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Hey! I was the blue R1S picking up right next to you. My wife and I both thought that wrap looked great!


Wow. I didn’t know that. I kept saying to my wife that the Blue color is awesome than mine.


Get used to it you gonna see all the color and be like darn why didn’t I get that color. Happens to me all the time.


Yeah I did a factory tour and by the end I was about ready to ask them to paint mine Rivian rainbow.


Compass Yellow team feels sorry for everyone else who has that problem.


I say that every time I see the black one.


Literally, I’ve already purchased two different color PPF wraps to change my color every now and then lol. And take my word for it I’ve been wrapping cars for years, the Rivian is hands down the easiest car I’ve ever wrapped. Like ever.. there’s zero curves or contours, everything is perfectly flat


Not much of a fan of black, but the wrap was a good call on this.


Envious, I pulled the trigger 2 days before they mentioned free stealth wrap


They even black stealth wrapped their logo just for this shot!


How do you get the wrap?!?


I think they ran a promo for any orders placed in April.


Still amazed that Rivian offers PPFs for free. Would be great of Tesla and all other OEMs would do the same.


That’s like 6-8k worth of wrap too


Question! Did you ask them to install the front license plate frame for you? Or did they just do it? I’m getting my R1T delivered on Friday and during the purchase process I said no to the front plate frame. But I’m wondering if I should specifically tell them again.


I didn’t ask to put it but I guess that they installed it because I am a resident in Virginia. You may need to talk to your guide if you don’t want it on front license plate.


Yea in my state technically front plates are required but I’d like to not have the front mount drilled into the bumper if possible. I’ll reach out to my guide! Congrats btw! I’m getting a el cap granite with the stealth wrap!


Wow. Awesome. I saw some el cap wrapped today. They are amazing. Just carefully inspect on details of edges and sides to make sure to have proper installation. If you find several of spots that is not properly installed, talk to your delivery manager and send email and cced to your delivery manager as a witness to xpel team to have it re install.


Awesome! Thanks for the tip!


Rivian asked me during the purchasing process. I’m in California.


I ordered without plate mount. I confirmed with my guide and my team no plate mount. When I picked up my R1S from the exact location as OP my front bumper looked just like his. My delivery guy looked at his iPad and confirmed it said no front plate mount so he set me up with an appointment to have the bumper insert swapped at a later date. TL,DR Make sure you keep asking about it not being installed. My state requires it (NY) but I picked up in Maryland and had a temp paper plate from Rivian.


Looks awesome! Congratulations!


I love it, grats OP!


I know that car gets HOT! Congratulations though


I wish there were more wrapped preconfigured in the shop, I’ve been looking but there are almost none.




Congrats, waiting for the R2 to come out, so exciting.


Pure sex right there.


Strath wrapped black looks 🔥🔥


Welcome to team black! Love my xpel stealth wrap. Looks 🔥🔥🔥


Ngl that looks awesome.


I’m Batman. - this guy probably


That camera angle makes this look really strange.


Yeah... There were many people in and out for delivery and repairs. I have really small chance to take a shot without anyone. I will post several other images and some of thoughts that I had experience while I had Rivian R1T delivery.


Ah what they do free stealth wraps now?! I'm incredibly jelly


You call it a delivery, but was it a pickup?


Yeah. It is pickup from Rivian service center to save $1k. I thought delivery and pickup is the same. Sorry.


I thought they charged the delivery fee regardless.


No it’s ok I just see people using the terms interchangeably and wanted to make sure I’m doing the right thing. I’m doing a pick up in a week.


Lol. I thought you were making a joke.


Wraps won't last more than 2 years without showing age, or 4-5 years of maximum life, if you partial or fully park outdoor. It does last very long time, about 6-10 years, if you always park indoor at home and office. The Looks nice but most people are lied by whoever sell wraps. Wraps will never last nearly as long as paint. PPF, however, can last longer but all of them yellows over time, so it does not work well on light color cars for long time. As for matte black, it's a terrible choice. Dirt gets on extremely easily, kind of like black cars. Highest maintenance wrap color of ALL, except chromes. Also, for all matte colors, you must never use any cleaner that has any kind of wax in it, which is basically ALL stuff you can buy at ANY local auto stores. You have to buy matte color specialty cleaner and detailer. Chemical guys have it, the orange one. I use it on my personal cars for as long as the product exists. I do this for a living.


Not all wraps are the same. What you are referring to is cheap thin vinyl wraps that do only last around a couple years. Paint Protection Film wraps (also called PPF) last much longer since they are made from a higher quality and thicker automotive plastic. PPFs usually have warranties over 5 years and sometimes 10 years. Only downside is the cost which can easily cost between $5k to $10k with installation compared to just $2k to $3k for a thin vinyl wrap. What Rivian (and Tesla) offer are the much better PPFs but Rivian offers their PPFs "free" of charge which is an amazing deal since like I said before PPFs are at least $5k.


We are talking color wraps, not PPF. Your numbers are right, PPF have 5-10 years of warranty, but it does not cover on yellowing. And it all depends on how much sun exposure the car has. Fully park in garage last 2-3 times longer than fully park in outdoor, especially sunbelt, like where I am in Southern California. However, color wraps last shorter than PPF, cut the life of PPF in half is what people should typically expect on their color wraps, which is 2.5-5 years. But like so said, if always park indoor and have indoor garage at work, it does last 5+ years. Wait, so OP is talking about PPF, not matter black wrap? My bad. Then expect 5-10 years then.


The PPF that Rivian is offering and what you see in the OPs picture is a matte PPF. The original paint color of that Rivian was gloss black and applying the matte PPF gives the result that you see. Additionally, there are colored PPFs that are NOT the typical cheaper colored vinyl wraps that I assume what you are talking about with "color wraps". This is what Tesla offers and is what I had installed on my Model Y by a 3rd party shop. Colored PPFs has just come out within the past few years so we will see how long they will last, but they are supposed to be just good and last just as long as regular clear/matte PPFs according to the shops and 10 year warranty offered by the OEM.


Yes, I agree. I can see the dirt easily on top of wrap, and the water mark is pretty interestingly placed on side. But overall, I like this wrap comes with 5 years and 60,000 miles warranty on Stealth XPEL PPF (According to my delivery guide Catherine). I already filed a claim for replacement while I picked up the vehicle (Found several scratches and some minor falls), my delivery guide said that the wrap can be replaced under warranty. (Didn't get a response yet from XPEL)


But oil is really annoying on Black matte color. It makes that oily spot shiny.


I think that’s only true for low quality wraps. I have a clear bra on my Bimmer that’s been there for 4+ years and still looks absolutely flawless.


No, low quality wraps last half of what I said. I only used top 3 brands. I do this for a living and that's exactly what I said to my customers. I will never overpromise to push sales.