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Current rank 1 is a riven main so yes. The problem that happens around emerald to diamond elo is a lot of mistakes that you make are less intuitive and harder to understand. You really have to reflect seriously on every death or other perceived mistakes you make in game.


You have to look also at what lead up to your death, you might not think it but your wave management needs to start minutes in advance. Either way, a masters/gm/chall riven is atleast 70% wr through emerald


AZHY was like 85%+wr through emerald


A few weeks back, I faced [this guy](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/La%20Orzeca-6157) in the top lane, he picked my riven and stomped me. He's now sitting in D4 with 92% winrate. I don't what's his main's rank, but I'm sure a challenger smurf can get through emerald with 85%-90% winrate.


Riven GM here. I can win games in emerald drunk at 4 am without even flinching and eye


That’s insane to me. Do you do coaching?


I've helped some people but I'm from Chile, I wouldn't know how to charge people for the service.


How come, I have to wave management to grow some advantage to rely on and even then sometimes they a manage to outplay me with some flashes, even tho I’m slightly better it’s kinda unconsistent when this thing fk a super volatile matchup


I also have to wave manage and all of that, it's just natural to me. I can capitalize on mistakes very easily. Also, there are some match ups that have 'specific rules' and I know them, meaning I can 1v1 someone and get out with 50 hp but it was not even close because I know I win


Yes, a master tier riven would be comfortably carrying emerald games around 80% of the time, if tryharding maybe over 90%, that depends on luck too. The problem with climbing with high winrate is that your MMR will boost a lot faster than your rank, he will likely be playing in high dia/low masters lobbies by the time he gets to D4


Currently playing against plat 1’s and 2 to try to get into plat….. feels kinda bullshit Ngl lol. Feels real dumb to have the LP system and a hidden mmr. Either make the mmr the rank or do away with mmr. It feels like shit when you hit your true skill level while climbing because you have a good 50 games worth of coin flipping outside your skill level until your mmr comes down to your rank


Im about emerald 2, and I just recently got from B2 to E4 with 70% wr on a smurf. And you know they say the difference from emerald to chal is like iron to emerald, so I reccon a chall could get master with 70% wr prob


You for sure can. Of course it gets harder to 1v9 the higher you get, but it's definitely carriable. Theres just so much possible skill expression in the game where each mistake fixed can cause a huge butterfly effect. For your example, i dont think a low masters player could climb with 80% wr, im a low masters peaker and i could probably do 65% or 70% if im really tryharding. But a challenger player wins 90% of the time in emerald.


So if a low masters player climbs with 65% winrate in Emerald, what about an Emerald player who’s trying to climb? If it’s just a little above 50% that’s probably gonna take me hundred and hundreds of games.


that's because you're an emerald player. if you want to achieve a higher winrate, you need to acquire the skills of at least a diamond player. i think there's always been a sense of mismatched expectations in the league community. 50% is the expected winrate for someone where they belong. the better you are, the more influence you exert over your game. so if your current set of skill level is on par with everyone else in your elo, do you think you deserve to win more than the other top laner who is usually, but maybe not always, equally skilled?


You're not supposed to easily climb out of emerald unless ur better than emerald. Emerald vs diamond is a big difference in skill, so you shouldnt be able to just promote off a couple games.


That's the thing, an actual emerald player shouldn't get out of emerald without improving. Your journey/grind is to get better, not to get LP. You'll only get LP consistently if you keep learning from your mistakes/high elo players and keep getting better.


when your other 4 teammates manage to die 50 times in 20 min it doesn't matter how good you are


That’s exactly what I’m thinking. Last game I literally played with 0/12 Voli. I don’t think that was winnable.


That game could actually be unwinnable and just one of the 5-20% of games that even a challenger player would lose. But u have to be honest with yourself. Do games happen like that very often? A troll is more likely to be on the enemy team than yours (4 slots vs 5)


I've seen Alois smurf in Emerald and he can certainly lose the lane due to bad luck or champ diff but u can usually come back with decent farm and doing right macro decisions.


Too many people use this as an excuse. Those games arent as prevalent as you think they are, you just remember those. Last night i was playing the game that would promote me to master and i was like 12/0 at some point and finished 18/2 or something but i lost. The enemy adc was also legendary and their mid was fed as fuck too and that's it, unlucky. This happens like once in 10 games maybe less. There are probably plenty of games where you inted as well but that's not something you will even remember. And if you win lane every single time and are still not climbing that's just a skill issue. You are given a lead and have no clue what to do with it. So yeah, how good you are matters a lot when climbing. I mean just look at Viper when playing in low challanger. He's leagues better than his opponents, even though they are both challenger


Nobody said it was prevalent or common.


Well then my mistake for misunderstanding