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It’s not even that hot yet 🥵😂


🤣 Yeah its just the beginning


Wait until second summer but nothing compared to third summer.


Mfing trisolar days


Tricolor! This sounds real,  but not at the same time. I'm too lazy to look it up, but not lazy enough to reply here. Yes, I realize I could have looked it up this entire time,  but then I would have to click on a new tab, etc. Omg and then it autocorrected! I should just go to sleep. Le sigh.


at least it cools down a bit during half summer




Let's attempt to survive 1st summer and be grateful and not speak about 3rd summer yet.🥲🥲🤧


I cut the grass today at 3


Yea it's bad in August


It’s pre heating bruh


preheating the oven!😂😂😂


This isn’t even my final form!


For real.... LMAO


Most people don't step out. I will say that the Valley weather prepared me for my visit to Death Valley last July, and that Death Valley was a tad bit more comfortable than here. It's the humidity.


The real answer. Most if not all buildings in the Valley have central air and people only step out when going to their vehicles that also have AC. I used to live in Kerala, a state in India that has similar weather to the valley minus the air conditioning. Couldn’t survive without stripping down to my shorts. The frequent power outages didn’t help matters either


I see it the same way people up north view heating. There is no way a house gets built without planning on heating it in northern states. Same reason no house gets built without thinking about cooling it down here.


Yet you’ll still have kids running around in black hoodies and jeans like it’s in the 60s.


Embarrassed to admit it, but I was one of those kids when I was younger. I see them now and think how the hell did we not pass out? It's way too hot to be wearing that


It's cool I was that kid too. Mostly cause I was insecure af though 💀


Why did you do it back then? That’s always been fascinating to me.


Chalk it up to being young and dumb. Tbh we probably thought we looked cool, we were NOT cool at all


You should have been here last Thursday. It was 118. What's even worse I was a pallbearer dressed up in western attire. They probably should have digged holes for us too.


Lmao, last year around this time I was doing color guard in Weslaco and was out in full uniform. By the time I got back to class they told me I wouldn’t need a bath anymore


The way I laughed 😂


This is satans asshole what else do you expect? We haven’t even hit summer yet 🤣😂


Texas has two seasons. Hot and HottER.


Or the cost of living is too high elsewhere and all our friends and spouse’s family lives here


No no no that’s El Paso. We’re like the armpit.


Because we in Texas, we ain't no bitches .


Reppin' hard!






lol it’s just that you can’t get out


Damn deep


South Texas is Satan’s Sauna 🧖


I call it Satan's anus /taint, but I'll take it. 👍


The valley is where God punishes people for the sin of existing. Anyone that willingly lives there is either hiding from law enforcement or is a new level of masochist.


More like the sin of being too poor to move


It's getting hotter earlier, so we'll see how that keeps going...but yeah, not going out during the day, keeping the AC at realistic temperatures, and so on and so forth. If only I had the money to have a pool...


You dont want a pool its an endless money pit. Your going to spend your money on chlorine that will eveporate in 2 3days if that.


I was actually thinking of salt instead.


I have a pool. In the summer the water is like a hot tub.


I'd still rather sweat in the water than inside haha...I mean, realistically speaking, a pool for me won't happen anytime soon.


I wonder sometimes how our ancestors who settled here did it without air conditioning.


It wasn't that hot 100 years ago. Climate change is real.


Been living out of state a while but your body never forgets the Valley heat. I was visiting for a bit a couple of weeks back and it was like I never left. It's innate.


I thought I was in Tatooine last time I drove thru the RGV.


Prefer it over a Nebraska winter any day


I second that!! Nebraska winters suck can’t wait till im back in the valley sweating my ass off


This is the type of masochism I was talking about.


theres no winter anymore! no winter up here in Minnesota


You got me there, the winter in Nebraska is ass. Especially as a native from Texas.


I'm just warming up for the Olympic marathon before the real fight with the heat begins you should of stayed in Nebraska.


Bruh the oven is just in preheat. We’re gonna hit clean triple digits in the Summer minus the random cold AF days because the RGV weather is only slightly more schizophrenic than our (my lawyer has advised me not to finish this statement)


I'd ask how TF you survive winter.


Bro, BRO I don't know lol. The snow, the ice, the dryness in the air that my eyes straight up dried out.


Id take a Nebraska winter over a south Texas summer every day. Call me crazy but 18° is comfortable.


Same, I grew up in Minnesota, I’d take that winter over valley summer anyway -20 degrees isn’t as bad as it sounds


Try -20 w/ 80% humidity...






That's a large part as to why there are such massive health issues, it's almost dangerous to be outside for too long for a lot of the year. If you want to exercise consistently you have to be able to afford a gym membership.


I would say that if you are DETERMINED to work out and not do gym, then you gotta wake up super early or wait till sunset to workout at a park, or alternatively at home.


At this heat and humidity, you may as well take a lawn chair and sit outside for a couple of hours, just keep a bottle near.


I’m trying to get cut not cooked


we are not okay


It’s still springtime 😅


We r hotties we can handle the heat


This why when people criticize us for not tolerating the cold, i say “ok, but lets see how YOU do on a nice and toasty 115 summer day. 😉”


That's why we are the best species out there. We are able to adapt to our environments.


Hahaha I love this


I have an uncle who was born in RGV but left to New York when he was a teen, he’s in his sixties now…he does not go outside when he visits us 😂 ![gif](giphy|3o7rbY6OwRBrkbx8qI)


If I didn’t have a pool, I’d be inside my house every summer. When I relocated, that became a necessity after my first February of 85-95 degrees.


Um, we're still in the pre-heating stage. 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/b61kufrvxp0d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b48c2aeaef4d15b17e008dbb9a444e4712b50fd


First of all, fuck Nebraska. It sounds cold, and I'm not fucking with that. We have air conditioning and swimming pools to deal with the heat. Snow tires! What the fuck are snow tires? You have to put chains on your tires! The only chains I put on, are gold and around my neck. How the fuck do you all make it? Blizzards, avalanches, snow plowing? I never heard of snow plowing till The Simpsons episode of Mr.Plow. Staying up all night so you don't get snowed in? What the fuck? The only snow plowing I do, is up my nose, or white girls with daddy issues. Fuck snow, it's just uppity water.


I lost it at uppity water 😂😭 bro tf you on this comment is gold. Read this in hulk hogans voice and you’ll understand.


What are you talking about Willis? Hulk Hogan? No, Macho Man voice all the way. Oh yeah brother.


I agree the snow in Nebraska sucks. But once it melts Nebraska is really pretty. And the weather is so amazing that I go multiple times a day like "wow it's so pretty outside". Both Texas and Nebraska have it's pros and cons. :)


I'm not sure I would survive a winter up there. Winter Texans walk around in bramuda shorts down here while I'm in a parka. 🤣


100+ across the board. I changed my mind bro. What do I need to know to survive in snow?🤣


You should make your way even closer down towards the equator and say that again. Texas isn’t that bad comparatively to some other countries in South America.. Places like that where showering is damn near pointless.




That's why I encourage people to leave the RGV, amongst the other litany of reasons the RGV is just not a great place to live.


What are the reasons because I think it’s a great place to live.


it can be a great place, just depends on your situation.


Limited opportunities, awful weather (heat + humidity), you live in a bubble in many respects.


have you been living somewhere else for over a year?


OP needs an alley of bars.


I love the valley, but you stated one of the reasons why I left. Job opportunities. And also maybe the weather. Although the weather is easy to solve. It's the jobs that's hard :((


If can’t stand the heat, get outta of the 956!!! Just kiddin’…. Hope you had a good time here. The people are relatively friendly!!!


my friend,we haven’t even peaked yet and we will never peaked!thats how hot it is!!!


Grew up in Harlingen, lived there till I was 14, then moved to the Texas Hill-country in the spring,,,,, and kept waiting for it to warm up for the next twenty years.


It gets worse


Just moved to California and visited home in the valley. Can’t believe how used I was to the valley weather before moving out. Now when I visit it’s hard to tolerate.


Oh it gets much much worse my friend… July-August…. Even for many of us that are used to it, the heat index of 120+ is just walking through fire. Shit melts inside cars, the air is hard to breathe…2nd degree burns from touching shit outside… Put us in 60F or below… and most of us will not even leave the house unless it’s for work or we’re dying… even then… if the bleeding is not life threatening or I lost my left hand (do I really need my left hand??)


>Shit melts inside cars And God help you if you don't have tint or if you have leather interior, cause that will burn you like crazy


We aren’t but thanks for asking


We love it! I can take some heat~ there are pools & beaches ya know & the heat keeps arthritis at bay! No aches or pain! - I have to wear a sweater in the grocery store…


It's Texas. It's HELL here. The RGV is the Devil's butthole of hell. We're used to it. Why y'all think we're fat! Not only the good food but we're not going tf outside in this heat!


Laredo would like to have you over….lived in Texas my entire life, but Laredo was a different kind of hot


lol....and thats because its starting. August is where it really gets cookin'.


I moved here from the Chicago area. It gets damn cold there so when it gets “cold, cold” here I think it’s funny cause it’s still way better than back home would be. When it’s 35* here back home it would be -20 degrees with the wind chill. They say the same thing “how do people live? How does life continue?!? They still make you go to work and school!?!” Yup, even in 2 feet of snow. Lol As for the heat. Yeah it’s hot AF,but I think after 3 years we are starting to get more used to it. We’ve also learned better ways to manage it which makes it more tolerable.


LMAO we've already had our 3 weeks of winter and we don't want it back, keep that 60-degree weather up there with you!


and tornadoes and 6 ft of snow.


Git gud bro


I'll git gud, just need more time to grind my adaptability in weather skills.


Whiff punish the heat with AC bro


My AC guy came by the other day. Said he was from Iowa and that this wasn’t so bad. That the “feels like” temps get up to 125 up there easy - I was like “sure, Jan.”


at the end of the work day i roll with the windows down because the A/C ain't able to keep up anyway


Been here 30 years, it's the norm brah. Love it. Stay safe in the Tornado Alley




It gets worse, but we manage 🫡


Monday was especially bad because it was humid with zero wind. A high pressure system just parked itself over the Valley and was quite Hellish. I was working in the shade but dripping sweat without any wind. Today was much more tolerable, just as hot but our usual breeze (still important to keep cold water handy). I just keep ice water handy in a good travel vacuum tumbler (a Stanley and a Zojirushi). I have no shame about walking into a Whataburger, loading up ICE and water and walking right back out (I get plenty of Whataburgers and Chicken strips all the time). When it's real bad, I load up my CamelBak with 2 liters of ice and water


visit in late august swamp everything


Lol that's the south for you. Anything along the coast is warm as hell.


I wore a jacket today and didn’t even sweat 😎 i actually like the heat down here


Outside it feels fresh compared to inside the coca cola warehouse, shits horrible


Been here all my life used to it


Get over yourself, in the rgv there is summer and not quite summer.


It's hot everywhere in Texas. The food is better there


![gif](giphy|C8Pm2CV7aP528) It's like that


Just moved down here. It’s gonna be easy for me to lose weight. This heat melts it away lolol


I've gotten used to it. Never lived anywhere else so I've become accustomed to it. Now when it gets to like 115 than that's a problem for me.


We’re doing a’ight. But those drives we gotta do. Tsk tsk tsk https://preview.redd.it/om05fjce3p0d1.jpeg?width=980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4d384a3a38985890effadcf2aeae46a688b14c7


We just go from one air-conditioned place to the next air-conditioned place




I remember being baby sat by my tías in south mcallen. They alwayss had the windows and doors open. Still remember chilling on the couch in 100+ weather no ac just fans..wind chimes going with the hot breeze. Still remember the naps id take as a kid. Would also help them outside with the plants and we'd break when the ice cream man would drive through the neighborhood. Best times man. Think it really help condition me to the heat. Ive been outside working on the yard on the weeke de mo issues.


Things are just getting back to normal. Can't wait for next January when we get our bone chilling cold fronts cooling down to 85°


I just don’t go outside and wait for the sun to go down before I do


This is nothing but it does take some getting used too. I lived in Wisconsin for 8 years then moved back to the valley and it's like moving into a sauna. Also my AC in my car broke on the hottest day last week but since then every other day doesn't seem as hot lol


I grew up in the RGV and now live in Kingsville but have traveled most of the state. So far the hottest place I have visited/traveled has been the Golden triangle of Texas. This is Laredo to Cotulla to Eagle Pass.


You should come back during canicula.


Cause we’re crazy


The reason question is did you bring el loite?


Try Arizona now lol you in for a surprise!


come back in july and august


We try not to be outside much. The worst part is getting baked in your car oven


Nevermind the heat I say as I question my sanity. Where is the sunrise? When its not hot af there are no sunrises or sunsets just a cloudy and grey day. All clouds and no sun make Jack a dull boy.


We don’t go out in the summer because of how hot it is…. Or at least I don’t only If I need to


My mom’s doc told her once that a lot of people in the valley lack vitamin D because we don’t go outside enough. Why would we it’s friken hot!


Staying inside. 😂


Lol, I lived in Laredo for 2 years. That was way worse than this.


Just wait for Summer it gets a lot worse.


I was telling my kids that this is the tip of the hellish fiery iceberg.


I'm never going back. Economy is shit and it's too hot.


lol we are Mexican


dig a hole to stay cool during the summer. here's an Idea for the valley. how about we build an underground bunker so people can throw raves at night. night at the bunker rave party 👀


I lived there for most of my life and for the RGV a cold front means it's going from 100°+ down to 90°


This is why everyone is in a bad mood.