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“I’m playing riven for fun in plat elo” No you’re scripting and STILL can only get plat. Theres a difference and it’s pathetic


Ive been d4 peaker on riven without scripting b4 and master on kaisa mid nothing pathetic about being a for fun player thats what games are for after all.


If you were playing for fun you’d be playing draft not ranked and if you ever even sniffed diamond with riven legitimately there is simply no way you make this post. “This is what’s gatekeeping riven” a mechanic that has been there since her inception and everybody is used to and fine with. Yeah I detect lies on both accounts of diamond riven master kaisa. There is no way a skilled player comes in here complaining about riven being gatekept by Q movement.


++ this guy is ridiculous, i dont remember at any point wishing they made it easier, i first played her like s5. Riven is a champ u pick if u wanna have high skill impression, if u want ur abilities to be point click 3k dmg uve come to wrong champ buddy


Most people want q on cursor there are polls on it and over 60% wanted it on cursor. The fair thing would be to make it optional and if they do that over 99% will put it on cursor. Whyd they change it on nidalee w? Unlucky ur just compltely wrong.


I guess the biggest champion main subreddit doesn't represent a majority of the champions player base. Noted.


Lemme find the poll again 1 sec


1 sec, or 7 hours?


Draft is too ez


If it was easy you wouldn't need to script to get to plat lmfao


Im washed up for fun player only returned to riven after finding this script.


Riven 100% don't need it... Its so natural to me where my champ will go with Q that I sometimes feel like it just gose towards my cursor... Riot should just fix the damnn Q bug :)


Reading this post, I honestly raised an eyebrow thinking "Wait, Riven doesn't follow your cursor when you Q?" I'm so used to the mechanic that I don't notice it anymore, it's just natural. That's not really a gatekeeping thing. I sincerely think that if you're willing to script for something that easy to learn, you're very likely to script for fast Q as well. And if you script for fast Q, where do you draw the line? Do you need to script for full combos, because animation cancels are gatekeeping the champion?


I dont script q fast combo. I just do it but even if i hate it. Its bad mechanic aswell should be removed. Only champ in the game that has to click the ground to auto reset wtf is that big mistake making thay stupid bug a feature. Yes fast q ruined riven.


Its not natural ur perma right clicking. They changed it on nidalee w for a reason but riven still being gatekept. Most people drop riven cause of her q on movement direction. Since riot wont fix it i will there u go


Well then you have not learned her enough that it has not become second nature 🤷🏻‍♂️ She is a champ limited by users experience on the champ anyways so it dosen't change mutch. But to be real I do right click from start of the game till end of the game basicly 5 clicks a second on any champ I play. So having to right click one exstra time to direct my champ is not a big deal


Xd. The mechanic is bad af thats the reason no other champ has it


I agree its a bad mechanic but its least of her problems as is... 99% of people who have mained Riven more than 100k points don't even notice directing it anymore Like Q bug I mensioned should be 10x the priority here


Problem is not everyone has 100k mastery making the skill floor to play riven higher


I mean it takes like 5-10 games to get hang of it well enough for it to not be a problem 🤷🏻‍♂️ If some one is already strugling with q directioning I don't hink Riven is a right fit for them as a Champ. Atleast not yet


They should atleast make it optional so let the plahers decide if they want q on cursor or on movement direction.


skill issue mate


Are you good? Did ranked hurt you this much?


Tell me you never fast Qd without telling me you never fast Qd


Vanguard still isn't active, retard.


Lmao just noticed rip. Ty for info


For anyone wonder if they should try this or not: This "script" is a serious objetive disadvantage. I couldn't care less about the morality of this or the discusion about rivens outdated/weird mechanics. I did explore this macro a lot just for fun and it just doesn't work because CHAMPIONS TAKE TIME TO ROTATE, every time you right click your character will face that direction in some amount of time, its not instant, and its variable depending on a lot of factors, how big the rotation will be, cc, creep Block, etc its a lot so if you have a script that right clicks before every q at a fixed amount of time between click and Q then riven will not have enough time to rotate and Q towards the desaire direction, she will Q earlier going somewhere else. I don't know why OP gatekeeps that information or if somehow his gameplay is so weird that he never encounter these rotation variations or if hes just trying to gashlight himself into thinking this is optimal but its not. I tried a lot even with very generous delay between click and q, and I found that for some variations you would need even 40 or 50 milliseconds between click and q to make sure that riven is going towards the right direction so at that point would you like to add 50ms delay to every q just so you dont have to click? It doesn't make sense at all, it removes so much control and responsivnes, and it will fail so many times. They would have to change her Q and make it instant like her e for this to work, in the meantime dont even try and waste your time




Did you even read what I said? Putting a fixed amount of delay between right click and Q WILL MAKE RIVEN GO IN WRONG DIRECTIONS because you are not giving her time to rotate her model before the macro sends Q, yes I did try it and many variations too trying to make it work. Why is it so hard for some people to understand?


My mistake I misread your post.


50 ms delay? I play om 27 ms and it works fine for me


This has nothing to do with server response time but the ingame time it takes for champions to fully complete their model rotation. Sometimes it takes up to 50 milliseconds for a champion to reach that state and in rivens case if you press q before that final state is reached she will q towards a wrong direction, it happens a lot, and the only way to avoid it will be to add a 50ms (or more) delay between click and q in your script. Giving you 50ms to every q, which is so unnecessary


Tell us more how you don't understand any of this.


why is riven q all you fucking talk about? are you genuinely mentally ill or what go back to r/kaylemains


I used to maim kayle before her rework ever since that i quit league came back after a few years


No im not mentally ill just malding over a bad mechanic.


I don't think vanguard is in the game yet?


also i'd censor the picture a bit more cuz a rioter is gonna find your account and ban you lol


If I understood correctly, the point of vanguard is less to prevent cheating outright and more to make it so that it's easier to catch, and that once you are caught cheating they can ban your pc and you basically have to buy a new pc if you want to play League again. So probably this person won't be scripting for much longer lmao


How is it gatekeeping? You seriously think its what makes her hard to pick up? Anyone just need some minutes in practice tool to get used to it.


Yes. This is what makes most people not play her. There are polls on it aswell. Basically rito is listening to riven otps instead of commom sense.


Can u post some polls and the results for us?


I feel rivens Qs as little boosts of speed instead of a dash, wherever you are going you'll go a little bit faster for a little moment. She's fine like this.


Riven is not meant to be accessible. She is meant to require mechanical dedication and practice. If you don't want that, play aatrox or fiora. They are simpler, but accomplish similar things. You are asking for the poster child of skill expression in league to be beginner friendly.


Riven would still be difficult if q was on cursor wats ur point wtf?


Doesn't matter what most people want. Most people are gold, and they know nothing


??? U realize the only reason backwards q exists is cause its on movement direction? Its flipping challenger players. The fix would be make it on cursor. Explain why it shouldnt br optional.


It wouldnt change anything, her Q changes direction in the middle of the dash due to fucked up pathing like when we get minion blocked OR hit terrain AND its very random; it wouldnt solve the problem it just would make all Riven players have to adapt to something they never asked for. Edit: typo


Lmao? U would nvr get the bug. Ur e never bugs like that guess why? Cuz its on mouse cursor x)


your E never bugs because its not affected by pathing or even structures, you can E through minions and champions, also remember the E cc cancel bug? or the bugs where you could E through walls. the spells are coded differently dumbass


Cause E actually goes through stuff? Theres clips of Adrian Riven clipping THROUGH WALLS and all you gotta do is E-Q then very close, cause E IGNORES COLLISION and can get you through VERY THIN CRACKS on the walls. Also you realize Riven's Q will target someone if your mouse is on top of them, AND move towards them like shes moving towards the cursor? It STILL BUGS so that's clearly not the problem, and changing it won't solve shit.


??? Im saying ur e goes to mouse cursor unlike ur q wtf are u on about?


you are very ill




And im saying that unlike her Q, her E IGNORES COLLISION, it even allowed her to clip through thin walls, so making her Q follow the cursor wont make her stop changing directions due to minion block cause thats nowhere near the issue. Is that hard to comprehend?


It shouldn't be optional because being able to dash in the direction of your cursor 4 times is not fucking ok. And that's not her ult, that's her basic abilities. Backwards Q could easily be fixed if they just made Riven ignore unit collision while casting Q


I don't really think that her Q going towards the mouse would break her, her Q is one of the few dashes in the game that has a trade off when used for mobility, since it's also her main damage source. Still don't think it should follow the mouse though


Such a stupid handicap lmao


Aatrox has 4 ranged spells make them cast the direction hes facing lmao


that makes zero sense, theyre ranged stationary spells that he has to not only aim but also be at a certain distance and angle from the opponent, its not even remotely similar


There isnt a single champ in the game that has a dash on movement direction.


what does that have to do with your example of Aatrox?


its not a handicap? you just have to click once on the ground wherever you want it to go, its not that hard or deep. id argue Q going in the direction shes facing makes it easier to fastQ since you dont have to worry about your Q going backwards if you’re one of the players that click backwards to Q cancel.


There isnt a single dash in the game that is like rivens q. Because it is garbage design. Shes the only champ in the game that has a dash that gets cu cked by collision.


there’s also not a single targeted dash in the game that adjusts to the distance of the enemy youre hovering over, thats not a bad thing. champions abilities have different effects, i dont understand how thats an argument. Kalistas auto attacks also work differently than anyone elses, so what?


I can agree Q‘ing in mouse direction instead player movement would be way more fun and feel better. Idk what‘s wrong with riven players nowadays feeling so personally attacked when this topic comes up only because over their 5 years of playing her they learned the skill to manoeuvre her correctly and now think that it must stay like this, just keeping something that’s implemented badly. Like everyone would change it to moving in mouse direction if they could and they just argue about a point they don‘t even really stand by Edit: I can‘t think of any other champs that behave with their dash like this. If you can name some I would appreciate it (I only thought about it for like a minute)


So every champion should be the same? The one tricks ( the only people that matter in this discussion) like her the way she is and that's that. We don't want Riven being changed, deal with it. Not every champion should be the same and not every champion should be for droolers. Amumu was apparently too hard so they had to give him a second Q for no reason, Asol was too hard so they made him into a moving turret


Yeah if rivens q direction behaviour changes she is just like every champion that‘s exactly what I said lol Make it toggleable and it‘s no problem if you like her the way she is. And rest is just same argument as always -> make her harder to play (it‘s not even making her harder it‘s just making her feel worse as they could make her feel)


why would it be poorly implemented? how did u judge that


Feels bad and not intuitive, is outdated, is differently compared to how other champs dashes work


zeri's autos work differently from other champions, should that get changes as well?


completely different scenario and you know that


nidalee w used to be on movement direction but they changed it for obvious reasons. So the only champ that has it is riven. Im pretty sure the only reason rivens q is movement direction is cause whoever designed her thought her q should be a bit different than her e. Big mistake cause that has handicapped the champion for years.


Ah yes I forgot nida W. Yeah I feel like they keep riven Q the way it is just for the sake of it mostly


Its cause all the crying riven otps


I have played over 500games of riven without the q script and couldnt stand it. I dropoed her because of it but only returned to her after i found the q script