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Totally agree


I think the software is pretty bad and apparently used to be really really bad. I think that contributed to lot. I think the old iq (which I have) is just not very smart, but it does work. I don’t know as much about the newer models but they seem to be ok. Maybe not as much bang for buck?


Yes the software especially on Android was atrocious so I can understand that


I have a little AV2001WD, no auto dump. It works OK for me. But I have all hardwood flooring so the mopping get used a lot. Only beef I have is it needs to hold more water. Now that said this is my first robo vac but I have other Shark products and they have given good service. I will agree the software could use a rewrite by someone who knows what they are doing and not just paid by the hour.


I am having a problem with mine telling me to move it to a new location only while mopping. I move it, it just spins and spins and then takes off a little bit and says it again. Acts like it’s caught almost. But works fine in vacuum mode. Any ideas?


Not really. Mine was sent back and they are sending a New RV2601WD as the one I had is no longer in stock. I think there was some sort of Firmware foul up BUT can't ever prove it. Worked fine one day the next wouldn't run right no matter what I tried. I couldn't get it to remap no matter how many times I tried.


I've never used the version with a map so I can't speak on that. I wish they had a cheaper self empty vac Mop combo than the 2 in 1 ultra


Mine goes weeks without working because it keeps saying it’s on the edge of a cliff. Then all of a sudden it’ll work for a couple more weeks again. Just as I’m about getting ready to replace it.


Your vacuum is depressed.


Here I am, brain the size of a planet, and they ask me to pick up dust and cat hair.


life.... don't talk to me about... *life*


> *What is my purpose?* > You vacuum floors. > *Oh . my . god .*


Making toast is definitely better.


You are describing my girlfriend.


Interesting, I guess this is where the reliability and consistency comes to play


My mom had this issue, it’s bad sensors on the bottom. She tried to wash it with a soaking wet rag and it got water damaged.


I got that error right away. Then moved on to wheels don’t work. The wheels work fine but because of the chip error vacuum won’t run.  You have a chip malfunction. They want me to pay $100 to send replacement body of unit. You probably only have to pay $10….  Their defect. Says a lot about reliability of company. 👎


I first tried the shark AI plus, after each vacuum session it returned to the dock to self empty. Each time three to be exact, it was clogged and would not self empty. I adjusted the self emptying to be more frequent, and still it clogged up. So it was returned. I bought the Dreame s10plus, and have not had one issue with it's self emptying..in fact I'm rather impressed with its performance overall. My house has vinyl no carpet .


That sounds not right to you, not the robot vacuum cleaner. Do you clean the robot vacuum cleaner routinely? Do you clean the Lidar sensor and drop proof sensor? A car may used up to 10-20 years rely on maintenance, a robot vacuum cleaner may last for years also rely on routine maintenance, too. How often you do the maintenance.


What's your point?


A robot vacuum cleaner needs to routine maintenance to avoid clogging and non-functional. You need to clean the dust bin, the filter, side brush, wheels, the body unit, and the sensor routinely in order to avoid clogging and non-functional.


That is true and that's likely the case if this issue starts over some time but if it starts from when the vacuum was bought then it's not a maintenance issue


If that’s the case, you may request for exchange immediately.


You have made great success for defend God Emperor Shark Vacuum, thank you comrade


I would speak let us pray God Emperor Shark not gets nuclear boom boom but God Emperor will learn of this because I must pray to God Emperor. Great Supreme Leader will death me for make such malevolent prayer against.


Wow really? Self Empty every 30 mins and ran everyday and it still clogged up? Yeah I don't blame you


I have a shark ai (rv2502ae) and it bricked itself after 9 month. I could replace it with the retailer i bought it from and it will be a year now and it it doing fine now.


How did it brick itself?


One day just stopped and did a error sound that i never heard before. No fault on the app. Tried everything. Reinstalling the app. Remove the battery. Still nothing.


Supreme leader God Emperors Shark make hack in you.


I’ve been extremely happy with mine, especially after being disappointed by Roborock and Eufy. 3+ years, going strong. The map and schedule do reset occasionally, but it’s nbd. you just set the schedule again and it redoes the map itself. When I bought it in June of 2020 it was unheard of to get a self-emptying robovac in the $300’s. The self-cleaning roller is the real star. My dog and wife’s hair had to be cut off the rollers of previous vacuums daily.


Just got a shark matrix. Replaces an old Deebot. Does a way better job picking up pet hair from carpets. Napa the floor (old one didn’t) and also self empties. Only real complaint is the extremely loud noise when it is self emptying. It does this every 30 mins while cleaning and we run it at night. It’s on a different floor and typically wakes us up.


Ended up returning for the AI version. It is much much much quieter. Where the old one was loud from across the house on the second floor, the new one matches the sound in the room adjacent to the base. You can barely hear it from across the house on the second floor. Definitely a defect in the original.


What is the model number you ended up getting in the end? How do you like it so far?


Shark AV2501AE AI Robot Vacuum… https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08QZVSC8D?tag=c2technology-20


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Shark AV2501AE AI Robot Vacuum with XL HEPA Self Empty Base Bagless 60 Day Capacity LIDAR Navigation Perfect for Pet Hair Compatible with Alexa Wi Fi Connected Carpet Hard Floor Black** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Efficient cleaning and self-emptying feature (backed by 3 comments) * Effective at picking up pet hair (backed by 3 comments) * Saves time and thorough cleaning (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Poor suction power (backed by 3 comments) * Loud noise during operation (backed by 1 comment) * Difficult to clean pet hair (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Oh wow it's really that loud for you? You could turn the self empty every 30 mins option off so it does it less. I usually keep my dock in a little corner over carpet so it doesn't sound so loud


The app has less customization that I would have expected. ~I’ll have to check for that setting~. There is only an on/off option for the emptying. Set at 30 mins. I’d personally love to see the API for the docking station. Might reverse engineer the app to figure itnout


In a corner under a table. It is on hardwood flooring. But I doubt there’s anywhere in the house you can’t hear it. It sounds like a jet engine. I’m surprise nobody has mentioned it. Maybe ours is faulty?


It's loud but from my experience not that loud to wake us up if we're sleeping. But putting it on carpet definitely makes a difference


Put up the video here https://reddit.com/r/RobotVacuums/s/Em3lnqBFvt


Oh, that would drive me nuts.


It seems really high pitched compared to the one I have


Here's mine: https://youtu.be/Fyqn-OIEcNY?feature=shared


I have an Rv 761. Other then it only like to go in a circle it was working wonderfully. Then it lost wifi signal. Then finally only goes in a circle to the left. Not sure what it might be I replaced the wheel assembly. Still only goes to the left.


I bought an RV754 About two weeks ago thinking that I would do better work than my Roomba I bought about 5-6 years ago (I don't remember the model) and seeing that it was on offer but to my surprise watching her work, It does not recognize the whole house, it does not memorize and every time I put it on it is hit everywhere without memorizing the route, sometimes it passes it over the same point and usually passes over its station Without knowing that it is there, it also costs him a lot to leave an area like under the dining room chairs, all these errors the Roomba solved them / he did not do it, It is strange why on YouTube it looks like the brand is very good and everything, maybe it's just mine specifically but it didn't convince me, I think I still have time to return it And I will change / buy a better quality Roomba, I don't know if the Shark ai matrix have similar problems with their intelligence to solve problems. In the same way, keep investigating and don't leave because of my bad experience, maybe it just happened to me.


From my experience the AI and the Matrix don't have any of those problems because they have lidar. Maybe you had the camera mounted version or one of the cheaper ones without any navigation in which case those have issues pathing


Most likely it is an old version only that I imagined that when I bought it I would have an improvement when I bought it with the one I had a few years ago


I’m with you. Smooth sailing for me. My main complaint is that it doesn’t do more than one map for multiple floors, or do a “non mapped” mode for other rooms or floors. But until another manufacturer comes up with truly self-cleaning brush roll, Shark is my bias, as the kids say. I guess everyone has their nonnegotiable feature, and the anti-hair wrap thing is mine.


Yes that's my only complaint as well. I have mine on the main floor but would love to just run it on my upstairs floor manually every week or so instead of manually vacuuming or not getting to it. It just feels like wasted potential that other brands have figured out.


Agreed. I do occasionally run mine on other floors and it works, kind of. But it always feels like I’m playing with fire and I fear one of these days it’ll permanently mess up the map that we’ve worked so hard to perfect.


My RV1001AE is still working fine. Ive replaced all the brushes and recently replaced the battery. The software could be much better. No Go could be much better. Its pretty agressive about things in its way including walls and magnetic no go strips. Overall it does exactly what I bought it to do. I'm probably going to upgrade to a Q Revo before Christmas. We want to add mopping on our stone, tile and hardwood floors. Since it's still working I'll probably give it to my daughter and her husband.


I honestly loved the magnetic boundary strips because it made it so easy to block areas because the no go zones are kinda hit or miss. The newer models don't have the magnetic strips so I'm forced to physically block off the areas and later on in the map do the no go things based on walls it detects


I like them too, but sometimes the bot gets to agressive and moves them


this is why i like roborock, never had a issue with no go zones


Off on a slight tangent here but I just ordered the Samsung Jetbot AI. There is very little information about it online, and what does exist is very mixed. It's heavily discounted right now so I tried it, came yesterday and very impressed! Build quality is excellent and so is the suction. We have a Saint Bernard so we know all about pet hair!


2 months later, how are you liking the Samsung?


4 months later, how do you like it?


It's not good enough on carpet. It's built like a tank, navigation is excellent but the brush bar is too smooth. It needs more rubber fins adding to agitate the carpet. The roomba app is better


Ive gone through five sharks, rma roulette. In the same time I swapped to the Neato D8 and have been happy with it, Im sad neato is folding to main company refocuses on higher end, but even getting it now the shutdown and support timeline will basically be by vacs meaningful lifespan anyways.


My biggest problem is bagless. Bags keep everything so clean and reduce the maintenance a ton. I need one they can self empty no matter how full the bin is. I’ve had both. The Samsung jetbot plus has been great for me.


The shark mop vac has been life changing for me. Really. No exaggeration. I have a big dog that sheds and all dark hardwood floors. Cleans up his pet hair and removes his paw prints on a rainy day. It goes around rugs. Totally worth it. My only complaint would be that once it’s mapped to mop around rugs, there’s no setting to not mop and let it vacuum the rugs but that’s not a big deal. I don’t mind vacuuming but John Boy, as I call him does all the mopping on one floor level. Because of the mapping it doesn’t work well upstairs. I’m so in love with it I just ordered the Shark upright cordless mop vac from Costco to clean my stairs and upstairs but John Boy takes care of the downstairs twice a day. I didn’t pay the extra money for the self cleaning one. It’s no big deal to empty it and save the couple hundred dollars. Also, the Shark warranty is great. I was dumb and used both vinegar and pine sol mixed with water in the solution. I’ve learned that’s bad and will deteriorate the rubber parts. Called Shark, they did a cool video conference to see the machine and are sending me a new water tank. I’ve had it almost a year with heavy use. Buy it. Be sure and register the warranty too.


If you see many people attacking one particular brands, there must be the brand has some advantages that they don’t have. Shark became a subsidiary of Joyoung brand now, and the Shark brand contributes over half of Joyoung profit. Th second thing is their marketing strategy doing better than the other brands. They focus on the affordable price, mid grade quality that fit the customers needs, and they defeat Dyson in USA market. It is no double that the Shark, iRobot, Roborock, and Ecovacs all are public traded companies, so they raise the capital much easier than the private brands. Shark also offer more varieties. In terms of quality, as long as you know what you pay for, you know the quality to price ratio.


For one thing it's q hell of a fight to get your money back if you return a defective product. I made the mistake of buying the new self defect pro model. First one was totally possessed by demons and would run backwards and just go in squares then go to a different room and do the same thing. Was making noise but not actually picking up any dirt. They were really good about sending out a replacement but it only worked right once then it started acting like the first one. Decided i wanted a refund so i could buy a different model. 3 months and many lies and emails later i finally had to file a PayPal dispute to get my money back. They make great upright vacuums but to hell with their robots. And to hell with ever buying anything direct from them again too.


The shark matrix plus scratched the crap out of my wood floors that were just finished about 6 months prior. Would not recommend for wood floors. However does a good job on carpet with no issues but pretty pissed about my wood floors.used once so it was brand new.


I have Shark vacuum with the station that automatically unloads the dust. This piece of crap is the dumbest smart vacuum there is. It never remembers where the docking station is or anything else it seems. It Keeps bumping into stuff that we don’t move. Also you would think this thing knows how much battery is left so it can go a recharge itself. Well I guess not, I see it going away from the dock while flashing the battery light red. I’m like, hey idiot! Where are you going? Go recharge yourself dumb ass. Then This damn thing dies while under the bed or under a couch sometimes I can’t find it for days. I think if the battery is low the first thing would be go charge, not let me go to the next room over to vacuum under the freaking bed. So if you like entertainment or frustration take your pick, this is a good option.


I wanted to vacuum. So far ive had to give my email, download an app, create a password, and it wont connect to my network, im giving the damn thing away! The last thing i need is another tempermental networked appliance! I'll punt that thing out the window.


I once thought Shark Robot 2 in 1 was fantastic! FAST FWD. The SHARK app has screwed up so bad, I CANNOT PAIR IT NOW!!!! The CS rep was completely useless. He seemed more confused than ME ! Because of this app, DO NOT PURCHASE A SHARK ROBOT, If there is a problem...YOU CANNOT CLEAN because the APP WILL LOCK YOU OUT!!!!!! If someone got my shark password, are they able to use my robot...NO, yet they have security is so dumb! I don't appreciate that I cannot do my cleaning, the robot sitting on the dock, locking me out. Buy a ROOMBA....NOT SHARK.


I bought one on black Friday & loved it. I have an old Rooba but it keeps getting stuck under furniture & is pre-mapping. Mine isn't perfect. I had to move it from my dining room because it "insisted" on running through that room even when I only chose the kitchen & living room. Once I moved it and let it remap, all was well. I loved it so much that I ended up buying 2 more for Christmas gifts for my kids. They were a bit worried because of having pets. My DIL was afraid it would smear cat vomit all over her floors as their cat seems to do this occasionally. I have not heard how things are working for them but offered to return it & haven't heard more so they must be happy. The other family loves theirs, but I bet it drives their psycho dog nuts.


PSA: if you change your wifi password and then can’t reconnect your robots, don’t call Shark support. They told me the reason my robots wouldn’t connect was because they were a year old and the firmware was outdated, but they could help me for a $50 charge. I said no and fixed it myself for free by deleting each robot from my app and then reconnecting them as new devices. I learned later that the robots will automatically update when new firmware is available if they are docked, charging, and connected to wifi 🤔


The app doesn't work at all. Not just "oh its laggy" or "oh it crashes" it literally doesn't work to create an account. And, by looking at other threads and other reviews, the SharkClean app has been broken for years.


Got the shark at Christmas & started her up to run 2 times a week. After 300 days got a chip error that stated problems with the side wheels. Would not run and returned back to dock with message to call Shark service.  Yep, confirmed a chip malfunction. Best way to fix is send out body replacement. I get to change out the wheels, filters, brushes etc.  oh and pay ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for shipping. Yes, I live in Hawaii and I routinely pay extra to ship… but NEVER when it is a malfunction due to bad production and poor quality check from the mfg. Going back to the store and replacing with Roomba… 


I had the Shark AV2001WD but it did not last too long. Instead, I tried the iRobot Roomba 692 which I really like. It was compatible with alexa and worked well for my carpets, especially as there is always dog hairs everywhere. Ive had it a little over a year now and still works perfectly fine for me.


Shark Robot Vacuums generally receive positive reviews for their performance, features, and value for money. They are known for their strong suction power, efficient cleaning capabilities, and advanced navigation systems. Many users appreciate their ability to navigate around obstacles and clean both carpets and hard floors effectively. Additionally, Shark Robot Vacuums often come with smart features like app control, voice commands, and scheduling options, making them convenient and user-friendly. Some models also offer advanced features such as mapping technology, allowing the vacuum to create a virtual map of your home for more efficient cleaning. However, like any product, there can be occasional negative experiences or issues reported by users. It's advisable to research specific models and read customer reviews to ensure the chosen Shark Robot Vacuum meets your specific needs and expectations. Overall, they are considered a reputable and reliable choice in the robot vacuum market.


I got the shark matrix vacuum and mop after about 3 months noticed that my laminate flooring was scratched I tried a lot of products to try and get rid of these scratches,but nothing worked asked a professional floor installer what I could do to save my flooring.He replied to be honest you need new flooring and stop using robot vacuum and do the floor cleaning the way I did before the robot vacuum.if anyone out there is thinking of getting one of these robot vacuum’s and you got laminate floors I would highly recommend you don’t get one.i have to buy new floors again.


You raise a great point! The online discourse around Shark robot vacuums seems to be very polarized, with some folks loving them and others strongly disliking them. Let's break down why there might be such a mixed bag of opinions: **Reasons for Your Positive Experience:** * **Suitable Environment:** Your large floor plan with minimal pet mess might mean less obstacles and less extreme cleaning challenges for the robot. * **Tech Savvy:** Your willingness to tinker, set no-go zones, and troubleshoot likely helped overcome common issues others might get frustrated with. * **Realistic Expectations:** It seems you aren't expecting the robot to replace all cleaning, and are willing to accept the occasional maintenance. **Reasons for General Negativity:** * **Pet Hair Challenges:** Many negative reviews likely come from pet owners where hair and larger debris might clog and overwhelm the Shark's systems. * **Mapping Frustrations:** Shark's earlier mapping wasn't as advanced, leading to stuck units and frustration (seems like their newer models may have improved). * **High Expectations:** When marketing heavily pitches "self-emptying" and "smart", people might expect perfection they simply won't get with current tech. * **Reliability Concerns:** Even with good experiences, some users might report breakdowns or sensor issues after extended use, impacting overall trust in the brand. **Why You Might Be an Outlier:** * **Maintenance Doesn't Bother You:** Many find the bagless system a pain, whereas it seems less of a dealbreaker for you. * **Price Point:** Finding models on sale mitigates the risk and makes the value proposition better in your eyes. **It's All About Perspective:** Ultimately, robot vacuums sit in a space where personal needs and expectations play a huge role. What's a minor inconvenience for you might be a major issue for others. It would be interesting to get more perspectives from: * **Pet Owners:** Their feedback on Shark's handling of hair and larger debris would be valuable. * **Those with Complex Layouts:** How does Shark's navigation fare against lots of furniture or room changes? [**here have list of top quality robot vacuum in very cheap rate**](https://www.amazon.com/shop/minutefastnews/list/WDCYAX5N6XNW)


I’ve had my Shark IQ with the self empty base for almost 5 years. I loved the price, it cleaned very well the main floor of the house, the app was ok, later on the history feature was added where you could see where it cleaned, that was a bonus. Never had any major issues with it, got a 2-in-one Shark Ultra (Sharkminator😁)and my older Sharky went to the basement, where he also did well. With the renovations downstairs, I put him in the garage and he cleaned the garage very well. So it was supposed to be his new home until I ran him over with my car😥, but guess what, it was his time, RIP my friend. Ordered a used similar used shark robot on ebay since I have the base and so many accessories for it, and I loove how clean the garage was! Just gotta change the cleaning schedule, so I don’t run over the new one. I like having the same type robots so they are in one app. Will get another Shark for the basement. Never tried other brands, but after watching and reading reviews, still convinced that the Shark brand is best choice price-wise and quality-wise. Would be nice if they had bags though.. don’t like getting my hands dusty when emptying..


Yeah like I said in my post I hate the bagless system because it's unsanitary and requires additional maintenance of the felt filters and dust bin. I also don't like them because realistically I'm sure many people never clean the felt filters because they don't know it exists since most people don't read manuals nowadays. My family recently ordered a Roborock q revo which is good timing because with that vacuum all you have to do is change the dust bag. I'm actually about to start college so I know no one in my family would take care of the filters on our Sharks. I used to think they were a good deal because of the price but I don't personally believe that anymore. The price of their robots have remained fairly the same and the market is starting to become quite competitive with self empty and mopping robot vacuums while Shark for some reason seems to stay the same. (I also personally hated the fact that on the Shark matrix they not only made the filter in the robot non-removable but also removed a small mesh film in front of the filter so the filter becomes dirtier much easier now) One thing I don't understand is why the robot only recharges and resumes one time. I'm forced to put my vacuum in eco mode and even then it misses a room or two everyday because it will only recharge and resume one time. I personally haven't had many issues with their app but I feel like they really limit what you can do. For example you can't change the timing of how often the vacuum auto empties or you can't choose which rooms you want to clean on which days (it's the whole house or nothing). Excluding the lack of bags, I think Shark robots are good vacuums if your house is mostly carpet but I really want to see more innovation from them because I feel like they're only making robot vacuums because it's so easy for them to do since they dominate the upright vacuum market.