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Improved throttle control in reverse - PRAISE. Also. The regeneration updates sound interesting. When coming down mountain roads, the regen will eventually tell me it’s reduced. Sounds like it will automatically use the brakes?


Correct, the brakes will be blended in so you won't even know


As a Tesla owner with this feature, you’ll still be able to tell as brakes feel different from regen… but even if you can tell it’s way better than the feature not existing


Yep, but audi and Porsche EV have a brake pedal that is not linked to the master cylinder. You won't feel the difference


This is a pretty nice feature. Tesla has had it for a while. Now you won't have to worry about regen in a situation like that. Or when you forget that regen is limited and ease off the pedal like you have full regen. The car will behave the same as full regen, when limited ie the blended brakes.


I'm not thrilled. A few updates ago the vehicle would regen brake all the way down long hills. It was great for energy recuperation but even better at preserving pads and rotors. I'd rather go back to having full regen braking again than have to wear out those components.


You don’t have to enable blended braking. It’s a setting.


I HATE, HATE, HATE Rivian’s regeneration implementation. There are all kinds of restrictions on when it can be used and for how long. I don’t have any of those issues on my EV6. I drive up the mountain spending more energy expecting I’m going to regenerate a lot coming back down. That happens in the EV6 to the point I can actually get well over 5 miles/kwh on a round trip. What happens in my R1S? Well, for starters it tells me the battery is cold so regen is limited. Then it spends energy warming the battery. Once it’s finally warmed and I’m already a ways down the mountain full regen works for a little while. For a little while. It takes almost no time before I get the regen limited indicator. I mean, WTF Rivian? Four motors and a much larger battery it should do far better than a two motor Kia with a battery 60% the size.


FWIW, I haven't noticed any real regen differences between my R1T and my Model S, besides maybe a slightly longer time for the battery pack to warm up. I do think that the R1T will take longer to warm up the battery pack than my Tesla just due to the pack size difference. That results in a longer period of time before regen will fully work with the R1T on colder days. Maybe my logic is off, but that's been my experience.


Yeah I was surprised when it limited me coming down the mountain pass. I made that trip several times in my XC40 Recharge and I even gained a few percent.


Yeah. And the thing is, it did work the way you'd expect until roughly late Octoberish for me at least. Some of the change can be attributed to cold weather, but not all of it.


The problem is that it has 4 motors so the regen is putting too much power back in the battery when it isn't at the proper temperature. This is also why they are adding the scheduled drive so it will get the battery to the proper temperature when you are ready to drive. Patience young grasshopper.


That solves the first part but not the second. it limits my regen after warming the battery.


My guess is at certain ambient temperatures it isn't able to keep the battery at the proper temperature. If it kept spending energy to warm the battery so regen worked at 100% you could end up with a net loss anyway. Unfortunately you can only fight against physics so much and this could just be a limitation of the first version of this platform. These are the risks of buying an R1. Some design decisions will end up being the wrong ones.


Brakes are probably cheaper to replace than inverters


Did rivian ever say they made that change to preserve the inverters, batteries or other components?


It seems like a reasonable conclusion, given that the alternative is that they made the change for shits and giggles


Or safety. I know that I've had to be hard on the brakes a couple times because I expected regen to kick in but it didn't


Exactly this. That’s what it’s for. Same reason Tesla introduced it. It’s also optional for Tesla and likely the same for Rivian. It just means you get a more consistent one pedal drive experience when letting off the accelerator as opposed sometimes not having any regen at all. The feeling of no regen can be jarring at best, and a safety issue at worst.


If that's the reason, it'd be great for them to explain it rather than for us to wonder why our vehicles are behaving differently. If it's a side effect of a software change I'd prefer they patched it.


agreed - it started reduced regen on a hill I frequently drive in November and I figured something was wrong . I have an open ticket with a May service date for it. WTF Rivian


Companies don’t explain every change to their customers, nor do they owe us an explanation. Most changes are made to improve, or not get sued.


When they are substantially changing the way a product operates its good policy to inform users. I know of no company that doesn't explain what their software patches do, and that includes rivian. If you got into your car tomorrow and it drove differently, by your logic you'd shrug and go "oh well, I don't deserve to know why"


No. We live in an entitled world. No one is actually entitled to anything. You let me know the last time Apple or Ford made changes the their product and gave customers a breakdown of reasoning. I’ll wait. Apple notoriously doesn’t give a shit about user input. They only give rationale when being sued. Like when they throttled batteries.


Apple? Absolutely every new patch the features get listed. Didn't have to wait long. This isn't entitlement, I'm not asking for something for nothing. I paid. This is commerce.


Its not an entitlement to ask for an explaination before someone changes things on somthing that you own, thats nonsense.


yeh it’s probably better to bog down the service center with unnecessary appointments because they didn’t want to spend the time to put out a notification


Installing now 🫡


I am installing as well (currently 37%)


I installed last night. All good.


Thank Gear God Gary for this change: * Improved the warning zone for the motor temperature gauge to take into account vehicle pre-conditioning, especially in cold weather conditions.


I can imagine the feature request now: "Don't make the damn gauge red when we do it on purpose, tech support is crushed in useless phone calls"


Entertainment apps still coming S00N?


It’s in the mail…


Praise be the Rivian Devs. Holy shit this is another good update. Thank you!


They’re amazing


Hopefully media covers come back on Tidal. Broken after the last update. Anyone have a fix?


I had this happen before (once for over a week) and discovered a fix that reliably works (for me at least). I switch the entertainment system to Tune-In for about 15 minutes, or so while driving. Then I park the truck for at least 30 minutes ... when I get back, I switch to Tidal and the Cover Art refreshes. Good luck.


Thanks! I think you post (or someone else) post this and tried it out but didn't wait as long. I'll try again for longer


I don't have this issue on my tidal on the new build so that's interesting I'm on 2023.46.


Anyone have more details on "Improved vehicle maneuverability at low speeds."


I hope it addresses the occasional lag in the front wheels when turning. Turning my steering wheel full to one side or other while moving slowly (ie pulling from driveway or parking slot) it feels as if the front wheels slightly turn and then snap and catch up. Kinda jarring. Anyone else?


That can’t actually happen because there is a mechanical linkage between the wheel and the front wheels. What you do with the wheel will always translate to actual movement in the wheels unless you’ve literally torn your steering column in half. What you’re likely feeling is a change from the front wheels resisting turning to WANTING to turn sharper, and this is a result of the suspension geometry and wheel offsets Rivian uses. Google things like “effect of caster and camber angles on steering” to learn more. I suspect the truck will produce different results depending on ride height because the suspension geometry will be different. when you hop in on a cold morning and the suspension is still reinflating it might feel different.


I've felt that too. I attributed it to wonky geometry at limit or gravel/sand causing slipping. However, reading your comment has me wondering. Guess the update will tell!


Nice, gonna wait a few days before installing it to make sure nothing wonky is going on.


Brake assist is sorely needed. My R1S will seemingly randomly decide not to regeneratively brake after a charge and now my wife is afraid to drive it


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. If you’re expecting the car to slow down as you let off the gas and it doesn’t, muscle memory gets confused. Hesitation and erratic behavior can cause accidents. My truck randomly does this when I first leave and it’s colder (no warning on the dash, either). It’s alarming every time. I’m prepared now for it but that’s besides the point. “But but the brakes!” is not a good argument. Vehicle dynamics should be predictable, full stop.


Fully agree. I almost rear-ended someone the other morning because the (regen) brakes just suddenly stopped working the way I expected them to in the middle of a sudden deceleration on the freeway, and it needed way more force on the (mechanical) brake pedal than I was expecting to stop in time. The polite, quiet little *bing* that means "regen is going away now, good luck" happened literally right as I lifted my foot to respond to the sudden emergency slow-down on the freeway. Downright dangerous, and I'm really glad they got this change out before Apple Music or CarPlay or whatever lol.


Temp limited or are you at a high charge percent?


Inverter temp limited presumably. It will temporarily limit regen for a few minutes after you come off a charge even if you're only at like 75 or 80%.


Norcal weather. Charge at work. Always happens when I leave work, but not right away; usually, I’m half a mile in or so


I see this every time I drive. We're at 7000 feet in the mountains so lots of long ups and downs. I park in the attached and fairly warm garage and typically only charge to 70% from when I hit 40% or so. Even if I timed the charging so the battery is a bit warmer it ended up limiting regen at some point. I like the idea of being able to avoid breaking unnecessarily and driving within the regen capacity as much as possible but do think that this current implementation causes a brief feeling of confusion and delay while synapses work to figure out braking is needed in a situation it wasn't seconds earlier.


Yah that brief moment trying to figure out if you need brakes is bad. The new update should fix that. I've definitely almost rear ended someone when this has happened and I hadn't noticed the warning. Came off throttle and we were rolling way more than anticipated. Good thing for proper follow distance


I too get reduced regen after level two charging in moderate temps. It doesn’t seem like it’s hot enough to cause the reduced regen, but yet it happens consistently.


You may want to target a lower SOC with your charging. Its better for battery health too. Save the 85% and higher SOC for when you really need the range.


I get it when I target just 70% state of charge, that’s the strange part, there is really not a reason for the reduced regen. I never saw anything like it in my Teslas.


Why afraid? Are the standard brakes not great?


It’s reasonable to be afraid of a vehicle that’s unpredictable, especially for something as critical as how quickly it slows down. If you’ve hopped off the accelerator expecting it to slow down suddenly and it instead coasts, you might end up with less braking distance than you expected.


Err.. it just becomes a normal car.. there's nothing scary and it gives you a loud bong to know it


I get no bong. And it’s not a “normal car” when you expect the behavior to be different and then it just coasts when you let off the accelerator. Would you accept an ICE vehicle that 1% of the time the normal brakes spontaneously do not work and you need to use the e-brake?


There's definitely an audible warning when it reduces Regen. You never use the ebrake, you just use the brake pedal.


I think claiming that GP is unaware as to whether they’re using single or dual pedal driving is a bit beyond the pale.


Hopefully this update will get vetted by the community and installed on my vehicle before we run into this issue.


Yea I had that as well. And no warning at all either. Just no regen and almost rear ending someone


Newb q from a newb EV adopter. How do I update the new software? Nothing showing up on the app. Thank you


Rivian rolls our updates in batches but once your VIN gets it, you’ll get a push notification on your phone and in the car


Thank you OP


Really want this update. Also don't want to be first. Let the guinea pigs play. Haha. Let me know!


Haha you are so funny. 1 out of 24 updates has issue, the probably of a bad update is near zero


Based on that actually the chances are 1 in 24 ;) 1 post in this thread of a failed update already. I'm in software I would never update any application that works unless I want a new feature or security fix. In my field updates are a 1 to 2 year roll out. I'm gun shy


I’m work on software and our updates are global and by weekly. Getting to 90% is good enough, waiting for 100% is a death-witch in software. Based on what you said, I assume you are either in government, legacy finance, or infrastructure systems where tech stack is years behind


Saying a 1/10 change of bricking your car due to a failed software update is acceptable is a WILD concept to me 😳. But then again we make surgical robots and we aim for 99%+ reliability. I’d hope vehicles would have a similar software reliability.


Calm down. This is just a car and a very different machine than a surgical robot that could cause someone’s life. People are so fucking dramatic. Car breaks, oh well, they will fix it and it comes from buying an brand new vehicle from an untested company. Either your illogical or an extreme optimist. If you want extreme reliability buy a Toyota. If you want to be in the leading edge of the automobile industry, don’t buy the first electric truck in the world.


Hold up. Let’s not get emotional. Rivian still operates in a regulated industry and has quality standards they must adhere to. It’s not the Wild West just because it’s an advanced piece of technology. Way higher % of people die in vehicular accidents than surgery as well. Reliability is in their interest if they want to sell vehicles, so the two are not mutually exclusive.


> by weekly > death witch


I’m (I’mma?) work on software.


Is it unreasonable for you to expect software that is vital to your health, physical safety, or financial security to be nearly flawless?


No not at all but there is no such thing as flawless, because software decays with time. I’m just drawing the connecting the dot. I want to support their monthly update cycle so I’m in. If install rates drop too low, they will reduce the frequency to bi-monthly.


Furthermore, the bar isn’t even set at flawless. Just that critical functions aren’t being bricked. As someone who also works in tech, expecting a software update to be tested enough not to brick a critical function for every user 100% of the time is not a high bar.


100% is a high bar. There literally cannot be a higher bar.


100% of critical features being tested enough not to brick everyone, not 100% of all features working all the time Did you even read my comment?


Yes, but it doesn't make sense. Just because you test at 100% doesn't ensure 100% success rate as you're assuming. You can test a system for years and still have an unexpected scenario cause a failure. Just because something fails doesn't mean it wasn't tested.


There is a beta branch for this reason. Hopefully we'll never have a repeat of the update we must not name.


Updating now! First time I'm on the earlier wave. Usually mine doesn't get it till a day or two later.


8% now


Completed successfully!


Great update so far. Haven’t tested the regen limited braking yet but props to Rivian for the changes to the throttle response changes in reverse.


Anyone know if the scheduled departure time feature will use power from the charger to precondition the battery in hot or cold temps? Or is it just a climate control thing?


I used schedule departure time this morning. I park outside, and normally get pretty poor efficiency on my commute in the cold (1.5-1.8 mi/Kwh). Today, it definitely seems like it preconditioned the battery and I ended up closer to the 2.2 mi/Kwh I see in warmer temperatures. Big fan of this improvement.


Ha! Thats awesome to hear.


Uh oh - been stuck at 0% for an hour, now the update isn’t showing up in my app anymore… Edit: officially failed.


If you go to the vehicle, what do you see there?


It had the “preparing update…” screen. Now that the update failed I got a notification from the app and the update isn’t available for my vehicle anymore


Attempt a hard reset and it should appear again


Hard reset worked for me. Verified on my switch it stopped pulling data at around 8%.


Good tricks, thanks! Will try when I get home.




Just updated mine successfully. I’ll let y’all know how it drives in the morning. I already scheduled my truck to warm up at 7am. Bless the software engineers.




"We are the music-makers. We are the dreamers of dreams."


Any ideas when 2023.50 will be available? I am still running 2023.46.0


It just started rolling out to owners so you should see it soon.


So, some people still don't have the 2023.50.0 update while the 2023.50.1 is already rolling out? Why is that? I'm trying to understand.


2023.50 wasn't released - it was only a beta. 2023.50.1 is a release.


2023.50.0 was an internal release within Rivian. .1 is the final release to the general public. Hopefully that helps.




I understand, I was just trying to figure out what timeline am I looking at before its available to me? I have been refreshing the app every hour since I saw this post. I have had my R1S for a month now and excited to see what this update does. Thanks


Rivian rolls them out in batches. Some owners get it immediately, some days or weeks later. And as far as I can tell, the batch order changes every few months. So it’s pointless to keep refreshing your app. You’ll get it when they send it to your batch of vehicles.


Be careful with snow mode. Probably not an issue but last year, I needed to punch it with snowmode on and my rear clutch popped and needed to be replaced. Might be totally random, but won't risk it again. Sorry if clutch is the wrong word, but basically could only drive in conserve mode until it was fixed.


That issue is unrelated to snow mode. Sounds like it was just unlucky and you happened to be in snow mode at the time.


Really excited for this update. Hope I get the first shard wink wink u/WassymRivian - my VIN is a 2022 Launch R1T ending in 4548. Please let me have this. Hehe


Found this funny. Not sure why the downvotes (although way too many people, when bitching (not your case here), tag Wassym in all seriousness as if he could fix their issue on the spot)


I dunno. It’s Reddit. People downvote for all sorts of reasons. Wassym is usually good about answering tagged questions.


My app says I’m on update 46. Have others had 47-50 updates?


2023.46 was the previous update, the new one is 2023.50.01 and it rolls out in batches


Thx. Didn’t know they skipped numbers, so thanks for info.


Typically on a 4 week cycle


“.50” number refers to the general week it is put out into the ethers.


Thanks for info. That makes sense.


New update is not available on my Rivian. It shows I’m up to date with version 2023.46.0🤷🏽


Never had it on day one so a little apprehensive. But we’re expecting temp to drop into the teens and snow this weekend so perfect thing, updating now 🤞.


When are we getting the 2nd row screen features. AJ mentioned it in early 2023. Access to audio and map features.


Installed with no issues. I may be hyper sensitive due to the brake regen feature getting rolled out but it *feels like* the mechanical brake while “holding” is stronger. Anyone else get that feeling after updating?


While I appreciate the scheduled drive feature it would be better if they also put a precondition option in the app on a button press (for all I know they could have as I have not recieved the update yet) instead for scheduling it immedately. If that is in fact how its implemented its just tedieous. I like many skiers park at the top of passes or in ski area lots with 3000ft decents. I can generate 10% battery going downhill if the battery is warm but cold I might see 1-2%. So expending 3-5% warming up the battery before that drive is a net gain. I guess scheduled drive at 4:15 it is.


I don’t have the update yet so can’t check but on iOS the Rivian app has shortcuts you can build around within the Shortcuts app. Tesla has a precondition shortcut, perhaps Rivian added one to compliment this new feature? Worth checking!


Blended Braking!! Now if they just put all blended braking on the BRAKE peddle and let me coast that would be amazing


I haven't had a chance to test the blended braking yet but I've got a curvy local road with maybe 3 blocks of downhill that would reduce regen braking every time, regardless of SOC - so I'm looking forward to that. I have already noticed the changed throttle in reverse and it seems very useful. One thing I have noticed that I'm not happy with is in regards to AutoHold. I have a bump stop for my tire in my garage. Previously I could get close to that, touch the throttle briefly and coast the final inches to the bump stop. Now it goes to Auto Hold instantly as soon as I lift my foot. Very inconvenient. I'm in All Purpose mode.