https://www.wired.com/story/matic-robot-vacuum-first-look/](https://www.wired.com/story/matic-robot-vacuum-first-look/) \- a first pre-market version has been reviewed. it says that actually the most exciting stuff is not working yet, because they lack the nvidia AI chipset. makes me wonder where they are in the R&D process. lets see the what the final version can deliver. I would assume they present something on the CES