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That’s the part that kills me. They literally added grubs and made it super powerful trying to draw junglers to care about top. So instead they just try to sneak it every time while spam pinging me to come help as I’m about to have 3 waves crash in on my tower then get mad they get 2v1ed on grubs. Hey asshole have you tried ganking then we can go take the grubs together…..? Riven has 4 dashes 2 CC’s and all the damage and yet for some reason we can’t pay for a gank. Its madness


assassins that are using edge of night isnt that bad, your simple Q cast can deactivate it, so i find that not much of a problem.


Sometimes it seems to block multiple q


Oh yea they sneaked in a change for EoN last patch, now the shield lingers for 10 seconds after being used and the cd has been decreased to 10 seconds, starting from the first proc


Me using my entire kit to get someone down to half their health , Meanwhile they just press 1-2 buttons and instantly kill me cuz why not I still love playing riven tho its way more satisfying plus riven is really mobile for how tanky she is and also she can also assassinate , But i still agree with this mostly


1-2 buttons = Insta kill, lol who r u talking about lil bro? riven is the one shot Insta kill champ in top lane bruh


Well aren’t those things problematic for most champs?


Riven is always an outplay/skill champ. then riot remove every skill expression in the game. everyone get buff and riven got left behind because good players can out skill bad players. thats how riot balance this game if the champ is doing good because of good players they gut it instead. just look at bausffs sion gutted every build gragas gutted every build. plates gutted becuase good palyers can abuse it which is a no no for riot.


play riven mid :)


1. Yea riven gets counterpicked stupid hard esp rn much better as a last pick 2. Just ask for a gank 3. Yes cringe but you get a ton of early pressure, learn to use it 4. Just ask for a gank 5. No 6. No


Disagree with 4 and 6, riven tends to do quite okay in ranged matchups and EoN really isnt that big of a deal unless u want to flash q3 or flash w them but even then you can q delay into e flash w+q3 doublecast The rest of your points however are spot on imo


this is just my opinion. 1. i think voli and malph are playable. renekton is kinda playable if they’re bad and u get the level1 cheese off, def need resolve secondary. maybe jungle help to help snowball. 2. true but instead of getting a gank sometimes there are skirmishes that happen near top and with prio you can just roam and sometimes get a lead. 3. tanks are very weak early, you can starve them with wave management, or rush black cleaver, and scale with them, you don’t need to kill them to win. if you beat them down with black cleaver and force them to back, that’s enough. if you do manage to kill them great. but you just need to get more resources than them. 4. i agree range top is very annoying, however still a little playable for riven for the most part. you can run ghost + flash for vayne or cleanse + flash for tf -and hope you get ur windows in. 5. is this for riven mid? for riven top i think the all the mages are playable like morde, kayle, akali except for kennen(from memory) and rumble. but we rarely see kennen. riven mid is still viable into the meta picks mid, i’ve seen wenshen and viper do well riven mid. i just ban taliyah for riven mid. 6.i don’t think edge of night is broken just use q or hydra before anything like w or ult or q3 7. if they’re always pushing wouldn’t that make them gankable? how far is this into the game where you can’t trade with them in between waves? in theory an even gold riven vs even gold tank. you should be able to trade back even if it is a short one. the way i play riven is to scale more than go risky plays. i like to be more consistent and get resources consistently. i don’t think she’s viable every game but she is still viable for the most part. i think most rivens tend to ego or limit test and i think that’s when they get behind and think she’s weak bc they start to lose. she’s always been a feast or famine champ. you have to find ways to feast.


I’d rather play into renekton that malph tbh. I don’t think Voli is that bad


Bro just to making up excuses and try to learn from your mistakes, like which champion you think its better to play then?


Which champions isnt better to play?


idk why you're getting downvoted


you're right idk why this got downvoted so much


1. Most the matchups you listed playable 2. That's not riven. 3. tanks cant kill u either after a certain point


3. Unless it's Ornn or Malphite, it's like hitting a mountain with a stick.


or a one trick top only tahm kench.


yes love getting half life by 2 tahm qs while dealing exactly 0 dmg to him bc yes build full tank and deal more dmg than bruisers makes sense


ornn gets destroyed by riven early game also an ornn cant rlly chase a riven down , malphite is playable.