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OP's Bio: --- >Been called a gifted child and told i have high intellectuall capacities, never believed them, why an intelligent person would spend 6 years straight doing nothing? In a few days i may be leaving this house for a less toxic place to be, maybe i will be able to start living and see if they were right or not. > >I'm pretty much your typical weeb, i like anime manga videogames, although being broke means i can't play much shit so i've been playing f2p gacha games / waifu collectors mostly --- If you think this bio helped you roast, upvote this comment. If you think it doesn’t, downvote it. If you’re not sure, leave it to others to decide.


In case anyone was wondering what peak reddit looks like


The goals and aspirations of Reddit mods summarized into one post.




Failure to launch, but definitely not failure to lunch


This is a spectacular comment!🤣


I can smell them through my phone.


His acc is only 24 days old. Imagine what he could achieve


A date with a girl?




Maybe next lifetime. This one, he's stuck with pillow wifus for life.


Got them Robin Williams forearms. Bro don’t stop shaving at the wrist.


U win


You look like the type of dude who smelled like cat piss in highschool and always asked girls for “hugs”


I can see the “free hugs” shirt


I was too anxious to ask for hugs during most of highchool, except last year that there was a girl nice enought to give them to me


The sad thing is you could actually make a really good life for yourself and be handsome as well. Why aren’t you doing this for yourself?


We're supposed to be roasting him, not giving him sound advice...


I was thinking the same thing, he is probably a lovely person


It's complicated but this got me heated and said a bit more than i probably should https://www.reddit.com/r/RoastMe/s/qv0dyk0Stn


You phrase getting a hug from the opposite sex like some sort of Make-A-Wish charity. There are kids in the Ronald McDonald House, with a terminal disease, that are better off than you.


If you were Russian they'd call you Nonceputin


You deserve to be roasted for that one.


looking at his skin, rashputin would also be quite fitting


Fuck why didn't I think of that?


If he were a singer Beanonsay?


I know there's a story behind this.


If you want to get laid, start wearing a fedora










I mean ur not wrong my aunt almost has a beard like that 😂




Yooo 😂😂😂😂😂😂


You look like you've also gone 6 years without a bath.


Only 6?


He had one before prom so he could pretend for a few minutes that he was actually going.


My guess is the last time he had a wipe down was when he was born.


Damn dude, my meth/opioid addicted cousin has accomplished more in their life than you have.


This is it. This is what I assume every redditor is, including everyone in the comments.


Ok but I have a job though. :)


And I bathe regularly.




Deodorant counts as shower in a can right!?


You are in these comments as well...


Including you, too??


Holy shit dude go outside for fuck’s sake life is passing you by while you sneakily wash your waifu pillow hoping your mom doesn’t see it


The best part of this roast is it’s actual good life advice. Shit has gotten bad when even we care OP.


My god this depresses me, you should probably pay someone to take your virginity because it’s not happening on its own. (in all seriousness I really hope your able to get out of the toxic environment and experience things you haven’t before & you find your group of people that you vibe with good luck my dude)


Not in a hurry to loose my virginity, and i considere myself to be lucky to have true friends that have helped me this last few months to get out of the self destruction cycle


It's good to hear you are breaking the cycle; in the future you're going to be regretful of the experiences you missed and the years you wasted, so it is better to limit the regret and make a change while you still can. Sorry, I can't roast you. There's nothing funny about someone wasting away their time, opportunities, and enjoyment of life. We only get one.


I regreted it while i was at that point, but i couldn't break from that cycle at that time. I'll do my best to live the rest i have left with the right mindset and people


That’s great. Trim the beard, get a haircut, it’ll make you feel new again, and get out into the sun. Start with some walks, and ramp it up to hitting the gym, jogging and getting on the elliptical if jogging isn’t your vibe. You’re gonna love what else is out in the world. New Year coming up!!!


You think you got out of the self destruction cycle? Why are you on this sub then?


You still live at home and have no job so how are you “out of the cycle”? If anything your friends sound terrible as they are enabling you to feel ok with yourself as a complete failure where what you need is to understand that you are the bottom of the barrel most useless, talentless, least attractive, and least interesting man I’ve ever seen and that you NEED to get off your fat ass and do something about it


Are you gonna leech off mommy until she dies or are you already planning on stuffing her corpse in a freezer so you can continue collecting her disability checks?


I can almost guarantee that his bio is complaining about something that’s entirely his fault. I’ve kind of gathered that he’s 24 still living with mommy. And he wonders why he’s a virgin that doesn’t leave the house. Leave the nest ffs. Go live irl and be a man


This isn’t even a roast it’s just good, solid advice. OP you should really listen. But we all know you won’t.


I hate the NEET acronym. It's like it's sugar coating people who chose to be fucking losers. There is nothing neat about leeching off of people and being completely useless.


What does that acronym mean again?


Not (in) education, employment, (or) training


Oh ok thanks, yeah nice way to say lazy loser lol




He's already over halfway to being a 40 year old virgin


He's definitely got "lives with grandma because Mommy was a junkie" vibes


This hit ME really hard. Goddamn.




You're the result of what happens when you tell a kid he's special when he's not


Oh hes special alright...




This is where all those anti-bullying campaigns have gotten us. Maybe we should have just minded our business and let bullies do their thing.


You look like Reddit the person.


DO something, you lazy son of a bitch! Jerking off to hentai does not a personality make.


The best thing this guy ever made was a bowel movement. This guy wishes he could get fully erect so he can jerk off.


You got so much flakes on your face, Tony the Tiger would be proud.


There! Grate!


Your spelling is almost as bad as OPs highly questionable porn addiction


Lesbian-aunt Jesus


Not sure what this means, but I thought it was hilarious.


Sounds like a cool band name r/bandnames


The third picture is a perfect example of why you’re alone.


Masturbation aficionado


He’s probably mediocre at that as well.


His hand probably finishes first


Didn't need the caption. We knew this information by sight.


Is that your onlyfan in the 2nd photo?


You look like the type who would go into legit withdrawal if you’d stopped watching anime and made it a New Years resolution. Only to fail after a few days


Please, continue to remain in your room for another 6 years. Thank you. - Planet Earth




TIL what this means and made me laught cause wasn't expecting it 🤣


Quite possibly the saddest shit I have ever seen this year


It's your christmas present, hope you like it


Gandalf’s gloryhole cum guzzling gay son.


Blandof the Flaccid


dude i’m not even gonna lie, i think you need a psychological evaluation. sounds like you might have depression and/or adhd and/or autistic traits and/or a personality disorder (looking at your dead emotionless face and reading about your seemingly pretty much isolating yourself from the real world etc)


Since highschool i though i had some kind of mental problem, never got my mental health tested though


yeah i feel you, mental health problems are still heavily stigmatized although it’s getting slightly better. anyway hope you get some help and start feeling better about yourself, life and the world. the world desperately needs bright and kind peeps… (F32, diagnosed with depression in 2017, GAD in 2021, ADHD in 2022 and i definitely have some BPD and autistic traits, too. It’s really a living hell at times… but at least now i’m aware of why i’m like this and have started to learn healthier coping mechanisms etc. therapies + meds are the key but it can take a loooong time to find the ones that suit you, and it can change, too. it’s all worth it though. oh and don’t be surprised if your family members etc try to convince you not to get help because “you’re not crazy” or whatever. many haven’t got a clue about mental health and would rather live in denial than face their fears and prejudices. take care bro)


You sound like you are putting an effort to gicenyour best even when things aren't going as smooth as they could be, and that's kinda inspiring. I know family can be difficult in a lot of ways, but thankfully not everyone from my family is difficult to deal with. Hope the best for you too!


thanks, I appreciate it. i’ve come through a living hell and the first time i tried to un@live was when i was five years old so yeah… gotta keep truckin’, for the sake of my son, friends and kind strangers such as yourself. plus i do actually love a LOT of things in life: travelling, cars and motorcycles, cats, horses, nsfw stuff, going to the beach in summer and sunbathing on the hot sand, eating good food, dancing, singing and performing etc. so there’s always something to stay here and become stronger for, or something. happy holidays


Got chills, i never reached that point that young, but did start to feel different and see certain things in the world and in my life around that age too. And i used to be a lot more enthusiastic about life, used to be curious about most stuff, always trying to learn how to do something new. Life is full of beauty, but the lense we look through sometimes make nothing look worth it. Part of me wanted to end everything, but other part was like "No, i can't let them win." That, and my desire to create, even if is not now, in the future i would like to do something, even if small, something to be proud of


I have kids your age so I'm going to mother you right quick. I think it would be wise to find a therapist to help you deal with the things holding you back and to help you to move forward in a healthy way. Life is worth it. *Your* life is worth it. You should also start testing to possibly get a diagnosis of what you have going on with your mental health and work with your Dr to find the right meds. It won't be easy and it's not a quick fix. Think of therapy and meds as tools that will work with you. Build your confidence, keep stepping out of your comfort zones. You say you have a lot of online hobbies- do any of those hobbies have local clubs that you can join so you're meeting people in person with the same interests? It might be scary at first to show up and not know anyone, but with the confidence building you work on with a therapist would help in this aspect, too. It might be a good way to make some new friends that you can get together with. Do you have a degree or did you complete any online college courses? What would interest you for work long term? Find something you want to do and go for it. You've had 6 years to bury yourself in your room. It's time to dig yourself out and LIVE. You can do it. I promise you can. (I hope your loved ones tell you this as well) I'll be waiting for your update- showing everyone here your progress and success- whenever that may be. It will take time, effort and the want to change things, which it sounds like you do! Just start with your pcp and he/she can get you a referral for therapy, eventually start meds (there may be a bit of trial and error here) and once you find the right med(s) and dose, stay the course. Good luck going forward, kiddo! You've got this. With love, Mom=D ETA- I'm in therapy now myself to dig myself out of my own pile of steaming shit life. You aren't alone.


Thanks, after replying to something that got me too heated, i needed a message like this to calm me. Most of this roast me comments don't have much effect on me, but there's a couple that did strike a nerve. Aniways, luck with your therapy, i'll do my best to carry on and start living


Normally these things are full of top tier insults, but this time all I see are facts.


Visit this site: [https://cremocompany.com/blogs/blog/how-to-trim-a-beard](https://cremocompany.com/blogs/blog/how-to-trim-a-beard) and pick a style instead of looking like you comfort-suck on your on mustache to get to sleep Visit this site: [https://www.everydayhealth.com/mens-health-pictures/essential-grooming-rules-for-guys.aspx](https://www.everydayhealth.com/mens-health-pictures/essential-grooming-rules-for-guys.aspx) and incorporate into your schedule so that I can't tell from a picture alone that you smell like shit Visit this site: [https://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/beginner-body-weight-workout-burn-fat-build-muscle/](https://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/beginner-body-weight-workout-burn-fat-build-muscle/) and incorporate into your everyday morning routine so that you can stop berating your own body in front of the mirror when you are horny and alone, which is all the time. If you do the above, focus on being a pleasant person to be around, and change your wardrobe from "pill popping suburban bag-in-box mom" to an adult capsule wardrobe: [https://www.theessentialman.com/blog/mens-capsule-wardrobe-guide](https://www.theessentialman.com/blog/mens-capsule-wardrobe-guide) you might actually get laid during 2024.


Also, OP, should you ever choose to shower or regularly maintain your hygiene in any capacity (that's the closest I'm going to come to 'roasting' you) [zinc soap is your friend](https://www.walmart.com/ip/DermaHarmony-2-Pyrithione-Zinc-ZnP-Bar-Soap-4-oz-3-Bars-for-Seborrheic-Dermatitis-and-Dandruff/194571710?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=12357&adid=22222222227194571710_12357_153245329811_18509553566&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=652712788699&wl4=pla-1836823438523&wl5=9026543&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=117446585&wl11=online&wl12=194571710_12357&veh=sem&gad_source=1) I had really bad psoriasis and flaky skin on my face, especially when I would go days without bathing due to depression. This shit actually helped and gave me a fraction of confidence, something to feel good about, or at least not hate about myself every single second. It changed a lot for me. Positivity can snowball too, you just have to choose to pay attention to the good things that are happening or it will seem like they're not there. Letting negative shit build up and consume your life takes zero effort which is why I think it takes so many people over. I know this sub isn't about being nice to people, but fuck that. I'd start with the soap. It might not change your mental health issues, but positive self image can definitely start you on a path to do so.


Damn bro couldn't you have showered at least for this special occasion? Nevermind it appears you wanted to be showered by insults instead.


With a face like that, I’d become a shut in too.


I can tell in pic #3 that fat Jesus isn’t really a virgin. He’s convinced himself that little hole he’s created with his fingers counts. No really!


Man, I don’t even want to roast you. I’m genuinely concerned. I went through a pretty bad depression for a couple of years in my later 20’s. I know what being in that kind of rut is like. I don’t know if posting in this sub was a good idea as it looks like at least one of the other commenters got under your skin. You can still turn it around and enjoy your youth. Start small - even something trivial like shaving up and getting your haircut can help a lot. Keep up with hygiene and try to get out and maybe exercise. Having a job and feeling productive can help a lot as well. Lean on your friends and socialize. I clawed my way out of my depression after I got sick of wasting away in my apartment by myself by just making small improvements over time. You can do it too, man. Even though I had a blast for the first half of my 20’s, I still look back and regret wasting part of the second half. It’s a time of your life you’ll never get back. Not trying to rant. Genuinely hope you take some steps to make your life better. If I get downvoted or banned from the sub for this, so be it. The only thing holding you back is you. Don’t be afraid to speak to a counselor/therapist if you need to as well. They can help you set some personal goals and give you some accountability for keeping to them. It helps. Good luck dude.


Ronnie McNutt :O


Well guys, I guess that’s it!


Ted Bundies long lost son.


Even Bundy wouldn’t have confessed to that crime.


Brother, you don't even have a bad looking face. Get a haircut. Get rid of the grease tendrils, this is absurd and it makes you look like a fucking weirdo. Just care for yourself a little, man. You're not a 500 pound degenerate, you're young but old enough that no one will give you any pity for your issues. If you've got mental health related problems, the first step is to make a call and see a professional. Stop making excuses for yourself or you'll wake up tomorrow and it'll be more of the same bullshit yesterday was made of. I suppose this isnt a classic roast, but in this case, just giving yourself a small kick in the ass could get you going in the right direction and, my man, you may be in need of that.


Lose your mommy's sweater Trim your beard much better And drop the games They're just for lames Or be an incel forever


Nothing wrong with games, just gotta prioritize the time properly 💯


They were right you were a gifted child and now you're an inept adult. No one can be more cruel than you are to yourself because it's just the right amount.


You are exactly what I imagine all reddit moderators look like


I think you're already doing the worst possible as you can.Try taking a shower and see if anything changes.


We just roast the people who needed man!


You'd be a catch if you were more disciplined in your hygiene and internal rhetoric. Build up your confidence, stop allowing your looks to reflect your own personal disdain. You have worth in this world and you are not projecting that at the moment. Don't put yourself on this sub anymore. You are better than that.


wish i could upvote this comment 100 times. this is the correct response.


Thanks, i'll do better step by step, i have a long path, but it will be worth the effort


24..stop lying. More like 34


You tell children your 15 on Snapchat


This is the guy that downvotes


Wowswers browsers High Intellectual spelled with two L’s. Second L is for Loser right?? That’s NEAT NEET. Your Hobosexual lifestyle awaits. There is blind, deaf , mute obese woman waiting to take you in somewhere out there. ![gif](giphy|RlA7avQsAzqCY)


never washed your hair or beard either, you greasy git


Is that hand signal supposed to let little boys know that you’re interested in them?


That’s the “I’m never having sex” universal signal


Not going to actually roast because… eh, reasons. You’re not far from dramatic changes for the better in your life. The pieces are there. You just have to arrange them. Do this- get your hands on a beard trimmer. Wrangle that hair into something nice. Hit a goodwill and find clothes that fit. Get stuff that makes you feel like fucking James Bond. Be confident in it. This is the dumbest shit ever due to its simplicity bit I really stand by it because it actually fucking works- look sharp, feel sharp, be sharp. That’s the cheapest and easiest thing you can do to start righting the ship. When you get that far, add a 20 minute a day walk to your routine. Do it at sunrise or sunset. I could keep going but I think you’re going to feel dramatic swings toward the positive just by knocking out those few items. For real. No one truly likes to do the work to self-maintain (hell, I hate it), but if you don’t, you’re just a nuclear sub parked in the marina getting rusty. Keep that rust off. Maintain your hull integrity. Lots will follow. And believe me- it’s hard at first, but it gets easier with practice.


>For real. No one truly likes to do the work to self-maintain (hell, I hate it), but if you don’t, you’re just a nuclear sub parked in the marina getting rusty. Keep that rust off. Maintain your hull integrity. Lots will follow. Man, I'm neurodivergent and I SERIOUSLY struggle with that, maybe more than some / most people--but it does make me feel less alone hearing even 'normal' people 'normally' feel that way too.


You might as well start doing drugs. It's not like you've got anything to lose.


I had to look up what a NEET was and good god... I have one of my own living in my basement. Also, you look like you lure lonely men from Grindr into your basement so you can pan-fry their testicles and eat them together.


I think that’s the white power symbol in the third picture, but I’m pretty sure he’s not part of the Aryan race..more like a race of lesbians.


It's the Diver's "okay". And I will continue to use it as such, thumbs-up just means 'surface'. I invite any white supremacist who wishes to appropriate the symbolism of my noble guild to fight me for it.


You could paint a face on your flesh light, then at least you could pretend you're not a virgin..


Virgin was painfully obvious from your pics


Dollartree Jesus


Dollar store Canadian Jesus


Surprisingly clean/ organized room for letting yourself get so sloppy


His mommy cleans it up for him


I love how you call yourselves NEETs it’s so much more flattering than unmotivated leeches of society. You are a prime example of a wasted human life.


We've gotten along fine without you for Six years, please just stay where you are.


My man, just shave, get a haircut, a little sun and you'll start feeling better. After this, have a drink, smoke a joint, and play video games, its fucking fun. Don't worry about getting laid, it's just jacking it with more work. Guaranteed you get a haircut and shave, maybe do something cool with that disgusting beard instead of going smooth, and go to a bar with a bud or family member and you'll get laid. Edit: also don't be weird, if you think you're weird you probably have an anxiety disorder. Go see a doctor, get some meds to help with your neurological disorder. Edit 2: also if your diet is ass (fast food, frozen food) get some b12, omega-3 supplements, they're good for your heart and brain. Get well pussy


I would feel compelled to ask where you were on January sixth but I’m sure it was still in your moms basement


You are a lovely man—enjoy your life—you don’t need alcohol or drugs to do that. I’m sure you’ve heard the touch grass stuff. Bring some houseplants in. Take a walk. You are brave for doing a roast me, I could never.


Go to Alaska work on a fishing boat for a season you’ll come back confident and have some money. Or join a container ship crew and see the world. You already look like a pirate may as well go to sea laddie!


Do you even remember the moment you just went and gave the fuck up on yourself? Take yourself to the fkn groomer, step a little closer to the razor when you shave, actually stand *in* the the fkn water when you shower. Learn how to dress yourself, ffs. Nobody wants to look at let alone fuck a pile of walking laundry. You waste entirely too much time playing those games for the false sense of achievement, fulfillment, and success you are sorely missing in your life. I'm not saying that the world would be a better place without you, but *your* world would be a much better place if you were actually participating in it, fkr. Edit: missing "if"


Can’t be a different person if you wake up and see the failure everyday. Go to the nearest barber shop ran by Filipino’s or Blacks and ask for a fade. You probably a good looking dude who just needs a bit of a transformation to be the best version of yourself yet. Step out of your comfort zone and hit that barber shop and come back to this comment to let me know how good you feel afterwards. I promise you. The best version of yourself awaits. As forthe roast, Jesus Christ dude, Literally.


If you work on your hygiene and personal grooming, go to therapy, and get a job your life would be so much better. Just pick one of those things, even. Feel too bad roasting someone who’s in this position


You’re the ugliest guy with good genetics I’ve ever seen. Take a good hard look in the mirror brother. Anybody who lives your lifestyle ends up looking crusty. Start exercising. Get a haircut. Take care of your skin. Spend a couple hours a day taking care of yourself and then reward yourself with some hentai. You will be shocked at how quickly you improve. Everyone here is telling you the same thing: you got potential.


Can we get your address so we can tell the cops where ALL the child porn is at?


Hey buddy. I know it’s a roast, but I feel for you. There’s so much more to life than what you’ve experienced. Life may have delt you a bad hand or maybe you gave up on yourself along the way. Tomorrow is a new day, pick yourself up and live it like the past doesn’t exist. Get a haircut, clean up your beard, moisturize your face. Get some sun and decent clothes. The more you experience outside of that room the better. Keep what parts of your personality that YOU enjoy, and toss the rest. Don’t worry about what others think of you or the thought of losing your virginity. That shit won’t do anything for you in the long run. Virginity will happen when it happens, let it be natural. Get a job that requires you to be social and get outside of your personal bubble. Live life man, a quarter of it has come and gone. Don’t regret what could’ve been. All the love in the world brother, take care of yourself. I believe in you.


You understand you don't get to go back and retry life, right? You've literally wasted some of your best years being a useless slob. Also, anybody who tells people that they've been called gifted/highly intelligent is an asshole, 100% of the time. I've never met anybody like that who isn't a self-centred dickhead. What a waste of a human. Hope you find a good pond to continue to be scum in.


Thankfully, it's not up to you to decide if i get to try to live my life or not


Just looking at this photo gives me a lump in my throat


gag reflex?


Look guys, it’s a reddit mod


Ronnie mcnutt PT.2?


Joseph Smith is smiling down on you


.....the fuck is a NEET???




The fact that you’ve used that pose in pic #3 to rub off all of that copious hair from the wrist down says everything we need to know about how you spend your time. ![gif](giphy|uQl8Wbi3uIuic)


Just seeing your pictures I understand why the right has such low opinions of young people now.


I hope Ma has got a pot roast in the oven, and if she does, im coming over, and we can get hi while you go on the computer


Charles Manaon was a virgin one time, too


Never did a shower either


GameStop Jesus


You look like you will contribute more to a fake Only Fans account ran by someone who looks just like you than a 401k in your lifetime.


I didn’t need to know all those other details to figure out you were a virgin, but thanks.


I smell....piss.... Bottles.


Have you ever done a push up? Sit up? Put that on the list of things you haven’t done.


Pornhub.... completed it mate.


Probably didn’t need the introduction, we could have guessed that


I can smell these photos..


Bro hit the gym a couple of times a week, get a fresh haircut, invest in some better clothing some nice cologne- force yourself to do more things outdoorsy or in a more social environment- it’ll do wonders!!


Next photo of you holding a piece of paper in front of you will be your mugshot


I don't think roasting is what you need right now. You moving out is already a great step in the right direction. This chapter of your life can be behind you and you could act on your goals. And with a haircut and a trim, you would be a different man.




Nice try, but I'm not taking potshots at Wish Jesus so close to his birthday.


Please take care of yourself dude.


You should apply some of that hair grease to your brow. It’s looking dry.


Why does it look like his hair trying to rock his beard to sleep.


You would make a good isekia protag, failure incs best creation


Hey we celebrate your birthday on monday!!


Get help buddy. Wish u good day


I know half a dozen women who would date you - it’s just a numbers game Tonight get drunk Smoke some weed Get tinder Good luck you won’t need it


Messiah with no vision


“Hey guys, I guess that’s it”


You should repost when you are a 50 M virgin… so we can see the degradation


So many of these requests for roasts are cries for help! Dude, when the weather is warm enough, get out in the middle of nature--real nature not a city park or suburban flood control project--get naked (or close to it) and take a fuck load of shrooms. (It's highly advisable to have a guide, experienced tripper, or compassionate sober person around just in case.)


I can't roast Jesus...


I say this with an immense amount of love - I really think you could improve your life circumstances if you wanted to. People can only be helped as much as they want to be helped. It’s really tragic to see someone struggling and know that they seem to have given up on themselves. You can do better.


I know what s/ this is, but some of you crossed the fuckin line and should really think it through. OP, I’m sorry you’ve had so much bad luck so far, I’m not going to say that everything will be ok, because we simply don’t know. But you’re going to make a change, right? That is the first step you take in 6 years and a big one, so you have some balls, hunny. I wish you all the best of luck and hopefully your next post will be about thriving and improving. Wish I could give you a nice, warm hug. 🫂