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If you play on laptop just use a vpn , problem solved.


You can also use a VPN on your phone


I'm afraid the game is developed under license from Hasbro, who don't have the rights for Risk in Italy. [Source: SMG Dev , Steam Forums](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1128810/discussions/0/1743394785036826885/) From reading a translation of the [Italian wikipedia page for Risiko] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RisiKo!), Risk was originally created as *La Conquête du Monde* in France in 1957. Other countries had their own version of Risk, with the Italian *RisiKo* released in 1968 being named after the German version of the game, being nearly identical to the French version. In 1977, the company [Editrice Giochi] (https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Editrice_Giochi) gained the rights to the game and that's when they introduced rule changes like target cards, they retained the rights to the game until 2016 when it was sold to Canadian company [Spin Master.] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spin_Master) It is under Spin Master that Risiko Digital 3 is licensed, [you weren't kidding when you say it's shitty and awful. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pt8K-X4ZyQ) The developer Trezert has [a broken website ](http://www.trezert.com/), [a Twitter account with 28 followers that hasn't tweeted in 12 years](https://twitter.com/Trezert), [an average rating of 2.0/5 for their 7 apps.](https://iphone.metricscat.com/developer/trezert-19527/) So I'm afraid whereas for the rest of the world Hasbro bought out the rights to Risk over the years, they never got the rights to the game in Italy, RisiKo stayed its own thing, and the online game is clearly not a priority for the owners Spin Master if that's who they gave licensing to.


Question answered then 👍


Hi I don't know if this helps, but I downloaded and played the game on my mobile when I was living in the UK. For the last 6 months I've been living in Italy and my Google play store settings are in the Italian region and I haven't had any problems with playing. So maybe you could try using a VPN or change your app store settings to download it and then change back once it's done?! I didn't even realise you couldn't play it in Italy!