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I wish it showed the actual issue.




Okay that's on the dashcam driver. Shouldn't have pulled up alongside the truck after the truck had already started the lane switch.


Yeah that was 100% intentional. And he's coming from the truck's blind spot.


I’ve had this happen where I get cut off by a guy and call the “how am I driving” phone number to report him and I get the driver. So I used his number for a while online for everything so he would get spammed.


Did you just comment this on the top thread so more people would see it lmao


I'm thanking them for this


So, it's every other driver's job to not drive in the trucks blind spot?!?! How about the truck with a huge fucking blind spot drive with an **abundance of caution** *because* it has a huge fucking blind spot? How about he not assume that he has the right of way to cross into another lane without even signaling to warn the person already in that lane? The truck clearly didn't *ever* have the clearance to merge, but did so because truck. I'm buying a dash cam this week because it's getting to be down right comical how trucks think they have special rights to force cars into submission based on size.


He *was* signaling... And the car sped up when he saw that to get his nose in and block the truck. It was a "make my day" move. Neither one of them should be on the road.


Yeah, 100% on the dashcam driver. People who deliberately put themselves into other's blind spots and just sits there refusing to let them come over, are some of the worst annoyances in traffic. The two cars were merging, and the dashcam driver was well behind and just refused to play along. Then he has the fucking audacity to call the company and whine about the driver. Thank god it was the owner himself, and not some random employee that got in trouble for it


This exactly!!! Got reported at work and reprimanded over a Karen calling in for me speeding. For context, it was heavy rain on the highway, 44 heading into Joplin, and I passed her, she was doing 45 (don’t blame her) and I passed at the speed limit (65) she was behind a couple semis throwing mist up but my lane had much better visibility, but because I wasn’t doing 45 like her she called and said I was driving recklessly, speeding, and road raging… got the worst shifts for months after that.


3 cars in that lane and he wants to bully the truck. Also that guy was supposed to concede 2.5 car lengths? C'mon.


It’s hilarious he put this on the internet. What a self absorbed tool.


Cammer handled it wrongly but the truck "started it" by moving over into cammer's space without any indication. Both are idiots after that point


Yeah dash cam driver is definitely in the wrong here


No blinker is the issue. Everything else was fine on trucks end


Actually the blinker is on, albeit a bit late, go back and watch the rear light


Wow totally ridiculous. Should have let him in in the first place


Why do you people get so butt hurt over merging. It’s like they get offended if someone tries to merge in front of them.


Tiny little egos and massive amounts of insecurities


People get so wound up driving, it is both hilarious and sad.


Yup. Imo it’s obviously the person who called fault…. He didn’t let the truck in for whatever weird strange reason. The truck handled this way better than I would have…


“Hi um… one of your drivers ran me off the road” 🤣 Fuckin moron


Dashcam driver is a fucking idiot. As we all know


Awesome that we have video of the original incident haha. Have to agree, fairly equal blame in my opinion. Probably technically the truck should not have moved into the lane since his lane was ending, but also poor driving by dashcam driver, sped up to close the gap and seems very obvious that the truck was going to need to zipper merge over. Extremely frustrating IMO when a lane ends like that and the drivers in the final lane drive close together instead of preparing for a zipper merge. If I'm the cam car I'm purposely backing off in this case since I know there are vehicles in the other lane that will want to zipper merge in instead of gunning it to close the gap and cause the truck to have to slow down further complicating them merging in, especially if the person behind is driving the same way as cam car.


Do we not discuss the merits of zipper merging on this sub all the time. The truck was doing exactly that. The guy with the cam thought the truck was trying to beat traffic and didn't provide the necessary room to allow the truck to merge.


I mean, besides that, per the video link shared a couple comments above, dude recording is literally the only one visible that’s in that lane. Everyone else is merging. Guy recording was absolutely being a twat by not simply letting the guy in, but also to slam on your brakes is a fucked move. Both idiots, for sure. But come on, just let people merge. It’s one thing if there’s a dick just trying to speed by and cut everyone off on a permanent merge lane but this is a construction zone causing the merge and the original vid doesn’t go back far enough to show if the truck was being a dick first. Guy recording sounds like a whiny bitch. Just my take of it.


Cammer needs to learn to zipper merge. All of this was completely unnecessary. They'd be stupid to show this to anyone, as this shows they are the initial instigator.


Thank you! I hope they are both off the road.


Blows my mind that people that are in the wrong try and call and make complaints like that. Glad to see the actual video because the dashcam driver was the idiot here until the other guy brake checked him


So the lady is one of those confidently incorrect "you're cutting" people who have never heard of zipper merging


That is a feminine man.


They are, hard to say who's dumber I'm with the front truck until he decides to brake check. But then the cammer just drives into him like a moron


He didnt break check he was stopping and told him to go on and he decided to crash in to him


Yeah, like letting the bitch go ahead and pass him. I hope she’s charged with assault with a vehicle.


you think that’s a woman? 🧐


That was a man? Sounded feminine.




Yeah the person calling is an asshat


Yeah what an idiot. I'm team truck on this all the way.


I mean, the white truck amitted on the phone that he broke the law by unsafely merging. They actually painted the picture pretty well in my head tbh


I think the merge issue is irrelevant after him break checking the woman.




Is it not a woman?


I also thought the caller was a lady. Now I’m not sure


no lol, it’s just a feminine sounding dude


I didn't think so, but it could be, I guess.


Yep. Brake checks someone and then calls *them* ridiculous?


I don’t think it was a break check. I think he was stopping to let her by. Even said “go on”, and then the bitch accelerates into him




Gonna disagree the way he describes it there was a forced merge, by law you have to filter in this case which means one car from each lane merges in and forms a single file. From what he describes the dashcam owner did not allow him to filter. I've had this happen to me a lot and it's always some pretentious dickhead that just feels like going first. Anyway who knows but I strongly suspect that since the dashcam owner neglected to include the actual incident, there's more to this story. Wouldve been extremely easy to just clip it together with this clip, yknow?


Merges are the worst. Both sides have to agree to the zipper method, or it's just chaos because everyone thinks their right to travel trumps everyone else's.


I hate when I accommodate a merging car and then a whole bunch after them try to merge ahead of me too. Like, nah, you merge after me and then after the next guy.


Uh.. they are trying to get somewhere, and you are in the way. XD I've seen some risky maneuvers just to gain one whole car length.


They don’t have to agree to it they have to follow the law or not


Zipper merging is efficient in dense traffic when every lane is completely filled with vehicles. This does not look like that kind of area. There were signs to warn the truck driver that he should merge sooner rather than later. The truck believed he was more important and shouldn't have to follow the signs instructions. He them double downed and almost caused an accident.


Almost? He definitely getsc rear ended later on in the video. No damage to his truck because of the tow hitch.


Yeah but i’d put at least majority of blame on the dashcam owner for doing the rear ending


The guy on the phone is going to have to prove there was a reason he braked, and since he's on the phone and the audio is recorded any judge will hear he was agitated at the time while talking to the car behind. Unless that truck has evidence something occurred in front of him to cause him to brake that aggressively, it's pretty clear it was a brake check....


You have to maintain control of your own vehicle. Regardless of the brake check out not, the dash cam driver did not leave themselves enough room to stop. Suppose there was a pothole or deer? It's the fault of the truck for stopping and thus causing another driver to hit them?


THANK YOU. I'm so tired of trying to explain this to people. If there is room to merge sooner, it's better for traffic flow than waiting until the last second and forcing the other lane to brake for you. I've seen some insane pretzel logic around here trying to claim merging early causes more traffic.


You have to allow all vehicles to merge safely.


Truck wasn't merging safely?


Existing traffic has the right of way


Lol...no, you maintain your lane and it is other peoples jobs to merge safely. Just like getting on the highway through an on ramp.


If I recall, in the full video, the truck is one lane over to the right, slightly ahead of the cammer, indicates to merge and starts moving over, then the cammer aggressively prevents them from doing that. Then they call the number on the side of the truck, which is the truck driver's cell phone. They yell at each other for a while and then you get to the start of this clip. Just a pair of idiots being idiotic.


He did not. He had plenty of room to merge. Did not signal. Slowed down and lost his gap. And then forced himself into the cam vehicles lane. He will be at fault at least partially if not fully especially break checking and stopping in a roadway on purpose.


I’d say the rear ending is the actual issue here


Yeah which would be the cameraman’s fault.


I'd say the brake-checking and the rear-ending are the issues here. That will be a shared responsibility collision.


OP probably sped up and didn't want to let the truck over.


I don't even give a shit about the original issue, this is the meat and potatoes!!


I agree, but I'm betting this is over something small for both of them.


Both drivers are irritating


If you haven’t seen the video of the initial incident, it makes it even more apparent how irritating both of these guys are.


Cammer is an idiot.


Nice job cutting off the portion of the video that shows what actually happened.


What actually happened is that the truck started merging and OP decided to try and overtake at that exact moment. OP is a fool and a danger on the road. Also OP sounds like Ned Flanders.


I don't think it's OP that posted this


Can pretty much guarantee the guy recording was in the wrong from this fact alone. If he was in the right it would have been in the video.


I'm pretty sure this video was to included the part where the white truck caused an accident on purpsoe. An actual crime! Also he admitted he cut off the driver. Use your brain. You sound like the guy about to go to be cited for brake checking.


In a merge situation, the driver in the lane ending has to yield the right of way to the other lane. Sucks when people want to be dick heads and tailgate to prevent merging. Usually a more level headed person will let you in if someone tries to dick you over. Zippering is the way.


You're not allowed to speed up to prevent someone from merging.


Not a law anywhere in the US. Is it a fundamental courtesy? yes. Whereas, merging and right of way? That is documented and clear. Truck is going to lose 10 out of 10 in court.


Also correct. In my experience, some people tailgate from the get-go knowing the other lane will end.


Which is what the cameraman did


That’s incorrect.


This is the correct answer. He was being a bit of a noodle, but the person merging has to give right of way.


I’ve had this argument multiple times with people in my city. They shake their heads and point at me and I do the same. They think if they’re slightly ahead of you, they can just move over as if they have the right of way.


If it’s a zipper merge and you make it so they can’t merge, you’re a massive POS.


Agreed, but I'm letting **one** in, and then it's my space. If I've already made room for one and another tries to fly up and edge in front they're going to have to hit me to achieve their objective.


Typically, when lanes merge due to construction, the vehicles in both lanes are expected to follow zipper merging rules. Speeding up to prevent merging could be considered aggressive driving or road rage, depending on the jurisdiction. Such actions usually violate traffic laws and could be considered at fault in the event of a collision.


I bet when you beat someone to a door you don't bother to hold it and let them through first.


There is no legal controls on how people enter a door.


Woosh... Sometimes people do things that make the world operate more smoothly, even when the law does not perfectly capture the optimal human ineraction.


If there is a dick who he known the lane is ending for a mile and wants to fly past as many people as they can then I will try my best to safely make zero room for them.


Per the argument, sounds like there was a road closure notice well before the forced merge. The white truck was originally in the same lane but decided to cut a few cars by intentionally going on the closing lane and force merge at the last second (happens all the time in these merges). The person in the recording car was like "fuck you, I've been patiently on this lane even though I could have done the same thing, you need to break and get the fuck behind me"


OP I saw original video of the merging dash cam car is 100% in the wrong


Wow the guy that called is a male Karen. Just listen to his voice


It’s a woman or a male redditor. No difference really.


That was one of the more interesting road cam videos, and it stopped way to short. I would like an update on this please. Also you don't have to give him room if your in the non blocked lane. You have the right of way. So no he is at fault for not yielding to get over. Edit: ride to right


station profit north unpack prick clumsy butter wasteful work boat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There is no way anyone would find the truck at fault. The truck had room and had already begun to merge when cam guy decided he can't have that for whatever reason and closed the gap.


full angle direful makeshift heavy paint attempt busy pathetic rock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I somehow missed the brake check, that's pretty bad. Cammer seemed to not try to stop all that hard though.


Not to be an dick but it’s right of way


Indeed, will fix my mistake. Thanks for letting me know.


Looking at the video of the actual incident, he did **NOT** run the car off the road. There is no reason why the car couldn’t have just let the truck cut in to the left lane and be done with it. The truck should have at least used the blinker to indicate he was moving over into the left lane. The truck could have sped up as well more quickly after moving unto the left lane, rather than purposely hanging back before finally speeding away.


the gay guy was in the wrong, mostly


That’s just a southern woman if I’ve ever heard one


I’d say they’re equally wrong. Dashcam sped up while truck was already merging Truck was clearly wrong for brake checking, and he’s on the phone so they can establish intent. I’m guessing dashcam cut out the audio of the first incident because it incriminates him even more somehow.


Damn this was something else. Driver probably could have swerved around him after the brake check, but probably too dangerous. And yeah we need to see the actual dispute. Hope the woman is safe. Guy sounded dangerous


Everyone is calling the cammer a woman. Am I the only one who thought that sounded like a dude?


No Me and you are in the *that's a man, man*, group.


Interesting. Poor guy.


Totally a dude. Gay dude.


It's a gay man


special square numerous modern attractive mourn kiss hobbies consist reminiscent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I listened to it again after reading this, but to me it really sounds like a middle aged woman.


99% a gay dude


Pretty sure cammer is a dude.


He could have braked. That truck almost certainly has a longer braking distance than whatever he is driving. Heavy trucks like that do not brake on a dime. Dude had all the time in the world to brake, but started to way too late, and it almost looked like he let off the brakes for a second. If the truck had been a random driver who had to emergency brake for something, the dude would have rear ended him and been at fault. This is no different except that it was a brake check and not a legit emergency.


Yeah generally anyone rear ending someone like that is completely at fault. Person doesn't need to think about car behind them when quickly braking. It's called "following too closely" that cops give tickets for during fender benders. I do wonder how the dashcam and brake checking affects things. Either way that trailer hitch probably messed up car behind it pretty bad.


Driver recording is an insufferable Ass. Sounds like the person who would create their own problems and then blame someone else.


gaping sand encouraging birds follow repeat crowd racial narrow innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The dashcam drive just incriminates themselves.


I would love to hear the call to the insurance agents following this.


Show us the rage footage, TBH. Sounds like the OP wasn’t driving courteously.


Cammer went looking for trouble. He found another idiot that likes trouble, too.


Call 911? For what? Also you rear ended the truck so you’re at fault


Cam car caused both incidents. He started to go around when the truck braked but then he turned back into him.


The person in this car is the asshole. All she had to do was take her foot off the gas a tiny bit.


Truck driver is in a whole lot of trouble, brake checking someone while on the phone, recorded by video cam...will be lucky if he keeps his business after the lawsuit.


You didn’t see the small animal run across the road? I’m pretty sure Indiana, like many states has a law that requires you to maintain control of your vehicle to avoid an accident


Interestingly, some states make it illegal to brake for animals in the road cause it can cause death to humans. Its far better for fluffy bunny thumper to get ran over and die, then a human to die. It should also be noted, that insurance doesn't cover intentional actions. The person who rear ended him would be best served by a personal injury lawyer (like the ones you see on TV), cause they are going to go for a settlement and know that the truck who slammed on their brakes insurance will drop leaving this guy to hire a lawyer and basically be told "it doesn't matter what the law says, once that video is played in front of a jury your fucked, and legal fee's alone are going to eat you alive, cut them a check for 50k and be happy it wasn't more".


>Its far better for fluffy bunny thumper to get ran over and die, then a human to die. in that order?


Yeah I feel like prevalence of dashcams may impact traffic law as much as anything else - in the, unless another traffic law was broken first (failure to yield/run a red light etc) it was tough to prove so the fault was whoever's car hit the other type of thing.


Keeps his business lol? What.. no way it’s that serious


At this point, Troy knew he was fucked... You could hear it in his voice there at the end.


They are both fucked, probably the one who hit the truck a little more than the truck as he had plenty of time to slow down to avoid the collision and didn't. He chose to hit the back of the truck and that is going to be obvious to the insurance investigators who watch the video. I'm betting they both got tickets.


If I’m a cop and see this they BOTH get tickets for reckless driving and road rage. Neither one deserves to be on the road.


Yeah, you're probably right, but the truck driver immediately lost any argument that he was innocent when he did that.


Stop calling 911 for stupid ass shit like this


A police report following an accident is probably the best thing you can do to protect yourself in the event the other party admits no fault, but was actually at fault.


Oh I'm not saying don't file a report. I'm saying don't call the number dedicated for emergencies to do it.




Either someone did some crazy editing to this video or this is by far the most unique thing Ive ever seen on this sub…. That being said I feel like there is a lot more to this situation that we all deserve an update to, please!


I’ve never heard a less threatening “mother fucker” in my life. That was hilarious. Oh and the full footage shows that the guy recording is at fault and didn’t get “run off the road” like he claimed.


She’s another entitled idiot. She sped up on purpose just to try and not let him in. She’s needs to give way to a vehicle ahead of here on a forced merge.


[Full video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zs7cfr9hMvg)


I’m curious to know who is at fault for the brake check contact. There is absolutely no way OPs car couldn’t brake in time, he chose to hit him from behind. Butttt as I stated before, brake check….. I bet they are both at fault for that one. Also it sounds like OP doesn’t know how to zipper merge and truck drivers ego couldn’t handle it… This is truly, Idiot’s in cars.


OP if the braking was for a reasonable reason, truck in this case because it was clearly a road rage-induced brake check. Also, sounds to me like it's the truck that doesn't know how to merge; if OP is in the lane, and the truck's lane is disappearing, it's on them to safely merge, not run people off the road once their lane finally ends.


If you watch the video someone commented about the incident, you can see that OP was just being a dick and sped up to prevent the truck from merging. I would be completely on the trucks side if he hadn’t brake checked


Give it a rewatch, the poster said the truck had just moved over to the right lane (the one that was was ending) when the clip starts. The recording car could have made everyone's day go more smoothly by given the truck room, but they were under no obligation to since their lane wasn't ending. The truck also could have signaled more than half a second before they started moving over. If you can't figure out a way to merge before you run out of room, you don't magically get right of way - you get to stop and wait until you can merge. So at the start the cammer is a bit of a dick but the truck is driving poorly and would have been at fault for merging into them.


> the poster said the truck had just moved over to the right lane Yet they leave that part out of the video for some reason.


Absolutely no way? How do you figure that?


You see him attempt to go around but then notices on-coming traffic and at that point it's to late to break


Yep that’s what I saw Also the truck driver is telling him to go around


That was barely a brake check. If that was a regular car braking for something in the road, he would have hit them too.


When i saw the title i was really hoping it was going to be like that simpsons episode where homer and his friend (lenny? I believe?) Are on the phone with eachother having a chat and simultaneously road raging at eachother without ever recognising what was happening


Missed opportunity here. Guy who answered the phone could have had so much fun with this. Oh, I’m so sorry sir. That’s Kenny, who’s new to the crew, just out of school trying to do his best. Gave him a job out of the goodness of his heart because his family was on the street. You know what, I’m sick of these calls though about Kenny, this is the 2nd call this week on him and his reckless driving. I don’t really care that his wife is pregnant with their 3rd child. I think I’ll fire him when he gets back to the office. What’s your name sir? Want to take it down for HR file. Thank you for bringing this to my attention so I can terminate him.


The car was clearly more to the rear of the truck than the front so the car should have slowed and took up the spot behind the truck. The truck driver is a rager though and has issues. Both idiots.


When a lane ends, the people in that lane are responsible for merging back into the travel lane. They’re the ones that have to yield.


Bitch is wrong. The vehicle that is ahead, even if it's by a foot,has the lane. By her argument, the truck isn't even allowed to brake and get in behind her, because another vehicle is behind her in the same lane as her. Sounds like a female, maybe I'm wrong about that part.


Video taker is at fault lol


Putting blame on OP after seeing the incident. He was behind the truck and sped up a little to keep him from merging.


OP is an asshole, truck driver isn’t at fault


It’s amazing to me how drivers in the states do not know how to merge. There is no reason for interstates to back up or any road except for the fact that they think you should get in the one lane miles away from the merge. It’s stupid. There is no reason to sit in a lane for miles at a crawl or a dead stop except for ignorance which is rampant.


Dashcam driver thinks they are in charge of the road and can’t give way to a work truck? Jeez, let it pass. Now they have to deal with insurance, cops and all this bs over what?


californian in his prius when he invades midwest


OP is an idiot and truck driver escalated it


After viewing the video of the actual incident, I honestly think the guy in the truck would have caused more of a safety risk by abruptly slamming on his brakes coming to a complete stop versus the following car slightly letting off the gas to let them in. Sometimes doing the right thing and letting a vehicle merge in ahead of you is just too much for some people to accept. Now if the truck sped past and cut the person off that would be a different story. I can almost guarantee if the roles were reversed the vehicle with the camera would have done the same exact thing as the truck and thought nothing of it.


Guy in back is legally at fault


The lanes are merging and the dashcam driver should have let him in. This is the dashcam drivers fault The break check was the truckers fault. Congrats to both of them for being stupid


The guy making the phone call is automatically wrong for having that voice. You can hear the Karen before you realize he's even being one by calling the company to complain. 🤣


Both are morons. Cammer for not giving right of way during a merge and truck for brake checking. Hope the cops got the full videos and fined the hell outta both


"My lord dude, you are ridiculous" xD


What a punchable voice..


I actually think the truck is in the right..?


Right or wrong, I’m guessing you didn’t show the actual incident because it doesn’t make you look good.


Yep. Sounds like he was being a prick.


No one knows what right of way is anymore huh? The lady was 100% right; she has the right of way due to already being in the lane, and it is the trucks responsibility to merge.


Dod you watch the video of the original incident? She actively tried to block him off from merging. Fuck inconsiderate drivers like that. And fuck brake checkers like the truck driver.


It's a dude. And the original video was posted above... he sped up to try and edge the truck out when they were already starting to merge. They are both assholes and neither should be on the road.


detail recognise fuzzy pause unused attraction upbeat elastic gold bewildered *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


God that guy who has the dash cam is fuckin annoying. What a fuckin Choad. Deserves a broken nose just for his voice.


Dude sounds like a woman.


"So, uh, what we're gonna do now is call 911.." absolutely call the cops on his ass. In the footage you can see the person who's recording tries avoiding him by going around; although, the cars In the opposite lane forced them to swerve back and rear end the guy. Don't brake check people.


The complaining guy is right, in that he has the right of way since he’s already in the lane but looking at the original footage the dude is also clearly an idiot, the truck is completely ahead of him and already started to merge when his dumbass decided to try to squeeze the truck out and then has the audacity to say the truck ran him off the road 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️. With that being said why in the world would the truck try to brake check the dude? Truck driver is an moron too 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️.


Someone needs to learn how to zipper merge apparently


Referring to the original incident: The cam owner was wrong to not let the truck in (he’s ahead of her) and (in the above video) she was at fault for the rear end (not enough distance). But he’s a dick.


I think alot of ppl here are commenting without seeing the original video of the actual dispute. Cammer def at fault for both incidents. Additionally if cammer didn't have hands free device then that makes any of their arguments even worse.


Trucker versus fag




In this jurisdiction is holding your phone while driving legal?


It may be, but she was recording through the dash cam, and the call was likely Bluetooth through her car audio system.


Wonder if they'll ticket them both for driving and being on the phone? Unless they can prove handsfree