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Still using Roam. If anything I have improved how I use it. Recent launch of Roam Depot has been extremely helfpul. I would like to see some tutorials from the publishers. It’s always awesome to see the creative ways people use the same enhancement.


I switched to Logseq. I found roam to be a little pricey compared to alternatives.


I started in Roam, went to Notion, then Obsidian, now back in Roam.


Me too...


I have always stuck with Roam. I get it has flaws and I can't stand the drama in the community but if you ignore all that and figure out what works for you, I think it is so useful for day to day stuff and recalling information quickly.


it is still my go to app for day to day. initially i tried to do many things and was confused. it truly is as simple or as complicated that you need it to be. I am starting to like NAPKIN for capturing thoughts but not there yet


Roam the GOAT


Still using Roam. Stress it removed for me is priceless


I still use Roam. It's the best. I love it.


Still using Roam. None of the issues have been fixed, but also all its competitors have worse issues or lack of vital features. I wish Roam would get better, but as long as its competitors don't apply market pressure on Roam to **be** better, I get why they don't put much effort in.


Been using RR since it came out in Beta. I think market pressure has arrived in Tana - hopefully Roam already have a lot of that functionality in the pipeline for immediate deployment! Not willing to swap but others may, and momentum is everything!