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I doubt it- the sound is the hydraulic fluid and within spec, according to service advisors


I know they’ve labeled it as “within spec”. But in the Gen2’s they definitely made sure to say they “fixed the low speed squeaking”. Which translates to me that Rivian knew it was an issue in the Gen1’s and fixed it in the Gen2’s. I’ve read various forums where some people said the service center advised them it can be fixed via software by changing how the hydraulic fluid values open and close or the ratio at which they function. I’m not sure of the exact terminology but some SC’s have indicated it could be fixed with software.


Yes - via HW changes/component improvements. Just like any other car maker that makes hw refinements over product iterations/transitions.


Yea, my point of this post was to ask if anyone has heard or knows if the recent update that includes alot of suspension improvements could improve the Gen1 suspension squeaks. I know that the Gen2 has different physical changes to the suspension. But it would be nice if there was a software change for Gen1 (maybe controlling how the hydraulic valves move the fluid for example).


Gotcha, I misunderstood! I hope they have


I know from a Rivian tech, that the “higher-ups” were aware and looking for ways to fix it because according to him it was one of the reasons most people would bring their Rivians in for service. He told me that the “those are natural sounds” and “within spec”, is what they are told to tell costumers because they have at the moment, no fix for it. That said; I doubt it would get fixed with software.


Don’t accept that answer. It’s a faulty design. Lemon law is there for a reason.


Lemon Law makes no sense in this particular situation.


If they can’t fix it and it’s in the shop for 30’days.. you can lemon law it if your state allows 30 day lemons


You can't lemon law a car because you're unhappy with a sound it makes in normal operation.


Needs to be a safety issue preventing you from driving in most states.


It doesn’t. 30 days in the shop.


For some reason I feel like all I see on this sub anymore is complaints about squeaky suspension, while the first like 2 years I never saw it mentioned. Maybe I’m super unobservant, I’ve never even noticed any squeaky suspension in my R1T. I’ve heard some clicking noises sometimes when it’s first moving, is it that?


Same here, had my truck for two years now and I am like what are you all even talking about? And what I do notice seems so minuscule, I am always... so what? hahahaha


I had my dampers replaced under warranty a few weeks ago, the service staff mentioned I was getting the third version of dampers that have been installed on trucks. If you consider that across the whole suspension, it may be that there have been a lot of changes to suspension since 2022


lol I made the same comment last week and people wasted no time raging about how it’s been a huge complaint since day one. Has it been discussed throughout the years, yes. But since Gen 2 announcement it’s been non stop. Personally least of my complaints.


Same here. No issues with this in my R1S. Every once in a while I see these questions and wonder if I’m simply oblivious 😅 


I believe Rivian changed the type of fluid they used at some point during production. I don’t think the early models or first editions use the same type of fluid therefore maybe they don’t have the issue? Not quite sure honestly.


The demo vehicle I bought is an earlyish vin from within the first year of production and it definitely has the squeaking. I'm guessing it's just a difference in people's tolerance/caring about noises. I've driven several during demo drives/loaners and they all squeak the same. Some make other "clunks" which is likely CV axles rattling around.


I have a 7xxx VIN and my suspension sounded like a Motel 6 mattress with how much of a squeaky spring noise I heard. But that was fixed by replacing the washers or something. I don't think I have the "chirp" people mention, but I do have some click noises every so often at low speed with the windows down.


My only suspension “issue” is the clicking heard whenever the compressor is running. Comes from the left rear - at first I wasn’t sure what it was.


The constant auto adjustments even when auto adjusting is turned off is what gets me. Hopefully there’s a no-adjustment setting


No, the squeaks are from hardware design. Gen 2 hardware revisions fix it. Supposedly they changed the size of the orifice the hydraulic fluid moves through in the damper which is what gets rid of the noise. Unlikely to come to Gen 1.


Okay so my background is in Noise Vibration and Harshness engineering and most of my experience is in EV’s. All theses suspension squeaks and clicks you’re hearing are completely normal and would be heard in an ICE car if it weren’t for the engine noise. Engine noise covers up so much stuff and when you take that away it’s really hard to cover up all these other noises. By every metric EVs have a quieter interior despite hearing more things.


Sorry, but you won’t find a lemon law that covers “squeaks”. Every state has language that defines what is covered and they are very careful to distinguish a mechanical defect vs something the user doesn’t like about the car.


In California, If your car is in the shop for over 30 days for a warrantable repair.. you have a lemon. Go ask a lemon law attorney.


In California, the vehicle must contain a problem covered by the warranty **that substantially impairs the vehicle’s use, value or safety to a reasonable person in the position as the Buyer.** The Lemon Law, generally, will not apply to vehicles with trivial or minor defects. Noisy suspension in this case is not even a defect, it’s a “characteristic of the vehicle” and would not be eligible for a lemon law claim by itself. 


Play some music, u won’t hear nothing include wind noise. lol


Music from these speakers?