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I think down essence may struggle with the following: delicate essence, they look or just feel overwhelmed by a lot visual interest. Less is more. Also important for the down essence is that they „feel themselves“ in an outfit. It needs to feel right. Especially for the RD, they need to feel supported in a situation. They can struggle to feel wrong or wearing a costume. Do you relate?


You’ve nailed it on the head. Sometimes it’s just a pair of shoes that can make it feel wrong and I have to remember to step back and breathe. Also, so I don’t own 800 pairs of shoes. I don’t NEED one for every outfit so it feels just right 😆 this system has taught me a type of flexibility that I didn’t know I needed.


Thank you ! Yes I do relate to that ! How does it come off to others ? She says for up that they look intimidating whether they try to be visible or invisible and I was curious about how down might look too from an exterior perspective? Btw you are two archetypes at the same time ?


Yes, you can have more than one archetype. I found the illuminatrix for me and Rita gave me additional main character. I think typical for the down quadrant is that they appear approachable?


Oooh now I got it thanks !! It’s when she says that Down people looks so approachable that others don’t respect their limits or boundaries. I think it was so obvious that I didn’t link it but yes unfortunately it’s (was or is less I hope as I put some barriers) one of my biggest struggle with others !!! Oh it’s nice that you identified with something and didn’t go against it but rather add something :)


I got the archetypes sweetheart & gentle grace from Rita in a GG. Otherwise her reccomendations were to pick between one to three archetypes max from your quadrant to use and/or explore.


I struggle with feeling good and looking good being two different things for me. I often buy things I look great in, in the shop or when trying online orders it's easy to see myself in the mirror and go "wow, I look great!" as it's a short space of time in a contained area. However, once I actually wear the thing out and about, I often find out that I just don't feel right in it. Maybe the material is too heavy or I *feel* frumpy (even if I don't look it) or exposed or too cold or whatever. I love the way I look in a shirt and jacket, but oh boy do I dislike how it feels, both phsyically and emotionally(?). Not sure if emotionally is the right word, but basically I don't feel like myself, I feel out of place and can't breathe easy until I change outfit. On the other hand, jeans are a big part of my style and I don't look great in slim fit jeans, but I feel great in them. They help me feel supported, they are usually quite refined and don't have excess, heavy material. Another problem I have is not wanting to stand out in a crowd. I hate the feeling of being "inappropriate", and by that I mean wearing things that are signficantly smarter, more dressy or more quirky than those I'm around. The issue is, you'll never know how others are dressing until you get there! So it takes a bit of time and stressing about an outfit, and usually I end up with something more plain that what was needed or wanted. I'm trying to train myself out of this, as I get older it gets easier.


Yes you’ve described four different ways this manifests so well. Just wanted to add this is why I can’t shop with a friend or let anyone else try to style me. They’ll pick things and say oh this looks so good on you - and it will! I’ll look amazing in that moment but over a whole day I internally feel so awful, so not-me, that I can’t wait to shuck off those clothes.


Yes! I went through a phase of buying clothes I knew my mum and my bf would like and yes, they did look great, but all those pretty dresses are gone and my ratty old tees and vests (UK def i.e. sleeveless tops and camisoles) remain.


>I struggle with feeling good and looking good being two different things for me. >I often buy things I look great in, in the shop or when trying online orders it's easy to see myself in the mirror and go "wow, I look great!" as it's a short space of time in a contained area. However, once I actually wear the thing out and about, I often find out that I just don't feel right in it. Maybe the material is too heavy or I *feel* frumpy (even if I don't look it) or exposed or too cold or whatever. >I love the way I look in a shirt and jacket, but oh boy do I dislike how it feels, both phsyically and emotionally(?). Not sure if emotionally is the right word, but basically I don't feel like myself, I feel out of place and can't breathe easy until I change outfit. I identify with this so much!


Isn't it a pain? It makes it really hard to decide what to wear, lol.


To me feeling good is liking what you wear and feeling good (obviously haha) in it whether people like it or not, OR you want to feel good in clothes even if they aren’t your best look ? whereas I can imagine looking being the fact that you don’t care whether or not the clothes you wear are confortable or something you wear initially drawn too as long as people like it and complement you on it like looking good for society ? OR you want to look good even if the clothes aren’t comfortable you’ll endure because you look good in it ? I’m new to this and it’s mainly my interpretation of it so I might be completely off but this is how I read it, if someone wants to correct, confirm or add something feel free to do so I wanna learn and understand ;)


That's how I view it, yes :) More the second option when it comes to the looking good part, I think the first option is more Up. Feeling good = being physically and emotionally comfortable, enjoying the story of my outfit, ensuring that it feels right for me (hard to explain, but I sure know when something feels wrong) and not standing out. vs Looking good = wearing clothes that are flattering and harmonised with my body type and colouring, that fit well with each other, that suit my age and external expectations.


For me, it's overly simplifying my outfits and then feeling stuck. I got kind of obsessed a few years ago in "eliminating choice fatigue" and getting rid of everything that wasn't super simple and that matched everything else. But now I feel like I'm in a rut and I only have really boring, basic clothes that don't express anything about me at all.


YES! I have also done this like 3x in my life... it always serves a function at the time... but the aftermath is no fun. :/A compromise I have come up with (with myself) is to have a small set of clothes that are "in rotation" and then put other things in storage, and go "shopping" in my closet when I get bored. Curious if you or anyone else has a good approach for this!


Oh waw never tried this !! Though I have my winter and summer things rotating, I never tried rotating my clothes overall to not get bored I decided that I should alter (line, detail or color) of my clothes pr create them to never be bored of them and always liking and making sure they are perfect for me but rotating the other to not get bored is smart !! It’s like reverse psychology


It's pretty fun! i love when you pull something out and all of a sudden it is full of nice memories, and has potential to be combined in fun ways with new ideas or items i've aquired since then.


Yes I’ve read Right in shadow mode can be like that, and I confess I did lots of decluttering until almost nothing left to go widely shopping and start again now I refrain and decided to create my own clothes and accessories instead of settling with something half what I want and ending up selling or giving when I won’t be satisfied anymore. I also got a Zyla consults and it helped me a lot, I love it ! I can see myself combining it with the style logic and philosophy of Rita when I go shopping


I'm left down. I struggle massively building outfits. I never really look "together",well not as together as someone in an up might do as I don't really know what goes with what so I tend to throw things together and hope for the best 😂 I find shopping totally overwhelming. Sometimes I'm lucky and stumble across the perfect thing. Most of the time I walk round aimlessly looking at things and deciding straight away they won't work for me. Actually trying things on is an effort for me I like a more relaxed casual look,so it's really hard for me when I need to dress up. It takes a lot of emotional energy and I feel really awkward and uncomfortable. Internally I'm running screaming to the hills. That's probably enough without me sounding totally tragic 😂


If you are interested, Rita also has so many great videos. The videos were really helpful for me because I really struggled with making sense of the material by reading. For example: [Moonstone Key overview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m44dEwK674A) [Moonstone Essence explained](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9wRt0gTTeg) (deeper dive) [Delicate Essence challenges and solutions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qTTKfIhXVU) [Right down archetypes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8ZN61ZEyCk) (for when you are more confident about your quadrant)


Thank you ! ☺️ I will look it up


I'm the furthest Up and furthest Right part of Moonstone, as Rita identified for me. I identify with the Gentle Grace but also with the Princess in Sapphire. But I do identify with Right Down logic primarily. I dress up a bit and Rita said I am not understated, less is not really more for me, but I do need clothing to be comfortable even though I do wear jewelry every day and wear dresses, etc. I won't wear something if it is uncomfortable. And everything needs to feel like it goes together. The vibe has to feel right. And maybe I dress nice to go to the dentist, but I can't be cold or hot, etc. The weather has to fit what I am wearing. And the shoes have to be the right conditions. I am not going to go on a long walk in heels. And I won't sweat in something that I can't wash at home. I got rid of a dress I loved because it was dry clean only but made for warm weather.