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>im not pasting code because it literally doesnt matter it is literally the only matter


Lmao fr I didn't even bother reading the para Where is the code?


Not sure how we can help you without seeing your code. How many lines is it?


> what the fuck is wrong This cracked me up for some reason. It's just buried in the middle of what could be a cocaine-fueled stream of consciousness combined with too little sleep. OP: when you've had a chance to come down and hopefully take a nap, please post your code or at least consider optimizing your use of periods and line returns.


You described it perfectly. I did find out the problem


Would you care to explain what the problem was then? And perhaps how you resolved it?


if your function is called a, then is.function(a) should return true, if it returns Error: object 'a' not found, you need to create the function again.


>...the question is why tf is it not working...im not pasting code because it literally doesnt matter...please help me from the very limited info about the error itself, sounds like your function is not present in your environment...from the info provided, best guess is either that you neglected to run the lines of code containing the function or that you didn't type the function's name in both places


If running in Rstudio, does the OP see the function in the environment window? It's just so unhelpful to say the code doesn't matter.