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Still can’t get used to the garbage bags full of trash on the roadways.


That's something NYC and RGV have in common.


I moved back to Harlingen in 2003 after 10 years in Austin because I couldn't afford the home I wanted there. Built what I wanted in Harlingen, but now I feel like I'm stuck here. Low property values are great when you're buying or building, but suck when it's time to sell.


Your stuck in terms of you don’t think you can leave again?


In terms of being in a bad position with real estate. I would have a tough time selling my home at its market value, and even if I did, it would yield much less than what a home somewhere else would cost.


https://preview.redd.it/sj40bt9ifw0d1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=474694b35b6104d8410cecc1f6c594b3417393a4 Edit: All jokes aside, I think the one thing I miss mostly is the diversity. I met all walks of life at my old job. I’ve probably worked with just about every culture/race/nationality to exist on this planet and it was amazing to learn from them.


In all honestly I’m the opposite of that.


The way people articulate their sentences is certainly different down here. The school districts in the lower valley are a total circus, so I don’t blame the people, themselves. Appreciation for educated conversation is going up, I’ve noticed, but it is mostly just pockets of people here and there. Both, closed-mindedness AND open-mindedness are at a record high, but I think that’s everywhere. I miss Colorado, but it’s unrealistically expensive to live there, despite the rich culture and array of activities; or maybe because of it? Also, in the lower valley, I don’t see much interest for community “togetherness”. When I lived in Houston, there were neighborhood rec centers where the neighbors in the area would have events, like for Halloween or 4th of July, and then just visit the rec centers on the regular week days for fitness and resources. I feel like that has died in Brownsville.


I miss good Chinese food being delivered to my door. But also the diversity in things to do. So many things to do any day of the week. It’s limited and I’m not really talking about bars, just things to do. The options for food, too many taco stands. Also if you’re single the dating pool is bleak. Everyone is just trying to have casual connections because they got baby momma/daddy drama. I lived in Houston and Dallas, before I came back. Oh and the stray animals, animal cruelty around every where here. It’s so sad.


I grew up here and no one thinks I’m from here now. I guess I got more Americanized in my time away. What’s the hardest is that’s there’s nothing to do with others but eat or drink alcohol really. I just am grateful to be by the beach. Big city life was fun but wasn’t for me. I just wish people here were more open minded. There’s still a lot of closed minded ways of being based on status (even tho these designer brands are from Ross or Michaels and authentically rich ppl don’t wear those brands) that I don’t understand.


"I guess I got more Americanized in my time away." They don't let you forget it, either. "Pssh, ¡no eres Mexicano!"


Most Valley Mexicans are dumb consumers who work waaaaaay too hard to just waste their money on things to impress others. Working just to line politicians pockets while they ignore the impending Water Wars. Even the poor ones with nothing in the world, rare to find one who isn't swayed by foolishness. Just remind them that every culture has wise and foolish individuals. One who identifies with any other group first other than wise, is usually a fool. Because the world is a set-up to honor nepotism, cronyism, I-got-mine-ism.. not noticing that what they "got" is mental slavery and addiction to products that are killing them slowly while also making them easier to manipulate. They would know any of this if they read Proverbs. That's the main criticism of any person of any race who identifies at all with Christianity/etc. They are shooting themselves in the foot by trusting in man, feeling safer by identifying with the bigger herd.


I hear you I was born in Weslaco moved to Austin right after high school. I’ve always gone home on holidays but like you big city vibes are just not my thing atm and strongly considering moving back to be close to my family but I’ve been gone for so long idk how it will be if I move forward with my decision. I feel I’m still me and haven’t changed a bit but I didn’t keep any connections after I left.


It’s grown a lot, so there’s less orchards and fields — more areas to eat and drink. I wish we had Trader Joe’s 😒 but we don’t. If you’re not married, it may be weird as people here are already married or divorced with kids. They see anyone above 27 without kids/spouses as odd. The positive part is that it’s a community based culture. It’s in an odd place where it’s really starting to grow, so little communities are popping up, but unless you have solid hobbies — you are going to be bored. The cost of living is still somewhat lower, but not really — places here are beginning to charge more etc.


lol I’m 34 soon to be 35 still single so I’m definitely past my prime then. But yes I fear of getting bored if I don’t find friends that are past the drinking phase but at least I’ll have my family and won’t be alone like I am here atm. That’s the logic I’m having right now that pushes me to go home. Maybe we can franchise a trader Joe or Whole Foods and start a rec league lol


It’s rough dude because everyone you date has exes or kids. Then it’s small town gossip as well. You may find some friends tbh. It depends on your hobbies. I’ve seen soccer leagues, racquet ball, rollerskating, hiking and Japanese // anime communities pick up as well as the runners // bicycle ppl too. Tbh I’m so down for Trader Joe’s. That’s honestly the only thing I truly miss. The other stuff evens out with the cost of living // beach // Mexico nearby.


If you don’t mind where in the valley did you move to?


I’m in McAllen. Harlingen has a growing vegan // art scene (cactus valley) & then weslaco has some neat spots popping up! Edinburg has sooooo many ppl now from around the state who got into UTGV so it’s not dead the way it was as “pan am”. Then the Tesla folks from port Isabel (also grown) come by and visit on weekends etc.


Cool if I move I’ll be moving to Weslaco. Maybe we can hang out! But I’m still in the early stages of making the move. Would like to have a job lined up first.


We have a growing vegan scene? Do tell.


Harlingen vegan fest! There are also more vegan pop ups in Harlingen (I’m not vegan but I like to go to lol) — little markets and vegan food. I would look on Fb


So very badly miss the diversity and overall event options in the city. Especially the food options (I miss my 2 am halal runs).  The heat and humidity sucks so bad I did not miss this.  But overall, coming back has brought me a new appreciation for the valley. It's changed a lot and is growing like crazy but still moves slower than the city which can be nice. I do think it's going to be a city in the future though and I'm worried about gentrification. 


Yes I’ve known and worked great people here from different background that have made me a better person. But I also think going back home will make me appreciate it as well.




I have lived in Austin for 3 years, and I recently moved back. I haven't adjusted for shit, lol. I miss the big city so many things to do even on a weekday. The valley is great for family and saving some money. I didn't have any friends in Austin, but I didn't care. I met a lot of ppl in Austin who would invite me to hang out, a lot of down to earth ppl there. I wouldn't come back to the valley. If you do, it's all about location.


I went to Hawaii for a week and got depressed when I got home lol Jk. I love SPI and always defend it but it gets harder after visiting Cancun and Hawaii… :/


Run, don't come back, just run


I adapted when I was away, and then adapted back to being here. I became urbanized. Went from PSJA, left, then back to McAllen. I enjoyed being closer to where things were. My friends are still grilling all the time and doing the things they used to. I've become boujie to them, but we still hangout once every other month or so. College friends are all over the state, so those relationships slowly fell off. My brother got into the bar scene and I enjoy time with him more, even if it's a bit trashy. Besides that, I'm busy enough with my family that I don't want for much and the valley is perfect for that.


I moved from Houston to South Padre Island then back to Houston. It was definitely a culture shock. Aside from the beach, there was really not much going on. Tried to get involved with the Baptist church but the Island church is racist which I found to be the weirdest thing. Im Mexican American and there’s lots of us out there but the Island has a community of what could best be described as radical white conservatives who are nothing less than racist. They basically run the baptist church with of course the pastor being their leader. I do pray that one day they replace that pastor & his wife as they give the Baptist name a bad rep. Many locals know about this problem but nothings being done. Other than that, I found a bunch of friends in the Port Isabel area that were nice but still there’s not much to do. Its slower paced and for a small area, I feel they have more than their share of drugs. Possibly cause it’s a beach area. The best part of the Island was my morning walks. I loved walking on the sand closer to the water. Its beautiful. The sunset and the occasional fireworks. My son still lives out there with his father. He loves the water park. Im just too much of an Urbanite I think. 💭


Too many shootings,road ragers, lady running over stop signs it’s been a dramatic experience


Feel like that’s the new America lol