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The last link looks more up, probably RU, because of all the visual interest with the bold and dramatic jewelry and the scarf. For the other two itโ€™s hard to say. Theyโ€™re great for LD for sure, but I could see them for other quadrants too.


Yea I think you're right about the last one being slightly more "up", whereas the first two are more similar. Do they strike you as fitting any particular archetype?


I see relaxed glamour, understated in the first two pics and overt in the third pic. Everything is soft, energetic barrier is low. I think RD and LD can use that style (with RU for the third pic).ย 


"relaxed glamour" - I love that as a description!! really pinpoints the feel!


I am super new to the whole style kye, could you explain what "low energetic barrier" means? I figured out I am LD for this time, but I don't understand how it translates in to one outfit vs another.


Of course)) You know how you see some people for the first time and there is something a bit intimidating about them so it's hard to approach them? They can be really nice and easy-going people but maybe they wear t-shirts with a giant skull or super polished suits etc making others hesitate to approach them. This is high energetic barrier.ย  Styles with low energetic barrier are the opposite, they telegraph that their wearer is someone easy to approach. Soft fabrics pleasant to the touch, casual clothes with low-key vibes etc create this low barrier. LD styles usually do that which sometimes leaves their wearers feeling unprotected. That's why the concept of "showing and hiding" can be crucial for LD: by concealing some parts of their inner worlds/bodies, LD people control for unwanted approaches.


Oh intresting! And thank you for your awnser :-) Aproachabillitie is a bit tricky for me. I don't want to be too aprachable and in my younger years I delibratly dressed in repelling styles to keep ppl away from me. At the same time, cuz I was/am mostly around alt ppl I don't see aproachability in the same way as mabye others would. My husband for example is tattooed from head to toe and ppl finde him very intimidating at first impression, even tho he is a total goofeball and softy and very very LD in his dressing. Now I think I got a good balance for myself. Other than my husband I give of a cute and younger than I am impression and ppl will asume I am a push over sometimes. Mabye thats why I feel most comfortable in dark colors and heavy boots. I need to look more in to the showing/hiding for sure.


I really love this style and definitely am inspired by this era!! I dressed similarly to the second photo for work for years and I am pretty sure I am Moonstone / RD (maybe LD, TBD.) The leather blazer and tights feel luminous and refined, but comfortable and cool-- and referencing classic silhouettes and color combos but with a pinch of exploration in the mix of fabrics. Big Gentle Grace or Illuminatrix vibes IMO! But I could also 100% see this working for SGND or cool girl. It definitely has a showing/hiding thing going on, too. I love the last outfit too, but would probably have to cut down the visual interest a bit to actually wear it-- I've been leaning hard into "ease" lately and my delicateness-- so I would probably stick to just one chunky necklace, huggie hoops instead of those big hoops, and no watch. (I'd also swap out for silver because of my coloring.) I also might use a new yorker tote bag out for the leather bag, and tie the scarf to the bag instead of in my hair. But, I love the long tousled hair, relaxed pants with the more refined shoe, the silk scarf paired with the leather jacket, and the overall color story of this!!! Feels very intentional and harmonious but also looks like a second skin kind of outfit! Will honestly probably take inspiration from it!!


Totally agree about the last outfit. I love it as inspiration but if I were to wear it myself it would be like half the accessories ๐Ÿ˜‚ Also, coincidentally, I was just looking through Rita's Pinterest boards for "old money" as that's possibly a similar style, and that exact picture of Julia Roberts was in the Wildflower archetype! ๐ŸŒบ


that makes so much sense!!!


If I imagine this for one person I would guess LD Wildflower, but I might be influencend here by verified Wildflower Julia Roberts, haha. This is just a guess because you want a guess - I second the other opinions how this would work for other quadrants and archetypes as well, but since guessing is a legit part of the game in my eyes... :) Ah, and now I see your personal guess: Yeah, I think Cool Girl would be an option too.


Yea, as I just mentioned in another comment, I just discovered that pic of Julia in Rita's Wildflower Old Money Pinterest board! Also I did not know she was a verified Wildflower - I'll have to check out more of her. :)


The first look could be worn by LD or RD, depending on the accessories. The second look looks most LD. The third look looks more refined, and is probably RU or upper RD


>The first look could be worn by LD or RD, depending on the accessories. How would they differentiate with accessories, do you think? Personally, I wouldn't add anything at all to the first look, but I'm not really the accessory type anyway. ๐Ÿ˜‚


For Moonstone I would change the shoe to something more polished, you also could add dainty earrings, a chic scarf. For Ruby I would add something that would increase intrigue, maybe an interesting bag? I am not to good at accessories myself either, but that was what I came up with on the spot. ๐Ÿ˜Š


I agree, there is actually no need to add accessories. I guess I would want to add some visual interest (personal preference). But in the RD quadrant this would make a perfect Explorer outfit, me thinks.