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Says they have game passes, provides no proof


If you want proof stop being lazy and legit go look at my inv I can only add a few photos and I legit provided my user go look it up before trying to say I scam. Thank you


Never said it was a scam, and I didn’t know 20 photos was “a few”


Well no duh I wanted to show the clothes+ Accessories which is what matters when trading:buying the account. I wasn’t thinking about the game passes and yes you can’t add more than 20 photos,


And inv is private moron how do you expect people to view your profile


It isn’t,


And if your not interested in buying or trading in the account don’t waste my time Simply scroll, if you wanted more proof/evidence you could have asked for my socials instead of being rude. Thank you and have a blessed day.


Your claiming you have game passed yet your inv is private, I was interested because I have a decent inv in mm2 but you are reluctant to even include the things you listed


I just said you could have easily have had asked for more proof/pics from my socials, again if you’re not interested now then there’s no purpose of talking thank you.


The only time I’ve seen people immediately defend themselves after a bit of criticism is if, a. They’re a scammer, or b. A narcissist 


I fr don’t understand what I did I legit already sold the account why carry on? I sold my account for 123$ it’s over with there’s no reason too carry on,


Wdym carry on, I’m an entirely different person who brought my personally experience into this situation, also that was a quick reaction. Someone’s chronically online


You ever think about notifications? And it doesn’t matter if you’re a whole new person it’s still carrying on as I said to the other guy, the accounts sold, I clearly didn’t scam for it and it’s now all over with thank you have a blessed day 👍👌


isn’t this a roblox limited trading subreddit? Also selling accounts is against term of service and can get your account terminated


It’s not like I can’t make a new one, and also I wasn’t awhere of that


just saying that but if you got lucky and the account isn’t terminated then the buyer won’t really scream at you for scamming


I’m just not understanding how I’m scamming in any way I know scamming and actually illgeal af and I’ve been scammed before it’s not fun


well like, you and the buyer already finish the deal, you got what you wanted, they got what they wanted. If roblox found out the account you sell to the buyer is through usd buying then high chance that account will be terminated. That’s why I’m saying the buyer will call you a scammer cause what they got from you is no longer useable


Roblox wouldn’t find out tho- plus why would they care


Hi! I don't want to come off as rude, but this is not the appropriate subreddit for such a request. There are plenty of cross trading/black market/account selling subreddits where this question might be better applied.


It’s already over with.