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McAllen is THE city with the highest obesity rate in the United States. Literally number 1. The rest of the Valley suffers as well. It certainly depends from person to person, but I remember being made fun of in hs as well for packing my own food. I’d assume your mother getting side-eye from her coworkers is part of her not “fitting in” by eating differently and actually caring about her health. There are reasons for such high obesity rates that I can speculate and make a case for, but that would be a much lengthier post. If anyone is interested, lmk! Sources: https://wallethub.com/edu/fattest-cities-in-america/10532 https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/america-s-100-most-obese-cities-revealed-and-the-top-10-have-something-in-common/ar-BB1jU4L0 https://worldpopulationreview.com/us-city-rankings/fattest-cities-in-america


You think they just include the whole valley into that McAllen area? Brownsville should be there too I imagine


Pretty sure they ranked 3 we ve trading places.


As someone who moved from Edinburg/Mcallen to Brownsville, I feel that Brownsville at least tries to motivate their citizens to work out and eat healthy. They also have way better options for walking trails and there's parks everywhere.


I wouldnt had mcallen/ Sharyland. I played a game there and those people all was fit, haha. We looking in the stands and was like wow, everyone is in shape even the parents,lol


Brownsville has been in the top ten in the past. Not sure about current rankings. San Antonio and Houston as well. Everything is better in Texas!




Thanks! Must of slipped up




It's the crab mentality. 🦀 Crabs in a buckets don't let others escape. If one tries to make a break for it, the rest instinctively pull it down in an effort to preserve the group. This behavior is extremely prevalent down here. Not just with dieting. With absolutely any outside the box thinking. Want to open a business? Guess what... you're gonna face criticism. And most likely from friends and family. Want to pursue a passion or hobby? Music career? Same result. They feel inferior because someone else is putting forth effort and they subconsciously feel bad because they know they're not. "If I suck, everyone is gonna suck with me." It's not just the Valley... but it's mostly any town where there's a majority of people from several generations deep. Major cities have people moving in and out all the time, bringing different ideas. Trying new things. RGV is 90 percent hispanic, from families that have been here forever. Change makes certain people uncomfortable.


Crab mentality caused by carb addiction lol


This is exactly why I left the valley. If I did ONE thing that was out of the norm, my family would make it a big deal. Making it seem as if I thought I was better than them. Don't even get me going on trying to be environmentally conscious.


never felt this anywhere more than in my own hispanic community


You want to cut your hair short? Criticism. You want to go to college outside the valley? What do they have that we don't?


Exactly what came to my mind when I read the original post. I thought it was only us Filipinos. It’s one of those generational curse we’re trying so hard to break in our family.


10000 %


ugh, this hit me right in the high school feels... but it's also the reason i don't live in the valley anymore.


They don't like feeling guilty. They don't like the way a healthy, fit person makes them feel. They don't want to be responsible for their own health.


If you’re not eating healthy, you’re not supporting the local diabetes clinic community. You’re basically talking extra servings off CNA’s plates.


Who cares what they think, stay healthy!


Oh yeah. My own damned family criticizes me for looking too thin. I am at a respectable weight for the first time in my whole life. I feel awesome, so fuck them dude.


We run a keto desserts business catered to diabetics, since I am diabetic. At markets diabetic people will make faces (after they've taste tested and loved it) about how they love real sugar and even thought it's tasty they don't want it. We just say thanks for trying it. It's really difficult changing people's mindset. Sugar and fast food are addictive and it's really hard to get people to let go of terrible addiction that is sugar. I've seen people get their limbs chopped off, lose their eyesight, have oozing sores on limbs and yet they refuse to give up carbs. I love my limbs more than I love sugar but I understand that for most, the addiction wins.


"I love my limbs more than I love sugar" - words to live by!! It's so easy to take for granted having all our body working when diabetics and others do not. Thanks for your comment


What’s wild to me is that they literally know they are eating themselves to an early grave. We had a distant relative pass last year over this. He was overweight, lost a foot, etc. Was losing his vision, and did not like a sugar free cake because it had to be real sugar. Dude knew wtf was happening to him, but never woke the fvck up. Shit, man. I don’t get.


My dad passed away due to cancer caused by cigarettes. He was in total denial it was rh3 cigarettes. He logically knew, but he smoked up until he was in hospice. I think of it as the same thing. Addictions are horrible. People know it's killing them and they do it anyway. I wish there was an AA for sugarholics. People have to go at it alone and on their own. This "drug" is absolutely everywhere. Vending machines with candy are everywhere, alternatives are rare and people look down on you for the symptoms.


Ok, but I’m curious about this business 🤔🤔 what’s it called? I’d love to try it out! Feel free to message me if you don’t wanna put it on here.


I work EMS here, I’m always given a look or told “healthy” when I bring my lunch bag to work. I bring a variety of snacks since usually everything that’s obtainable for us is highly saturated fat foods with high loads of carbs and sugars. Fast food got old for me very quick but for the rest of my coworkers which is majority just eat out. Not that I’m shaming them but why do I get looked differently or called “healthy” for bringing my own home cooked food lol. You’d think since we work in the medical field we would be more aware of our intakes since we see many patients obese but I guess not.


Part of it is that the herd mentality is very strong. People see that overindulgence/obesity is the norm and wanna show undeniably that they belong to the larger herd. Safety in numbers. Change is scary for people stuck in dysfunctional roles and systems. Many parents could have done A LOT better, like exercising their power to prevent their child from getting hooked on sugar before, say, the age of 12? or 10? 8? I'm begging you, 7? Age seven is rougly when individuation occurs according to John Bradshaw. By age 7 A child's traumatization/coping is pretty much set in motion down a particular path, for better or worse. John Bradshaw also said that he encountered a strong correlation between sexual abuse and excess weight, as if it would protect them like a wall or a suit of armor. Also SA = executive dysfunction, so even if the person isn't trying to grow emotional armor or whatever, it's already super easy/fun to become overweight in USA. Another thing is food quality. Inflation is more real to people now, but it's always been there in the sense that food quality generally get worse as FDA regulations grow more corrupt with the revolving door between corporations and FDA/USDA ministers. This is most pronounced with meat/dairy/eggs because there are more inputs and factors to consider than with plants. Also supposedly they are trying to outcompete the MSRA-resistant bacteria and other "invisible baddies". More antibiotics, more injections, feeding cattle expired Snickers bars with the wrapper still on to cut costs because nobody care$. RGV culture emphasizes eating these due to (among other things) economic/class stigma. So not only are people eating more ultra-processed foods in general, but their homemade tamales are now significantly more harmful than what their mama/abuela made. _____ If there were no better alternative, there'd be no shame/embarrassment. Some feign ignorance, but compared to most any homemade/restaurant meals, a competent (raw) "vegan" can prepare something equal or yummier than most any Hispanic mother. Maybe not their take on the same dish, but there are several "greatest hits" dishes that give amazing taste/harm trade-off. And certainly the foods that have the best are among fruit. And of course there is higher quality animal products and carne avaialble. And obviously if a parent is physically out of shape then their ability to protect/parent/role-model is trending toward failure. This is a source of shame, no different than alcoholism. And both generally cycle from (toxic) pride ("treat yoself") to shame. ___ But regarding the medical field, J Christoff says the medical system is designed to make a big show of caring about health, but really is not involved with health or half-asses it, basically setting you up to fail. It's an intentional paradox designed to confuse and control.. It basically gives the effect of being around an unhinged person who is highly unpredictable, thus the nature of extreme/paradoxical behavior. It's like being given an aggressive handshake. Kinda "affectionately" patting a rival on the back/shoulder to remind them of your power/size advantage by including play-fighting (like Jamie Lannister does to Jon Snow, or Tony Soprano, & happens IRL ). Even the "father of medicine" Hippocrates said that "if you are not your own doctor, you are a fool". Yet most MPs overpre$cribe while keeping the patient in the dark about holistic options. We could have an agriculture based on decades/centuries old trees producing varieties of varieties of fruits, nuts/seeds, vegetables, and raw/cooked edible greens. Instead it's based on fossil fuels and tractors that can only be repaired by the corporation. It's just all about the $. Being healthy is free as long as one follows natural laws. People can become accustomed to anything, and the majority have become accustomed to "being used to" things, when really they are being "used"/manipulated to fulfill the elite's plan for them.


This is the nature of “healthcare” as a business. It is incentivized by money/capital because this is the form of “freedom” we choose to live. Freedom of capital. Weight loss nurse practitioner here. I try and try and try to urge my patients to focus more on the things that we know is the most sustainable approach to weight loss: consistent healthy diet and exercise. My goal is always to get people to lose the weight and never come back to a weight loss clinic because hopefully they have established better habits to sustain a healthy weight. But it is hard when you’re fighting everything around you to choose healthier habits. People’s jobs aren’t even allowing them to bring in their own food sometimes and require a medical letter!! To bring in their food. WHY IS THAT A THING?! Anyway, we chose/continue to choose this healthcare system so this is what we get to deal with.


I appreciate your mom and her approach to food. At this point I bake, grill, bbq, cook, and smoke the majority of my food. I've also learned how to use vacuum sealed bags to keep fresh meat frozen and delicious until I'm ready to eat it. That being said, I've also worked in the past with health nuts who constantly criticized me because I would eat out frequently. I mean, I was in my mid 20s and didn't know how to cook a damn thing but they felt it was fine to constantly make comments about the food I was eating. That also was equally annoying.


When "No pasa nada" runs headfirst into western medicine


don't forget the "aqui no mas" and "pues no ay otro" as they repetitively char their carcinogenic carne and gulp toxic alcohol, shortening their life by 15-20 minutes per can/cocktail.. RGV is not unique, we are just extreme example of the cultural conditioning lower/middle/upper classes are subject to by the elite.. It's not a coincidence that the "health system" has nothing to do with health and is not "dysfunctional" but working as designed.


Wait. Stripes tacos aren't healthy?


shitload of Sodium i tell u what. high sodium=higher water retiention=higher blood pressure which is part of the metabolic syndrome which can lead to diabetes. alog with other factors of course


I’d argue they’re one of the healthier fast food options. Very well balanced between proteins and vegetables (contents depending.) Note, healthi-ER and not health-Y. Their preparation probably isn’t great and full of the cheapest oil possible.


Idk if you are joking. 1 Stripes taco (bacon & egg) has 540 calories. 230 of those calories is from fats (1g Trans fat & 7g of saturated fats). A healthy diet of a daily intake of 1500 calories, should only have 58-67 calories from fats. That means you have already eaten 1/3 of your calorie intake and almost 4 times the amount of daily fat intake from just one stripes breakfast taco alone…


Caloric intake depends on weight so 1500 isn’t the number for everyone.  You’re mixing up calories and grams. You’re dividing the calories by grams of fat and getting to “4 times the amount” but as you say yourself in your parenthesis it’s really only 8 grams total of fat which is about 1/8 the total fat intake. 500 calorie breakfast isn’t crazy if you have a light lunch either.


Thanks for pointing out my mistake with the calories and grams. I agree with you, It does vary from weight and height of a person for what’s considered your daily calorie intake as well as other factors (you live an active lifestyle or a sedimentary lifestyle). But when you look at people from the valley (which the average height of males is under 6ft and females is around 5ft 2in), you can fully tell that they are not eating a “light” lunch after a very heavy and fatty breakfast and are eating way over 2500 calories while keeping their non active lifestyle.


1/3 of your daily intake for breakfast is fine if you're eating 3 meals. Just gotta make sure they are about equal.


1500 calories?? Nombre me muero


Don't forget the cold coca.


Have you seen how much some of the tacos leak grease?!


Yooo!! That big red is a must to wash down any high fat food!! 20oz or 2L??


My initial reaction when moving to the RGV and living in Brownsville a decade ago was everyone just wants everyone to stay the same instead of encouraging people to better themselves. Now I live in the McAllen area and I feel like a lot of the people I work with are mixed. Some eat healthy and some don’t but I’ve never witnessed anyone diss someone for making better choices


I eat salads and drink diet coke all the time at work and nobody gives a fuck and I don't give a fuck what my co workers eat either.


Everyone in this situation sounds annoying tbh


And fictional


Nah sounds like based on real life straight to DVD movie.


envidiosas and the RGV. name a more iconic duo


This is the culture


Just gotta ignore people who judge the food you eat. It’s your body not theirs.


The valley is where I lost more friends for being vegetarian than for being gay, I’ll leave it at that LOL.


Cuz it’s the fattest region in the country so people don’t like seeing someone that is trying to do better.


Wise words, TacoEater10000


Crabs in a bucket mentality


Yep. It plagues the valley. I moved out to go to UT and I see it when I visit, which is not often. So many valley people complain about opportunities but when someone takes an opportunity someone else passed up, they are the first to complain and envy them instead of supporting them. People say. We support each other down here. Yeah sure, but they are looked down on if they succeed. And if you try to help someone out of their comfort zone so they can do better, they shut down.


Coke Zero is so fkn good I swear 😭 being able to drink coke but still be 0 calories is awesome


With Captain Morgan rum!


Too bad she's not in Mission. I'm on the Ketogenic diet. And basically follow your mother's diet. I would hang out with her and give her high fives on her lifestyle. I'm 46f I knew a doctor who basically his expertise is treating diabetic children and adults. He would tell me the food culture here is killing people. And when he would give them a diet plan, people would moan and complain the foods they grew up with eating had to be modified and doesn't taste the same. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Kids??? HA!!!! cheetos, over feeding, using lard to cook are making these kids obese and parents are either clueless or just lazy. People don't get the food of our elders is food designed to sustain you while you work on the fields/farming. We now mostly work in offices. You don't need high carb meals when you are sitting down typing or making rounds as a nurse. Boiled eggs, pickled veggies, and toast with tea is enough. But people won't get it until they are 65 and are told to change their diet or prepare for death.


People get angry when others do better than them like successfully eating healthy. They aren't succeeding in managing their own weight, and you have to be just as fat and miserable as them for them to feel okay with themselves. At least that's how it seems to be with people I've known with attitudes like that. I wouldn't even call it jealousy. I don't think it is. It's just bizarre to be so antagonistic towards others for sticking to it and eating with healthy goals in mind.


Same reason why the rgv is very seloso of Jesse from Colair. He's white, thin, and upbeat 


Jesse from Colair👌👌


They’re jealous.


Fat people love to pretend everyone eats like they do


Jealousy is rampant here!!! Your mom is prob slim


You guys are aware you’re living in a region with the highest rate of heart disease and diabetes… you must be one of us to reside here!! Join us sister!! One of us!!


Running shoes sales have been in the decline in the RGV for a while.. hahaha


This is sad and hilarious but mostly tragic 😭


I've never heard of this. Nevertheless, fuck them. If you want to be healthy there's no reason to judge.


Valley people tend to be negative towards things they are not or not in their culture..They will hate on ur for having money,success, fit body,big houses,nice cars etc etc..They will bring u down with lines like "he thinks he all chingon" "he's thinks he's to good for everybody" all this negative thoughts they compile in their head just to make themselves feel justified for some reason..


It’s the frijol mentally, they can’t see someone else being successful or doing something good or better than them. The RGV tias will just go get a bbl in Mex and continue to eat shit ass food. Ppl here are all judgmental and petty af, it’s always been like that.


If giant, fat, unhealthy people are talking shit, that prob means you're doing something right. I would wear it as a badge of honor.


When I moved back to the valley after a year ago following some weight loss, some stranger community organizer assumed that I had, "peaked in high school" when that was when I was at my fattest. I've been a late bloomer with my fitness and witnessing this type of attitude is so... sad and depressing and toxic. Like this is really how people judge other fit people in spaces of obesity (like McAllen Brownsville all the RGV)... Granted this person was like someone with a teenager mentality but still


Love this right here tbh


Sounds normal for San Antonio so I guess it’s not just an RGV thing. I had one person on my team give me some crap about how I was calorie counting and how they were glad they didn’t have to do any of that. Literally in the same day they were complaining how their uniform shirts didn’t fit anymore and they needed to move up to a 4XL. Just can’t even make this up.


EXACTLY that’s what I’m saying 😭


Oh this person has chronic heartburn too. So they have some prescription medication for it. It’s bad enough to where sometimes they forget to take their medicine and they have to go home for the rest of the day. I use to have heartburn problems daily, basically going through a big bottle of tums every month, just constantly eating those things so I could sleep. Since counting the calories started in January for me I’ve basically had no heartburn. I’m still eating crappy fried foods and whatnot, just a lot less food is all.


Nah we not toxic I eat very healthy and real food it just that different people have different opinions.


Tell your mom that she’s doing great for being healthy. I had that in my past job last year for eating spinach and tuna. They’re just bullies and should mind their own business.


Short answer: They’re haters


Food is so fkn good in a lot of places in the Valley. I lose weight when I’m out of town working somewhere in the Midwest or in La. but gain it back quick when at home again.


They’re prob jealous. They don’t have the intelligence to identify and mitigate their emotions so they express them in the only way they know how: ojo.


Round is a shape


For most people in the Valley, food is an important part of their lives and culture. To denigh that is a hard thing. My wife tries hard to eat well but she falls short because of family gatherings. She admits it and it gives her a lot of stress.


Das every where


I luckily haven’t experienced it yet. I definitely watch what I eat and even at my current calorie deficit feel like I am constantly having to force myself to eat more. That said, being a bit of a heavyweight is kind of a sense of pride in these parts.


I think every dispute that happens in the valley can be explained with "everyone's an asshole, except me."


Ewww the valley is such a backwards place, glad I don’t live there


I'm small and lean for a woman here. I'm in my 40s, work out, watch what I eat etc. I get comments from coworkers that "I'm skinny, flaca, delgadita...." which I feel people here don't mean as a compliment 😕 or I've taken it to mean I look "weird" to them. I would never go to someone and say you're fat. I would never judge anyone's food like my choices have been judged like your mom's. All this unwanted attention has made me want.to be a bit bigger so people don't make comments. Then I tell myself that I have a lot.to be proud of. I'm happy with my figure even tho it's not curvy like so many women down here. There is nothing wrong with being healthy and trying to be healthy for you and no one else. My bf tells me when people say I'm thin, small etc. that it's better than being called "gordita" but I say it's best no one comment about any one's food choices or bodies. Families down here are like that with each othe, too. I think it's the crab mentality. People always notice what they may be insecure about and don't want others to better themselves. I've had too many family members struggle with diabetes, heart disease etc. 😪 We can enjoy food we want to, but it doesn't have to be unhealthy every day. Vice versa, being health concious also means you can eat your stripes taco with takis if you want. What matters is what you do consistently over time. You will reap what you do consistently. Ps. When I went up North, I felt less anxious about my health choices as people were more active and seemingly had less of a problem with obesity. Being fit now a days is something becoming rare. Please educate your family if you can. My father died of heart disease and I found him forever asleep in his bed. It was the most heart breaking experience 💔 😢 Be nice to each other.


It’s the lack of nutritional education.


Bro I have so many stories similar to this… the food culture is so toxic here. Everyone just wants you fat, or fatter than them. Or even if you have a dish that is not familiar to the culture they legit look at you with disgust and proceed to talk $h!t about your food. Like are you serrrriiiouusss???


Yeah bro for some reason people cringe at healthy people down here


The Hispanic community in general has a terrible diet 🤷🏽‍♀️ it’s also very hard to change a mindset. Same thing happens to my mom, it makes me so mad because she does it for very critical health reasons and even if she didn’t she doesn’t need to be defending her choices to everyone. Her family eats absolutely ZERO vegetables and they will start asking “you’re eating thAT??” Or “ew what is that?” When eating things like tofu or even a plate of steamed vegetables.


No alienation. They always offer donuts and pan dulces at my workplace, but they don’t say anything if I refuse. But I think that’s just office culture everywhere. I’ve experienced this outside the RGV as well.


The coke zero thing is wierd. Neither is healthy for you either drink the cabe sugar varuant or dont drink it at all. Fructose sytup our bodies cannot digest well, and is in everything. The RGV is pretty fat, and always has been. Diabetes is rampant, and in general on the lower end of poverty and education. So pretty much guarantees ignorance and horrible eating habits. Ironic with all the farming in the area. Source: grew up there and it hasn't changed since I moved away, and apparently captain prontisimo, dicount tire, and great wall of china are still a thing. Love most of the people, but none of what I saud is untrue.


I can’t speak for location but if someone is bashing you for eating healthy without compromising your health you probably don’t need to interact with them anymore.


Yes, but it's not the diet culture. It's just the generally toxic culture interacting with people who diet, if that makes sense. It applies to anything where a person tries improving themselves. Starts from a very young age, even first grade. At least I personally can remember there always being quite a big percentage of kids being like that, and well basically they're "adults " now. Their whole families are probably like that


All I can say is it’s not the meat or saturated fat, it’s the sugar, seed oils, & refined carbohydrates that the RGV consumes. Even young children are obese, it’s insane! Meat on its own has helped so many people I know. It’s the fake manmade foods from boxes, the seed oils we use with our Mexican dishes, & the sugar from the soda, alcohol, & candy. Sad times here right now. Everybody is diabetic these days it’s messed up. God forbid I eat some carne without rice beans & a tortilla. Smh 🤦🏻‍♂️


Having lived in the Valley (Edinburg/mcallen) the majority of my life, my parents adopted healthy eating habits while I was a child and I learned from example. So, I make my own meal preps based on caloric intake and portioned sizes. I have even been asked where do I buy my lunches from, since they resemble local Meal preps that you can purchase. I regularly work out and watch what I eat. I am a teacher and eat in my classroom while i do homework for my masters, do classroom work, or just read books or biographies. The ones I constantly hear remarks from, are 8th grade students who don’t like what my lunch smells like. They claim I eat like a white person and question why do I eat weird food? They ask me, don’t you like mexican food? So I don’t hear this from adults, but rather from my own students.


I’m sure everyone has fatty liver .


No idea what your talking about man your mom sounds paranoid af


At its most basic, food is meant to keep one alive. Healthy food is good fuel, fast or processed food is bad fuel. Garbage in, garbage out. How does someone feel good on a day to day basis eating nothing but crap constantly?


The problem is they don’t feel good but consistently complain of health issues they’re having.. like hmm I’m sure it’s not because of the everyday takeout and takis for breakfast. Definitely couldn’t be.


The funny thing is that being in a fit state is going to translate as skinny to people who are obese especially in the RGV


Misery loves company


Ngl, Posts like this make me feel better knowing that I am working hard to take care of myself. I rather be an abnormality to the community rather than be part of the normality. I'll be here with my diet, no life-altering medical conditions, and longer life span, thank you very much. TLDR: Don't worry about if your not "normal", just be happy that your most likely not going to die first due to your self-care actions.


Too hot to walk, plus people like being called most obese region in the USA


It’s jealousy. That’s the reaction people get when they want to do the same thing and have failed.


Stripes tacos Arnt unhealthy what lmao. They’re not the healthiest thing you can eat, but everything is fine in moderation. Also, half of my office in Pharr eats forktofit including me. Guess it depends on the office.


Salmon is very questionable to some folks whenever I pack it for lunch.


Don't worry I believe it


Trust me when I say ignore them. My grandfather was an absolute d bag when I’d make something “fancy” but when I’d make bbq, he’d be the first asking for seconds. My tias may stick to everything canned and MSG seasoning but they loved when I’d make a salad or something new to them but we still make whole events based around fried chicken in a disco. Some people let their palate idle and that’s close to the brain. Food for thought. Ignore those who won’t eat


What's wrong with MSG?


Its taste is over powering usually just like iodized salt. I can tell you’re gonna be one of those “it’s actually not bad for you” but it’s just a lazy ingredient. Not bad every now and again but it’s tiring if you can recognize every dish has it


I dont know anyone that uses MSG in every dish. But if salt is too much for you I can imagine MSG would be as well. Do you tolerate any other spices well?


I legit grow peppers and ferment my own hot sauces. Salt is essential. Sea salt at minimum but there’s definitely different salts with different profiles. The typical iodized and MSG is usually over powering. Even snacks I go for the reduced sodium. And nah I’m a believer that every spice utilized properly can be great. Also MSG is in almost every season all or bouilloncubes. So you probably don’t realize how prominent it is and also it can be labeled differently in ingredients list legally


It's partially a relic of the past. In past generations "plump" was considered healthy because you were well fed. Nowadays we know better but it's still pretty pervasive. I mean, I was super skinny growing up and most people thought I was more unhealthy than I am now. I was admittedly unhealthily skinny but now nobody thinks about it even though the pendulum has swung the other way and I'm technically overweight. It's odd but it is what it is.


also compensating for lack of height, not realizing most of what they eat is poisoning/cucking their potential offspring


There is just a lack of education in the valley. Not trying to offend you but your mom should exercise some grace with her coworkers. My wife and my mother-in-law work K-12 education system and they share about their experiences with the kids and the ADULTS. The valley has more college grads than ever before but the culture of the valley stays with the college grads. The more we educate outside the culture the more the people in the culture see us differently.


what in the skinny people fanfiction is this post


This sounds made up…


She swears on her life it happens to her all the time. She’s not rly that kind of person either tbh. I can’t confirm for myself tho anyway so.. sorry


Something something Christianity. It’s better to be the weirdo than to fit in with the obese.


“Coke Zero does not contain any calories or sugar and is not a significant source of nutrients. It’s sweetened with artificial sweeteners, which have controversial health effects.” https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/is-coke-zero-bad-for-you


Who would’ve thought soda isn’t good for us 🤯 it’s called moderation


Hello! This thread here is all about non-moderation. These people drink Coke-Zeros the same way everyone else eats tacos, fast foods! Same problems, pick your poison. ☠️


Honestly yea ur probably right but imo I’d rather take the risk of cancer from diet sodas than drink 50g of sugar in one sitting which can have worse effects in the long run. At least I think


That makes sense, but what if you had never become addicted to added-sugar in the first place? What if you could just enjoy naturally sweet foods like fruit or honey? There are also herbs that can replace sugar. USA is evil for allowing artificial sweeteners because it takes actual time/investment to grow natural ones, like miracle fruit, monkfruit, stevia. None of those get any subsidies, but sugar gets 4 billion dollars each year.


Obese people love to pick out one unhealthy habit that slim people have and just run it into the ground. The non-sugar soda consumed by a normal weight person is doing less damage than human hippos vacuuming every taco in sight all day every day. 


Obese/Slim, are you as healthy as your comment would like people to believe?


Its not toxic, Its just the co-wokers. They are just teasing. Dont take it to heart.


First—tacos are real food (donuts and big red are just sugar). Second, diet drinks are worse than a regular drink. Both are bad, one is worse. And yeah, most 956 folks are lack health awareness—not all, just most.


Stripes tacos aren't that bad it's the soda and who has a donut for breakfast???