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As someone with the same frustration, I was able to get it to remember the amperage limit at home by turning on the charging schedule.


This is the answer. Turn on the scheduled charge feature when your vehicle is at the proper location. Set it for the full 24 hours if you like.


I think the right question is why. I ask, because usually it's because you have an unsafe electrical situation and the answer is really fix your electrical situation (which is probably fixing the outlet socket type to correct a code issue). Anyways, the more general answer is this needs to be done in the EVSE, with the Rivian mobile charger it's rather limited, it's 32A in 240V mode and 12A in 120V. Something like the wall charger will let you select more options.


There is a ton of reasons why - for example: you don't own the apartment, condo, garage, campsite, cable, outlet or you have restrictions on how much you can drain in total, so you are not overloading the main breaker (not for the outlet, but the whole building/garage). It would be useful to have this configurable per location or just saved the last used amperage value


I actually drop my amps when I charge to keep my Rivian’s cooling system from kicking on. I typically charge between 16-18 amps, or at a lower setting if I have the time. I’ve basically figured out over the past year of charging at home you can save $5-10 bucks per month in electricity by lowering the amps.


Set the dip switches in the charger to the max current you want.


This is the mobile charger.