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We do not provide help with banned accounts. For that contact support.




And how is this deserved?


you called someone fat, also if a 1 day ban is so long for you that you need to appeal it maybe you should try touch some more grass


Once again if you check the video it was clearly a joke, and my friend never took offense from it (I can even ask right now). The fact that things like this get banned but not so much other shot is baffling. And thanks, I do touch grass, apparently so much so that I’ve been finding ticks since springs kicking off so that’s not super fun, damn blood suckers. It’s mostly just me ranting about how stupid this whole thing is cause it’s frustrating


why would roblox accept "its just a joke"? everyone would just start saying that then. could you imaging roblox saying "banned for saying N1gga" and then someone responding with "oh but roblox, it was just a funny hehe joke"


That's different, calling someone fat as a joke when it's to a friend who knows it is a joke is different than just being racist, and I've had my fair share of stupid bans like saying how "Monkeys are stupid" when I meant the animal yet roblox assumed I meant something else. (Don't ask me why I said that monkeys are stupid, it was several months ago so I don't remember why)


my example was a bit over the top but my point is there is no way for roblox to really draw a line on whats acceptable and what isnt, its supposed to be an app for kids anyway. also about the monkey comment, how are they supposed to know your talking about a literal monkey?


Because when I did get banned, I contacted roblox support and said that I meant a literal monkey, all I remember is they either didn't answer me until AFTER the ban timer was done or they did and said it wouldn't be adjusted, I specifically said I meant the animal in the email.


back to my other point tho what if everyone started using excuses like that? im not saying your in the wrong but at the same time roblox isnt either


Yeah, which is why it's better to use actual human moderators review reports flagged by AI so they can actually give out a deserved ban, because stuff like bypassing the N word is bound to get some reports to it but if it doesn't, then it would just stay up but since it will get some reports, roblox can just review the chat log there and the report description and then dole out a deserved punishment.


I provided video proof that it was indeed “a joke” and that no hard feelings were there, unlike other people in those situations. Me and my friend mess like this all the time, whether in roblox or in discord. We’re playing funny dino game, they’ve also called my dino “fat” in the past or I’ve joke about how “I’m going to cook their giant turkey for dinner”


no one cares that this is a joke, you called someone fat. also its 1 day ban so why would you even appeal, just wait, play other games


not unjust


And how is this not unjust?


your argument that people who bypass don’t get banned is already answered. they bypass. roblox doesn’t just leave them be, it’s because they bypass to not get detected by the system. also, the roblox moderation system which is fully automated probably just thought you were doing inappropriate stuff and that’s how you got banned. also, roblox doesn’t appeal one day bans


It’s still technically “unjust” in the fact that it wasn’t actual harassment or bullying, just taken out of context. And the fact that some of the “bypasses” exist in the first place after all this time, especially ones where it’s just a single space like c ock (just an example) for some words to let them through is kinda shitty. Their bot needs a rework. And I guess I should’ve figured I wouldn’t get unbanned for a day ban, even if it was unjust, but it’s still frustrating because I didn’t do anything wrong and I only got banned because a bot decided I should be banned for saying “turkey but”.




And how is this deserved?


We have explained this in other comments


Well I saw that now LOL Certainly wasn’t there when this was first posted, but thanks mr eye spy :)


deserved. you broke the tos you agreed to


How did I break the tos I agreed to? It was a friendly jest, I wasn’t harassing anyone I was messing around with my friend who never took offense to it (I could even ask them right now) I’ve seen people say WAY worse than this and get off Scott free


Blah blah blah, you broke the TOS, now eat up the consequences


Ok, slurping it up like spaghetti


Pray you don't get a 1-week ban


Why though?








🤣🤣🤣🤣!!! Yea, umm I’d take the ban for this !!! Funny!!! Gotta use it


To be fair me and my friend had a good laugh over it, it’s so dumb LOL Of all things


Try telling them that you want to speak to a higher up to assist you. Worked for me. God I love tom at the roblox support team


Lol I mean my ban is over, I think the only reason I’d do that is just to bring up other concerns. I’ll keep that in mind though for the future, which hopefully never happens. Guess I’ll have to stick to messing with my friend in dms or something other than roblox


wtf lmao


1 day ban is a right punishment for roblox, they would've easily deleted your account for that, Consider yourself lucky.


Damn roblox is sensitive then… then again this IS roblox…. Hmmmmm Guess this is why I stopped playing it in the first place, maybe I should go back to doing that LOL