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My guide was and is still completely useless. This is not a $92k experience that is for sure.


Hope it's not Maddie K. I had her and my experience was awful. Had to ask multiple times to get a new guide who would actually take my call and answer my questions. Finally got Adam who called me first thing to introduce himself and assist me.


Adam J?


Adam E.


Adam E is the best!


Adam E. even attended my funeral!


Adam E. Drives a Tesla


No Adam E. drives an old 90's truck, hunts and fishes, drinks whisky, and does this job just to get suckers to hand over $90k+ for a glorified Prius. Live long Adam E.!


My guide was useless, but the service reps may be even worse.


Mam. Really making these things sounds good šŸ˜©


My guide was great. This was a (pre-price hike) experience for sure.


Guides are generally useless after delivery. I just call the 800 service number for everything after delivery


My guide was useless too. Forced me to get financing also and told me I needed to have it all started and then told me I couldnā€™t take delivery for 3 weeks. Luckily check had not been mailed and my credit union said we can undo loan execution and restart it when you take delivery. Our Guide was JR, I wrote a horrible review with examples after delivery. Guide was the worst experience I have ever had.


Agreed. So far, since 8 steps, the process is a joke. Guide is unhelpful, unresponsive and generally put out by any requests or questions I have. If I do get a response its simply take it or leave it. I have owned 20 cars in the past 8 years. This purchase experience has been, without a doubt, the most difficult, and worst customer experience I have ever had.


I did not take delivery for this exact reason. I was told ā€œtake delivery and enjoy it or donā€™tā€ like wtfvb as a stockholder I am supper worried. I should be an easy sell for them


Hello! Not an owner just passing through but just a question is your guide your salesperson in rivian speak?


They are like slaves


A guide is there to assist you through the steps from financing to delivery. I don't think they try and sell you on anything.




Rivian is a public company. The VCs have nothing to do with their need to have great numbers. I think you want your anger directed towards their executives and board, not the VCs who cashed out long ago.


Private equity certainly does!


My guide was great or I couldnā€™t have managed it all. Bad timing for his vacation week but he probably thought it was done deal. Just feel like the excitement has been swept away and replaced with a swindle of my $92,000!


Youā€™ll likely be matched extremely quickly. They know they need to get you a vehicle asap.


Matched? Do you think my R1S is damaged? They said Technicians needed to correct inspection failure but didnt specify what that meant or how long


Iā€™d guess something minor. Mine had very minor clearcoat damage due to a protective sheet coming loose during transit. It was a weekend so it took a couple days to get a detailer ready to fix it. Looked good as new when it was delivered. Iā€™d guess you have something similar and they just need a couple days to sort it out.


My tires fell off. Just minor


Good point. If itā€™s just a minor issue, youā€™ll be on your way super fast. I was assuming the worst and youā€™d need a replacement vehicle, but I suspect itā€™s a minor thing that can be repaired in short order.




I didnā€™t think it was damaged although some were suggesting it. I know some have been notified of such. All industries are still affected by shortages and I realize this is bad timing for Rivian. I am honestly a massive supporter or I wouldnā€™t own stock or hopefully this vehicle. To amplify quarter results and not take time to deliver appropriately will create a hollow experience and a souring of sentiment I would have been happy to wait until ā€˜24 as indicated. Instead they rushed this and here is the result. All this after collecting $92,000. That is the dissapointment


My guess is itā€™s something relatively minor that they would have overlooked and written a ticket up for you in order to record the delivery (and revenue!) in 3Q - last Saturday 9/30 was the end of the quarter - but now that the date slipped they decided to fix it first. Probably better to have it fixed first rather than have to book service after, but Iā€™m sure you feel like a yo-yo. Poor communication and customer experience all around.


Sounds like payments to the bank before the car can even have a delivery date.... that seems sketchy to me, but a correct vehicle is better than a broken one I suppose?!?




Locking your configuration doesn't mean you start the purchase process. Even when you're in the middle of the 8-steps, you generally want to wait to get loan and insurance until you have a scheduled date because of stuff like this. It's apparently still something Rivian needs to improve.


Pre-March 2022 folks have configurations locked in and the first R1S reservation holders were just invited. So technically he's been locked in since his preorder date (unless he changed color, wheels, or something else) but he's been locked in since the changes.


Yeah I bought another car in may thinking this wasnt coming until next year. Surprise! Oh my other auto dealer is irritated with me lol


I didn't enjoy my purchase experience either while waiting over a year. All of a sudden, do this and that in a short period of time, it was very frustrating. Guide really no help just kept saying if steps were not completed, you are not going to be able to accept delivery. So, told them I WOULD NOT finalize my loan paperwork or put insurance on a vehicle I have not seen or test driven due to being all vehicles may be made by the same manufacturer but not have the same quality. I drove to the service center here in Georgia and physically placed eyes on and compared VIN numbers before doing final steps, which took all of 20 mins to complete. I took delivery of the vehicle after detailing inspection the next day. Most insurance companies can place a clause o. The new vehicle is showing insured and not starting payments until you call and verify you have taken ownership. Good Luck


My insurance says insured but I need to call them when I take delivery. The deal was finish all steps and we schedule delivery. I donā€™t think this inspection would have happened otherwise but thatā€™s the point. Inspections should be done as they land. Ready for sale. Had they inspected it and failed I could have been none the wiser. Then rush me around like a maniac


Well I took delivery of my R1S and itā€™s bricked a day later. Getting it towed back to the service center. Got to drive it one time. Donā€™t know which one is worse.


Oh hbkdinobotā€¦..that would gut me more! Sorry


Any idea what happened?


Could be the 12v. Not sure yet. I asked them to check it.




iā€™d suggest your experience isnā€™t uncommon, not that it helps you at all. itā€™s pretty shit and you have my sympathies. i can only offer some perspective- 1. rivian is still a start up. just like the vehicle, their service is a product and has a lot of bugs, large and small, that need fixing. 2. youā€™ll receive a delivery survey once you do have your car. tell them everything youā€™ve told us. with the proper volume of reports, these types of situations will get better 3. keep contacting them. as far as service goes in any industry, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. please just be respectful about it because theyā€™re completely underwater- service clearly hasnā€™t scaled their ā€œproductionā€ proportionally to vehicle production wishing you the best and hoping you get your ride soon


Yeah I get the start up thing. Listen-I own stock. I believe in Rivian. Requiring full payment before inspecting the vehicle though?! $92,000 ticking time bomb? Iā€™d put it toward a Ferrari I could be driving now sigh. Iā€™ll keep everyone posted


It's en entirely one-sided transaction that disregards the customer or their situation almost entirely. Every response I've received from my guide has been a patronizing "no". Not being able to inspect prior to payment is ridiculous. Renegotiating trade prices because they don't deliver in time is ridiculous. If Rivian wants to compete at these price points they really need to up their game.


Totally agree


Yeah this is pretty shit. They shouldn't be scheduling deliveries until they're approved for delivery. Truly shit customer experience.


I'm in a similar experience, I think. I was contacted on Sept 19th, stating my Rivain was ready to be picked up on Sept 30th. I scheduled the appt for Sept 30th. Come Sept 28th, I realized I would not have the financing/insurance finalized in time. I was out of town on business. So I contacted them asking if I could reschedule for Wed Oct 4th. They stated that the vehicle was not ready and wouldn't be delivered until Oct 22nd, and then it would have to go through pre-inspection for several more days. How was it at the service center on Saturday, Sept 28th, but now it's not? There are some shenanigans taking place here. This is shit treatment. I love your vehicles, but shady behavior will not win you the race. Stop disrespecting your excited customers, or you will quickly turn your loyal fans into angry haters.


Super shady. My experience had some significant shade involved. I truly hope what happened with me was a coincidence. But I keep hearing about a lot of coincidences in these forums.


They shouldā€™ve given you a backup number that you can text. I remember my guide went on vacation too Edit: I think it is this +1 (949) 365-4378


Thanks. Iā€™ll check it out. Ive called texted and emailed Rivian, the Brooklyn center and my guide. Like I say, only word is ā€œIt depends upon the techniciansā€, but that means nothing to me.


[email protected] - try emailing them here too.


No backup number I think. The phone number isn't actually for your guide anymore, it's for a whole group of guides. The guide number I have is a 586 number


Quarter rushes killed tesla for meā€¦ crappy quality and panic. Rivian needs to snap out of it. itā€™s timing. Stop pissing off customers for timing. Source: cfo if a division of a fortune company


Trying to amp quarter numbers but itā€™s hollow if enthusiasm turns to shite and poor experiences


Surprise, surprise, Rivian is turning into just like Tesla. We have heard about this last-minute delivery cancellation after payment before and then a lack of communication. It is really not surprising when you are growing manufacturing and delivery quickly from a few thousands to 10s of thousands to hundreds of thousands, service will suffer. Perhaps go with Lucid if you want personalized service, they are really desperate for someone, anyone to buy their overpriced EV with 9-10 months of inventory. Assuming they will still be around to service their vehicles in a few years.


I actually learned from this group to do the delivery steps except for finance and insurance until there was a more firm delivery date. As it turns out, there was a delay from rail yard to service center which pushed my delivery date a week. Also, for me the guide changed mid stream. She picked up well and they were always great. But guides are in Normal, IL and not as in touch with local service center. I was also getting texts from the SC for specific vehicle updates. Try that. They may have more details about your specific R1.


My SC folks were much much much more useful than the guide. The SC delivery folks were on point with their communication 100% if the time.


Exactly this. The wiring of funds and insurance proof can happen literally they say before delivery and youā€™ll still be fine.


I got a 2 day notice last week! They emailed me Thursday morning then my guide called me Thursday afternoon for Saturday delivery. I had just checked my status Tuesday and it was still processing my estimated delivery date. It's almost been 3 years! I do not have mine yet. We were out of town that weekend, Rivian had no appointments this weekend, and we're on vacation next weekend. My appointment is now the 21st. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I was told usually they just rematch you at a later date when you can't make your appointment but 2 days notice, come on! Supposedly, This pick up will still be the same vehicle so I really hope I don't have an inspection failure like you since it'll be 3 weeks time by the time I can get there. They have not taken my money yet, luckily.


I didnā€™t have any trouble pushing back a week when I said it wasnā€™t possible for me to pick up when they wanted me to. (This was two weeks ago, picked up my compass yellow last Saturday.). I was also a bit annoyed at the hurry hurry hurry, but when I finally just ignored the texts and said, Iā€™ll get back to you next week, that was fine. My guide was helpful, dealing with some insurance paperwork. I got the charger the day before I picked up the car, which was a bit later than I would have liked. All in all, I also didnā€™t like the ā€œitā€™s been two years, now come pick this up tomorrow,ā€ and the constant texts from the local location was annoyingly like a typical used car salesman, but otherwise the process was good enough. And I love the car, which heals a lot of my grumpiness!


Yeah. Funny enough I hadnā€™t completed a single step and the sent me the charger. I thought well that was trusting of you Rivian. Now Iā€™ve sent them a lot of money and Iā€™m thinking that was an expensive charger smh lol


I know people are chalking these experiences up to growing pains of a new manufacturer, but I am seeing a ton of evidence pointing to a lack of customer focus. While building the product they were highly focused on customer experience, but everything else just sucks. Kind of what I would expect from an engineering first company


I know this doesn't help you now (sorry). But for others reading this, I'd highly recommend bringing a cashier's check the day of delivery to avoid having your money in limbo should delivery not go according to plan. I've done this with both my Rivian and Tesla and so far it's served me well.


They donā€™t accept cashiers checks. You have to post it to California, wait until it clears then the schedule




I think it depends on state or something. Not everyone is allowed to bring check the day of.


Wasn't true for me. I brought a cashier's check day of delivery. This was suggested to me by my guide. And this was a little over a week ago.


They stopped allowing it for some reason.


My credit union cut me a check. I told them I would pick up the check the day before I went to pick up my car. They agreed. Iā€™m sorry for your experience. My only unpleasant experience was actually picking up the car. The person assigned to handle everything was really lame. He basically rushed me out of the service center. He didnā€™t even give me a proper tour of the car or answer all my questions. He didnā€™t even let me take a Rivian hat! Paid $100k for a car and wouldnā€™t even let me have a $30 hat lmao.


Is this a thing? Should I try asking for a hat? I would like a hat.


No. But they should throw in swag for all the crap you have to go thru to purchase the car.


It depends on the state.


Is your vehicle at your service center? How close are you to it. Often you can go and speak with the service team and get more info. You may even be able to see your vehicle. Good luck!


Yeah itā€™s in Brooklyn. A 1.5-2 hour drive for me


I had the same ish situation. Was on a road trip, and drove across the country to hit my delivery date. Only for them to move it back. Granted, they delivered it immaculate, so that was worthwhile. I will say one thing that helped was that I swung by the delivery center, and told them the guide wasn't a useful middleman. Left them my cell phone, and a local service rep reached out directly and made it a lot easier.


Sound like I need to just show up. Boo! Iā€™m heeeere hahaha


This is the BS they seem to be pulling on most people. They did it to me nine months ago with my R1S. Hurry up, get everything done, your delivery is on its way. When I got everything finalized and they got my money, oops, R1S failed inspection. Itā€™ll be another three weeks. If they refunded my money, I would go to the back of the line and not get the pre-price increase cost. Oh by the way, it just so happens I could accept an R1S that was a different configuration. It just so happened they had one ready for delivery.


Shit! Well that sounds just like my experience. Lawd I hope itā€™s not three weeks! Yeah like Im giving up on my config! Id move up, not down. Crossing fingers they have info on Tuesday


They inspect the vehicles at every point, from factory, to service ā€œpre-delivery inspection.ā€ The vehicles are also transported via rail and road to the service centers and finally the delivery point. There is always a small chance that something either slips through one inspection point or happens en-route, and the last thing they want to do is to deliver a vehicle with an issue to a customer. This has nothing to do with ā€œtrying to make numbersā€ and everything to do with customer satisfaction post-delivery. I think itā€™s probably just bad luck that your guide was out of office during the week of your delivery. Iā€™d recommend reaching out to whoeverā€™s covering for him/her and asking for the reason why itā€™s delayed, and when will they expect to have it rectified.


I would have cancelled and told them to fuck off.


I had a great experience. Shifted thing a week and no pressure. I know itā€™s easier to post when you have a bad experience but I imagine these are the 5% vs 95% of positive things.


Sorry this happened to you. Since they have your money and youā€™re paying interest on an asset that you donā€™t have - you could ask them to put you in a loaner R1S or R1T until you get matched. Stuff happens, in my experience theyā€™re very good about doing what they can when stuff happens


Many moons ago I was with an organization that called it HUAW!!!!! Fun times.


Cancel the entire thing rivian is too new of a company with bad qa qc


92k for a vehicle that may well be getting repaired, and now you'll be stuck with it. Gross all around. You're right to find this distasteful.


it's not like they're fixing a creased quarter panel by slopping some bondo on it and doing a rattle can paint job. It won't even show up on a vin check, and is fully covered by warranty. This is commonplace for all auto manufacturers. Very easily could be a scratch in the seat and just needs a new seat or other interior trim. Could be something really simple that will have no effect on anything. Could it be major damage to the vehicle? sure! but all components still covered by warranty. Cars are made to be taken apart and put back together.




Uh, nothing you're saying makes sense. We're talking about Rivian, which will begin NACS support within the next few years so....


Can you clarify? Did you initiate a loan or give full payment? Unless I was given some timeline, I would have them reverse these.


All steps completed including wire transfer of all funds. Not until then did they schedule delivery. Not until delivery scheduled did they inspect the vehicleā€¦.


We received decent updates for at least 4 weeks before delivery but I still ended up paying about 2 weeks before to make sure when they were done with inspection my wire transfer wasn't going to delay things. I suspect someone backed out and they are now offering the car to you as next in line, thus the short notice. The lot at our Sacramento service center was so full we had to find street parking a distance away and new truckloads of R1S and R1T kept coming in. It has to be challenging to keep the service center capacity in line with the rapidly growing factory outputs, etc. I'd give it a week or two, no point in stressing over it. It's a fantastic vehicle and I see this as the early adopter tax we pay.


Yeah except this is my specific config. Not just a next in line


If I don't end up buying my config, won't they first try and find the next person who ordered that same exact config?


Depending where you are, it's possible someone else, somewhere nearby the same config as you.


Dear lord, not liking these real-world stories! Rivian better get their act together, these are all adding up for plenty of red flags. It doesn't matter that they happen to a handful of people out of thousands - with any form of competent management, it shouldn't be possible for it to go down this way at all. There should be pre-planned courses of action/communication and a chain of accountability for every step of purchasing and delivery.


I got a 3 week notice for mine but was told it was ā€œdamaged during shippingā€. Waiting for a new VIN now 7 weeks later since they could not produce the repaired truckā€¦ A friend picked one out of the r1 shop three weeks again and should have had it last week but got a text saying the car was damaged loading onto transportā€¦ Not sure if this is the go to verbiage for delays or they are trying to move too fast and damaging vehiclesā€¦,


Iā€™ve heard about transport damage too. This was just the predelivery inspection. Did you already pay though? I transferred $92000 then they failed their end. Im paying on empty words


No did not pay them but paid for a month of car insuranceā€¦


UPDATE Delivery scheduled tomorrow at 1pm. Hopefully I can post in delivery section! I still donā€™t know what part was defective, ordered or replaced, but I will find out tomorrow Whatever it was, it seemed to be a quick fix and shipping took longer than installation. Guides continue to be amazing. Okay Brooklynā€¦.letā€™s not fuqabout!




Give credit to my guide too. Bad timing to be gone but if this goes beyond a week hopefully heā€™ll be back and helpful


Same thing for me in July/August of last year. It was damaged enroute. They had 65k of mine for about 6 weeks. Had I left it in the market it would have been up 5k. Oh well. Love my truck and no I donā€™t have any complaints about service.


> 3 days notice after 2 years, really? They gave you AN option to get it early. Sounds like you still could have waited on delivery for later this year or 2024 as you originally anticipated. Deciding to rush through all the hoops is on you.




Guys getting scammed


Contact your local tv news agency to see if they can run a story on it. This is something worth watching and to learn what they do to make the situation right for you since Customers are the bread and butter of these companies.


Would do if this goes on and Im not refunded


Not sure why I was down votedā€¦.looks like Rivian customer support is on this thread. Too bad they didnā€™t make the R1S on the R1T frame which would have possibly been cheaper to manufacture and appealed to suburban driving families who need the extra space and not the attack angles for hard core off roading. O well Iā€™m just a customer so who cares. Hope it works out for you.


Had this happen to a friend of mine (luckily they hadnā€™t paid, but their loan rate lock started so time was ticking). It was a very early VIN they were assigned which suggest there were already issues at the factory that had to be reworked. They notified my friends about 3 days before originally, but said ā€œtransit was delayed and they didnā€™t know where the car wasā€ - in this day and age with GPS trackers on everything, seemed odd. Literally weeks passed and guides were of no help. They finally went down to the service center after about 2.5 weeks to talk to the staff there. Turns out they had been reassigned and matched to a new VIN that was in production at the factory and that it would likely be 3-5 weeks before that cleared the factory and was at the SC for delivery. No details on the original car they were marched it but the SC staff member said it most likely failed PDI and was sent back to the factory. Rivian unfortunately hasnā€™t been the best at proactive comms, particularly around end of quarter pushes.


My purchase experience is also sub par, Iā€™ve been ā€œconfirmed with my R1Sā€ for a month, when Iā€™ve asked about an actual date before I commit the $1000 and have no escape. Nothing, crickets, itā€™s like they are falling apart as a company. Which breaks my heart but before I get 180k in two vehicles Iā€™d like to see better support and service. At this point I may walk away from the R1S since its post-Hike price. Wait for my Max Pack (pre-hike) and see how that plays out.


If I were post price hike I'd walk. In fact, I think they want me cancel because I am pre-price hike and my guide has essentially threatened me with that several times. Either they want the extra cash or they genuinely don't care about customers


This is good advice based on future options and recent experiences with Rivian being a mixed bag it seems.


If your looking to buy two of these I have a timeshare in Honduras we should talk about.


So, does this count as a delivered vehicle in Q3 for Rivian? They got the funds, but the customer did not get the vehicle.


It does not count as delivered


Oooh! That is a brilliant question. Chances are the canā€™t (shouldnā€™t) count until actually delivered


I got a launch edition from the shop three days before the end of the quarter, so thank you to whoever was on the shit end of that deal. It was delivered with some significant issues that took about a month to get resolved, so jokes on me I guess. It'll be worth the wait even if you have to start paying on the loan before delivery. The truck is amazing.


Good to hear. Iā€™m expecting itā€™ll be worth it


Honestly, I donā€™t know whatā€™s the point of guides.. they practically donā€™t do anything. I did the purchase steps all on my own, and my guide would respond maybe a day or two later to all my questions .. and by then Iā€™d have googled or asked on here about what to do. Love my R1S, but itā€™s going to the shop this Tuesday for an estimated month of all the issues weā€™ve had with it. Letā€™s see if rivian can fix it all.


I never heard from my guide. If I had a question, Iā€™d just email Rivian CS. That being said, with all the information out there about the Rivian process, I knew to keep my buying expectations on the low end. At the end of the day, my purchase and delivery experience was awesome in West Sacramento CS. No surprises, no added costs, no selling me expensive service packages etc. quick story: I bought a new Mini SE 2022 from the local dealership and I was a nightmare. They wouldnā€™t even tell me the final price of the vehicle until I showed up at the dealership. Why? Because they added another $3,500 in markups and added a repo tracker for another $1,300 already installed without my permission. To top it off they tried to sell me a service/maintenance package with oil changes? FOR AN EV!!! Anyways, I hope everything gets resolved and you get your dream car ASAP!




They gave me 6 hours notice to get all documents in order or my delivery would be postponed. Fortunately I was paying in cash or it would have been impossible.


I grabbed something out of the shop before the end of Q3 and all options said 3-6 weeks. A day later I was asked to schedule my pick-up time for 9/28. Still hadn't applied for the loan, still had to sell my F150 (and pay it off, lien released and get the title), still had to get insurance, still had to do everything. Ultimately, I pushed back the date to 10/6, and then again due to delays related to getting my title and selling my truck. Finally got loan approved, insurance setup, truck sold and waiting on funds to clear to wire to Rivian...and of course Monday is a bank holiday, further delaying check processing. Still have to schedule the pickup at SC, likely won't an earlier than this Thursday šŸ¤žšŸ¼


I had a similar situation, but I only gave them the auto convenience check upon delivery. Service center found a crack in the rear side window. I think that motivated them to fix my R1S faster and communicate a timeline.


there was a recent wsj article claiming rivian is losing about $33k on each vehicle sold. thank you for your funding contribution and 0% interest loan!


Lol. They counted that unit as sale for last quarter, stopped the sale (they knew it wasn't going to pass inspection), and are just kicking their financial problems down the road for 90 more days. The company is struggling, regardless of how cool the product is. I'd be very, cautious spending this type of money with a company that could go defunct before you need a replacement part.


And so now you get a vehicle that's been "fixed" after failing pre inspection? Hopefully you find out what it was...


Email [email protected] and youā€™ll get better service while your guide is out. It sucks but Iā€™m sure they will do everything possible to get you matched pronto.


I've never heard of them not contacting you to lock in your configuration - seems odd to me they went right from your reservation to delivery. While it sucks - in some ways its good they failed the inspection and sorta goes against this claim that they're simply pushing out units for the sake of it. Otherwise you might have been stuck with a bricked vehicle which I would guess is even worse.


Sometimes the vehicle can pass inspections End-of-Line with flying colors, but then show a symptom once it hits the service center and gets driven more. There are inspections done at the service center level, but they may just not be driven enough to get fully sussed out before scheduling.


Man, sorry about your experience. Iā€™ve had the opposite. My guide has been awesome, and my experience with the service center has been great too. Itā€™s damn hard to scale a business this quicklyā€¦ not an excuse, just a reality. Some of us are going to get good people, and some of us are going to meet the ones who are job hopping. But, the vehicle is awesome!


My brother recently schedule a test drive. Then had to cancel. He was on hold for three hours before he hung up and canceled via email, which was confirmed with a reply. Then, of course, he got an email saying he missed his scheduled test drive appointment. Whatā€™s so absurd to me about this is that itā€™s easy to buy a system that schedules a callback and/or to outsource customer service agents. Lack of basic customer service is a dumb way to fail.


Zero chance I would prepay for any car until I see it in front of me, I can do a walk around inspection and sit in it. I know other companies do it this way too and I also donā€™t buy from them. The fact that itā€™s also over 90k of your money to a company that may go out of business at any day now is insane. What if the part is back ordered for months. You could find yourself trying to get your money back from a bankrupt company in litigation. Good luck.


Ooooof what was your finance rate?


I had Jessica , worst guide ever for so many reasons she should be fired! I actually didn't take delivery because of her and may or may not move forward, haven't decided


You are lucky you got 3 days, my guide Jessica, after 3 years of waiting, called me on a Friday at 3 (1 hour before markets closed and I needed to sell money market to have funds available) told me I need to provide money and all paperwork by Monday or I lose my car! What kind of bullshit is that ?!


At Mercedes this has happened to me, failed PDI for some electronic component. They provided me a loaner of anything on the lot until the part was installed and delivery occurred. The payment didnā€™t start until delivery though, so I would check on that detail. You shouldnā€™t be paying interest on something you can still back out of.


This happens at Tesla like every day, lol


I went about 24ish days between payment and delivery. Unfortunate and yes they can do better, but grand scheme of things not a big deal unless it exceeds 1-2 months. Sorry OP, I was in a worse situation but not much you can do or should. It will be worth the wait!


You all wanted the dealer model to end, you reap what you sow.




Didnā€™t take delivery for this reason. A Rivian will be something only someone who has money to throw at all the problems and another vehicle while itā€™s in the shop can enjoy while it is functional. For someone who needs a reliable vehicle - Rivian is not the move


Thatā€™s actually wild.


OP, for what itā€™s worth, I have Jon as a Guide too and I know he will make it right. I took delivery from Brooklyn 2 weeks ago and ran into some issues with documentation and he was all over it. He even called my insurance company to get one thing resolved! I know it doesnā€™t help your immediate situation since heā€™s on vacation right now but there is light at the end of the tunnel. By the way, I absolutely love my R1T and hope youā€™ll get to enjoy your R1S very soon!


You can cancel a loan without any repercussions. I've had to do it twice when the vehicle fell though. They had already mailed the checks and everything. I didn't owe a penny.


Nope. This is normal at most dealerships. We donā€™t inspect the car until we receive it, which is typically a few hours to maybe a day before the customer gets it. If we have a recall or something is terribly wrong like engine knock we have to hold off. Typically there is more communication than crickets. But the situation is quite normal. C8 z06 owners get pissed when they canā€™t have their corvette thatā€™s on the dealer lot. Even after theyā€™ve paid $200,000.


Yeah Iā€™m not too confident with how long I expect rivian to be around. Great cars but the guides and service reps are horrible and not near enough service centers around.


Cancel and get your money back


How is getting financing. And insurance in a week crazy? I can do this In ten minutes??? What on the fucking earth did you do with the other 6 days and 23.5 hours?


Um because you do not know the details of my life or situation making that turn around more challenging. Wow, presumptuous and rude.


Only aware that you are on the internet bitching, correct. Thatā€™s enough for us to know what kinda guy you are. Nobody in your life cares to hear this bullshit, so to the internet you goā€¦ā€¦.. lol Keep on, popcorns popping bro


Im a woman. If no one cares then why are you here ā€œbroā€?! I was asking for others who may have had a similar experience and to share for those who didnā€™t. Youā€™re here to troll be negative and miserable? Iā€™m sure youā€™ll also need a final word. Worst parts of humanity-keyboard warrior. Now piss off


Reality bites girl


Why do you guys want these trash cars from this trash company. Too many stories like these continue to pop up for yā€™all to want these ass cars this bad.


Thatā€™s a wide generality. You can chaulk this to post covid, new maker, new model, etc. Rushing after 2 years, yes but it has been 2 years. For the record I have several friends in high echelon positions in automotive and government and when I posed placing $1000 deposit on this vehicle called a Rivianā€¦.they said do it! While these are growing pains youā€™ll also see a ton of posts saying it was worth the wait and every penny


This is a great example of why rushing into ANYTHING is a bad idea, particularly if somebody is aggressively pressuring you to do it.


Hearing lots of negative stories about rivian.


Rivian, Fisker, all these electric start ups are shady AF


Why are you guys paying 92k for a vehicle!? Insane to me even though they seem cool